The Butler's Child

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The Butler's Child Page 36

by Lewis M. Steel

  Bell, Derrick A.

  Bellman, Richard

  Bello, Alfred

  Bell v. School City of Gary, Indiana

  Berrigan, Daniel

  Birmingham, Ala., 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

  Black Liberation Army

  “Black Lives Matter”

  Black Panthers

  Black Power

  Blood Brothers

  Bloomberg, Michael

  Bluefield State College case

  Bowers, Sam

  Bradley, Arthur

  Bricker, Daniel

  Bridgehampton, N.Y.

  Broderick, Vincent

  Brookhaven, N.Y.

  Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation

  Brown, Claude, book by

  Brown, H. Rap

  Brown, Raymond

  Brown v. Board of Education; Brown II

  Broyard, Anatole

  Budd, Frank

  Busch, Ronald

  Byrne, Brendan

  “the Canadians”

  Carmichael, Stokely

  Carter, David

  Carter, Gloria

  Carter, John

  Carter, Robert L.: author’s friend; author’s mentor; death of; as litigator; NAACP general counsel; politics; race feelings; resigns from NAACP

  Carter, Rubin “Hurricane”; book by

  Carter-Artis Task Force

  Caruso, Richard

  Carver, George Washington

  Cassidy, Harold

  Catholics and Catholicism

  Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)

  Central Park, New York City

  Chaney, James

  Charter for a Pledge of Conscience

  Chavez, Cesar

  Chavis, Patrick

  Chenault, Kenneth

  Chicago, Ill.

  Chin, Denny


  Cincinnati, Ohio, school case

  Civil Rights Act (1964)

  Civil War, American

  Clark, Kenneth

  Clark, Marcia

  Clark, Miriam

  Clark, Robert

  Cleveland, Ohio, school case

  Clifford, Robert

  Clinton, Bill

  Coates, Robert

  Cochran, Johnnie

  Cohn, Roy

  Conforti, Frank

  Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  Conliffe, Calvin

  Connor, Bull

  Constitution, U.S.

  The Consul (Menotti)

  Coplon, Judith

  Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association

  Craggett, Charles

  Craggett v. Board of Education of Cleveland City

  Crail Farm, N.C.

  Crist, Robert

  Culver Military Academy

  Cunningham, William

  Current, Gloster

  Daley, Richard J.

  Dallas, Texas

  Darden, Christopher

  Darrow, Clarence

  The David Frost Show

  Davidson, Irwin

  Davis, Ossie

  Davis, William J.

  Day, Doris

  De Blasio, Bill

  Dee, Ruby

  De La Beckwith, Byron

  Democratic Party; National Convention (1968)

  DeSimone, Vincent

  Dewart, Janet (Bell)

  Diallo, Amadou

  Dinkins, David

  DiRobbio, Emil

  diSuvero, Henry “Hank”

  diSuvero Meyers Oberman & Steel

  Donato, Frank M.

  Donghi, Dionne

  Douglas, Melvyn

  Douglass, Frederick

  Downs v. Board of Education of Kansas City

  Draper, Robert

  Dred Scott decision

  DuBois, W. E. B.

  Duffy, Erin

  Duffy, Grandpa

  Duffy, Jim

  Duffy, Jimmy (son of Jim Duffy)

  Duffy, Mary Muldoon

  Duffy family

  Dunne, John

  Dupuy, Trevor N.

  Durante, Jimmy

  Dylan, Bob

  East Harlem, New York City

  Eisner, Gene

  Eisner Levy Steel & Bellman

  Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  Ethical Culture School, New York City

  Ethridge, William

  Ethridge v. Rhodes

  Evers, Medgar

  Eyre, John

  Eyre, Susan

  Fair Housing Act (1968)

  Faraday Wood project


  Febles, Michael

  Federal Aviation Administration

  Feeney, Father

  Fink, Liz

  First Amendment

  First Spanish Methodist Church, New York City

  Fisher, Elizabeth


  Fogel, Jeff

  Forest Hills, Queens, New York City

  Fort Sam Houston

  Fourteenth Amendment

  Franklin, Anne

  Freedom House, New York City

  Freidus, Bunny

  Friedman, Leon

  Frost, David

  Fuhrman, Mark

  Fuld, Stanley

  Futtrell, Altheia

  Gallina, Gino

  Gardner, John

  Garvey, Marcus

  Garwick, J. Parker

  Gary, Ind.

  Gaynor, Lloyd

  Gaynor v. Rockefeller

  Giardello, Joey

  Gienow, Alfred

  Giuliani, Rudy

  Glasser, I. Leo

  Glen, Jeffrey

  Goceljak, John

  Gonzales, Juan

  Goodman, Andrew

  Grant, Robert A.

  Grathwohl, Larry

  Graves, Ed

  Grayson, Jacqueline

  Greenberg, Jack

  Greener, Richard Theodore

  Green Haven Correctional Facility

  Greenwich Village, New York City

  Gretchen, Oberman

  Grosberg, Larry

  Gross, Milton

  Gubitchev, Valentin

  Guzmán, Pablo

  Gwathmey, Charles

  Gwathmey, Robert and Rosalie

  Hall, Nason, Jr.

  Hampshire House, New York City

  Hanson, Janet

  Harlem, New York City

  Harlem Four/Six

  Harrelson, Leonard

  Harriet, Aunt

  Hart, Lorenz

  Hartford, Conn., demonstration case

  Harvard Crimson

  Harvard Opera Guild

  Harvard University

  Hawkins, Eldridge

  Helaine (cousin)

  Hesburgh, Theodore

  Hill, Herbert

  Hirsch, James

  Hoekja, Barbara

  Hoffman, Abbie

  Hogan, Frank

  Hoiles, William

  Holder, Cale

  Holiday, Billie

  Holloway, Roy


  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Housing Help, Inc. (HHI)

  Houston, Charles

  Humphrey, Hubert

  Humphreys, Burrell Ives

  Hunter v. Erickson

  Huntington, N.Y., housing case

  The Hurricane (movie)

  Hutcherson, Princene

  “I can’t breathe” incident

  “I Have a Dream” speech


  Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)

  Interreligious Coalition on Housing

  IS 201, New York City

  Ito, Lance

  Jackson, George

  Jacksonville, FL

  Janklow, Morton

  Javits, Jacob

  The Jazz Singer

  Jews; religious upbringing See also anti-Semitism

  Jim Crow Laws

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Robert

  Jolson, Al

  Jones, Clarence

  Jones, Nathaniel

  Jones, Rayford

  Julien, Alfred

  Kalbfleisch, Girard

  Kansas City, Mo., school case

  Kaplan, Kivie

  Karpatkin, Rhoda

  Katz, Sandy

  Kaufman, Irving

  Kaufman, Mary

  Kaye, Judith

  Kayne, Martin

  Kelley, Carolyn

  Kennedy, Anthony

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Robert F.; assassination

  King, Coretta Scott

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.; assassination

  Kinneary, Joseph

  Kleinman, Gussie

  Kline, Adam

  Klunder, Bruce W.

  Koch, Ed

  Kokomo, Ind., school case

  Kovner, Victor

  Kroll, Michael

  Kuh, Richard H.

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kunstler, William

  Kupferman, Theodore

  Lagville, Susan

  Lang, Irving

  Larner, Samuel

  Law Review (Harvard)

  Leeds, Al (Uncle Al)

  Leeds, Ruth (daughter of Moe and Esther Levy)

  Legal Aid Society

  Lenefsky, Selig

  Leopizzi, Bruno

  LeRoy, Linda (Janklow)

  LeRoy, Warner

  Levinson, Hal

  Levy, Bessie (grandmother)

  Levy, Dee

  Levy, Esther

  Levy, Moe

  Levy, Ralph

  Levy, Richard

  Levy family

  Liberal Party

  Linden Elementary School, South Bend

  Lindsay, John

  Litwack, Leon

  Logan, Adele

  Lois, George

  Long, Huey

  Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)


  Luciano, Felipe

  Lynn, Conrad

  Malcolm X

  Mancusi, Vincent

  Marchese, William

  March on Washington (1963)

  Marcus, Maria

  Marmo, Ronald

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Martin, Lesra

  Martin, Trayvon

  Marx, Karl

  Mason-Dixon line

  Matasar, Richard

  Maxwell’s Plum

  Maynard, Tony

  Maynard, Valerie

  Maynard, William Anthony, Sr.

  McCall, Mitzi

  McCarthy, Eugene

  McConnell, David G.

  McKenzie, Joyce

  Melville, Sam

  Menotti, Gian Carlo

  Meyers, Daniel

  Meyers, Sam

  Meyerson, James

  Miami Beach, Fla.

  Miazad, Ossai

  Mingus, Charlie

  Mirisch, Harold

  Mirisch, Lottie

  Mishler, Jacob


  Mississippi Summer Project

  Mobilization for Legal Services

  Montgomery Bus Boycott

  Moon, Henry

  Morris, Barbara

  Morsell, John

  Mount Laurel, N.J.

  the Movement

  Muldoon, Dolores

  Muldoon, Irene (mother-in-law)

  Muldoon, Jack (father-in-law)

  Muldoon, Johnny (baby)

  Muldoon, Kitty (wife)

  Muldoon, Mary

  Muldoon-Duffy family

  Muldrow, Norris

  Murphy, Chief Judge

  Murray, Joseph

  Myers, John

  Myrdal, Gunnar

  NAACP v. Alabama

  NAACP v. Button

  National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF)

  National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing (NCDH)

  National Jury Project

  National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

  National Lawyers Guild (NLG)

  Needleman, Marty

  Neufeld, Peter

  Newark, N.J., riots

  Newhouse, Ross

  New Jersey; Department of Corrections; Supreme Court

  Newman, Jon

  New Orleans, La.

  New York (state): Commission for Human Rights; Court of Appeals; Department of Corrections; Division of Housing and Community Renewal

  New York City: in the 1970s and 80s; community control of schools; Fire Department; Housing and Development Agency (HDA); Office of the Corporation Counsel; Parks and Recreation Department; public vs. private schools in; suit against

  New York Law School

  New York Post

  New York Times

  New York Times Magazine

  Nickerson, Eugene


  Nixon, Richard

  Norman, Jessye

  the North and Northerners

  Northern campaign (of NAACP)

  Oakes, James

  Obama, Barack

  Oberman, Gretchen

  Ocean Hill-Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City

  Ochs, Phil

  O’Fray, Father

  Ohio, Civil Rights Commission

  Ohio State University building trades case

  Orangeburg Massacre

  Oswald, Russell B.

  Outten, Wayne

  Outten & Golden (O&G)

  Overstreet v. NAACP

  Parks, Rosa

  Parsons, Richard

  Pashman, Morris

  Passaic County, N.J.

  Patchogue, N.Y.

  Paterson, N.J.

  Patton, Stacey

  Paul VI, Pope

  Peck, John W.

  Peratis, Kathleen

  Perez, Leander

  Perkins, William, Jr.

  Peters, Lisa

  Pettigrew, Thomas F.

  Pierce, Wendell

  Pius XII, Pope

  Pixley, Park

  Playboy Club, New York

  Plessy v. Ferguson

  Pollack, Michael

  Pomerantz, Abe B.

  Pomerantz Levy Handel & Block

  Poor People’s Campaign

  Port, Edmund

  Price, Cecil

  Prince Edward county, Virginia School case

  Probst, Joachim

  PS 6, New York City

  Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Educational Fund (PRLDEF)

  Puerto Rico

  Quinn, Giselle

  Quinn, Mary

  Quinn, Michael

  Quinn, Patrick

  Quinn, William

  Quinn family

  Raab, Selwyn

  Rainwater, Lee

  Raleigh News and Observer

  Ralph, Bob

  Raveson, Lou

  Rawls, Ed

  Reid, Herb

  Reif, Jim

  Republican Party

  Rhodes, James A.

  Ripston, Ramona

  Ritz, Susan

  Rivera, Geraldo (Jerry)

  Riverdale, New York City

  Riverdale Country School

  Riverside Press

  Roberts, John, Jr.

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rogovin, John

  Rollings, Cynthia

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel

  Rosenbloom, Slapsy Maxi

  Ross, Ellis

  Rothman, Phillip

  Rotundi, Paul

  Routledge, Ed

  Royster, John

  Rubin, Jerry; book by

  Rutherford, Lorraina; children of (Duby and Sister Baby)

  Rutherford, William “Bill”; death of; as mentor

  Ryder, Rose

  San Quentin Prison

  Sarokin, H. Lee


  Sawyer, Stephen

  Scalia, Antonin

  Scheck, Barry

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.r />
  Schneider, Joanne

  Schreiber, Sidney

  Schwerner, Michael

  Seale, Bobby

  Seigel, S. J.

  Shagaloff, June

  Shanker, Albert

  Shel, Uncle

  Shreve, John

  Siegel, Carl (uncle)

  Siegel, Jonas (grandfather)

  Sills, Beverly

  Simpson, O. J., trial

  Smith, Bessie

  Sokol, Jason

  Somer, Samuel

  the South and Southerners

  South Bend, Ind., school case

  South Carolina State College demonstration case

  Southern Alameda Spanish Speaking Organization (SASSO)

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

  Southside Fair Housing Committee (SFHC)

  Springfield, Mass., school case

  Steel, Arthur (father)

  Steel, Bette-Ann

  Steel, Brian (son)

  Steel, Helene

  Steel, Janine (daughter)

  Steel, John (brother)

  Steel, Kitty. See Muldoon, Kitty

  Steel, Lewis M. (author): childhood; fired from NAACP; hired by NAACP; law practice in New York state; in Medical Service Corps, ROTC; “Nine Men in Black Who Think White” (op-ed on Supreme Court); “N.Y.’s Backward High Court” op-ed; personal life; in Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC); schooling; show-business aspiration; volunteers at NAACP

  Steel, Patrick (son)

  Steel, Ruth (mother)

  Steel Bellman Ritz & Clark

  Steel family

  Stellman, Samuel

  Stern, Henry

  Stern, Herbert

  Stevens, Harold

  Stone, Irving

  Stonom, Jacqueline

  Stoub, Dotty

  Stroup, Robert

  Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

  Styron, William

  Suffolk Housing Service (SHS)

  Sugar, Margit

  Sullivan, Mark


  Supreme Court. See U.S. Supreme Court

  Sutton, Percy

  Swartz, Justin

  Sweeney, George

  Taney, Roger

  Tarpley, Walter

  Thayer, Richard

  Thomas, Clarence

  Tina Deal v. Cincinnati Board of Education

  TriBeCa, New York City

  Truth, Sojourner

  Tucker, William

  UCLA Civil Rights Project

  Union City, Calif.

  United Federation of Teachers (UFT)

  United Freedom Movement (UFM)

  U.S. Census Bureau case

  U.S. Justice Department

  U.S. State Department, Office of the Legal Adviser

  U.S. Supreme Court; author’ op-ed on

  Utsey, Robert, Jr.

  Valentine, Patricia

  Vericker, Carol

  Vidal, Gore

  Vietnam War

  Voting Rights Act (1965)

  Wagner, Robert F.

  Wallace, George

  Ward, Robert

  Warner, Albert “Major” (step-grandfather)

  Warner, Bessie. See Levy, Bessie

  Warner, Harry

  Warner, Jack

  Warner, Jack Junior

  Warner, Rea (Harry Warner’s wife)

  Warner, Sam

  Warner Bros

  Warner family

  War on Poverty

  Warren, Earl

  Washington, Booker T.

  Weather Underground

  Wechsler, James

  Welch, Jerome

  Welsh v. Rhodes

  White, Josh


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