Scandalous (The Alpha Bodyguard Series)

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Scandalous (The Alpha Bodyguard Series) Page 9

by Sybil Bartel

  Curiosity getting the better of me, I relented. “Ask.”

  “Do you like me?”

  A bite halfway to my mouth, I froze for a fraction of a second. Then I chewed slowly and kept my eyes off her, because it was all part of the game. “You don’t strike me as the insecure type.” I took another bite, not knowing if I should be fucking disappointed in her lack of confidence, or watching her for whatever game she was trying to play me with.

  “This isn’t about insecurity,” she countered.

  Bullshit. She was wondering why I’d said what I’d said. Horny as fuck, bored with talking, I dropped my fork and grasped her nape. Then I put my eyes on her.

  She fucking drank me up like she was starving.

  Deliberately, I picked her fork up, stabbed some tofu and brought it to her lips. Lowering my voice, I tested her. “Open your mouth.”

  For two heartbeats she stared at me.

  Anticipation surged, wondering if she’d comply, but ultimately hoping she wouldn’t. I bent women. I made them cave to my commands, then I gave them the mind-blowing orgasms they wanted. But it was never a challenge. It hadn’t been for years. In fact, I couldn’t remember the last time a woman had been a challenge.

  That alone should’ve been a warning. But add in the fact that I wanted this young-as-fuck, spoiled, too thin, hot mess of a woman to be my own personal fuck toy, and I should’ve been calling Luna to tell him to pull my ass off this assignment.

  The only smart move was to disengage.

  But I didn’t fucking do it.

  I increased the pressure on the back of her neck, I touched the food to her lips, and I actually put fucking effort into my command. Stroking her neck, taking the threat out of my tone, I dropped my disinterested expression and let her see how goddamn much I wanted her. “Eat the food, Audrina.”


  I couldn’t fucking help it, I smiled.

  Deadly serious, she pushed my hand away. “Did I pass?”

  “Pass what?” I dropped her fork and picked up mine, pretending I didn’t know exactly what the hell she was talking about.

  “Your test.”

  “Eating isn’t a test, it’s a necessity.” I briefly scanned her body. “More so in your case.”

  “I fucking get it, you think I’m too skinny.” She picked up her fork and jammed it into a piece of broccoli. “But you still didn’t answer my question.”

  I tipped my chin toward her plate. “Eat all of that and I will.”

  She shoved the bite in. Then three more in rapid succession.

  I glanced at her as her cheeks distended like a fucking squirrel’s. “Swallow.”

  She choked down the food in her mouth. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you.”

  Like she wouldn’t believe. “Depends.”

  She did the snort thing. “On what?” She took another bite.

  “If you knew what the fuck you were doing before you swallowed.” Not that I gave a shit. I’d get off on teaching her exactly how to take my giant cock down her throat.

  She choked.

  I grabbed her arms, raising them over her head as I pulled her to her feet. “Easy, easy. Breathe through your nose.”

  “Water,” she rasped.

  I grabbed two bottles from the fridge and handed her one.

  Tears in her eyes, she chugged half, then anger contorted her angel face. “You’re a bastard, you know that?”

  I was a lot of things, but a bastard wasn’t one of them. Not technically. “Eat your food, don’t inhale it.” I sat back down.

  She didn’t move. “Fuck you. Answer my question.”

  Fighting another smile, I picked up my fork. “I’m not paid to like you.” I’d never let a woman tell me to fuck off before, let alone multiple times. No clue why I was letting it happen now.

  Incredulous disbelief washed across her face. “Were you paid to kiss me?”

  I almost lost the battle with another damn smile. “No.”

  Her hands went to her hips. “Exactly. You wanted to kiss me.”

  “Sit the fuck down and eat.” My tongue in her mouth had made me soft. I didn’t want to kiss shit. I wanted to eat. My food and her cunt.

  Looking almost smug, she sat. “I’m not sitting because you told me to. I’m doing it because I’m hungry and I want to.”

  Right. I didn’t say shit.

  “I saw that. I saw that smirk on your face.” She took a bite.

  She didn’t see shit. “You’ll see what I want you to see.”

  “Oh.” She laughed through the word. “Okay, sure, Mr. I’m-A-Tank, I can control everything. Well, guess what? You can’t control me.”

  I abruptly stood and kicked the stool out behind me. Before she even had a chance to fucking blink, I’d grabbed her around the waist and lifted her skinny ass to the counter. Stepping between her legs, I took two handfuls of her thick fucking hair I couldn’t keep my hands out of and crashed my mouth over hers.

  She didn’t gasp. She didn’t push me away. She didn’t even hesitate.

  Her legs and arms went around me, and she asked for it. “Oh my God, more.”

  I shoved my tongue into her mouth like I wanted to drive my cock into her cunt, and I fucking dominated. Every stroke, every flex of my muscles was a goddamn lesson in control. I controlled her mouth. I controlled her body, and I controlled her desire. I decided what she fucking got from me. If she wanted a piece of me, I topped. Period.

  God-fucking-damn it, I topped.


  Except this time I wasn’t.

  A hundred-pound sass mouth with giant tits and eyes to die for had grabbed my ass, pulled me on top of her and was fucking writhing underneath me.

  And I was letting her.

  Grinding my hips, dry humping her jean-clad pussy, kissing her like this was more than a hard cock and a wet cunt, I play fucked like a goddamn amateur.

  But I wasn’t a goddamn amateur.



  My tongue down her throat, both my hands went to the waist of her jeans, and I yanked. Hard. The material stretched over her nothing hips as I jerked the jeans and her lace underwear down and off her legs in one pull.

  I ripped my mouth from hers and shoved her legs to her chest. Her ass came off the counter and the sweet smell of cunt hit me. I barely had time to appreciate the sight of her wet pussy laid out for me before I barked out the only question that mattered. “You want more?”

  “Oh my God, yes. Yes.”

  I shoved my face into her cunt and licked.


  I growled, and she moaned, loudly.

  I didn’t hold back. I didn’t make her work for it. I latched on to her clit and pulled the greedy flesh between my teeth as I shoved first one, then two fingers inside her tight-as-hell pussy.

  “Ahhhh,” she screamed.

  I bit her clit, then sucked hard.

  Her pussy clamped down. “Tank!”

  I stroked her G-spot once, one fucking time, and she detonated like a goddamn IED. Pulsing, shaking, crying out, her hands gripped at my hair.

  I thrashed my tongue against her clit one more time, then pulled both my mouth and my fingers out of her still coming pussy. Grasping her knees, I loomed over her.

  Ruthless, controlled, I didn’t allow myself to register her hooded eyes, the just-fucked mess of her hair or the relentless throbbing of my dick. Wet cunt all over my mouth, I glared at her.

  Then I fucking laid it out. “This?” I thrust my fingers deep into her pussy and rubbed her G-spot. “I control.”


  His too-thick fingers rubbed a spot I’d only ever heard about as my pussy clenched so hard around him, I started to come again. Or I never stopped. I didn’t know what the hell was going on with my body. No one had ever touched me like he just did.

  I didn’t even care that he’d said he controlled me.

  I was a wanton mess under his abrasive touch. Except that wasn’t
touching. He’d assaulted my body like I was the enemy and he was the conqueror.

  Before I could come again, or finish coming, his thick fingers left my aching core.

  Without another word, he righted his stool, sat back down, and picked up his fork. Shoveling in a bite of the tofu he’d cooked, he stared at his plate.

  My bare, soaked pussy throbbed inches from his face and his food.

  Oh my God.

  Oh my God.

  Desire leaked out of me, and I closed my eyes. Every second of his attack and what it meant and what he’d been doing—it hit me like a freight train.

  I had no dignity.



  And no amount of attitude would save face. Not with him. Because everything he’d just done was calculated. That wasn’t passion or even lust. He was proving a fucking point. I didn’t even know if his dick was still hard, or if I was the one who’d made it hard in the first place. Maybe I was just another warm body to his emotionless game of fuck and control. Or control and fuck. It didn’t matter what order it was, it was a game to him. That much I got.

  But what I was going to do next, I didn’t know.

  I figured I had two choices. Slink away and pretend it’d never happened. My pussy pulsed in protest at the thought. Or turn the tables on him… if I could.

  It wasn’t even a choice.

  Before I could analyze my self-destruction, I reached for the front of my top. Still lying on the granite island countertop, naked from the waist down, I unbuttoned my blouse.

  I didn’t look at him, and I didn’t go for a sexy striptease. I knew it’d have zero effect. Instead, I efficiently went through the buttons, slipped my arms out then lifted my back and unhooked my bra. Pulling it off, I tossed it to the floor.

  For three whole heartbeats, I lay there naked.

  My pussy wet, my nipples achingly hard, my breath ragged, I reached for a character, any character, because I didn’t know who the fuck I was as I sat up.

  I couldn’t even comprehend the woman who picked up her plate of tofu and stir-fried vegetables then spread her legs wide.

  A stranger. That’s who I was.

  Because it was a stranger with her legs wide, her breasts heavy with desire, and her pussy wet and clenching on air who did the unthinkable next.

  Completely naked, she straddled the tank of man’s plate in front of her and scooched in close. The scent of her desire stronger than the smell of the food, she held her plate up under her chin.

  Then she became me.

  Every dirty, pathetic, consuming inch of hungry need I had, I embraced.

  Ravenous, my eyes locked on a predator, I spread my legs wider.

  Then I picked up a handful of food with my bare hand and shoved it into my mouth.


  Not for one goddamn second did I think she would do what she did.

  Legs spread, pussy wet, she straddled my plate and gave me a front-row view of her cunt. Which was fucking ballsy in and of itself after her little striptease, but then she picked up her plate and went for broke.

  Holding it under her chin so I still got the full fucking view of her tits and pulsing pussy, she grabbed a handful of food and in a spectacular display of fucked-up, she shoved it in her mouth like a goddamn animal.

  For one fucking heartbeat, I froze.

  This woman wasn’t Hollywood’s highest-paid actress. She wasn’t a drugged-out mess running naked on the beach. And she sure as hell wasn’t the woman who told her lawyer to fire the team who managed her career.

  This was a woman asking to be fucked.

  Dominated and fucked.

  And goddamn I was turned the hell on. More than I’d ever been in my entire fucking life. But it’d be a cold day in hell before I let her know that.

  Pulling my shit together, I put a forkful of rice and tofu in my mouth and choked it down. My gaze steadfast on my plate, my dick throbbing, I kept my expression Marine hard and locked down.

  Two more bites I didn’t fucking taste and my plate was clean. Unlike hers. Rice falling all over, she kept grabbing handfuls and bringing them to her mouth as shit dripped down her chin and fell all over the fucking place.

  My cock throbbed to get into that wet cunt, but my sick mind was thinking about flipping her over and spanking the shit out of her while I made her lick up her mess on the counter.

  Lucky her, I didn’t do either. My giant dick would destroy that small pussy, and I was damn sure she’d never been spanked. Instead, I stood and picked up my plate, vowing to never give her utensils with any meal I cooked her ever again.

  I didn’t make it one step before she dropped her plate and lunged.

  A wet hand wrapped around my neck as one of her legs made it around my waist. Using her own strength to hold on to me, the heat of her core came dangerously close to my dick.

  “I ate, you promised,” she accused. “Now tell me. Do you like me?”

  She was either crazier than any Marine I’d ever met, or she was acting. I didn’t know which, and in that moment, I didn’t fucking care. I wanted to know what she was after.

  Gripping her hair, I leveled her with a look. “When’s the last time you knew what you wanted?”

  For five seconds she looked up at me like I’d confused the hell out of her. Then her lips moved and she spoke, but the fire was gone from her tone. “What I want?”

  “That’s what I fucking asked.”

  Her chest rose with an inhale, but her voice went soft. “I want to know if you like me.”

  “Why?” What fucking difference could it possibly make? She didn’t know me. I was nothing but hired help to her. And if she really wanted to fuck, I’d fuck her same as any woman.

  “Because it matters.”

  “How?” If she was gonna go all needy on me, I was gonna make her spell it out. I wasn’t gonna deal with any plausible deniability down the line. If she wanted my cock, she needed to know what she was getting into.

  Her gaze dropped, then her shoulders. “I want you to like me.”

  I fought a callous laugh. “This isn’t high school. I don’t need to like you to fuck you.”

  Her muscles stiffened. “I didn’t mean….” She cleared her throat and looked back up at me. “I didn’t mean it like that,” she admitted, sounding like a child.

  Jesus. Was she that fucking emotionally stunted? “You take your clothes off, spread your legs and show me your wet pussy before shoveling food in with your bare hands like a caged animal. Then you ask me if I like you.” I tightened my grip in her hair so there’d be no misunderstanding about my level of seriousness. “You want to get fucked, say the word. You want a boyfriend, look elsewhere.”

  Her gorgeous eyes staring up at me, she didn’t even hesitate. “Fucked.”

  Anticipation coursed through my veins and went straight to my dick. “Fucked, what?” I asked, testing her.

  “Fucked, please,” she whispered.

  One breath, two, I waited, giving her a chance to take it back.

  Stupidly, she didn’t.

  I laid it out. “What happens after I fuck that tight pussy and come all over those perfect tits?”

  She trembled and licked her bottom lip. “I shower?”

  “Wrong.” She wasn’t gonna wash me off.

  Her pulse sped up and her voice came out breathless. “I taste you?”

  Fuck. “You don’t get attached. You don’t ask for more. You don’t expect shit.” I said what I needed to say, but as the words left my mouth, the thought of only having her once was already pissing me off.

  “Just sex.” She nodded as much as she could in my hold. “I get it.”

  She didn’t get it. She wouldn’t until after I fucked her. But my cock didn’t give a fuck. I’d already grabbed her ass, dragged her the rest of the way off the counter, and was walking to the shower in the master bedroom. Her tits bouncing, her bottom lip wet from her biting it, her sweet pussy smell all the fuck over me, I was do

  No more holding back.

  I was fucking her.

  Still wrapped around me like the kind of trouble I had no business messing with, she held my neck tight as I turned on the shower.

  She glanced at the water. “What are you doing?”

  Stalling to get my shit under control. “It’s not what I’m doing, it’s what you’re doing.” I took her arms off me. “Get in.”

  Embarrassed heat or anger, I didn’t know which, hit her cheeks, but she didn’t comment. She got in the shower, stepped under the spray, then turned and looked at me questioningly.

  Fuck, she was submissive.

  “Clean up,” I ordered, my tone sharp.

  She flinched, but then she grabbed the soap.

  Seeing her rub her tits down, my nostrils flared and I palmed my dick through my pants.

  Her eyes darted to my hand.

  I rubbed myself again and barked out another order. “Rinse off.”

  She complied, hastily rinsing the soap off before turning the shower off, stepping out and facing me with hard-as-fuck nipples, dripping wet.

  I lowered my voice. “Did I tell you to turn the water off?”

  Her eyes widened. “No.”

  I stared at her until she squirmed.

  She pulled her lips into her mouth, then whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  She was going to be a lot sorrier. “Turn around and kneel.”

  For half a second, she looked at me like she couldn’t believe I’d just told her to fucking kneel. Then slowly, she turned and dropped.

  I yanked a towel off the rack, whipping it hard to make a snap sound.

  She flinched, but then she squared her shoulders with an inhale.

  I fought a smile and gently towel dried her hair. I could have done it with her standing up, but I was testing her. The length of her hair, almost all the way down her back, made me want to wrap it around my wrist and pull as I fucked her from behind.

  Dragging the towel across her shoulders and over her perfect ass, curiosity got the better of me. “You give up men because of a bad experience?”


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