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Loving Lydia (Atlantic Divide)

Page 7

by Saxon, Diane

  One of the horses gently whinnied and stamped its foot, and Lydia’s heart nearly leaped out of her chest. Her heart beat loud in her own ears as she strove for control. She tried to take long, even breaths to calm her erratic pulse as she forced herself to walk toward the doors, desperate to break into a run as her mind screamed out for her to get out, get out quick.

  She saw the cowboy step into the doorway, hat on the back of his head, long legs, and broad chest.

  “Oh, there you are.” She stepped forward as relief coursed through her veins, making her feel foolish.

  The figure in the doorway stepped forward too, stumbled a little as he knocked his own hat off his head, and exposed short, spiky black hair.

  “Well, hello there, baby. You looking for me? You’ve found me.” His words were slurred. “What you gonna do with me?” Lydia felt a strong impulse to step backward, but doing that would take her further into the stables, and she wasn’t easy with that idea.

  As he came closer she could see the leer on his face, and her heart rate kicked in treble time. Her eyes darted around and gave a quick assessment of the inebriated state of the cowboy and her ability to avoid him. She figured the best way to get past him was to walk straight toward him and then feint to the right. That way she’d probably be beyond him before he got his drunken bearings.

  She figured wrong. As she came alongside him, his hand shot out quicker than she could have imagined and grabbed her arm. He stepped her backward against a stable door.

  “I think you’ve made a mistake.” Her voice wobbled slightly, but it was clear enough.

  “No mistake, baby. You’re looking for a man, you’ve found one.” He let go of her arm and leaned in, placed his hands on the door either side of her head, and breathed alcohol fumes into her face. She turned her head to one side, and he put his lips against her temple.

  “Oh, baby, you could be so good to me. Your boyfriend wouldn’t even have to know. We’ll be quick, I promise.”

  Bile rose at the back of her throat, and she thought she was going to be sick on him. She put her hands up and braced them against his chest, trying to keep her face turned away.

  “Let me go right now, or you’ll be in a lot of trouble.” Her voice sounded pathetic even to her own ears as she tried to push him back. He was immovable, strong and wiry, typical of the ranch hands she’d seen around. One hand came down to the front of his trousers and he rubbed himself, giving a lascivious grin as he squinted down at her.

  “No, baby, you’re gonna like what I’m gonna give you, and you won’t say nothing to no one.” His fingers unfastened the top button of his jeans. Her knees turned to water, and she whimpered. Her eyes darted to the left to try to find an escape route.

  “Who’s in here?”

  “Sam.” Her voice was high-pitched and pitiful as she recognized his familiar voice.

  “Lydia?” Sam stepped inside the doorway, turned toward them, eyebrows dipped low as his eyes squinted in the dim light at her and the cowboy.

  The cowboy moved away from her and gave Sam an insolent smile.

  “I got me a woman. Go get your own.”

  Sam stood motionless as though he was gauging the situation, his expression unreadable. His voice sounded amicable enough when he spoke.

  “Buddy, I didn’t know you’d got back.”

  “Sure did, there was nothing going on in town, so I came back and found me a real little sex kitten right here. Who would have known I’d find someone so hot and willing right in my own backyard.”

  “My backyard,” Sam replied, his voice mild and low as he shifted his stance. Lydia took the opportunity to try and sidle around toward him. “My little sex kitten!” She noticed the mild tone changed on the last few words and became soft and deadly.

  “No way man, she never said nothing about you when she offered to be good to me.”

  Horrified, she stared at Buddy, praying to God that Sam didn’t believe the man. If he left her alone with him, she was going to be in real trouble. Sam hadn’t moved a muscle, but with a rising sense of panic, she got the distinct impression he was about to turn and walk out the door.

  “I did not…” Terror laced her voice as her heart pounded in her ears.

  “Quiet, Lydia.”

  “That’s the way. They need keeping in order, these womenfolk.” Buddy swayed slightly, and then made a lunge for Lydia. As he grabbed her by the elbow, she had no idea whether to wrench away or hold still.

  Sam never moved an inch.

  “I’ll tell you what,” Buddy slurred. “I’ll share her with you. I’ll have her for the next hour or so, and when I’ve finished with her, I’ll send her over to you. Provided she has the energy, if you know what I mean.”

  Sam stepped forward, his smile lazy and amused, while Buddy laughed at his own joke. Cutting him off mid-laugh, Sam smacked him in the nose with the back of his hand. Blood spurted down the front of Buddy’s scruffy shirt. Short, sharp, and lightning quick, Sam brought his other fist up under Buddy’s chin, followed by a fast elbow jab to the stomach.

  Buddy hit the floor like a sack of horse feed and lay there motionless.

  “Never could take his drink,” Sam murmured.

  As he turned toward her, she stood frozen to the spot. Her vision blurred as tears filled her eyes, and she’d slapped her hand across her mouth to stop herself from screaming blue murder.

  He leaned forward and took hold of her free hand, and before she knew what he was doing, he tugged her outside where it was lighter and the air was clear. She could hear her own rapid, panicked breathing and wondered what he must think of her. Her ice cold fingers were held fast in his hand. He pulled her up close and ogled her.

  “So, how is it that you and your boyfriend ended up in my stables at this time of night?”

  “I don’t… He isn’t… I wasn’t…”

  Frantic, she gulped in air and thought that if she didn’t stop, she was going to faint at his feet, and if he was sensible, he’d leave her there and walk away. Her panic-stricken eyes met his as he leaned forward. He placed his smooth, warm lips against her cold ones and kissed her, long and slow. When she tried to step back, he wrapped his arms loosely around her and pulled her in.

  She moved with a suddenness that had him sucking in his breath. Her arms came up around his waist, she tucked her head beneath his chin, and she plastered her body up against his. She couldn’t control the shudders that wracked her body as he stood silently while she shook in his arms. She wasn’t crying. She couldn’t cry. The tears had dried in an instant, but this was pure, unadulterated aftershock.

  “Lydia, sweetheart.” He pulled away so he could look down at the top of her head. She tucked her face further into the open neck of his shirt, not wanting to look at him, not wanting to see his judgment.

  “I’m sorry.” She mumbled the words against his smooth warm skin, almost burrowed into him, taking comfort in the safety of his arms until he prized her away and tilted her chin up with his fingers.

  “What in hell have you got to be sorry about?” His voice was sharp like an ice cold shock of water, but it seemed to have the effect he wanted as Lydia stood stock still for a moment before she allowed her arms to drop from around him. The ice in her veins was chased out by the heat of humiliation and a fair share of anger. She turned, her head held high, and started to walk toward the house. She heard his heavy sigh as he strode after her,


  “Leave me alone.”

  “Lydia, for Christ sake, hold on.”

  She stopped suddenly, and she felt the touch of his chest on her back as he almost ploughed into the back of her.

  “I came to apologize to you.” Her voice was clear and proud.

  “I told you, if I needed an apology…”

  Irritation surged as she whipped around to face him.

  “You needed an apology.” Forceful and precise, she felt the need for him to understand. She held his gaze for a moment and realized he probably had
no idea what she was talking about. She felt the frustration ease out of her and reached out, placed a hand on the top of his arm, and rubbed his taut muscles.

  “I was unforgivably rude to you the other day, and I’ve been waiting for you to come back so that I could apologize. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She took a step closer and stared deep into his placid eyes. “Sam, I’m sorry I was such a bitch.”

  “You weren’t a bitch, Lydia. You were just flexing your new-found muscles.” He lifted his hand and rubbed a thumb across her cheekbone, and she wondered how it was that he seemed to know her so well. It hardly cheered her to think that, but she’d come to hold out an olive branch to him, and she considered she should complete the task.

  “I wanted to say that if the offer is still open, I’d like to come out with you tomorrow night.” She felt so nervous as she stood there biting her lip, her eyes wide and anxious. She wondered if he was even still interested after everything that had happened. Perhaps he didn’t think she was worth the effort.

  “So, is it all over between you and Buddy?”

  She snorted and stepped back.

  “It never got off the ground.”

  Sam took a step toward her, and she took another back. A smile tugged at her lips.

  “So, Lydia. Tomorrow night. Is it a date?”

  He took another step forward, and she stepped back again.

  “Ummm, Sam. Do we have to call it that?”

  She took another step back; he took two rapid ones forward and took hold of her wrists to keep her still.

  “Yes, we do.”


  “Because, honey, at the end of the evening I’m going to want to make out with you, and I don’t want any misconceptions.” Shock rippled through her, and her pulse rate kicked up again. She knew from the intent look on his face that he could feel it as it thundered away where his thumb rested on her wrist. It wasn’t fear that had it racing this time but desire.

  “What exactly do you mean by ‘make out’?” He smiled and made her breathless. He pulled her closer for a quick kiss on the mouth.

  “Well, for a start, we’re going to be doing some kissing.” He placed his mouth tenderly on hers, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

  “What else?” Her voice turned lazy.

  “Well then, I think it would be acceptable to do some touching.”

  “Touching … where?” She hauled in a languid breath as his mouth cruised from her lips, down her neck, to the rapid pulse beat at the base of her throat.

  “It’s only our first date, so we’ll keep it above the waist.” He gently nipped her neck and moved his mouth quick to catch her gasp with his lips. “Course, I may want to touch under your clothes.” He kissed her eyelids.

  “Really?” she sighed, and then suddenly jerked upright and pulled out of his arms as she realized what he had said.

  “No, I was just trying to see if you were paying attention.”

  “I was.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Of course I was.”

  He laughed. She thought she sounded defensive.

  “You look pretty tonight, Lydia.” He raised his hand, brushed her hair back from her face, and made her sigh.

  “I have to go now.” She walked backward away from him and he watched. She couldn’t help it as she brought her hand up to her mouth and chewed on her thumb nail as she studied him. He made her wonder.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight.” His voice became louder as she got farther away. Then she stopped. Perhaps she should tell him.

  “Sam, I’m scared.”

  He looked as though he could barely hear her as he squinted at her through the dark and stepped forward. “There’s no need to be scared, honey. I’ll look after you.” She knew he didn’t quite understand.

  “No … I’m scared of you.” Looking insulted, he opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, she rushed on.

  “I’m scared of how I feel about you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before … and it scares me. I thought you should know.”

  Not giving him a chance to reply, she spun around and ran across the field the rest of the way home as he stood alone in the dark.

  Chapter 6

  She was a bag of nerves. She’d spent the entire day wondering what to wear. She’d never spent that long in her life on an outfit, but somehow it seemed important.

  He’d said he was going to touch her. Above the waist. She wanted him to. Oh, she really wanted him to. She didn’t want to think any further than above the waist. She kept daydreaming. She could almost feel his hard work-hands on her body. It drove her crazy. She was scared to death. What if she freaked and couldn’t bear for him to touch her? She couldn’t imagine it, but what if she panicked? What if she froze? What if he called her frigid?

  “Stop it!”

  “Pardon?” Kate was eyeing her over the top of the children’s climbing frame.

  “I’m sorry. I was trying to stop my imagination running away with me.”

  “You’re worried about tonight.”

  “Of course I am. Wouldn’t you be?”

  “No, but then I’m not you, and I haven’t been through what you’ve been through.” Kate watched her closely. “Do you think you should tell him?”


  “But… It may help if he knows why you’re so…”


  “No, that’s not what I was going to say, and you’re not frigid, but you have concerns and rightly so. He may be able to help if he knows.”



  “Just okay?”

  “You’ll tell him when you’re ready.”

  “I will.”

  Lydia stared down at her hands for a moment.

  “Kate, I really like Sam. I mean really… he makes me feel sort of warm inside.” She rubbed her stomach and glanced up at Kate, smiling. “I think I might…” She stopped herself before she said too much, but she felt the excitement coursing through her veins. “I’ve never felt this way before.”

  Kate smiled at her and stepped up to give her a warm hug.

  “Go and get yourself ready. Take your time, pamper yourself. Jack and I will get the kids off to sleep. They’re safe with us.” Kate pushed her in the direction of the door. “Don’t wear jeans. Borrow anything you need. I’ll let you know when he’s here.” As Lydia stepped away, she could have sworn she heard Kate mutter, “After I’ve had a quiet word with him myself.”

  * * * *

  Kate was sat with her feet up eating ice-cream with the television on low when Sam arrived. As he walked light-footed and hopeful through the door with a happy grin on his face, Kate snapped the remote and the television went blank. Sam’s smile winked out as he looked straight into his sister-in-law’s cold eyes.

  “If you hurt my little sister, I will flay your skin from your bones.” Icicles dripped through her pure English voice. “I will stretch that skin out on the desert floor and let the ants crawl all over it.” Her eyebrow lifted as her eyes pierced through his soul. “I will lay your bones out to be bleached white by the sun.” Her lip curled. “And I will place your head beside them so that the carrion can come and peck your eyes from your head.” She paused a moment while he stared back at her. “Do I make myself clear?”

  He huffed out a breath and then grinned at her, rolling his eyes in sympathy.

  “So, still not gone into labor then, Katie?” He sat down heavily next to her and almost bounced her off the settee as he reached over her for the ice cream. She growled low in her throat as he scooped a big spoonful and shoveled it into his mouth, still grinning around it. She snatched the spoon back out of his hand, smacked his shoulder with it, and glared at him.

  He pulled her into his arms, kissed the end of her nose, and then whispered in her ear.

  “I love you, Katie, and I’m starting to love your little sister. I can’t promise never to hurt her, but I’ll do my damnedest to make her happy, and I pro
mise that I won’t ever mistreat her.” He pulled her closer and kissed her straight on the lips.

  “Get your hands off my woman,” Jack growled from the doorway. “Go get your own.”

  “I’m just flirting with yours while I wait for mine to show up.” Sam smirked.

  “Oh, second best, am I?” Kate gave Sam a hard shove off the sofa.

  As he got up off his knees chuckling, Lydia walked through the door, and the sight of her practically brought him back to them again.

  She wore a slick little black dress that hugged every curve and indent of her neat, little body and stopped just short of mid-thigh. It was asymmetric with a full length sleeve on one side and a thin, shoe-string strap on the other, which revealed smooth skin that had turned golden during the last few weeks on the ranch.

  He’d never seen her with her hair down, but she’d loosened it tonight, and it fell in a soft curtain around her sun-kissed shoulders. She’d smoothed something smoky and sexy on her eyelids, and her eyelashes appeared twice their normal length. The pale pink, shiny stuff she’d applied to her mouth glistened sexily.

  Sam’s eyes roamed down the length of her to the kick-ass high heels she wore with diamante studding over the back that ran all the way down the heels. His tongue dried up in his mouth so he couldn’t swallow, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

  “Am I over-dressed?” Lydia asked with an anxious look.

  “Nope,” said Jack a little too quickly.

  “Hell, no,” Sam drawled when his tongue came unstuck from the roof of his mouth.

  “You look fabulous,” Kate murmured as she glanced from one handsome male to the other, patting her chest as though it ached. “You better keep an eye on her, Sam.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to have any difficulty with that,” he replied, sure that he’d be unable to peel his eyes away all night.

  “Have a good time. The children will be fine. Carl said he’s on hand to babysit if I go into labor, so don’t worry.”


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