Hidden Heir

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Hidden Heir Page 2

by Amy Patrick

  She’d only recently learned that healing glamour is like two sides of a coin—good and bad—it just depended on which side was nurtured. Wickthorne had told me that Alessia’s healing glamour was the strongest he had ever encountered.

  Lad looked a bit sheepish. “Vincenzo is her father. And it wasn’t that long ago that Alessia was an enemy of the Light Court and working with Dr. Schmitt to exterminate the human race. And her bond-mate, Wes, is from the Earth-wife clan. That’s a whole other set of trouble.”

  “But Wes has no powers, right? Didn’t you say it’s only transmitted from mother to daughter?”

  “That’s what they said. We know very little about their kind. Anyway, I don’t want them here in Altum. They’re outsiders and potentially dangerous.”

  My jaw dropped. “You know who you sound like right now? Your father.”

  Lad shrugged and looked away. “Well, maybe he was a bit smarter than I gave him credit for.”

  “I can’t believe you’re seriously saying this. What’s next—reinstating the restrictions on travel outside of Altum for all your people? Ending the practice of holding the Assemblage here for Dark and Light Elves to meet together under one roof?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe it’s time to give the other Light clans a chance to host. We’ve been hogging it for the past few centuries.”

  His tone and stare told me he was not joking but entirely serious. Even the thought that Lad might end the practice of having the Assemblage here in Altum every ten years, that he’d consider rolling back the new, more lenient travel policies he’d instituted for his subjects since his father’s death, broke my heart. Because I knew it wasn’t born of some great desire for power or control over their lives… but of fear.

  I moved toward him, placing my hands on either side of his taut jaw, tilting his face up until his eyes met mine. I spoke softly.

  “Honey... I know you want to protect your people, to protect me and our child. I want us all to be safe, too. But we can be safe, you can be smart and cautious and a wise leader without shutting everyone else out entirely. That’s no way to live. You can’t let fear rule your life.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  I kissed him softly, stroking his nape and shoulders as I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The next few words were whispered against his lips.

  “I think you’re forgetting something… if you’d stuck to your father’s rule of ‘no outsiders,’ you and I would never have met and fallen in love. I wouldn’t be here right now… about to show you just how much I missed you.”

  His eyes warmed as his hands slipped under my nightgown, and he moved to take my mouth again. “I didn’t forget.”

  It was only later that night I realized—he never said he agreed with me.


  Chapter Two


  I woke early, roused by the feel of my bond-mate’s soft body next to mine. After being away for so long, I craved the closeness. Who was I kidding? I craved it all the time.

  But now that I had Ryann this close, I couldn’t help but want her even closer. Last night I’d kept her up way too late with my enthusiastic demonstrations of just how much I’d missed her and just how appealing and sexy I found the new changes in her body.

  Truth be told, it wasn’t enough. I wanted her again, but I’d let her get the rest she needed. Careful not to wake her, I rolled onto my side and just watched Ryann sleep. She was astoundingly beautiful.

  Gently I stroked the sleep-tumbled hair back from her face, so I could see her expressions as she dreamed. It must have been a good dream because her pretty pink lips turned up at the corners. I smiled myself, feeling moisture fill my eyes.

  So beautiful. And all mine.

  I would never let anything happen to her. I spread my palm over the smooth, warm roundness of her growing belly. Soon, I’d have someone new to love and protect. The feelings that knowledge produced in me were so fierce they were almost painful.

  What I hadn’t told Ryann, what I never wanted her to know, were all the atrocities and evil I’d learned about and seen with my own eyes while traveling. Disease. Poverty. Bad humans and even worse Elves. Powerful witches. Even the tiny Nymphs were pretty freaking scary.

  There was so much danger out there in the world. Despite Ryann’s assertions that she could take care of herself, despite the power I knew she possessed, I didn’t want any of that danger and evil anywhere near her or our child. I couldn’t risk it. I’d keep her safe no matter the cost to myself.

  And no matter how irritated she might be with me over my protectiveness. I was strongly considering assigning her a full-time guard. Several, maybe. I chuckled at the mental image of her stamping her little foot in annoyance when she found out.

  Either disturbed by the sound or my light caresses, Ryann stirred. Her eyes slowly blinked open, focusing on me with dawning awareness and unmistakable love.

  “Good morning.” She smiled. “Is it time to get up?”

  I smiled back, my heart nearly bursting with love for her. “It’s still early. You can sleep some more if you want to.”

  “That sounds good,” she murmured. “I like sleep.”

  Her eyelids closed again, and I thought she might drift back into slumber. Then she ran her fingertips very slowly from my jaw down my neck, chest, and abdomen. Her lips parted in a naughty grin.

  “There’s something else I like even more.”

  Yes. “Oh, sweet girl. I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Sometime later, we dressed and made our way to the breakfast room then headed for Wickthorne’s clinic. Though I trusted what Ryann had told me about the pregnancy going well, I still needed to hear it from our healer mind-to-mind.

  Walking through the halls of the palace, we encountered many servants and some of my subjects. Ryann spoke to and smiled at every one of them. And they gazed at her blossoming form with unmistakable adoration and respect.

  Things had changed so much in such a relatively short period of time. It wasn’t so long ago that my people looked at her with suspicion, if not downright horror. Now she was their queen, they loved her, and anticipation for the royal baby was a palpable thing. I slipped my arm around her back, my chest swelling with pride in her and the way she’d made the adjustment from her old life to this new one.

  At least I could feel confident that no one here posed a threat to her. As for those on the outside… the fact was, anyone could be out there. Some of the worst characters in the Dark Court had made their way to Deep River in recent years. I wasn’t sure how I’d convince her, but I really did want Ryann to stay in Altum round the clock.

  We reached the clinic, and Wickthorne looked up from whatever substance he was crushing with a pestle in a stone bowl.

  Your Highness. He stepped away from his work table and bowed to me then to Ryann.

  “I keep telling you not to do that,” she said with a smile and stepped forward to hug the old healer. “It’s just me.”

  He blushed a bit then turned his gaze back to me. Welcome home. How was your trip? You returned ahead of schedule, did you not?

  Yes. I did my best with the Ancient Court, but I’m not sure if I really got through to them. At some point you’ve done all you can do. But on to more important matters… how is my wife? The baby?

  Ryann pinched my arm playfully. “Out loud please, if you’re going to talk about me.”

  I smiled an apology her way, repeating my question aloud. “How is my loving wife’s pregnancy progressing?”

  “Very well, Your Highness,” he said, using his new verbal skills for Ryann’s sake. “She is healthy, and the baby is growing at a steady pace.”

  “Any idea how long she has left?”

  “I’m afraid not. As you know, this is an unusual case for me. I’ve never had a patient who was partially human. It’s much more predictable with a full Elven pregnancy. The gestation rate is the x-factor. It could be another mont
h or two with rapid growth—or another twelve if it goes more slowly.”

  A groan from Ryann drew a look of concern from him.

  “Are you in any discomfort, my queen?” he asked.

  “No. I’m just whining. You sure you can’t slip me a little something to make it go faster?” she joked.

  Wickthorne apparently didn’t see the humor. He looked horrified. “That would be very dangerous, Your Highness—to you and the baby. There’s a reason it takes so long for Elven children to develop in utero. A body that’s meant to last for eternity is quite different from a frail, mortal human form. If we were to attempt to speed the process—”

  Ryann shook her hands in front of her and interrupted. “I was only kidding. I’m fine with waiting. However long it takes, a healthy baby is the goal. I can put up with anything for him.” Her hands came to her stomach and rubbed over it lovingly.

  “Or her,” I added.

  “Or her,” she agreed with a smile.

  “If you’d like, I can check for any change in the baby’s position,” Wickthorne offered. “If he—or she—has begun dropping into the birth canal that would be an indicator of perhaps a shorter duration for you.”

  I looked at Ryann’s face to see if she was willing. She nodded and used a step stool to sit on the exam table.

  “Let me just call my assistant in,” Wickthorne said before moving toward the table himself.

  A young woman close to Ryann’s age stepped from the adjoining room. She pushed her long, black hair back over one shoulder, and I saw she was even younger, perhaps sixteen or seventeen.

  “Yes, master?” she said aloud. Then looking up and spotting Ryann, then me, she dropped to her knees and stared at the floor. “Your Highness.”

  Slightly puzzled, I said, “You may rise.” Then I looked to Wickthorne for an explanation.

  First, my subjects normally bowed or stopped and dipped their heads in respect when they saw me, but no one in my kingdom groveled on the ground before me. And second, I’d never seen this person before. She wasn’t one of my subjects.

  It was not Wickthorne but Ryann who introduced her. “Honey, this is Linnea. She’s Wickthorne’s new assistant. She’s only been in Altum for about a month.”

  “It’s so good to finally meet you, Your Highness,” the girl said. “I know Ryann has been very eager for your return.”

  I looked to my bond-mate again. What is she doing here? Where is she from?

  I’d never been a huge fan of surprises, and this was my least favorite kind. I did not like the fact that an outsider had been living in Altum for the past month without my ever having met her, without my even knowing about it.

  There’s no need for alarm, Ryann assured me mind-to-mind before speaking to Wickthorne aloud. “Why don’t you tell him?”

  Sounding a little nervous, Wickthorne explained. “After Asher left to train Alessia, I was short-handed. I needed help. I sent word to the other Light Elven clans, and the coastal clan in Oregon said they could spare an apprentice. Linnea arrived several weeks ago and has been training with me—and helping me—since then. She’ll go back to her own clan when Asher returns from Scotland. The queen assured me you would not mind my requesting some help.”

  “Thank you for having me here, Your Highness,” Linnea said. Her accent wasn’t Southern like Ryann’s, but it was definitely not European, which gave me some comfort. And she was a Light Elf. One of us.

  “Where I’m from, I was trained as a guard, but I’ve always wanted to practice the healing arts. This is a wonderful opportunity, and I’m so grateful. It’s especially exciting to get to work with a maternity patient because there are so few.”

  I’ve read her intentions, Ryann said to me privately. She has nothing but concern for the baby’s wellness and safety and my health. She wants me to have a successful pregnancy and delivery. And she’s been fun to have around. It’s nice to have someone else to talk to who’s been outside of Altum.

  I’m not sure about this, I said. She’s not even an experienced healer.

  Thus the internship. Ryann smiled. She’s really nice. You’ll like her if you give her a chance. And it’s only temporary anyway.

  I looked into my bond-mate’s eyes, discerning her hopefulness. As always, my heart melted in response to Ryann’s wishes. I had zero ability to deny this woman.

  Well, if you’ve read her intentions, and you like her…

  I have. I do.

  Very well. She may stay. Turning to Linnea, I said, “We’re grateful to have your help. You’ll have to pass on my thanks to your leader Elias in Oregon.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said and went down on her knees again.

  I cleared my throat, uncomfortable with the display of extreme deference. I guessed Elias, who I barely knew, appreciated such veneration from his people, but to me it seemed unnecessary and humiliating.

  “Linnea… there’s no need for that here. In the future, feel free to remain standing when you greet me.”

  She got to her feet and bobbed a curtsy. “Yes, Your Highness. Thank you, Your Highness.” Then she moved to Wickthorne’s side near the exam table. I sat near Ryann’s head and held her hand as the healer and his apprentice examined Ryann, palpitating her belly before doing a pelvic exam beneath a lower-body drape.

  It seemed Ryann’s instincts about Linnea had been correct. The girl was exceedingly gentle with her and even appeared quite protective. She made an effort to distract Ryann during the uncomfortable pelvic exam, making light conversation about the upcoming holidays.

  “Well, I was telling Lad I haven’t done a thing to get ready for Christmas,” Ryann said. “I’ve got to start shopping or there’ll be nothing under the tree from me this year.”

  “I don’t need anything,” I told her. “I’m not accustomed to celebrating the holiday, so I don’t expect presents. Besides, the only gift I need is you and a healthy baby.”

  “I feel the same way.” Ryann grinned up at me but added an admonition in a teasing tone. “But you are not the only person in my life, Your Highness. I do have parents, and a grandmother, and friends—although I won’t have friends for long if I don’t ever leave this place and spend some time with them.”

  I rolled my eyes. Okay, okay. Message received—loud and clear.

  “I’m starting to go a little stir-crazy,” she explained to Linnea.

  “Oh, I know how you feel,” the girl said. “I don’t think I’ve seen the sun in a month. Let me know if you need a companion for your shopping trip. I’ve spent some time around humans, but I’ve never been Christmas shopping.”

  Ryann shot Wickthorne a look of mock-reproach. “I had no idea you were such a slave driver.”

  He looked horrified at the term. “Of course, she may have time off to accompany you, Your Highness. At your convenience.”

  Ryann giggled, and I reassured our longtime healer. “Ryann is only kidding, Wickthorne.”

  We left the clinic and strolled together through Altum toward its central river, taking the bridge across it and stopping to gaze down at the crystalline water.

  “I wasn’t kidding, you know,” Ryann said after a bit. “I mean, yes, I was joking about Wickthorne being a slave driver. But not about going shopping. I can’t even shop online because we have no connectivity of any kind here. There are no ‘villains’ prowling Main Street in Deep River or the Oxford square.”

  I slid a glance to where she stood at my side. “You never know.”

  Ryann looped her arm through mine and drew close to my side. “When did you become such a nervous Nellie?”

  My mouth quirked at the unfamiliar term, but I got the meaning. I turned her to face me, leaned down, and planted a soft kiss on her lips, murmuring against them.

  “Since I fell madly in love with a girl I can’t possibly live without.”

  She returned the kiss then drew back. The look in her eyes was as resolute as her tone of voice. “I love you too, more than anything. But there’s no way
I’m going to stay cooped up here for another month—or God forbid, twelve months until this baby is born. You’re just going to have to accept that.”

  I sighed. “Fine. I will take you shopping. But it’ll have to wait a few days. I have a lot of work to catch up on first since I was away for so long.”

  She gave me a tolerant glance. “You’re not coming with me. In spite of what you said about not needing anything, your wife might like to get you some Christmas presents anyway. Besides, I want to get started. Today would be perfect. My schedule is clear.”

  “Ryann…” Even as I protested, I knew I was going to give in. The stubborn expression on her face told me all my efforts to keep her locked up here like a butterfly under glass were doomed to fail.

  “Very well. I suppose it would be all right for you to go out for a few hours… as long as you take Langnon with you.”

  He was my most trusted bodyguard, and I knew the huge Elven man would serve as an effective deterrent to anyone who might have harmful intent toward my pregnant bond-mate.

  “Langnon?” She made a noise of frustration. “I might as well spend the day with the Grinch. Do you know how many times I’ve seen that guy smile? Zero. Zero times. He could dampen Buddy the Elf’s Christmas spirit.”

  My head quirked at the unfamiliar, distinctly un-Elven name. “Who’s Buddy? Is he another new arrival in Altum?”

  She laughed out loud. “No. He’s not real… it’s from a movie.” She waved a hand through the air. “Never mind. You have to have seen it. We’ll watch it at my mom and dad’s house one night soon.”

  When she stopped laughing, Ryann said, “How about Linnea? She said she’s going stir-crazy, too, and wanted to see what Christmas shopping is like. And she’s been trained as a guard, so you wouldn’t have to worry about my ‘safety.’ Besides, she’s fun, and she’s a girl. She might actually enjoy shopping and not walk around the whole day looking like she’s in pain like Langnon would.”


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