The Long War 01 - The Black Guard

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The Long War 01 - The Black Guard Page 59

by A. J. Smith

  From ‘The Chronicles of the Seas’, vol. IV, by Father Wessel

  Ice Fang, lore-master of Kalall’s Deep


  And it shall be as a priest when awake and it shall be as an altar when torpid, and it shall consume and terrify, and it shall follow none save its father, the Black God of the Forest with a Thousand Young. The priest and the altar. The priest and the altar.

  From ‘Ar Kral Desh Jek’ (author unknown)


  The forest-dwellers of the lands of men are many things. To the Ro, arrogant in their superiority, they are risen men – painted as undead monsters and hunted by crusaders of the Black church. To the Ranen, fascinated by youthful tales of monsters, they are otherworldly and terrifying, a remnant of the Giant age. To the Karesians, proud and inflexible, they are an enemy to be vanquished – warriors with stealth and blade.

  But to the Kirin, to those of us who live alongside them, they are beautiful and ancient, deserving of respect and loyalty.

  The song of the Dokkalfar travels a great distance in the wild forests of Oslan and more than one Kirin youth has spent hours sitting against a tree merely listening to the mournful songs of their neighbours.

  They were here before us and will remain long after we have destroyed ourselves.

  From ‘Sights and Sounds of Oslan’ by Vham Dusani, Kirin scholar


  To the east, beyond the plains of Leith, is the ruined land. Men have come to call it the Wastes of Jekka or the Cannibal Lands, for those tribes that dwell there are fond of human flesh.

  However, those of us who study such things have discovered disturbing knowledge that paints these beings as more than simple beasts.

  In the chronicles of Deep Time – in whatever form they yet exist – this cleric has discovered several references to the Great Race, references that do not speak of cannibalism but of chaos and empires to rival man, built on the bones of vanquished enemies and maintained through sacrifice and bizarre sexual rituals. They were proud, arrogant and utterly amoral, believing completely in their most immediate whims and nothing more.

  Whatever the Great Race of Jekka might once have been, they are now a shadow and a myth, bearing no resemblance to the fanged hunters infrequently encountered by man.

  From ‘A Treatise on the Unknown’ by Yacob of Leith,

  Blue cleric of the One God



  The house of Canarn – descended from Lord Bullvy of Canarn

  Hector of Canarn – Duke of Ro Canarn – deceased

  Bromvy Black Guard of Canarn (Brom) – errant lord and son of Duke Hector

  Bronwyn of Canarn – daughter of Duke Hector, twin sister to Bromvy

  Haake of Canarn – Duke Hector’s household guard

  The house of Tiris – descended from High King Dashell Tiris

  Sebastian Tiris – scion of the house of Tiris and king of Tor Funweir

  Lady Alexandra – wife of King Sabastian

  Bartholomew Tiris – the king’s father – deceased

  Christophe Tiris – son to King Sebastian, prince of Tor Funweir – deceased

  Clerics of the One God

  Mobius of the Falls of Arnon – Cardinal of the Purple

  Severen of Voy – Cardinal of the Purple

  Brother Jakan of Tiris – Purple cleric of the sword, protector to King Sebastian Tiris

  Brother Torian of Arnon – Purple cleric of the quest – deceased

  Animustus of Voy – Gold cleric

  Brother Lanry – Brown cleric, confessor to Duke Hector

  Brother Utha the Ghost – Black cleric and old-blood of the Shadow Giants

  Brother Roderick of the Falls of Arnon – Black cleric

  Knights and nobles

  Mortimer Rillion – Knight Commander of the Red army – deceased

  Nathan of Du Ban – Knight Captain of the Red, adjutant to Knight Commander Rillion – deceased

  Rashabald of Haran – executioner and knight of the Red – deceased

  William of Verellian – Knight Captain of the Red

  Fallon of Leith – Knight Lieutenant of the Red and the army’s finest swordsman, adjutant to Knight Captain Verellian

  Tristram of Hunter’s Cross – Knight Commander of the Red

  Hallam Pevain – mercenary knight

  Castus of Weir – bound man and gaoler – deceased

  Leon Great Claw – a knight, first master to Randall of Darkwald – deceased

  Lyam of Weir – Duke of Ro Weir

  Common folk

  Bracha – old knight sergeant

  Callis – sergeant in the Red army

  Clement of Chase – watch sergeant of Ro Tiris

  Elyot of the Tor – watchman of Ro Tiris

  Fulton of Canarn – tavern keeper

  Kale Glenwood (formerly Glen Ward) – forger, resident in Ro Tiris

  Lorkesh – guardsman

  Lux – watch sergeant of Ro Tiris

  Lyssa – child in the Brown chapel

  Mott – a bandit

  Randall of Darkwald – squire to, in succession: Sir Leon Great Claw, Brother Torian of Arnon, and Brother Utha the Ghost

  Robin of Tiris – watchmen of Ro Tiris

  Rodgar – child in the Brown chapel

  Tobin of Cozz – blacksmith and fixer


  The Ranen of Fjorlan

  The high lords of Fjorlan have, since the first, sought to keep their names alive through their children. Those of minor houses are afforded no such honour and many deliberately strike their father’s name due to dishonourable actions.

  The house of Teardrop – named for Alguin Teardrop, the first high thain of Fjorlan.

  Ragnar Teardrop Larsson – father to Magnus Forkbeard Ragnarsson and Algenon Teardrop Ragnarsson – deceased

  Magnus Forkbeard Ragnarsson – younger brother to Algenon Teardrop Ragnarsson, priest of the Order of the Hammer, friend to Lord Bromvy – deceased

  Algenon Teardrop Ragnarsson – high thain of Ranen, elder brother to Magnus Forkbeard Ragnarsson – deceased

  Ingrid Teardrop Algedottir – daughter to Algenon Teardrop Ragnarsson

  Alahan Teardrop Algesson – son to Algenon Teardrop Ragnarsson

  Wulfrick the Enraged – axe-master of Fredericksand

  Thorfin Axe Hailer – lore-master of Fredericksand

  Samson the Liar – old-blood of the Ice Giants

  The house of Summer Wolf – an ancient and respected house, named for Kalall Summer Wolf

  Aleph Summer Wolf Kallsson – thain of Tiergarten – deceased

  Halla Summer Wolf Alephsdottir – daughter to Aleph Summer Wolf, axe-maiden

  Borrin Iron Beard – axe-master of Tiergarten – deceased

  The house of Ursa – A new house with no honourable lineage, they name as they see fit

  Rulag Ursa Bear Tamer – thain of Jarvik, father to Kalag Ursa

  Rodgar – child in the Brown chapel

  Kalag Ursa Rulagsson – lordling of Jarvik

  Lyssa – child in the Brown chapel

  Jalek Blood – axe-master of Jarvik

  Survivors of the dragon fleet

  Rexel Falling Cloud – axe-master of Hammerfall

  Oleff Hard Head – chain-master of Fredericksand

  The Ranen of the south lands

  The Free Companies are common folk who earn their honour names and have never sought nobility or family names.

  Wraith Company – protectors of the Grass Sea

  Horrock Green Blade – captain of Wraith Company, commander of Ro Hail

  Haffen Red Face – axe-master of Ro Hail

  Freya Cold Eyes – wise-woman of Ro Hail

  Micah Stone Dog – young axe-man of Ro Hail

  Darron Moon Eye – priest – deceased

  Johan Long Shadow – commander at South Warden


  The Seven Sisters – enchantresses, formerly of Jaa, now of Shub-Nillurath

  Saara the Mistress of Pain – leader of the order of the Seven Sisters, bears no mark

  Ameira the Lady of Spiders – a Seven Sister, marked with the sign of a spider’s web – deceased

  Katja the Hand of Despair – a Seven Sister, marked with the sign of a howling wolf

  Sasha the Illusionist – a Seven Sister, marked with the sign of a flowering rose

  Lillian the Lady of Death – a Seven Sister, marked with the sign of a hand

  Shilpa the Shadow of Lies – a Seven Sister, marked with the sign of birds in flight

  Isabel the Seductress – a Seven Sister, marked with the sign of a coiled snake

  The Wind Claws – men who give their life to Jaa

  Dalian Thief Taker – greatest of the wind claws

  Larix the Traveller – a wind claw – deceased

  The Hounds – criminals serving as the Karesian army

  Izra Sabal – whip-mistress of the Hounds

  Turve Ramhe – whip-master of the Hounds

  Common folk

  Al-Hasim, prince of the wastes – exile and thief, friend to the house of Canarn

  Emaniz Kabrizzi – book dealer of Ro Weir

  Jenner of Rikara – Karesian smuggler, brother to Kohli

  Kohli of Rikara – Karesian smuggler, brother to Jenner

  Voon of Rikara – exemplar of Jaa, missing somewhere in Karesia


  Kirin – a mongrel race, neither Ro nor Karesian

  Rham Jas Rami – assassin, dark-blood and friend to Bromvy, Black Guard of Canarn

  Zeldantor – son to Rham Jas Rami, slave to Saara the Mistress of Pain

  The Dokkalfar – an ancient race of non-human forest-dwellers.

  Tyr Nanon the Shape Taker – warrior of the Heart

  Tyr Rafn – warrior of the Heart – deceased

  Tyr Sigurd – warrior of the Heart

  Tyr Vasir – a forest-dweller held captive by the men of Ro

  Vithar Joror – shaman of the Heart

  Vithar Jofn – shaman of the Heart


  I would like to thank the following people for more help, support and love than can be adequately expressed. You all contributed to this and I really hope you enjoy it.

  Simon Hall, Mark Allen, Tony Carew, Martin Cubberley, Carrie Hall, Benjamin Hesford, Marcus Holland, Paolo Trepiccione, Alex Wallis, Karl Wustrau and my mum (who thinks the swearing a little unnecessary, but read the first three chapters anyway).


  The city of Ro Canarn burns. With their father’s blood fresh upon the headsman’s sword, Lord Bromvy and Lady Bronwyn, the last scions of the house of Canarn, face fugitive exile or death. By royal decree, their noble line is now reviled, named Black Guard, and struck from past and future histories throughout the lands of Ro.

  In the court of Ro Tiris, men fear to speak their minds. The Army of the Red is marching upon the North. Those who oppose its advance risk the bloody fate of house Canarn, for strange accidents befall those who dare question the King’s new advisors… Those foolish enough to speak their names call them the Seven Sisters: witches of the fire god; each as beautiful and as dangerous as a flame.

  And, called from the long ages of deep time by war and sacrifice, the children of a dead god are waking with a pitiless cry—

  All that was dead will rise.

  All that now lives will fall…


  A. J. SMITH has been devising the worlds, histories and characters of the Long War chronicles for more than a decade. He was born in Birmingham and works in secondary education.


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  Dedicated to great storytelling

  First published in the UK in 2013 by Head of Zeus Ltd

  Copyright © A. J. Smith, 2013

  The moral right of A. J. Smith to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN (E) 9781781853825

  ISBN (HB) 9781781855621

  ISBN (XTPB) 9781781855638

  Typeset by Ben Cracknell Studios

  Printed in Germany

  Head of Zeus Ltd

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