A Perfect Moment

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A Perfect Moment Page 4

by Becca Lee

  “You see,” my dad found his voice again, “it’s just that John and I—”

  Both of our mums gasped in unison. Mum shouted, “John!” while Kate cried, “you didn’t!”

  I widened my eyes in disbelief at the realisation that my own flippin’ father had bet on his daughter getting a new man. Nothing about that whole crazy sentence made sense.

  I steeled my voice. “You bet on us getting together?”

  Dad shrugged and gave a tentative smile. Preston laughed loudly and Collin smiled sheepishly. “Your own daughter, and you, Collin, your own son? What the hell is wrong with you two?”

  “Now, now.” Collin attempted to placate the fiery rage that threatened to prove exactly why it was appropriate that I had red hair. “It wasn’t exactly like that. Well, it was, sort of. It’s just Preston has been swooning over you since he got his first pubic hair—”

  A combination of “Dad” and “Collin” erupted from our small table. My eyes widened in a mixture of horror and shock. One, that Collin would choose to discuss Preston’s pubic hair at breakfast—flashes of womb diagrams appeared before my eyes—not only that, but two, Preston had a crush now?

  I couldn’t take any more. I briefly glanced at Preston who had both hands covering his face, then at my parents and Collin and Kate. All of them were in mixed states of discomfort, although from the look on Mom and Kate’s faces, I couldn’t imagine either my dad or Collin finding amusement in this for much longer. The waitress appeared at that moment with our food and drinks. I unceremoniously retrieved my sandwich and coffee, and made like horseshit and hit the trail.


  I packed my weekend bag after eating my cold sandwich. It still took the edge off and did its job, stopping me from puking so I couldn’t complain. Bag in hand, I left the hotel room with my head down and managed to check out and make it all the way to the car with no dramas or harassment. It was just a short thirty-minute drive to my little house. And I couldn’t wait to get there and curl up in bed with my Kindle. Then my summer vacation would truly begin. Six weeks of beach, reading, and maybe a bottle of Champagne or twelve.


  I did, however, also have a new vacation mission. This was to get some distance between Preston and myself, if he refused to let this go. Although, the thought of not seeing him a few times a week made my heart pang. He was my friend, and I loved him as such. If I couldn’t do distant—and to be honest, I didn’t want to—I would have to do something about his single status.

  I would fix him up.

  When I arrived home, I dumped my bag in my miniscule laundry room just off the kitchen, jumped in the shower to cool off from the morning sun and to get the smell of greasy bacon out of my pores, and then I curled up with my latest paranormal romance. I needed complete escapism and fantasy, and a ménage à trois between three werewolves would do the trick nicely.

  As I was deep into a pretty hot and heavy scene, which would result in my needing another cool shower, my mobile pinged indicating a new text. It was from Jo. Hell, I forgot again to text her. I was taking my new Worst Best Friend in the World Award to the extremes.

  Jo: ???

  Really? That was all she gave me. She was on her honeymoon in Hawaii, for crying out loud, and she sent me three ridiculous question marks. Okay, so maybe she was busy getting down and dirty with her husband, but still, my hands clammed up with those three question marks.

  Me: So sorry I didn’t say goodbye! Shouldn’t you be consummating, or drinking from a coconut shell?

  She responded immediately.

  Jo: Not worried. Have done. Three times. Currently indulging. Now, WTF—last night?

  As usual, Jo sent me a cryptic half-assed message. I just assumed her random short response was in the same order of my message. At least, I hoped to God that she wasn’t putting out while texting me. That would just be awkward. I’d walked in on her and Liam getting jiggy with it too many times when we were housemates. My retinas had never been the same since. I sighed as I texted her back.

  Me: Nothing. He rescued me from a sleaze. Tell Liam he needs to kick the dude’s arse for me.

  Jo: Preston’s arse or the sleaze's??? I heard you groan. LOUDLY. SLUT! Again—WTF!

  Holy shit! I was now officially convinced that Jo had a built-in bullshit radar; she could sniff out my lies from thousands of kilometres away. I hung my head in humiliation. I’d groaned, loudly, and I was convinced that it had been more than once. And of course, it had been in front of the whole bloody wedding party. I couldn’t even blame it on my lowered inhibitions. I had been stone-cold sober, and had allowed myself to get caught up in the moment.

  Me: It was a moment. He was doing a noble thing. It’d been a long time since I’d had a kiss. It was just a silly moment. Nothing else. No more. And NOT to be repeated. EVER!

  There was a long pause before her next text. I hoped to God that she wasn’t pissed at me, but thinking about it, she’d given me that weird thumbs up as Preston had dragged my arse out of the marquee, just before I had kissed him again on the beach. I decided I’d keep the beach between just Preston and I. It was safer that way.

  Jo: So nothing happened after?

  Fuckety-fuck, I was going to go to hell for lying to my bestie.

  Me: Nope!

  Jo: So when I saw your tongue down my brother’s throat down on the beach ...?

  I’d been caught out big time. It was even worse than the time she’d caught me lying about taking the last Tim Tam from her secret stash when we were living together. She’d made me pay my penance twofold—let’s just say, shaving foam, sand and a bikini that itched like a bitch—a story and a penance never to be repeated.

  Me: Erm ... it was a full moon and he had my Champagne held captive???

  Jo: Right! So are you meeting up or some shit like that?

  Me: Nope. Just friends.

  Jo: :) We’ll see!!!!!!!

  We’ll see? What the hell did that mean? I was convinced the whole world had gone mad. Perhaps this morning I’d hit my head harder than I’d thought. I’d entered the Twilight-freakin’-Zone.

  Me: Not going there. Now, go and make out with your ‘better’ half!

  Jo: See you in a week. And I’m all over it! Liam, that is! LOL! Love your face!

  Me: Love your ass more! <3

  I was exhausted. Between Preston, my hangover and our families’ reactions, I just needed the day to be over and to start afresh. Monday would be the official start of the school holidays. Monday would be the start of my plans for relaxation. I was also determined to make things right with Preston.

  Chapter Four


  I dried myself off with my beach towel before securing my surfboard to my roof racks. It was still early, probably just past 7 am, yet the beach was filling up already, making the most of the sun before the heat really kicked in. It was Monday morning and I’d desperately needed to get out into the water to work off my pent-up frustration. I’d left Ella alone since she disappeared after breakfast the previous day. I’d given her the space she needed to get her head around our session the evening of Jo’s wedding. And what a sweet-ass session it was, too! The taste of her lips still gave me a twinge. And when she’d sat on my lap and groaned into my mouth, holy shit, I thought I was going to disgrace myself.

  The time for space was now over. After heading home to shower and change, I was going to head over to her place and tell her how things were going to be. And I had a week to make an impact: a week of vacation before my shifts at the department started back up, and a week without my interfering sister.

  Approximately an hour later, I pulled up outside her house. I spotted her sitting on her front veranda, curled up on the bench-seat, reading. She looked toward me as I closed the door on my Falcon GT. She was a beaut of a car. Not my surfing car, that was for sure; I had a beat-up piece-of-crap specifically for sand and salt destruction.

  Ella gave me a tight smile as I bound up the few steps and sat beside
her on the bench-seat. I immediately leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, just like I always did. I noticed her tense when I leaned, and heard her release her breath as I kissed her cheek.

  This did not make me happy. It was clear that the space I’d given her had convinced her that a relationship between us wouldn’t work.

  “So, what’s our plans for the day?”

  Her smile became more genuine and she removed her feet from the bench, putting them on the ground. “Coffee and breakfast would be a good start.”

  I stood, held her hands and pulled her up. “Sounds like a plan.” I held on to her hands and stroked the backs of them with my thumbs. She was beautiful. Her red hair was swept up in a messy ponytail, and her eyes shone brightly in the morning sun. She looked down at our hands before pulling away.

  When she stepped toward her front door, she called over her shoulder, “Let me just grab my keys and wallet.” A few moments later, I held the car door open for her and smiled when she quirked her brow at my gesture. She shook her head in irritation, but got in without a word. What; being a gentleman’s not okay now? So what if I’d never opened a car door for her before? I’d always wanted to, but now my feelings were finally out in the open. I’d be damned if I kept playing the part of Jo’s baby brother.

  At the coffee shop, I ordered our coffees and a muffin each and we made our way to the seafront. We sat down on the grass under a shady tree, and gazed out at the rolling waves. She was avoiding looking at me and touching me. We usually had easy, carefree banter flowing between the two of us. I was usually making an ass out of myself to make her laugh, and she was usually chastising me, while hitting me affectionately on the arm. The significance being we talked, touched, and laughed, and we were always brutally honest. With the obvious exception of me never telling her that I’d been in love with her since I was fifteen years old. Yes, just a slight withholding of the truth on my part.

  I was being a chicken shit. I needed to get my head out of my arse and finally stop dicking around. I moved closer to her side and turned to look at her. There was no hiding any more. She’d just finished her muffin and was taking a small sip of her coffee when her hand froze mid-air. Her eyes widened. I assumed in alarm, but who the hell knew what was going on in her stubborn head? I took the coffee cup from her hand and rested it on the grass next to mine. I leaned in toward her slowly. Her eyes remained steady on mine. Just as I was so close I could feel her warm erratic breath on my face, her hand landed on my chest.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  Maintaining eye contact, I smiled, reached out, held the back of her head and pulled her closer still. “What I should have done ten years ago.”

  My mouth slammed against hers. Ten years of pent-up lust and pining over her finally took its toll. All I could think about was needing her sexy lips on mine, and having her firm body pressed as close as possible. It took just a few moments for her to respond with equal passion.

  This was it. I finally had Ella sighing and groaning into my mouth. My tongue caressed hers as her hand touched my face and she stroked my cheek. I could spend the rest of my life kissing her lips and worshipping her body. I just needed the chance.

  Too soon for my liking, her kissing eased and she pulled away, her fingers still lingering on my cheek. I took the moment to hold on to her hand before I moved it and kissed her palm. “Totally worth the wait, babe.” I kissed her palm again and lowered her hand, which was still firmly in mine.

  She remained staring at me, with her eyebrows raised and her eyes wide. I considered sweeping her up in my arms and diving into the sea with her, especially after a full minute of remaining frozen. I knew she’d need time to process, but shit, she was beginning to freak me the fuck out.

  “Babe, say something.”

  She seemed to shake out of the haze surrounding her. She squared her shoulders—never a good sign—and a look of resolve spread over her face. “I need to get you a girlfriend,” she said with absolute seriousness.

  I looked at her in confusion, and wondered what the hell she was thinking.

  She nodded, hand still in mine. “Yep, I have a friend from work. She’s your age. You’ll like her. I’ll give her—”

  “I don’t think so. You’re not calling anyone, and like shit you are fixing me up.” I was momentarily surprised at the venom in my voice. But I was there, putting myself on the line and about to pour my heart out to her, while her reaction was talking shit to me about setting me up with some work colleague. “Never gonna happen, El. The only thing that’s happening here, is you and me are gonna spend the day together. I’m taking you out on a real date tonight, and it’ll end with me kissing those sweet lips of yours. That’s how today is gonna play out. Got it?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “This,” she indicated her free hand between the two of us, “can never happen. It’s freaking me out. You’re Jo’s baby brother. You’re annoying, and a bit of a prick at times, and you’re my friend.” She released her hand from mine and wiped her hands over her face. “This can never happen. Ever.” She made to rise, but I held her knees and kept her firmly planted to the ground.

  I knew there was no reasoning with her at that moment. She was in flee-mode. Part of me understood what she was saying, but now that it was out there, that I’d made my stupid-ass feelings clear, there was no way I could sit on them. I’d have to grind her down. Annoyed wouldn’t even begin to cover how pissed off she’d be with me after I wore her down. I’d be in her space until she finally realised that we were worth a shot. We could be so fucking good together. Her running scared was not a good enough reason not to risk it. “I may be Jo’s brother, but in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m no baby. If I hear shit about me being a couple of lousy years younger than you, I’ll kiss the argument off your honey lips.” Her eyes widened at the threat.

  “You wouldn—”

  My raised eyebrows and no-shit expression cut her sentence off. It was a tried and tested reaction. “Try me. Any time, El. I’m more than happy to prove my point. One mention of my age and that kiss is gonna happen.”

  I saw her gulp. Good. That gave her what I imagined was a wicked visual. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to wait too long before she mentioned my younger age. “Jo’s a grown-up and she knows how I feel about you. She’s always known.” I watched the frown form on her face and inwardly laughed. Jo was going to get such a heap of shit from El when she got back from her honeymoon. I continued, “I know I’ve had moments of being a prick—no doubt I will continue to do so—but I’ll be an adorable one.” My chest swelled when I managed to get a smile from her. “We are friends. We know so much about one another, and that’s why I know we’d be so fucking good together, El. I know you felt something on Saturday and just now. I didn’t imagine that, so stop fooling yourself.”

  She took a deep breath before she spoke. “Just take me home. Please. I need to think. Take me home, Preston.”

  My face dropped. Think? She was going to go home and talk herself out of any possible us. Shit.

  “I’ll take you home, but we are going out tonight. Just a drink; no pressure.”

  A look passed over her eyes, one that I couldn’t quite determine. She then looked resolved, her beautiful eyes squinting slightly. “Fine. But I’ll meet you there. We’ll meet at The Royal at 8pm.”

  I couldn’t help the goofy grin from appearing on my face. I nodded a little too enthusiastically. I really needed to work on the art of cool. At the moment, I was grinning and nodding like a dog who’d just been scratched. “Okay,” I smiled, a bit more subdued than the dick grin on my face a few moments earlier.

  We stood up and made our way to the car. I kept close enough to brush against her arm, but didn’t risk holding her hand. When I dropped her off, she turned and gave me a quick peck on my cheek. I smiled widely before I eased away, wondering what the hell I would do with the rest of my day. 8pm was a hell of a long time away.

  Chapter Five

  Ellar />
  I knew he was going to be pissed at me, but there was no going back now. I’d called and asked Zoe to meet me at the Royal at 8pm. I hadn’t told her the reason, exactly. I didn’t want to embarrass her if things didn’t work out, but I did want to prove to Preston, and maybe even a little to myself, that he’d be better off with someone else.

  Zoe was as beautiful as she was kind and funny. She was a damn sight hotter than me. I had no issues with recognising the beauty in others, especially when they were beautiful on the inside too. Zoe was twenty-five and a sports teacher. She’d been in a relationship with a guy who ended up being a douche, but I knew that that relationship had ended six months ago. Amazingly, she was still single. I knew Preston would be attracted to her; I’d seen the array of women he’d dated in the past, and Zoe was ten-fold more beautiful than all of them, plus she had the smarts.

  I ignored my slightly heavy heart when I thought about meeting for drinks thirty minutes later, and put it down to preparing myself for Preston being angry with me. It had nothing at all to do with how good his lips had felt against mine, and how readily my body had reacted to his sculpted muscles. I tried my hardest not to replay his hand on my neck, my hand on his face and his tongue stroking mine. It was hot. I finally had to admit it to myself. It had been months since I’d had a kiss, and to be honest, I couldn’t remember a kiss that had affected me quite as much in my life, even with Fuckwit.

  The memory of Fuckwit and his betrayal forced its ugly head into my thoughts. He’d really done a number on me. I discovered, not long after our non-wedding day, he’d been sleeping with his ex for a year prior to our wedding. It was another blow to my already fragile state. While it wasn’t the best experience of my life, it was certainly my luckiest.

  The thoughts of my past betrayal resolved my heart and my head. I couldn’t let myself be broken again. A part of me honestly wished I could move past the hurt, but the truth of it was I was too chicken shit. I didn’t know if my heart could handle another break. It was simply easier to build a wall of ice around it, even though Preston, and my existing feelings for him, threatened to hack away at it with his sexy and caring pickaxe.


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