Scandalous (The Alpha Bodyguard Series)

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Scandalous (The Alpha Bodyguard Series) Page 12

by Sybil Bartel

  “Oh my God.” Her hands ran through my short hair. “Your tongue is amazing.”

  “My cock is better.” I sucked her other nipple, lifting her legs around me. “Watch,” I commanded, slowly lowering her to my shaft.

  She braced her arms around my neck and ground her hips against the head of my dick.

  Fisting myself, I prevented her from sinking any lower on my cock. “Period,” I clipped. “Tell me exactly when it was.” I needed to come inside this woman.

  Her eyes focused on my dick, her legs trembling, she stared as I rubbed against her entrance. “What?”

  “Audrina,” I snapped. “Eyes on me.”

  Her hooded blue gaze met mine.

  “If your period was two weeks ago, I’m getting a condom.”

  Breathing heavily, a sheen broke out across her chest. “I’ve never gone bareback,” she whispered.

  I slammed her down on my cock.

  Her head fell back, and her guttural groan filled the bedroom.

  Bracing my legs, I gripped her waist and lifted her back up only to slam her back down.

  Fuck. Fuuuck.

  Tight, hot and constricting all over my cock, her pussy was fucking perfect. So goddamn perfect. “Period,” I barked.

  “Um, um, um….”

  I ground her against my hips, hitting her clit. “When the fuck was it?”

  “Oh my God,” she cried, still not answering.

  I spun and dumped her ass on the back of a lounge chair. Shoving her chest, I grasped her ankles from behind my waist.

  She fell back, inverted on the chair.

  My dick slid out, and I pressed her ankles to the backs of her thighs. Her legs bent and spread wide, her slick pussy on full display, I held her there.

  Slow, calculating, I rubbed my cock the length of her wet slit. “How many days since you bled, woman?”

  Watching me, watching my cock, her lips moved silently like she was counting. “Seventeen,” she breathed, reaching for my dick.

  Fucking perfect. I grabbed her wrists and put her hands on her tits as I shoved back into her. Then I gave her a choice. “You want my come inside you?”

  “Yes.” She squeezed her nipples. “Oh my God, yes.”

  Thank fuck. I thrust. Hard.

  Then I began to pound into her in earnest. Hips grinding, skin slapping, I alternately pinched and rubbed her clit. I fucked her hard, and I fucked her deep. My cock hitting her G-spot on every down thrust as I bottomed out, I wanted to fuck her forever. But a few thrusts later, a tremor went through her body, her back bowed, and she fucking detonated. Screaming my name, bucking her hips into my thrusts, she clenched her pussy around my cock in spasm after spasm.

  My muscles tensed, my balls drew taut, and I fucking lost it.

  Gripping her thighs, pulling them toward me as I rammed into her, I came. I came so fucking hard, and so damn much, I felt my own release around my cock as I filled her tight cunt.




  His scent everywhere, his muscles bulging and flexing, he drove his hips into me, and he thrust and thrust and thrust. My pussy pulsed and constricted around him and his gorgeous, mesmerizing eyes held me captive in his dominating gaze.

  Exertion covered his body and he thrust one more time as all of his muscles bunched. A roar, feral and possessive ripped from his chest and his hot release pumped in to my core.

  He came inside me.

  No man had ever come inside me.

  My head in the seat of the chair, my ass high on the back, he held my ankles, pushing my calves against my thighs. Pinned, practically upside down and worked over by his size and strength and stamina, I didn’t think I could take anymore. But the second his hot seed filled me, my pussy came alive again.

  Sounds of pleasure I’d never heard come out of my mouth, not even when I was acting, ricocheted through my head and tumbled from my lips. I didn’t know what this man had done to me. All I knew? I was writhing under him, wanting more.

  So much more.

  The sound of my desire and his release, wet and slick inside me, filled the room as he continued to slowly thrust after he came. With each long push into my body, his hard length hit the very limit of my ability to take him. And each one of those thrusts was a shock to my body that was equal parts pleasure and pain. I’d never felt anything so exquisite.

  But then he thrust deep and stilled.

  His eyes on me, his chest heaving, his nostrils flaring with each inhale, he pulsed deep inside me.

  “Oh my—”

  His thumb hit my clit and my words died on my lips.

  But then he made a perfectly controlled circle.

  “No,” I cried out. “I can’t, I can’t….” I couldn’t come again. I would fall apart, and nothing would ever hold me together again. This wasn’t sex. This was mind-altering fucking, and it only had one outcome. Addiction.

  Seated deep inside me, the corner of his mouth twitched. “Yes, you will.” He ground his hips once.

  I went off.

  My pussy exploded into a thousand points of red-hot nerve endings that shot through my core and crawled up my spine. I jerked once, twice, then I shook. Everything shook. Like I was in shock, my legs trembled, my pussy quivered, my teeth started to chatter and my whole body shuddered.

  But then it didn’t stop.

  “Falcon,” I cried, suddenly scared. “Wh-wh-what’s happening?”

  Enormous hands slipped under my back, and I was vertical in an instant.

  But the shaking didn’t subside. His huge cock still inside me, I grasped at his neck as I tried to lift my legs around his waist, but I couldn’t. Shaking worse, they fell to his side as he strode toward the huge bed.

  One arm around my back, the other under me, his voice hit my ear. “Deep breath.”

  I couldn’t inhale. Everything shaking like I was going into shock, I tried to respond but my teeth were now chattering in waves. “I-I….” A tear escaped. “H-h-help me.”

  A huge hand grasped my face, and green-brown eyes locked on to me. “I’m gonna pull out. When I tell you, take a breath.”

  I tried to nod.

  “Now,” he ordered. “Inhale.”

  Swift and sure, he laid me on my back on the bed and started to pull out.

  Except his hard length didn’t slide easily of out my body. Hovering over me, he pulled back, but it was as if he was too big to come out, or my core was trying to keep him in, and suddenly it hurt, really hurt.

  “Ow, ow, ow.” I grasped at his bulging biceps. “Stop!”

  His eyebrows drew sharply together, and he barked out an order. “Take a breath, right now.”

  Flinching at his tone, scared of his expression, not understanding what was happening, shaking violently, I started to cry in earnest. “Please,” I begged. “Stop.”

  His lips crashed over mine, and for one shocked moment, my world stood still.

  Then his tongue sank deep and he was kissing me.

  Violently, dominantly, expertly, he stroked through my mouth like he was crazed with lust. Forgetting to breathe, forgetting I was shaking, forgetting I was scared, my arms tightened around his neck and my head swam.

  Then I felt it.

  His hard length slid easily out of my body.

  Wetness surged, and his release rushed out of me.

  I gasped at the shocking emptiness, and his body came down over mine. As if he knew what I needed, as if he knew I suddenly felt cold and empty, his arm under my back cradled my head and he lifted me into his chest. Using his heavy, muscular thighs and one arm, he crawled us up the mattress. My head landed on soft pillows, and he settled between my legs. His body weight came down on me just enough so that I felt protected and safe, but not crushed, and he never broke the kiss.

  Except he wasn’t kissing me now like he did a moment ago.

  His tongue still dominating, he was still controlling, but his strokes turned to a coaxing dance, and I
before I knew it, I was kissing him back.

  And he was letting me.

  His rough fingers sank into my hair, and he cupped my cheek as his hard length lay against my stomach. “Shh,” he soothed, his voice too deep to whisper. “You’re okay.” His thumb swiped across my cheek. “No more crying.”

  His touch, his words, they were so achingly gentle, I dissolved into tears.

  Twisting in his arms, my hands flew to my face. “I’m sorry,” I sobbed. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” I knew. Deep down, I knew. But I couldn’t admit it, not even to myself.

  Without a word, he turned me all the way in his arms and brought my back to his chest. One arm slid under my head, the other circled my waist, and he pulled me close. Then he just let me cry. No words, no judgment, he simply held me until all the tears came out.

  The embarrassment, the fear, it left with the tears, and in its place a deep longing settled into my heart. I wanted this man. I wanted everything about him to belong to every part of me. I wanted to tell him where I’d really come from. I wanted to feel his arms around me every night. I wanted to have him inside me, giving me everything he had to give. I wanted him to know me, and I wanted to know him.

  But I doubted anyone actually knew Falcon “Tank” Gunther.

  And God, I wanted to know him.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered in the quiet but comfortable space around us. “I don’t know what happened.”

  He shifted. His hard length slid from the small of my back to between my thighs, and he settled his erection in the remnants of his release. Then he reached down and cupped me, gentle and possessive.

  “Don’t apologize.” His masculine breath drifted over my cheek, my neck. “You weren’t used to coming like that.” He inhaled. “Next time will be better.”

  Better? Hope surged and joy spread through my heart, but just as quick, reality set in. If it was any better, my heart would stop. “I don’t think I can handle you doing it any better.”

  His quiet chuckle filled the darkened bedroom and sank into my heart.

  SMALL AND FRAGILE AND USED, she fell asleep in my arms.

  I lay awake for hours, watching her.

  Her cry for help replayed in my head like a broken record, and I couldn’t let it go. I couldn’t even process the shit in my head over it. Except guilt. I’d fucked her too hard. Too goddamn hard.



  I rubbed a hand over my face and she stirred, so I wrapped my arm right back around her small-as-fuck waist. I needed to get the hell up and leave her alone. I’d fucked her into a goddamn panic attack, and shocked her system. Then I’d fucking kissed her and told her next time would be better.

  What the ever-loving fuck was I thinking?

  I wasn’t thinking.

  My cock, hard as fuck, was wedged between her thighs waiting to get back into her pussy.

  Maybe that’s exactly what she needed.

  Who the fuck was I kidding? It was what I wanted, not what she needed. A chance at redemption.

  I glanced at the clock. She had to be up in an hour for the damn morning show interview anyway, and she’d already had a few hours of sleep.

  It was enough.

  My decision was made.

  I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT REGISTERED first, the warm, calloused hand sliding down my thigh or the masculine breath on my neck. Inhaling, I stretched and opened my eyes, but it was still dark out. I turned my head to glance at the clock on the nightstand, and his fingers caught my chin.

  Falcon turned my face toward him. “We have time.” Deep and rough, his voice made gooseflesh race across my skin a second before his lips landed on mine.

  Sweet and gentle, he kissed me once, then pulled back.

  I turned in his arms to face him. The moonlight cast a soft glow and lit up the sharp, austere angles of his face. Every time I looked at him, he was more handsome.

  “Hi,” I whispered.

  He didn’t say anything. His thumb swept across my cheek before his hand coasted down my neck and between my breasts. His palm flattened across my belly, and he held his hand there for a moment before he cupped me.

  I sucked in a sharp breath.

  He frowned. “Sore?”

  Was I? I felt like I’d been put through a wringer. Every muscle was stretched and used and yet, his touch made my core hum with a new wave of desire so powerful it ached.

  “Maybe a little,” I admitted.

  His lips came back down over mine, but this time, he didn’t stop at one kiss. His tongue sought entrance, then he languidly swept through the heat of my mouth, tasting like mint and man. I realized he must have gotten up at some point to brush his teeth, and self-consciousness rolled over me.

  I pulled back.

  His thick fingers drew through my still wet pussy before one settled on my clit. “What’s wrong?”

  I turned my head slightly. “You brushed.” Oh God, his touch felt so good.

  He pulled my face back to his. “You taste like sex and sleep and woman.”

  I turned away again and started to get up. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” His hand grasped the side of my face. “You taste fucking perfect.” His mouth landed back on mine, and he plunged in.

  His hand sank into my hair, and he grasped a handful, angling me into his kiss.

  A moan crawled up my chest.

  He pushed me to my back, his knee shoved my thigh wide, and he settled between my legs. Grasping himself, he rubbed the head of his cock against my entrance.

  I broke the kiss and groaned, forgetting about my tight muscles and slight soreness. “More,” I pleaded.

  His eyes on me, his jaw set, his stare fierce like a warrior’s, he slowly, inch by inch, sank inside me.

  I couldn’t speak. Sounds escaped my lips, my nails dug in to his biceps and my body stretched to take his fullness. I didn’t want him to move, and he didn’t.

  Seated deep inside me, he held perfectly still, watching me.

  I didn’t know what dominant meant until I met this man. I didn’t understand how it should feel, one body connecting with another. I didn’t know there was the kind of fucking like we did last night that was so beyond sex, it transcended physical pleasure. And I didn’t know there was this, right now, what he was doing to me. What he was doing to my heart.

  “I don’t have words,” I breathed. “I didn’t know just this, you inside me, that it could feel so good.” More than good, he felt right. Like every moment in my life led to this… connection to him. A connection I’d never dreamed existed.

  “Lock and key,” he rasped.

  His words from last night suddenly made sense. We did fit, exactly like a lock and key. Biting my tongue to keep my emotions in check, I reached up for his face.

  He caught my wrist before I could touch him and shoved my arm above my head.

  Then he began to move.

  Except he didn’t fuck me like last night. His movements fluid and languid, he didn’t go as deep or thrust nearly as hard. His rhythm controlled, his arm holding his body above me just enough so he didn’t crush me, he kissed up my neck as he slowly drove in and out of me.

  His touch, his body, his hard length inside me, it didn’t feel good. It felt perfect. So, so perfect that my legs spread wider and his name tumbled from my lips. “Falcon.”

  As if he was savoring me, as if he couldn’t get enough of me, his lips crashed over mine and he growled into my mouth. His hips moved in a sweet, torturously slow grind against my clit, and that was all it took.

  I was coming.

  But this orgasm was nothing like what he’d done to my body last night.

  Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through my core and spread through my body like wildfire. My back bowed, my hands gripped his short hair, and I let out a guttural moan I didn’t know I was capable of.

  His thumb replaced his hips on my clit, and he swirled over my sensitive nerves. “That’s it.” He bit my ne
ck just below my ear. “Come hard. Show me how much you like my cock.”

  As if he knew my body better than I did, his thumb swirled to the same rhythm as his hips, and a new orgasm chased the last, blindsiding me. “Oh God,” I half cried, half panted. “Falcon, Falcon, I’m coming again.” My feet planted on the bed and my hips thrust up to meet his.

  His growl ripped through his chest and he surged.

  Two thrusts and his muscles tensed above me. My pussy clenched around his pulsing cock, and his hot seed pumped inside me.

  This time, when I started to tremble, it wasn’t from shock. It wasn’t fear. The shudder rippling through my body was release.

  Pure, unadulterated release.

  And when his mouth covered mine and his tongue started a gentle, savoring, caressing dance as he eased out of me, my heart melted into the palms of his rough hands holding me.

  MY COCK WAS SO BIG, and her cunt was so small, we’d fucking knotted every time I’d fucked her. I’d had to kiss her to get her to relax enough to let me pull out. And goddamn, her tight cunt gripping my cock—I was hard just thinking about it. I wanted to fuck her a thousand times just to feel that grip of her body on me. And fuck if I didn’t want to kiss her each of those thousand times.

  But fucking her and kissing her was the last thing I should’ve been thinking about right now. Her ass on stage, a couple thousand in the audience and growing every minute, I needed to concentrate on the crowd.

  I scanned the audience and stage again. “Collins, Sawyer, crowd control check,” I spoke into the comm.

  “Fucking rubberneckers,” Collins muttered. “But contained.”

  “Status to the east is still contained,” Sawyer added.

  “Copy that,” I replied. “Stage secure.” I turned my attention back to the host who couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Faking a sympathetic expression, the asshole host leaned toward Audrina. “So tell us, Dreena, what exactly did happen the other night in Miami on South Beach?”

  “Well….” Audrina looked out over the crowd then met my gaze.

  I tipped my chin in encouragement. She should fucking sink Payne for his bullshit.


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