Lion's Wrath

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Lion's Wrath Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  Baxter stepped outside and come face to face with Jayce. Jayce looked surprised to see him. Trust me, I’m surprised to see you too. They just stared at each other for a moment, and then Jayce hugged him.

  “Why do you think you couldn’t talk to me?” He didn’t sound pissed. Just worried. “My god, Baxter. You shouldn’t have to deal with this on your own.”

  Baxter didn’t know who’d ratted him out, but when he found out, he was killing the bastard.

  “Can we talk about this in a less crowded place?” The crowd hadn’t thinned out since Baxter had gone to the restroom. If anything, more people had arrived. Scott looked at him, but Baxter shook his head, unsure if his mate knew what he was trying to say.

  Scott must’ve figured it out because he moved away, just a few steps, but enough to give Baxter and Jayce some privacy.

  As much privacy as they could get in an overcrowded tavern.

  “When are we gonna talk about this?” Jayce glared at him. “You’ve been dodging my calls and texts. Why should I believe you’ll talk to me?”

  Baxter felt like shit, for real. He should’ve known Jayce would never judge him. “I promise we’ll talk. Just not here. How about you come over to Scott’s tomorrow, unless you have to work?”

  “I’m off tomorrow,” Jayce said. “What time?”

  They grabbed each other when an explosion rocked the tavern. It sounded like the building was about to fall down around them. Baxter wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but the next thing he knew, he was being pulled through the kitchen and out the back door, Jayce right behind him.

  * * * *

  The tavern was in pure chaos. People were running for the door, damn near stampeding each other. Scott looked around for Baxter but didn’t see his mate anywhere. Jayce wasn’t anywhere in sight, either.

  Scott spotted a cowboy hat and raced for it, nearly knocking two women over in their rush to get out of there. Deon had some guy against the wall, his hand wrapped around the stranger’s throat and his canines bared.

  “Have you seen our mates?” Scott grabbed Deon’s shoulder and half twisted him around. “I can’t find them anywhere.”

  Something near the pool tables shattered. Scott turned to see Caine slamming someone across the room. He was in full battle mode, taking down anyone who came near him. His eyes were glowing red, and the tips of horns were becoming visible on top of his head.

  And the motherfucker was laughing.

  Deon threw aside the guy he’d had hemmed up. “I thought Jayce was by the bathroom with you guys.”

  “Shit went south,” Scott said. He was panicking. Someone had set off that explosion on purpose. A distraction. He wasn’t panicking because of the chaos. In fact, Scott’s body was trying to go into firefighter mode. He had a deep-seated urge to direct traffic away from the fire by the pool tables. Instead, he kept looking around for his mate.

  The weight in his chest was from Baxter being out of his sight.

  They took off, running outside. The parking lot was packed, onlookers gawking at the building now that they were out of danger. Motorcycles were parked near the rear.

  The bikers had set off the explosion and had started a brawl inside. Scott was sure of it. He stormed toward one of the guys in a leather vest, a Black Python patch coiled on his back.

  Scott yanked the guy off his motorcycle and threw him to the ground. “Where’s your boss?”

  When the guy told him to go to hell, Scott took his anger out on the son of a bitch. Deon had to pull Scott off before Scott killed the guy.

  The biker wiped at his mouth but stayed down. “Car’s gone. You’re too late.”

  Caine burst from the tavern, a scary sight as he looked around. His gaze landed on Scott. He stormed over. “I’ll get him back.”

  “Some bodyguard you turned out to be!” Scott charged toward him, but Deon yanked him back.

  Scott pulled himself back under control, but not by much. “We can get the Ultionem involved. The Black Pythons are interfering in a mating.”

  Caine’s eyes blazed. Literally. They looked like they were on fire. “The Ultionem stay out of this. We don’t need their fucking help.”

  “Funny,” Scott said with a humorless laugh. “From where I’m standing, we could use all the help we can get.”

  The horns on Caine’s head grew just a little bit longer. If that kept up, the humans would see them. For now, Caine was cast in the shadows as they stood by the back of the tavern. “I said I’ll get them back.”

  Caine’s voice was low and lethal, but Scott didn’t give a shit how scary the man was trying to be. He wanted Baxter back in his arms where he belonged. They’d come so far together, had been through a lot in the past two weeks.

  His mate had given him a new purpose for living, and Scott would be damned if that was taken away from him. His lion wanted to rip free and hunt Wheeler down, but Scott needed to keep a cool head.

  Baxter would be counting on Scott to rescue him. Scott needed to be his mate’s rock, his savior. He refused to think anything would happen to Baxter. Nothing would if he could get there in time. Wherever Wheeler had taken them.

  “We need to focus on finding our mates, not beating the shit out of everyone here.” Deon looked down at the guy Scott had fought. “I can’t believe I’m still dealing with them. I thought this was over when Ruiz was taken to the underworld and Casey was killed.”

  “Tell me you know where to find Wheeler,” Scott said.

  Deon looked stunned. “Jason Wheeler? That scum piece of shit? He’s low-level, not worth a damn.”

  “He’s in a competition to become president.” Scott headed for his truck, Deon at his side. Caine had already vanished. Scott hoped the demon found their mates before…Scott didn’t want to think about what Wheeler might do to Baxter.

  “Wheeler was just a probie back when Selene was still alive. He was the club’s gofer, not worth a piss. I can’t believe he actually got patched in. He always thought he was too good to start at the bottom. That he should’ve been made a full-fledged member right off the bat. He’s got grandiose ideas but lacks the ambition.”

  Not tonight. Wheeler had planned this out perfectly and had executed it even better. Now Baxter and Jayce were in their hands, but Scott was getting them back.

  And killing every last member for this.

  Chapter Ten

  The whole event was still a wash in Baxter’s brain. Everything had happened so fast. There had been too many people out back for him to fight off his assailant. His head still hurt from being knocked out, though Jayce had checked it and said there weren’t any lumps.

  “So this is nothing more than a sick competition?”

  “This Wheeler guy thinks that by killing us he’ll be a shoo-in for the president position.” Baxter walked around the room, unsure where they were. He and Jayce had been in a trunk, jostled around on their trip to wherever this place was.

  He cradled his arm against his chest. When Wheeler opened the trunk to get them out, Baxter had fought the guy. His arm had been twisted behind his back and was still aching. Thankfully Wheeler hadn’t broken it.

  The room consisted of only a bed and a rickety nightstand. There was a window, but when Baxter had looked out, thinking of using it as a means of escape, he’d spotted a guy sitting under a tree, lazily holding a gun in his hand, watching the window.

  Unless he wanted shot, they needed another way out of there. They were in some kind of rocky valley. That much Baxter had discerned. Behind the tree the thug was sitting under were large boulders. Also, when they’d been in the trunk, the last twenty minutes of the ride had been bumpy as hell.

  Also, when they’d been taken from the trunk, Baxter had seen high ridges all around them. As far as he could tell, there was only one way in, and Wheeler would know if someone was coming. He’d see it a mile away before anyone got close enough to do any damage.

  “He’s gonna kill us, just like Ruiz wanted to do.” Jayce got up and pace
d. “We can’t go down like that. Deon and Scott will be here. I just know it. I was a badass once. I can do it again. We can do it together. Take down Wheeler.”

  Baxter didn’t remember much of that night. He had no idea how his best friend had been a badass. It wasn’t as though he’d talked to Jayce afterward to find out.

  Baxter wasn’t so sure they could strong-arm their captors. He’d seen at least four guys when they were brought in, and those men were armed. “We might have a chance. Scott hired a bodyguard.”

  Jayce stopped pacing. His gaze flicked to the door before returning to Baxter. “So where’s this bodyguard now? He sucks at his job if both of us were taken.”

  Baxter highly doubted Caine was incompetent. There had been too much chaos at the tavern. Even the best of the best would’ve gotten sidetracked, he supposed. Scott was a fierce lion shifter and not even he had been able to save them.

  Wheeler had planned this out too perfectly.

  He guessed the guy wasn’t as big an idiot as Mount had claimed him to be. Baxter just didn’t want to think about what Wheeler had in store for them.

  Scott might eventually figure out where they were, but would he be in time?

  “Baxter, there’s something we need to talk about.”

  Baxter stood at the window, watching the thug watch him. Jayce’s words prompted him to turn him around to face his best friend. “Now is not the time for this.”

  A deep conversation could wait. Plus, Baxter didn’t want to go through that right now. H was already feeling too raw and vulnerable. He was in a crisis, and, yes, the need to use was there, but not as strong as he’d thought it would be. Still, why rock the boat?

  They already had enough weighing on them to have a heart-to-heart.

  “No.” Jayce shook his head. “Not about that. I’m talking about Deon.”

  Baxter frowned. “Something wrong with your relationship?”

  Jayce sat on the end of the bed and clasped his hands between his knees. “No, it’s been perfect. I like working the land.” He gave a soft chuckle. “Never thought I’d say something like that, but it’s true. We’ve only been together a month, but I can’t see myself with anyone else.”

  Baxter knew how his best friend felt. It had only been two weeks with Scott, but Baxter couldn’t imagine his life without him.

  Almost two weeks, but the exact number of days wasn’t the point.

  It was as though Baxter had had a bunch of dark spots inside him—not just from the drug use, but his childhood, too—and Scott had shed light on those spots and chased them away.

  He was good for Baxter. Jayce was, too, but in a different way. Big difference between boyfriend and best friend or, rather, mate and best friend. The needs were different.

  Baxter felt whole when Scott held him, when he was by Baxter’s side while he was fighting his demons. His mate made him laugh and want to be a better person. When Baxter looked at Scott, he didn’t see judgment in his mate’s eyes. He didn’t see it with Jayce, either.

  Jayce was the best.

  “Deon is…different.”

  Baxter thought he knew where this was going and hoped like hell he wasn’t wrong. “What kind of shifter is he?”

  Jayce’s brows shot up as he looked at the door. When he spoke, his words came out in a whisper. “How did you know?”

  “Scott’s a lion shifter.” Baxter shrugged. “Besides, you fell too hard, too fast. I kind of just put two and two together once I found out about their kind.”

  Jayce seemed to think that over. He smiled. “I did, didn’t I? Same with you. Scott, huh? I know him. Well, I don’t know him, know him. He’s a firefighter, right?”

  Baxter nodded. “My mate.”

  Jayce pulled Baxter’s hand into his. Until that second, Baxter hadn’t known he’d needed the contact, the comfort. “Deon’s my mate. He’s a black panther shifter.”

  Maybe it was the dire situation eating at his brain, but Baxter laughed so hard tears came to his eyes.

  Jayce’s brown eyes sparkled. “I already know what you’re thinking. We both ended up with pussy.”

  That made Baxter laugh even harder. He wiped at the few tears that had cut loose and slid down his cheeks. “Get out of my head.”

  “You always did have a twisted sense of humor.” Jayce chuckled and squeezed Baxter’s hand tighter. “Who knew we’d end up at this point in our lives?”

  His statement sobered Baxter. “There’s a lot I never told you.” He pulled his hand away. “When we were growing up, things weren’t as sunny at my house as I led you to believe.”

  Jayce took his hand again and refused to let it go when Baxter tried to yank it free. “I already knew something was wrong. You hid it well, but there were signs I couldn’t ignore.”

  “My dad—”

  “Was very good at charming people, fooling them into thinking he was this upstanding guy. But he wasn’t. I know by the way he used to look at me.”

  Baxter’s gut felt like poison had just been dumped into it. It tightened and made him want to vomit. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  He wanted to go to his father’s house and kill him. It was one thing to prey on Baxter but another to go after his best friend. “Did he…?”

  “No.” Jayce looked him in the eye. “But I could tell that he wanted to. Why do you think I was always asking you to spend the night? I knew something was off and wanted to keep you safe as much as I could.”

  Baxter hugged him, hugged him so tight, and he never wanted to let Jayce go. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Jayce pulled back. “I’m so happy you found a good guy. I understand wanting to forget your past. I don’t love you any less for turning to drugs, Baxter. Not that you had a choice. Those bikers did that to you, and your memories kept the habit going.”

  So much for not having a deep conversation.

  “But you’re doing better now, right?”

  “I’m getting there.” Baxter got up and walked back to the window. “I still have my moments, like now.”

  Jayce joined him at his side. “We’ll get through this. If you want, I’ll go to meetings with you. Scott is your rock, but if you’ll let me, I can be there for you, too. I’d be honored if you let me.”

  Baxter’s throat was stinging, and a hard lump formed, stopping him from replying. He had two great men in his life and was thankful for them. “I miss Scott.”

  “I miss Deon,” Jayce replied. “We can’t let these guys win. We have amazing men to get back to. We have to hold out for as long as we can until help arrives.”

  “My bodyguard is a demon.”

  “What?” Jayce’s jaw dropped. “You’re shitting me. So why isn’t he here?”

  “I think the chaos at the tavern threw everyone off their game.”

  They turned when the door squeaked open. Wheeler stood there, a shit-eating grin on his face. He reminded Baxter of a snake.

  Behind him was the other guy who’d tried to kidnap Baxter.

  “I hope the accommodations aren’t too rough.” Wheeler stepped into the room. “This here is Dooby. He’ll be your host while you two are here.”

  Baxter doubted Dooby would give them the five-star treatment. He was of average height but carried some extra weight. Dooby also didn’t look like the type who bathed on a regular basis. When he grinned, Baxter saw how yellow his teeth were, and his hair was so greasy Baxter could probably fry chicken on it.

  “He has a little gift for you.” Wheeler looked directly at Baxter with cold, soulless eyes. “From what I understand, Casey gave you the good stuff, and you enjoyed it. I can’t have you thinking I’m a neglectful host.”

  Baxter took a step back when Dooby pulled a syringe from the inside pocket of his leather vest. His head began to pound, and his mouth watered. Baxter’s heart thundered as he stared at the guy’s hand.

  Jayce jumped in front of Baxter. “You keep the hell away from him!”

  “Oh, I haven’t forgotten ab
out you.” Wheeler winked at Jayce. “I can’t have you feeling left out.”

  No. Baxter couldn’t allow them to turn Jayce into an addict. The thought horrified him. He jumped in front of Jayce and squared his shoulders, ready to fight to the death.

  * * * *

  Wheeler’s plan had gone off without a hitch. As soon as more members arrived, he would kill the twinks at sunrise, letting everyone know that he had been the one to exact revenge for Ruiz and Casey.

  This had to be done right, though. He had to make their killings dramatic so no one would ever question his leadership. He belonged at the top, ruling over the Black Pythons. That was Wheeler’s destiny. He walked out of the room, leaving Dooby to have a little fun with them before the sun rose.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I’m sending you the coordinates now,” Caine said over the phone.

  “How did you find out where they were?” Scott asked, stunned. “Wait, how did you get my phone number?”

  “I have my ways. I’ll meet you there.” He hung up.

  Scott’s phone beeped, and sure enough, the coordinates were in a text.

  Deon grabbed the phone from Scott. “I know this place. It’s a cabin that used to belong to Selene and Ruiz. They inherited it from their grandfather.”

  Scott didn’t ask who Selene was. Did it matter? All he wanted was to get Baxter and Jayce back. After they were safe and in the truck, Scott was unleashing a bloody massacre. He would let his lion loose, because the humans wouldn’t live long enough to expose his secret.

  Scott was gunning it, pushing his truck to the limit, hoping a cop didn’t see him and give chase. He wasn’t going to stop. It was already the dead of night, and the roads to the cabin twisted and turned, some at hair-raising angles.

  He saw just fine, but a whole lot of daylight would’ve been nice.

  I can’t let Baxter down. I have to save him, Scott thought. He wasn’t going to let his mate die. He felt like he couldn’t breathe and he wouldn’t be able to exhale until he had Baxter with him again.


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