Nawx (Project IzeBorn Book 1)

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Nawx (Project IzeBorn Book 1) Page 2

by Andrew Jones

  Atreyu sat down in front of Nova's cage, hugging his knees and yawning as the time slowly passed. Nova finally looked up. She looked to her left, and then to her right. She noticed that there were a lot of cages, but there were no other prisoners except for herself. She stayed in her current position as she would glance forward at the sleepy Atreyu.

  "Boring job?" Nova asked, speaking as low and quiet as she could.

  "Huh?" Atreyu muttered, being caught off guard from her voice. "Y-Yeah." He replied with hesitation.

  "Where are we?"

  "We're in the village. The Resurrection of Humanity's territory."

  Nova grunted, then scoffed.

  "The Resurrection of Humanity, I see."


  Nova shrugged her shoulders as she fully raised her head and brushed aside her now dry hair.

  "I've heard of them. From what I know of humans, they need something to believe in, in order to have some kind of hope."

  Atreyu looked around to see if Drakkar or Densetsu was around, turning his body toward her completely.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Religion, the building of organizations-... It's a pathetic excuse to draw in more power to an individual."

  He frowned.

  "How could you think that? I guess you really aren't human."

  "I don't know what I am, but I haven't accepted that I'm human or machine."

  She tugged again on the chains, looking back at them and notices them being attached to the wall with great force.

  "These chains hurt."

  "Believe me, I know." He sighed as he looked away from her. "When I first arrived, they had me chained just like that. They believed that I was a machine, too. I kept telling them that I wasn't. So to convince them that I wasn't a machine, I allowed Densetsu to take a sword and make a deep cut on my arm. Enough to expose my bone." He admitted as he looked back at her. "That's how desperate I was for a chance at survival."

  Nova didn't say anything. She glanced down his arm and saw the bandages that covered his arm, also covering his hand like a glove.

  "But that wasn't the reason why they treat me so bad." He continued speaking as he sat back down, facing away from her. "I was stupid enough to let a Machina escape. I let her out of her cage and she ended up killing over half of our population. Because of that, only a handful of people now lives here. Probably the rest of humanity."

  He seemed to have gotten angry, as the more he spoke the more aggressive his voice got. Nova allowed him to keep talking, as he looked down, trying not to look at her.

  "Her name was Blaze, and I got her face, her voice, her movement.. All memorized. When I see her again, I'm going to kill her."

  Nova looked up again, gasping at his sudden rage and thought of killing, glancing at his bandaged fist. She could see the bandage had turned a reddish coloring. And in between the bandages, within the holes from the bandage's linings, blood would drip out.

  "You're bleeding..." She muttered with no emotion in her voice.

  Atreyu grunted as he released the tight grip he had on his wounded hand.

  "Doesn't matter. I'll achieve my goal even if it means killing myself."

  She gasped silently, looking away toward some little children who were passing by them. They looked to have been playing around, perhaps a game of tag. She didn't really know.

  "I'll help you." She whispered, knowing she must have gained his attention. "But only if you help me."

  "Why should I help you? You could be with the Machina."

  "That is true, but I wish to know who I truly am before I could pass on. I think that's fair."

  Atreyu quickly shushed Nova as he spotted Densetsu approaching them from afar. He had his normal look on his face, though it still struck him as intimidating. He chuckled as he stopped just in front of Atreyu, crossing his arms.

  "How many times must we tell you not to talk to the prisoners?" He said, sounding somewhat curious, but it sounded as if he was joking as well.

  "Yeah... S-Sorry." Atreyu hesitated as he spoke.

  Densetsu scoffed as his light-hearted look on his face disappeared, with an angry look replacing it. Quickly, he shoved his hand onto Atreyu's neck and squeezed tight, lifting him onto his feet and shoving him forward into the bars of the cage.

  "You fucking little shit, do you remember what happened last time when you let that bitch escape? She almost killed all of us!" Densetsu yelled into Atreyu's face.

  Atreyu tried to speak, but his face grew as red as a healthy looking apple. He shook rapidly, his hands flying upward as they attempted to take the grip of Densetsu's hands off.

  "Will you just let him go?" Nova asked, frowning at him.

  Densetsu laughed, tossing Atreyu aside onto the ground and glared right at her.

  "Oh. Now the cyborg wants some pounding?" He said as he cracked his knuckles, laughing hysterically.

  "Densetsu, stop. There will be no pounding." Drakkar appeared behind Densetsu.

  Densetsu sighed as he put down his fists, not even looking at Drakkar or Atreyu.

  "I don't know what you've got planned, sir. But from how it's lookin' now, it's gonna be another fuck up of yours."

  "Just shut up, Dense. Pack her up and bring her into the castle." Drakkar spoke with a calm tone in his voice as he turned around and started walking back toward the castle.

  Atreyu inhaled deeply, and quickly. He struggled to stand on his feet before Densetsu kicked him down onto the ground his chest.

  "I'm in charge of the security around here. If I catch you disobeying orders, I'll fucking kill you and this robotic bitch right here. Got it?" Densetsu whispered, but with a really aggressive tone on his voice as he took out his set of keys and unlocked the cage. "Now get up and help me."

  Atreyu fell back onto the dusty ground, coughing from the impacting hit on his chest and from the fog of dust that surrounded him. He sighed as he dusted his torso off and stood up on his feet once again. Densetsu shoved his feet against Nova's stomach to keep her down as he unlocked the chains from the walls, chaining the two iron wristlets on her wrists together like handcuffs. She fell back, coughing as well as Densetsu pulled her up by the chains on her handcuffs and dragged her out the cage toward the castle. Atreyu followed close, watching as Nova laid on the rocky, dusty ground and was being dragged backward by her arms.

  Atreyu had never been inside the castle, despite his growing curiosity as he first arrived at the village. The entrance room was huge, and the ancient looking statues and paintings only complimented how exquisite the royal taste was from the inside. One big painting caught his interest. It appeared to have been a king from long ago. A self-portrait which showed off his glowing crown and his freakily long and puffy beard. It looked aged though like it was salvaged from some ruined land by bandits. He glanced up and saw a chandelier, it was big and it had seven candle lights that gave it a shape. It was hanging by golden, but rusty chains. But the art portrayed on the ceiling looked untouched. It had a bunch of historic designs on it, but the designed seemed to surround this boy. Come to think of it, He did look a lot like Atreyu. But he had long brown hair, instead of Atreyu's dark black hair. His eyes were closed too as if he was put to an eternal sleep. He wielded a blade, the historic blade that was rumored to have been set on its pedestal here in this castle. But it still has not been found.

  Drakkar awaited on the top of the widened, white stairs with the long red carpet covering the middle part of it. As Densetsu lifted Nova up by the chains and forced her to stand on her feet, he nudged her up the stairs, poking her back with one of his assault rifles. Drakkar grinned, he turned around and placed his hand on the doorknob of the gigantic doors, pushing them open. A loud sound came from the opening doors, as the huge room only consisted of a throne chair that seemed like ages to walk. It must've been the king's throne before his own passing.

  Atreyu followed behind all of them, pushing each of the two giant doors shut as he had entered. Drakkar sat on the throne, looking
to have been attempting to get comfortable on the rock hard chair. Densetsu kicked the back of Nova's knees, forcing her to fall to her knees.

  "Kneel before the Lord!" Densetsu shouts as he aimed the barrel of the assault rifle against the back of Nova's head.

  "Ugh... Lord?" She asked as she laid her hands on the floor, looking up at Drakkar as he finally found a comfortable position on the throne.

  "Yes. I'm sure you've heard of The Resurrection of Humanity, correct?" Drakkar asked, keeping his grin alive.

  "I have."

  "Then you must see why we are so strict with how we deal with people, or beings, we meet in the outside world. The Machina have taken out just about all of Humanity, except for us of course. So you must understand why our survival is crucial."

  "Is that a reason you should name yourself a king? Because you created a temporary settlement, and claim to want to save the people of the past world?"

  Drakkar frowned, nodding his head at Densetsu. Densetsu immediately turns his assault rifle around and thrusts the back of the gun against the back of Nova's head, watching her fall over and grunt loudly in pain.

  "You Machina are foolish. Your minds are automatically put to where Humanity is already lost. But what you don't have crammed in that chip in your brain is that I've had a plan to help restore the world for a long time. And so far, it's worked out! Of course, it hasn't even been set into motion yet." Drakkar explained as he stood off his throne and stepped forward toward Nova. "Now, I just need to know where your creator is. Where is Drenawx?"

  Nova's voice shook from the pain, her vision has gone blurry from the impact to her head, same with her hearing. But she could be hearing Drakkar's voice.

  "D-... D-Drakkar?" She asked, coughing as she spoke.

  Drakkar frowned before suddenly screaming as loud as he could. He turned and pushed a table of decorative plants and antiques across the room in a sudden rage. He rushed over to Nova and grabbed her by her chin, raising her face so she could look up at him.

  "You machines are pathetic. How can you not know of your creator!? It's all lies! Tell me where he is, or I'll just have to kill you myself!" Drakkar yells as he pulls out his dagger and pressed the blade against her neck.

  Suddenly a loud explosion was heard outside; the ground shook as loud screaming occurred outside as well. Densetsu looked back at the giant doors, looking surprised.

  "What's going on?" Densetsu asked as he grabbed his other assault rifle from its holster and rushed out the doors toward the noise.

  Drakkar growled angrily, dropping Nova on the floor and standing up.

  "I'll deal with you after this matter. Atreyu, watch after her." He ordered Atreyu as he rushed passed him after Densetsu had rushed out.

  Verse III

  The Dragoona

  Densetsu and Drakkar rushed outside to a bloody mess. Just about everyone they could see from the castle doors was on the ground, torn up into pieces and apparently eaten. The smell of the people's blood polluted the air within the village. The once blue skies had eradicated into a darkness none have seen before. With lightning striking nearby trees. Drakkar gripped his fist so tight as he stared at the massacre with anger.

  A gust of strong wind would hit the two men, their clothes and hair blew along with the winds as they stood their ground strongly. A loud swooping sound appeared above them as a giant being dropped to the ground in front of them.

  "What the hell is this?" Densetsu asks loudly as he stared down the monstrous being that stood in front of them.

  The monster flapped it's big red and yellow winds, roaring into the air as it summoned it's strong winds again.

  "It's a Dragoona," Drakkar answered calmly as he too stared at the Dragoona.

  "What? Their existence was told through hundreds of myths. They've been hidden away from humans and other beings of this world since the beginning of time."

  "The true rulers of this world..."

  The Dragoona looked down at the men, growling as it exhaled black smoke toward them in a fit of rage.

  "Ugh- you, humans, are a pesky bunch, indeed." The Dragoona spoke with a deep and low voice as it stared at the men with disgust.

  "State your business, dragon," Drakkar ordered.

  The Dragoona sniffed the air, laughing almost immediately afterward.

  "You smell of fear, peasant. You think you can order me around? I destroyed your hopeless village, and eaten up all you disgusting humans with no force at all!"

  Densetsu's eyes widened.

  "Why are you here, dragon?" Densetsu asks, sounding more concerned for the situation.

  Nova turned back at Atreyu. She was still on her knees, with her hands firmly on the floor.

  "Why do you let them order you around?" She asked.

  He kept his sight out the window, turning all of his attention onto the destruction that laid upon the land. It was just a few moments ago when the four of them were outside, coming inside. The day seemed so peaceful, but now the clouds have darkened.

  Atreyu gasped as he saw something big fly in the air. It was completely black, but the wings were almost twice the size of the entire castle.

  "It can't be..." Atreyu whispered as he stared in shock.

  "What is it?" Nova asked as she quickly stood up on her feet, rushing to Atreyu's side, just missing the vision of the flying beast.

  Drakkar and Densetsu continued to observe the Dragoona that stood in front of them. But out of nowhere, another Dragoona darted into that Dragoona. The both of the beasts immediately started fighting. Fire, thunder, and ice beams started shooting in all direction as the two men ran into the castle.

  They rushed back into the throne room, exhausted and in disbelief of what they had previously encountered. Drakkar kept his head down and held his hands on his knees as he gasped for air. Densetsu, though, glanced around the room. Left and right. Then left and right again, observing all four corners of the room, looking into the little shadows the tall window's light exposed.

  "Uhm..." Densetsu mumbled as concern again filled his voice.

  He stepped toward the throne chair and looked at it, seeing nothing at all. He heard no breathing or any sort of sounds apart from Drakkar's heavy breathing and his own. As he would take a step, a heavy or light one, he'd take note of the sound of the step. As squeaky as it was, it sounded of a soft tap from his black boots.

  "Dense, where the hell did those two go off to?" Drakkar yelled as he looked around, finally catching his breath. "I thought you'd notice their disappearance, evidently from your positioning of this village."

  "What!?" Densetsu shouted in complete surprise as he looked at Drakkar with a big frown on his face. "I noticed!"

  Drakkar stood by a tall window, watching as the beasts fought up in the air. Their magic often shooting into the village where it would reflect it's power as it showed nothing but destruction.

  "This is a dark day for Humanity. A big step backward." Drakkar said calmly.

  "Humanity? What the hell are you talkin' about? Did you see the amount of destruction that thing did to the village, no sweat at all!? How many humans are there now? You, Atreyu and I? We haven't even gotten to prove whether that woman was a machine or not!" Densetsu yelled at Drakkar as if it was an immediate reflex and he had no second thoughts about yelling at his lord.

  "Hm..." Drakkar hummed as he turned back at Densetsu. "This may not be so bad at all. The Dragoona have been hiding from life since the beginning of time, right?"

  "Uh, yeah. What are you gettin' at?"

  "There has been a reason why they came out of hiding, you dumbass."

  Densetsu scoffed at his insult, like it had no offensive effect on him, "Even if so, our village is fucked. And so is Humanity and our cause."

  "Our cause?" Drakkar asked as he turned back to the window, seeing the Dragoona continue their fighting high up in the air. "Not entirely."

  Drakkar grinned.

  Verse IV

  Harbingers of the Wind

the destruction of the Resurrection of Humanity, Atreyu was able to sneak Nova out of the village without being spotted. He had built a secret passageway directly behind the castle prior to arriving at the village at his first time. It wasn't the best way of getting out of the village, but he felt it was necessary. He didn't entirely trust Drakkar when he first allowed him into the village. Strangely, he remembered it more than any other things. When he'd sit around, he'd think of those events like it was an automatic response.

  The wounded Atreyu dragged his body across the dirt. It seemed as though he'd been pulling himself with his last remaining strength for so long, days in a face. He stopped by a little stream. It represented bliss, just the way the stream motioned its waters along the strip. He stopped himself at the edge of the water and allowed his hands to drop in the water to drink some of it. It felt odd, a sort of staggering pain he had not felt before within his insides. Maybe it was from his intense weakness at his current state.

  He blacked out. He felt himself being carried away, but he could not open his eyes. They were being forcefully closed by an unseen force, a force far stronger than his own. He could feel the person's arm carefully cradling underneath his neck, and the person's other arm keeping his legs steady. He felt as though he was being carried away by the clouds. Was he dying? Were the Gods finally bringing him to the next life?

  He felt a nudge on his shoulder, it was so gentle. But it increasingly grew more forced and hard as time went by. He frowned, this feeling was not familiarized.

  He heard an echoing voice, it was so soft. But it increasingly grew more loud and aggressive as time went by. He gasped, this voice was not familiarized.


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