A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set

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A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set Page 51

by A. D. Ellis

  In all the commotion of packing up, no one noticed right away that Josie and Kyle had both disappeared.


  For reasons of her own, Josie had needed to escape the big group for a bit of fresh air. Leaning back, she sat on the third step and breathed deeply trying to clear her thoughts. Lost in her own mind, she startled at the deep voice that interrupted her.

  “Man, I love these people, but I just had to get out of there for a minute, you know?” Kyle looked at her speculatively as if he was trying to decide what her reason was for escaping; he too had a painful past and plenty of reasons for needing a breather.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I love them all dearly, but sometimes the stories and the closeness just bring up memories that I’m not ready to face or deal with.” Josie was grateful for Kyle’s presence and his ability to understand her need to be hiding from the rest of the family for a little while; she wondered what part of the story had brought up his bad memories. Although, as she had watched him recently, she got the feeling that he was lost in his bad memories all the time. She herself had a plethora of crappiness to deal with, but she was able to have some good days here and there. Kyle seemed to be swimming in loss and sadness all the time. Oh, he smiled and spoke pleasantly, but the smiles and pleasantness never quite reached his eyes. He was there physically, but he was empty in all other aspects; he wasn’t really living. In her own way, Josie could completely understand what he was feeling; although she had a bad feeling that his emptiness was much more heart-wrenching than her own.

  In an attempt to leave the heaviness of the situation, Josie looked more closely at Kyle’s tattoos. “I love your tattoos. You’re a tattoo artist, right? Did you do your own?” He took the bait to leave the memories behind for a while.

  “Yeah, I’m a tattoo artist. I designed all of mine, but I’ve only actually inked two of my own, the rest of them were actually completed by my buddies at the shop. The ones I did myself are great designs but total crap on my skin because I did them myself at about seventeen-years-old, and I had no clue what I was doing. Luckily, both are in places that not many people see. What about you? I get the feeling you’re a tattoo type of girl; you got any ink?” Kyle sat a couple steps down and looked up at her.

  In the glow of the porch light, Josie took in the perfection that was Kyle Martin. Glossy brown hair, warm dark chocolate brown eyes, various piercings that he seemed to take out and put in as the mood hit him, and gorgeous ink covering his skin; she could see his arms and hands and neck and he definitely had ink on his hands and arms. Her mind briefly wondered where else the vibrant colors were located on his body. Pulling herself from this inappropriate and totally-unlike-her thought, she smiled and shook her head. “Oh no, no ink for me. I’ve always thought tattoos were beautiful, but I’m not sure I could ever get one.” In truth, she wanted one or two or more tattoos very badly, but it just wasn’t proper and Josie had never done anything if it wasn’t deemed proper.

  “Hmmm, really? I see you with a couple little ones; maybe on an ankle or wrist and something big across your back and shoulders. All of them would have meaning to you; you just seem very artistic, and creative and I thought for sure you’d have some ink. If you ever decide you want some, you know where to find me.” Kyle spoke in a velvety smooth voice and seemed genuine, but Josie still felt like he wasn’t really there with her; his thoughts were, as always, somewhere else.

  “So, how is living with Audrey and Jeremiah going? If you’re like me, you greatly appreciate their hospitality, but you’re sort of wondering about getting your own place. That’s how I feel about living with Uncle Robert. He’s been unbelievably kind, but I’m feeling like I’m ready to stand on my own two feet. I’ve started looking for apartments but I haven’t found anything I really like yet.” Josie had been contemplating putting an ad up at The Center to seek a roommate, but she was leery of bringing a stranger into her life. She mentioned this to Kyle.

  Kyle laughed. “I totally feel ya. Jeremiah and Audrey and the kids are great, but I really want to find a place of my own. I’m seriously considering opening up a shop here in Torey Hope since the closest tattoo parlor is the next town over; I think I’d get plenty of business. But, in order to do that, I’d first like to have my own place. Maybe you and I should be roomies.” They both laughed at the joke and stood when Robert came out the backdoor.

  “Hey, Jo, you ready to head home?” Robert looked curiously between his niece and Kyle.

  “Sure, Uncle Robert, Kyle and I both just needed a breath of fresh air. We better get going because we’ll be back here for the party all-too-soon. Speaking of party, I hear a certain baker may be attending the event. Do you know who may have invited her, Uncle Robert?” Josie spoke coyly as she teased her uncle. She had grown closer to this man in the short time she’d been here than she’d felt to her father in her entire life.

  “Well, now Jo, I’d reckon that pretty baker is coming because I invited her. You don’t think I love donuts so much that I’d go there every single day if I wasn’t a little bit sweet on the woman making them, do you?” Robert spoke with a smile. It was good to see him interested in someone.


  Kyle noticed the spark in Robert Decker’s eyes and the life in his voice; would he ever get that back? No, his past had crushed him to the point of barely breathing. He would keep attempting to breathe, but he would never live again; he couldn’t love or move on or thrive, he would breathe and survive, but to actually live? Love? No, he didn’t see a time when that would ever happen again.

  Chapter 9

  Robert Decker waited by the door like a 15-year-old kid, checking the window every so often, hoping that Janie would come to the party. He had stopped by the bakery this morning, not expecting her to be open and found her baking up a storm. She had promised she would be at the party, and she was bringing him a treat. He told her to come a little early because she was more like family since she knew both him and Audrey. He paced as he kept an eye on his watch. The party started in a half an hour; he really hoped she would show up soon.

  “Captain, my blower stopped blowing.” Kendrick came running up to him showing him the party favor that Nicky had provided for all of the children. Within minutes of all of the kids running around blowing the horns, Nicky had realized his gift had been a mistake.

  “I didn’t know they’d be so loud,” Nicky sheepishly told Carly as she winced from the seven horns blowing all at once.

  “Well, let’s take a look at it, Kendrick my man.” Robert, glad for the distraction, knelt down to inspect the horn. He had to smother a smile; the horn had been dismantled and had no chance of blowing ever again. “Well, buddy, I think the horn is done blowing for now. That’s probably for the best. We’ll have guests here soon and not everyone loves a blowing horn the way you and your cousins do.” Robert looked up to see Nate smirking as Kendrick ran off to inform his cousins of his horn’s plight.

  “I secretly dismantled all seven horns while the kids weren’t looking.” Nate grinned and held up the pieces from all seven horns. “I know Nicky meant well, and the kids loved the horns, but we just can’t have that much noise once all of the guests arrive. I thought Audrey was going to have a conniption.”

  Robert clapped him on the back, “Good work, Nate. I knew you were smart and handy to have around.” Nate laughed and headed off to find his wife who he was sure needed to be kissed before guests arrived.

  A knock at the door instantly caught Robert’s attention and made his heart thump harder in his chest. Glancing out the window he saw Janie and his breath caught; she looked beautiful with her flushed cheeks and festive sweater. Opening the door, he was met with her gorgeous smile and he offered one in return. “Janie, I’m so glad you made it. Here let me help you with your basket. You look beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek and thought that his pulse was much too fast.

  “Oh, thank you; careful, the basket is heavy. Thank you so much, you look won
derful yourself.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek in return.

  Libby and Audrey watched this whole exchange from the kitchen and giggled at the preciousness of two grown people flirting. Audrey fake coughed into her hand and mumbled out, quite loudly, “Mistletoe.” Robert frowned slightly and gave Audrey “the look” so she backed off. Janie giggled like a school-girl and brazenly said, “Well, Robert, it appears that your girls would like to see us kiss under the mistletoe. It is a holiday party and mistletoe kissing is a tradition; maybe we should give them what they want?” Janie was obviously shocked at the words that came from her mouth as her eyes widened with each word she spoke, but Robert took hold of her elbow and steered her towards the doorway where the mistletoe was hung.

  “Janie, I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first day I walked into your bakery. That was quite a while ago, and I know it’s taken me a long time to make a move; I feel like I’m finally ready to move on, I’m in a good place, and I’d like to ask you to move on with me.” He waited for her to speak.

  “Robert, I’ve wanted you to kiss me since the first day you walked into my bakery. I wanted you to move quicker, but I’m glad you didn’t because it gave us time to get to know each other and become friends. I’ve felt ready to move on for a while now; I’ve just been waiting on the right person to move on with. I’d very much like to move on with you.” Janie lifted her eyes to meet his as his mouth lowered to hers.

  This kiss held pain and loss and uncertainty from the past, but it also held promise of hope and happiness and love in the future. As the kiss started to heat up, tiny giggles were heard and the spell was broken. They looked around to see the four boys tittering like little birds and most of the adults watching with smiles on their faces. Audrey and Libby had tears in their eyes and held onto each other as they watched their dad take this next big step in his life; both girls mouthed, “I love you” to him. Janie and Robert laughed at their audience and pulled apart slightly.

  The crowd dispersed with promised whispers from husbands to wives about finding that mistletoe later. Janie excitedly spoke, “Oh! I brought you a treat! I made five butterscotch pies; four for the party and one all for you.” She watched as Robert’s face fell and quickly recovered.

  “Wow, a whole butterscotch pie just for me? You shouldn’t have.” Robert kissed her quickly and tried to change the subject; butterscotch was probably his least favorite pie in the world.

  “Let me guess, you think you don’t like butterscotch pie?” Janie spoke in a voice that sounded like she had predicted this would be his reaction.

  “Well, to be honest, butterscotch is my least favorite. Lois made it a couple times and I just couldn’t stomach it; I’m not a fan of butterscotch pudding.” Robert awkwardly spoke of his dislike of the exact pie she had brought him.

  “Well, today is your lucky day. After one bite of this butterscotch pie you will have a new favorite and you’ll be begging me to make it for you all the time. The secret is homemade butterscotch; most people make the mistake of using that nasty boxed mix of butterscotch pudding, but you’ve got to make it from scratch. Promise me you’ll at least try one bite?” Janie leaned in closer to him and spoke softly in his ear. At that moment, he would have done anything she asked of him.

  “Right now, I think I’d eat the entire damn pie if you wanted me to.” He smiled at her and nuzzled her neck. Maybe it was the festive holiday atmosphere, or the fact that they’d both been alone for so long, or the fact that they had become friends these past several months, but they both noticed how natural it felt to be with each other.

  “Let’s head to the kitchen and get you a slice of pie.” She smiled and let him carry the pie basket; the contraption could fit five pies, but it was awkward to carry.

  Knowing they had about fifteen minutes before the guests began to arrive; Janie placed the four party pies on the counter and sliced a piece from the fifth pie for Robert. “Here, try this. You don’t have to act like you love it, but I really think you will.” Janie handed him a fork.

  He had to admit that the color and aroma of this pie was already better than the fake orange color and sickening smell of the one butterscotch pudding pie he’d ever tasted. Not wanting to disappoint her, he smiled at Janie and took a tentative bite.

  It was heaven in his mouth. He’d never tasted something so delicious. He chuckled and took another bite. “Well, you just solidified your place in my life, at least as my personal pie maker.” She swatted at him and he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down onto his lap. “This is the best pie I’ve ever had. It’s my new favorite pie and you’re my new favorite girl.” Leaning into her, his mouth brushed against hers and then disappeared to take another bite of pie. “Sorry, this pie is seriously damn good.” She laughed as he chewed his bite, but her laughter died when his mouth claimed hers in a hot, sweet kiss that made her toes curl. She was so very glad she accepted the invite to this party.


  The party had been a smashing success. The biggest part of the clean-up was complete and the families were preparing to get home so the children could be in bed for Santa to come visit. A movie was on TV that the children wanted to finish so the parents agreed to stay just a bit longer.

  Carly was leaving the restroom when Nicky grabbed her gently from behind and maneuvered her back into the small bathroom. “I missed you and I needed to kiss you. Let’s let Zach sleep up here tonight and we can be alone once Santa comes.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her mouth. She squirmed and wiggled against him.

  “I think that sounds like a great plan, Nicky. Let’s make sure your parents are ok with Zach sleeping up here. Then we’ll get all of the Santa stuff for him laid out downstairs and we can spend the rest of the evening bringing Christmas in together. But, before everyone leaves, I want to share something with them.” Carly leaned into Nicky’s kiss and her body grew warm with promises of what the night held.

  Gathering all of the family in the living room once the movie credits were rolling, Carly held Nicky’s hand. “Zach, buddy, do you want to help me with our surprise?” She allowed their son to stand up in front of the group; he was very proud of his part to play in this announcement.

  “Mommy and Daddy are going to give me a baby brother or baby sister sometime this summer!” Nicky watched his son and smiled at the boy’s antics; realization dawned on him as he replayed the words in his head and a broad smile formed on his face.

  “We’re having another baby? But we just stopped using condoms a couple weeks ago, how did we make a baby so quickly?” Nicky, forgetting that the children possibly didn’t need details, asked in surprise and disbelief.

  “Well, I’m not 100% sure of how far along I am, so I’m not exactly sure when it happened.” Carly blushed and leaned in to Nicky’s embrace.

  “The box says they are only 85% effective and I know that means they don’t work all of the time. Maybe it happened that one time….” Nicky stopped when Nate spoke.

  “Whoa, Nick, let’s leave that conversation for a more private time. Congrats to both of you! We’re all very happy for you. Hey, Zachery, congrats buddy, you’re going to be a great big brother.” Nate spared all of them an awkward moment by interrupting his brother’s musings.

  Hugs and congratulations were shared all around before the families headed home. Laughter followed them out the door when they heard Nicky exclaim, “I thought we were going to try to make a baby tonight. Can we still try even though we already made one?” Carly shushed him and led him upstairs to tuck Zach into Nate’s old bed for the night.

  No one else heard her whisper, “Yes, Nicky, we can try all night long if you’d like.” This brought a smile to Nicky’s face and he leaned in to kiss his beautiful wife.


  Josie and Kyle, not having children to load up, stayed a bit longer to help John and Cindy finish the clean-up. Robert had bowed out earlier to follow Janie home, “Just to make sure she gets there safely.” No one had
believed that excuse for second; they all knew he and Janie wanted some time alone in this very new relationship. Before leaving, Robert had asked Kyle if he could make sure Josie got home okay.

  “Sure thing, Captain. Josie and I will stay and help with the last of the clean-up since we don’t have Santa to prepare for; I’ll get her home safely when we’re done here.” Kyle shook Robert’s hand and clapped him on the shoulder, admitting to himself he was slightly envious of the man’s obvious excitement over the woman he had in his life and this next step they were taking with dating.

  The dishes were washed, dried, and put away. All of the trash had been gathered. Chairs and tables were folded up and stored away. The only things that still needed taken down were the decorations and Cindy wanted to wait until after Christmas to do those.

  “Thank you both so much for staying to help. I know the others needed to get the kids home and in bed so Santa could do his thing, but I really appreciated the help from both of you. Will we see you tomorrow afternoon for Christmas dinner? I know Judy and Jack are planning on you both being there.” Cindy hugged them both, as if they’d been part of the whole family for years rather than just days and weeks.

  “Audrey insists that I come to dinner tomorrow even though I’m not even family.” Kyle smirked at the thought of telling Audrey no.

  Cindy laughed, “Well, then, I know you’ll be there since there’s no telling Audrey no.” She turned her questioning gaze towards Josie.

  “Yes, I’ll be there. Uncle Robert insists. Although, I’ll feel a bit like a third wheel because I’m pretty sure he’ll have Janie with him if he has his way.” Josie smiled; obviously pleased with the Captain’s dating status.


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