The Creation: Chaos Rising

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The Creation: Chaos Rising Page 4

by Art Gulley Jr.

  "Let's not have that discussion again, Poppa Griff!" Nina wondered for the millionth time why her mother chose to straddle her with such a pretentious name. "I got enough of that during my two years of Spanish. Besides…" She opened her arms wide. "I hardly fit the profile."

  Tyree shrugged. "The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Maybe this is the reason you've always been such a whiz at the stock market."

  Nina glared at him through narrowed eyes. "Making profitable investments based on the study of accurate data is a far cry from seeing the future, Poppa Griff."

  Tyree aimed a shrewd look at her. "Maybe, maybe not; if it was that easy every informed broker would know what stocks to buy or avoid."

  Nina was still unconvinced that her sharp business acumen was the result of some latent heavenly power. "Well if that's the case; how come this…gift is only just now manifesting its self? And why me? Like I said, I hardly fit the Prophet profile."

  "No, you don't but your situation is not without precedence. The apostle Paul was a persecutor of Christians before he got straitened out."

  It was clear from her expression that Nina remained skeptical but she made no comment.

  "In all honesty, Nina, I can't say why God's bestowed this gift upon you." Tyree rolled his chair from behind the desk then positioned it in front of hers, taking her hands in his. "But if I'm right, and you are being called to a higher purpose, it's something you're just going to have to accept."

  Nina's expression hardened and she pulled her hands free. "Yeah, you told me the same bullshit when you walked out on me and took this job."

  A pained look consumed the Minister's features, and she instantly regretted her harsh words. "I'm sorry, Ty. You didn't deserve that."

  "I suppose to some extent I did," he whispered giving her cheek a gentle stroke with his fingers. "Look Nina, what we had was special, but..."

  She held up a finger. "I know. God called and you had to answer." Tyree offered her an apologetic grin as he once again took hold of her hands, and Nina managed a weak smile. "You know for a benevolent being, God's got lousy timing."

  Tyree gave her nose a playful tweak. "Yeah, He does." His expression turned serious. "All kidding aside Nina; I respect your beliefs, but I still want you to consider the possibility of this whole thing being Divine in nature."

  "It's not like I have a choice with all these crazy episodes running through my mind." She pulled her hands free, and pushed herself up in one fluid motion.

  Tyree rose to his feet as well. "Where are you going?"

  Nina stretched her arms above her head. "I think I've given this subject enough consideration for one day. Plus I've got a meeting in an hour with the state's funding board. I need to get some air and try to digest some of these spiritual notions before I deal with those penny pinching bastards."

  Tyree laughed then escorted her back to the main entrance. "You call me if you need anything," he said when they reached the door. "And don't forget about the gala next week."

  "I won't, and thanks."

  "For what?"

  Nina shot a surreptitious look down the hall to make sure they were alone then gave his lips a gentle kiss. "For always being my voice of reason."

  Tyree touched his forehead lightly to hers while calming the surge of desire shooting through his body. Her kiss had brought back memories of their previous relationship. "Somebody has to keep you out of trouble." He gently pushed her away so as not to offend. "Do try to take care of your self."

  "I will," Nina promised, also aware of the lingering heat between them.

  She released a wistful sigh for what could've been and quickly made her way to her Cherokee parked on the street in front of the church. She gave him a final wave then hopped inside, completely oblivious to the silent figure perched atop the church's towering steeple, his presence celestially masked as he observed her every move.

  Nina started her Jeep, and Gabriel rose gracefully into the air hovering patiently until she pulled away. The Celemor spared Tyree a brief glance then quickly soared off after his charge.


  Tyree stared after Nina's jeep for a moment then retraced his steps to his office, once again shutting the door behind him. He quickly settled into his chair then picked up the phone.

  The young minister had witnessed a number of strange and unexplainable events during his twelve years of service to the Lord, but all of those other experiences paled in comparison to this. Almost all of them. He shivered as an image of Katey flashed before his eyes. He sharply steered his mind from that direction and back to the topic at hand.

  Tyree had always felt that Nina was special, but even his expectations fell short of this. Her abilities were nothing short of miraculous. This matter would definitely require further investigation, but whatever his friend was going through was totally beyond the scope of his experience. Fortunately there was a faction already in place within the Catholic Diocese to handle this sort of thing.

  He punched in the numbers on the keypad then held the receiver to his ear, trying hard to ignore the lingering taste of her lipstick.

  Chapter 7

  Cardinal Calvin Tullis stared impassively through the stained-glass window overlooking the Vatican courtyard. His corner-office was small when compared to those of some of his contemporaries also housed in the Civil Administration Building, but the view it afforded him of the Papal Gardens more than compensated. One look at the elegant landscape was enough to soothe away the stresses his job as head of the Vatican's public relations department sometimes entailed.

  The current Pope's conservative stance on several controversial issues, most notably his steadfast denouncement of homosexuals and women clergy, had brought much criticism from the liberal front. The situation was also compounded by persistent rumors of scandal and misconduct within the Vatican. As a result, approval ratings for the Holy See were rapidly declining. Tullis and his staff were hard-pressed to stem the flow of negative publicity and reverse the steady migration from the church.

  Many saw the Vatican's struggle as testimony to the erosion of Christian values around the world. Tullis felt the problem was more complex. To him it seemed as if society's incessant push toward technological thrills had all but erased its spiritual consciousness.

  The incessant ringing of the telephone drew his attention away from the window. He made his way to his desk to retrieve the annoying contraption. "Cardinal Tullis," he spoke gruffly into the handset. "Ah, Father Griffin!" The Cardinal's mood brightened instantly.

  In a world of decaying morals and religious abandonment, Tyree was a rare gem. A young man completely in tune with modern society yet totally devoted to his faith. More such leaders would be needed in order for the church to reverse its apathetic position.

  "It's been far too long since we last spoke. How fares Saint Christopher's parish on the eve of its fiftieth anniversary?"

  "Better than expected," Tyree's excited voice boomed from the speaker. "Especially considering the visit I just had from an old friend."

  Tullis had to steady himself against his desk after listening to the young minister's incredible tale. "And has this woman ever shown any signs of Divine favor before this?"

  "None whatsoever; her faith in our Lord's way is sorely lacking."

  "Then hers truly is a unique situation. Have you spoken to anyone else about this?"

  "Yours was the first and only number I called. I felt it best to let you and the other Elders determine how we should precede."

  A pleased smile appeared on Tullis' face. "A wise decision my son. You can be sure that this matter will be addressed with all haste. In the meantime keep a discreet vigil over Miss Delcielo, and inform me immediately of any changes in the situation."

  Tyree assured the Cardinal that he would and disconnected. Tullis kept the receiver to his ear for a moment then depressed the intercom button at the phone's base.

  "Yes Your Grace?" the deep voice of Tullis' personal assistant responded.

; "Summon the Presbyterii, Donald. A matter of great urgency is upon us."

  There was a brief pause then Donald's voice echoed from the intercom. "The message has been sent, Your Grace. All three are en-route, and should be here within the hour."

  "Excellent. Send them to my office the moment they arrive."

  "Of course, Your Grace." The intercom went silent.

  Tullis resumed his former position at the window, pondering the significance of this woman's appearance. Could this be the sign that he had prayed for? An indication from God that all hope was not lost?

  A discreet knock signaled the arrival of his guest.

  "Enter," Tullis called and the door swung open to reveal a short portly man, a look of tense anticipation etched across his aged face, waiting in the hall. "Ah, Cardinal Gionni," Tullis greeted the newcomer. "Thank you for responding so promptly. I trust I didn't pull you away from any pressing matters?"

  "Nothing that can't be handled at a later time," Gionni quickly reassured him, firmly gripping the other's outstretched hand. "I saw Cardinal Milan's van coming through the gate as I was making my way to the door. Cardinal Dresden rode with him so they should be here directly."

  "We're here now," Dresden's stern voice announced as he strode purposefully into the office, a grim faced Cardinal Milan right behind him. "Good to see you both." Dresden accorded Tullis and Gianni a respectful nod. "Now what's all this about?"

  Tullis motioned for the others to have a seat then recounted the information he had received from Tyree.

  "I am unfamiliar with this Father Griffin," Cardinal Milan's voice penetrated the shocked silence that followed the Cardinal's report. He was a dark-skinned man of slight build, his soft tenor a perfect compliment to his quiet demeanor. "Is he a reliable source?"

  Tullis favored him with a pleased smile. "Indeed he is. Tyree is a former student of mine, and one of the brightest of the new ministerial generation."

  "He's also been directly involved with several viable Manifestations over the years," Dresden spoke up, a look of concern carved into his wizened face. "Of more importance is what impact this woman's abilities will have on the spiritual front." The Cardinal's lean frame and sure movements were mute testament to the older man's excellent physical condition. His voice resonated with the authoritative timbre of one used to giving orders.

  "If they truly exist," Gianni cautioned, his hands resting atop his protruding belly. He pinned each of his fellow Elders with a hard stare. "The world is full of so-called Prophets proclaiming their ability to do this or that, when in actuality their petty charlatans using the people's faith to turn an ill-gotten profit. That is why this brotherhood was formed; to separate fact from fiction."

  "Father Griffin feels strongly that the woman's talents are genuine," Tullis pointed out.

  A look of skepticism appeared on Gianni's round face. "I know of Griffin's talents and would normally agree that his judgment was to be trusted, but this case is anything but normal."

  Dresden nodded in agreement. "Gianni is right. This woman appears to be the recipient of Heavenly favor, yet she lives a life without religious structure. Such a combination could be dangerous."

  "Then perhaps the verification of Miss Delcielo's claim should be our first priority," Milan suggested, turning resolute eyes to Tullis. "Have we any operatives in that area of the United States?"

  "No, but Quinlan and Sanders are due back from France next week. As soon as they've closed out their current assignment I'll apprise them of this new situation, and have them on a plane to Detroit as quickly as possible."

  "Good," Dresden approved the Cardinal's choice. "Both are experienced Seekers and should quickly be able to ascertain just what it is we're dealing with. Only then will we know how best to proceed."

  The remaining Presbyterii agreed and the meeting was adjourned.

  Chapter 8

  A slight breeze swept through the air, rustling the few wisps of hair that had escaped the pleated strand running down Gabriel's back. He'd toyed with the idea of cutting it all off, but the bald look that seemed to be so popular these days just didn't suit him. Plus Clarissa had always preferred his hair long.

  She would've really liked it now. The wistful thought flashed through his mind as he recalled the last time his wife had braided it.

  You really should spend less time rolling around in the hay, Clarissa teased as she picked the numerous straw particles from the tangled mass. You're worse than Gaby!

  Gabriel sharply steered his mind away from the past. He let his gaze range over the bustling pedestrian traffic moving along Detroit's East Jefferson Avenue. With his presence Celestially masked, his vantage point atop one of the numerous light posts dotting the Avenue afforded him the perfect view of the areas many shops and eateries. He focused his attention on Tony's Gourmet Sandwich and Pizza Shop.

  Tony's was reputed to be one of Detroit's finest restaurants. Judging from the steady flow of customers making their way through the shop's leaded-glass doors, Gabriel assumed it to be true.

  His new charge certainly enjoyed their entrees. The sausage and mushroom deep-dish pizza appeared to be her favorite. Considering the pizza's high caloric count, and Nina's frequent consumption, it was amazing she was able to maintain her lithe figure. Then again, given the woman's hectic schedule and manic workout sessions, gorging herself on Tony's gastric delights was probably the only reason she hadn't wasted away.

  A slight smile creased Gabriel's lips for the woman's peculiar idiosyncrasies. Over the years the Celemor had protected numerous Harbingers. As a rule, most Mortals chosen for the burdensome role were somewhat removed from the accepted parameters of human reality, however they generally shared a few common threads; most notably their unswerving faith to the Almighty and what they perceived to be His way.

  Nina Delcielo was their antithesis if ever one existed. She completely despised Mortalia's religious organizations, the number of which seemed to multiply on an hourly basis as more and more self-proclaimed preachers put forth their own twisted version of the Divine Way to the multitudes of fools who willingly followed them.

  Given the sad state of Earth's religious infrastructure, Nina's reluctance to participate was certainly understandable, but her steadfast resistance to all things "Holy" was also hindering her Divine progress. Such resistance could delay the deliverance of her message, and prolong the Celemor's Task; not that he minded.

  Over the past several weeks, Gabriel had developed a genuine interest in this peculiar Child of Heaven who, ironically, was anything but. He had even considered informing her of his presence. It was all just conjecture of course. The performance of a Task such as this was easier when the subject remained unaware of their Celestial steward, but the notion did add a touch of intrigue to the situation. How would the religiously apathetic woman respond to such a revelation?

  The Celemor's gaze fell on a pair of Catholic nuns leaving the coffee shop two doors down from Tony's place, and he couldn't help the wicked smile rising to his lips. What would happen if the stately duo where to learn the real truth of their existence as well; that their reality was only a third of the overall Creation, and hardly the most important.

  They would probably drop dead on the spot.

  The nuns continued up the street, and were treated to a barrage of whistles and lewd comments from the trio of young toughs coming from the opposite direction. The nuns ignored their raucous behavior, but there was an eerie familiarity about one of the group that made Gabriel pay closer attention. He tried to focus on their faces, but they were partially hidden by the caps all three were wearing. The angle of the Celemor's position didn't allow for a clear view.

  The rag-tag group came to a halt near Tony's place, and took a seat at one of the numerous picnic tables set up in front of the shop. Their conversation appeared casual, but Gabriel quickly noticed their furtive glances toward the Pizza Shop, indicating an interest in something inside. Whether or not it was Nina or Tony's cash register remained
to be seen.

  He got his answer when one of the three shifted in his chair, revealing the square-jawed squinty-eyed features of Azreal; one of Iblis's Disciples.

  The Celemor shifted his position to the light post directly in front of Tony's. I guess Miss Delcielo will be making my acquaintance after all.


  "Is this gonna be all for you, Nina?" Tony carefully closed the lid on the box of the steaming pizza.

  "Yeah, that'll do it, Tony; although those garlic sticks you just took out of the oven do look rather tempting."

  The tall, barrel-chested shop owner chuckled at the woman's wistful tone. He grabbed one of the sticks, wrapped it in a napkin, and handed it to her. "Here, take one for the road."

  She graciously accepted the tasty package then took a quick bite. "Oh this is heavenly! If I keep eating like this I won't be able to fit through the door!"

  Tony gave her lean frame a speculative look. "I seriously doubt that. The way you rip and run all over the place like that battery bunny, I'm surprised you're able to keep any meat on your bones."

  "I'm not that bad, Tony!"

  "Oh yes you are. You really do need to slow up a bit, Nina. Maybe settle down with a nice man, and have a few kids."

  "You're starting to sound like your wife," Nina chuckled then took another bite of her breadstick.

  Tony's eyes widened with mock terror. "God forbid! Seriously, though, you do need to schedule some fun time for yourself."

  "Well I did go to Saint Christopher's anniversary bash a few weeks ago," Nina responded defensively. Her inability to maintain a lasting relationship was often the topic of discussion with the Scavelli's. It was their life's mission to get Nina, whom they jokingly called "the Lone Ranger", married off.

  "I guess that's a start," Tony said brightly. "Meet any prospects?"

  "Not a one! I swear, Tony, there's a shortage of eligible men in this city."


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