Hawaiian Winter Heat

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Hawaiian Winter Heat Page 12

by Nanea Knott

  “I am a teacher in your daughter’s school.”

  “I know who you are. Zachary has had a hard on for you ever since he saw you with Christopher. He is still angry over Keoni’s rejection. He was in love with him. I think he still is.”

  “You know Keoni?”

  “We were all at school together. I told Zachary not to feel bad. I was rejected by Christopher. The only one he had eyes for was Keoni. I have to say though, Christopher still looks hot. I would do him in a minute, if I wasn’t a married woman.” She chuckled to herself.

  Keoni and Christopher were slacked jawed overhearing the conversation. They were sitting on the ground right outside the window listening. Keoni got up, and crouched down low to try to peek through the window. He saw who it was and cringed.

  “Who is it? Christopher lipped at him.

  “Lily.” Christopher made a face. Keoni nodded in agreement. Neither of them liked her in school and they liked her even less now. Keoni gestured for Christopher to follow him. They crept past the apartment and went to the end where there was another stairway. Keoni took out his phone and called the police.

  “What are you doing? Why don’t we just break in there and get Anna?” Christopher asked.

  “If we do that, Lily won’t get caught. She needs to be there when they arrive or she can say she didn’t know anything about it, or worse, say she was rescuing Anna.” Keoni reasoned. Christopher was amazed Keoni still managed to think straight.

  The men sneaked back to sit below the window, wait for the police, and continued to listen. If they thought Anna was in danger, both of them knew they would not hesitate to break down the door. They could hear Lily speaking to Anna.

  “No matter what I did, I couldn’t get Christopher to notice me and I suppose it turned out for the best. Christopher is only a teacher, Zach makes great money. The smartest thing I ever did was get pregnant. Zach’s family is very traditional and they insisted he marry me. Of course I said yes. I have a great job, but you can’t have too much money, am I right?” Lily laughed. Anna still couldn’t believe the woman was making jokes when her husband was planning to come back tomorrow and rape her.

  “You make me sick.” Anna said. “You said you came here to make sure I was comfortable. What a crock of shit. You like knowing someone else is helpless. You like feeling as if you have the right to decide the fate of another. You’re pathetic. Christopher may only be a teacher, but he’s a good man and he loves me.”

  “I don’t care about love, I care about money.”

  “Good because obviously you have nothing else. You married a monster and it’s a match made in hell because you’re just like him. Get out. You’re not doing me any favors and you make me want to puke.” Lily lashed out and slapped Anna across the face. Keoni heard it and stood up to go in there. This time it was Christopher who was able to keep it together. He wrapped his body around Keoni and held him tightly until Keoni settled.

  “The police are coming, only a few more minutes.” Christopher whispered.

  They heard what sounded like someone getting hit in the face and someone hitting the floor. Keoni moved again and Christopher shook his head. He stood to peek through the window and saw Anna shaking her hand. She must have decked the other woman.

  “I might not be able to defend myself against three men, but I can take you any day, bitch.” Anna spat. Keoni and Christopher grinned and softly high-fived each other. “That’s our girl,” Keoni whispered. A few moments later, they saw the police pull up, and moved to meet them at the stairway. They were told to stay back while the police went to knock on the door.

  A police officer knocked and identified himself. Anna started screaming for all she was worth. The officers broke down the door without hesitation. Keoni and Christopher concerned for Anna were going to rush back upstairs. The officers reminded them they were in the process of arresting a suspect. If they interfered, it could compromise the case. The men stayed put. Christopher was pacing, worry for Anna written on his face.

  “I will kill him. When I see him, I will kill him.” Christopher muttered.

  “Before you commit yourself to prison for life, let’s see how she is first, okay? But if she is hurt, I will help you kill him, and they will never find the body.” Keoni spoke with such conviction it scared Christopher. He knew Keoni spoke the truth. If Anna was seriously hurt, Zachary was a walking dead man.

  An ambulance pulled up and the paramedics went up with an empty stretcher and came down with Anna. They both rushed over to her and peppered her with questions.

  “I’m fine, nothing happened, but they want to take me to the hospital to check me out.” Anna assured them.

  “Ok, we will meet you there,” Keoni said leaning over to kiss Anna’s forehead. Christopher did the same and they let them load Anna into the ambulance. The men were leaving when Detective Kala showed up.

  “I don’t know how you guys did it, and I don’t want to know, but thanks.”


  Anna was back at home the next day. Other than bruises on her face and her side, she was fine. Christopher was angry because he couldn’t stay overnight with Anna. Keoni dragged him away telling Anna they would be back first thing in the morning to take her home.

  The doctor released her early Saturday morning. As soon as she was discharged neither of her men let her walk on her own. When they got home, Keoni carried her from the car and made her comfortable on the couch while Christopher went to run her a bath. Christopher carried her into the bathroom. Keoni carried her out of the bathroom to the dining table to eat what Christopher cooked for her. Christopher carried her to the couch for them to spend some time together. When the men decided she needed to rest, Keoni carried her to bed where they are all snuggled in together. She endured this treatment for two days before she was ready to scream.

  The news made national headlines, real estate mogul Zachary Roberts and his accomplices Michael Loess, and Donald McCabe had been arrested and charged with several counts of kidnapping and assault. Lily Roberts had been charged as an accessory. After hearing the news, they all felt better knowing none of those people would be able to hurt anyone else, but Anna wouldn’t feel completely safe until they were all in prison.

  “Turn it off,” Anna said. “And stop fussing, I’m fine.” She grumbled.

  “We almost lost you. Indulge us okay?” Christopher scolded. Keoni nodded his agreement and kissed Christopher before leaving the room.

  “I can see things are going well between you.” Anna commented.

  “Yes, but…”

  “What?” Anna raised an eyebrow.

  “We’re still using condoms.” Anna nodded. She knew how important it was to Christopher to have that declaration of love from Keoni.

  “He loves you. Be patient. He needs more time.”

  On Monday, Anna was over the coddling and got out of bed. She was also horny. While they refused to touch her until they were sure she was okay, they touched each other. It seemed as if nearly losing her made them realize what they meant to each other. It was nice to see Christopher hug Keoni around the middle and lean against his back. Anna knew they were in love again and she couldn’t be happier. She said as much when they were snuggled together one night in bed.

  “I don’t want you to think I mind if you two make love to each other. We are in this relationship together and if you two want to go at it like bunnies, go for it. I promise that when you guys quit treating me like I’m going to break, I won’t hesitate to jump one or both of you if I feel like it.” The guys laughed. “But this thing with Zachary got me thinking.”

  “About what babe?” Keoni asked concerned that she was more traumatized than she was admitting to even though she kept denying anything was wrong.

  “About the next steps in our relationship.”

  “What steps? I don’t understand.” Keoni pressed.

  “Zachary and Donny planned to screw me at the same time, one in my pus
sy, the other in my ass.”

  “And?” Christopher asked horrified by the thought of what they intended to do to her and wondering where she was going with this. Anna saw his expression and caressed the side of his face.

  “I wondered what it would be like.” Both men looked confused.“What I mean is I love it when you guys screw my pussy. You both like anal, but I’ve never experienced it. I don’t know what it’s like, and taking both of you at the same time…I don’t know. It’s worth thinking about.” Anna confessed.

  “What are you saying?” Keoni asked.

  “If I was going to have that experience, I would want to have it with the men I love.”

  “You want us both at the same time?” Christopher asked. Anna glanced at them and the conversation seemed to both worry and arouse them.

  “When Zachary told me what he wanted to do to me, I was repulsed.”

  “We are not them.” Christopher looked hurt.

  “I know, let me finish what I’m trying to say.” Anna stroked down his arm to comfort him. “I’m saying it’s something to think about.”

  We don’t have to do anything different.” Keoni assured her.

  “I know. I’m putting it out there that I might want to try it some time. I love both of you and I trust you. I know you would never hurt me and it’s another thing we might want to share. There is nothing wrong with what we do now. I just want to keep an open mind.” Anna paused glancing at Keoni, “You like the idea.”

  “I do,” Keoni admitted honestly, “I’ve never done it and I would like to know what it feels like to be inside you and feel him at the same time. I imagine it would be amazing. But I don’t want you to be hurt. You are precious to me. I would never even think about doing something that could be painful for you. I also don’t want you to think that what we do isn’t enough for me. It is. It’s perfect.”

  “No,” Christopher replied stone faced. “And how could you think of doing such a thing?” He asked Keoni.

  “There is nothing wrong with her asking the question and me answering it honestly. It doesn’t mean anything is going to change, she said to keep an open mind and that’s what I’m doing. I would never do anything to hurt her and it pisses me off that you think I would.” Both men looked at one another and Anna had to talk fast or they were going to start saying things they didn’t mean.

  “Calm down. All I wanted to do was to let my lovers know what I’ve been thinking. That’s all. There’s nothing wrong with talking about it is there?” She looked at Christopher who shook his head and Keoni looked at Anna and purposely didn’t look at Christopher. Living with two men who got their feelings easily hurt was going to be a challenge but they were worth it.

  “Christopher do you really think Keoni would do something to hurt me?” Anna asked.

  “No,” He mumbled looking down. Then he lifted his chin and did something no one expected. He looked right into Keoni’s eyes and said, “I’m sorry, I was afraid for her, I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt her or me.” Keoni always the fast forgiver leaned over and kissed Christopher.

  “There is no need to change the way we do things. You both give me exactly what I need. I want to be open to grow our relationship in whatever way it will bring us closer together.” Anna said. The men seemed satisfied and left her to fall asleep.

  That night Anna had a nightmare. She dreamed Zachary and Donny had gotten away and found her. She dreamed she was sprawled across Donny and she could feel Zachary’s cock at her butt crack. He told her he was going to fuck her and she kept saying no. She shouted in her sleep. Keoni woke her and held her close. The dream left her shaking.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked as Christopher looked concerned on the other side of her. She recounted the dream. Keoni promised her that if or when she wanted to have anal sex it would be nothing like her nightmare. Anna settled down and went back to sleep. Keoni and Christopher looked across the bed at each other concern for Anna apparent on their faces.

  Anna woke up a few hours later feeling rested. Lying wrapped in Keoni’s arms and then later in Christopher’s sometime during the night made her feel safe. She glanced around the room. The men were out of bed. She padded to the bedroom door to see where they might be.

  They were on the living room floor going at it like bunnies. She didn’t want to interrupt. She moved over and sat behind the couch. She wanted to watch her lovers make love to each other. They put a blanket down beneath them and Christopher’s head was resting on his arms on the floor with his bottom in the air. Keoni was behind him gripping his hips and thrusting into him.

  “I like being able to fuck this tight ass again. I missed putting my dick in it. Did you miss getting fucked like this?”

  “Yes.” Christopher moaned. Keoni pulled out and waited. Anna wondered what happened. So did Christopher.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked glancing over his shoulder.

  “Nothing, I just want you to beg.” Keoni said grinning. Anna had to stop herself from laughing. She also noticed when Keoni slowly and quietly took off the condom he was wearing. She was excited she might get to see the moment Christopher realized Keoni trusted him again.

  “You want me to beg?” Christopher asked and though Anna couldn’t see his face, she could hear the laughter in his voice.

  “You heard me. If you want to me to keep fucking you, you have to beg for it.” Keoni sat back on his heels, cock bouncing in front of him. Christopher leaned further down and threw his ass higher in the air and wiggled it.

  “Don’t bother. I can finish off right now. I don’t need your ass to get off, but if you want to get screwed you need to start begging.” Keoni crossed his big arms over his massive chest.

  “Please?” Christopher said in his most pitiful voice. Anna was dying not to laugh. Keoni did laugh.

  “Please what bitch?” Keoni slapped Christopher’s right butt cheek with his hand and Christopher gasped.

  “Fuck me.” Christopher panted out.

  “Fuck you where?” Keoni slapped the left cheek in front of him. Anna could see Christopher was trembling.

  “My ass.”

  “What was that?” Keoni took his index finger and ran it around Christopher’s opening and heard Christopher’s breath hitch in his throat.

  “Fuck. My. Ass.” Christopher gritted out. Keoni moved so fast it startled Anna. He straightened up and slid right back into Christopher causing him to moan loudly.

  “Is this what you wanted, to get fucked in the ass?”

  “Yes…I love you.”

  “Do you or do you just love the way I fuck you?”

  “Yes and yes.” Keoni laughed again and changed the angle. He leaned over on top of Christopher and put his arms around him. Anna could see he had wrapped his hand around Christopher’s cock and was jacking him off.

  “Since you begged so nicely, I’m not going to stop until you come. You are going to keep taking my cock up your ass until I feel your cum on my fingers.” It only took a few minutes before Christopher jerked and his warm spunk coated Keoni’s hand.

  “That’s what I was waiting for, my turn.” Christopher was still trying to breathe when Keoni’s arms wrapped around him hugging him close. A few more thrusts and Keoni threw his head back and groaned while he was still inside Christopher. Anna knew Keoni was coming. For the first time Christopher felt liquid heat.

  “I love you Christopher.” Keoni gasped out. Anna saw Christopher rear up to grip Keoni’s arms and heard him say, “I love you too,” with tears running down his face. Anna watched as Keoni pulled out of Christopher and turned him to give him one of most passionate kisses she had ever seen between two people. She felt like a voyeur, but she couldn’t help herself. It was beautiful, amazing, and incredibly arousing.

  Then the men changed positions, Christopher and Keoni lay next to one another. Keoni leaned over to suck on Christopher’s cock. It didn’t take long for Christopher to be thick and hard again. Keoni re
ached around behind him to grab something and rolled a condom onto Christopher’s dick. Anna could see the sadness in Christopher’s eyes, she also saw acceptance. He was willing to do whatever was necessary to fully win Keoni’s trust.

  Keoni turned over onto his back and tucked his muscular legs up against his chest, wrapping his arms behind his knees. Christopher spread oil on his hands and he took his time running his fingers over and inside Keoni. The two men never took their eyes off each other.

  Keoni loved Christopher and he knew he was loved in return. He knew he hurt his lover when he rolled on the condom, but he had to be sure. Christopher spread Keoni’s legs and wrapped his fingers around Keoni’s semi-hard dick and started stroking him. Keoni closed his eyes.

  “No, open your eyes. I want you to see me. I want you to know who’s cock is inside you. I want you to see how much I love you.” Christopher demanded. Keoni opened his eyes and focused hard on his lover’s face. Christopher slowly slid into Keoni and while Keoni wanted to close his eyes to feel the fullness of it, he kept his eyes open. Christopher kept pushing in steadily until his balls were brushing Keoni’s ass.

  “Oh yeah. I’ve been waiting to fuck this ass.” Christopher panted out. Keoni was underneath him moaning. “I saw you get out of bed this morning and all I could think of was burying my cock in your beautiful ass. You like to tease me. You get out of bed, stroke your cock in front of me, and then wiggle your ass. You wanted to get fucked.”

  “I did.” Keoni moaned.

  “I love this.” Christopher moaned. “I love seeing your face when I fuck you.” Keoni moaned again and Christopher watched Keoni’s cock jerk.

  “I’m going to come.” Christopher said. Keoni grabbed Christopher’s arm and made him stop.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Pull out.” Keoni said pushing Christopher away. Christopher’s face crashed, his heart broken. He pulled out of Keoni and started to scoot back to stand up. Keoni grabbed his arm.


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