A Perfect Moment

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A Perfect Moment Page 4

by Lynn Hagen


  “It was just an example,” Nando said. “Don’t worry. You’re not my type. I’m just trying to make a point, Trey.” He grabbed the overturned paper from the coffee table and waved it at Trey. “The words weren’t hard to decipher through the back. This is an eviction notice. I got one too. All I’m saying is that we could pull our resources together and not struggle so badly. We could help each other get out of tight situations.”

  This was the strangest visit Trey had ever gotten. Nando seemed like a decent guy, but Trey didn’t like the liberties Nando took.

  “You have boundaries issues.”

  Nando snorted. “Don’t I know it. It’s one of my better qualities. I sometimes rub people the wrong way, but I’m working on that.”

  Trey cleared his throat. He didn’t want to offend Nando since they had to work together, but he didn’t like the impromptu intrusion. “I don’t think we’d be a good fit. I like my privacy, and you like invading it.”

  Nando looked down at his hands, a pinched expression on his face. “I normally don’t do that, but… I’m desperate, Trey. I have three days to vacate my apartment, and… I have nowhere to go.”

  Trey knew how Nando felt. He had three weeks, and even with his first and second paycheck, Trey wouldn’t be able to meet the back rent he owed. His landlord had been understanding and had tried to wait for Trey to come through, but Mr. Cravat needed a paying tenant.

  “I’m not asking for a decision tonight,” Nando said, interrupting Trey’s thoughts. “I just wanted to put that out there, to give you options because damn if I don’t need some.”

  Having a roommate would help to alleviate the burden of paying the bills by himself—something Trey struggled with since moving to this town. Nando wasn’t exactly someone who Trey would have chosen for a roommate, but Nando was right. Desperate times…

  “Hey.” Nando looked up and smiled at Trey. “We can do the whole getting to know you thing if you want. I’m an open book. Ask me anything you want. Despite going about this the wrong way, I’m a good person who cleans up after himself, doesn’t party or invite people over, because I have no friends, and I’m a halfway decent cook.”

  “Okay.” Trey held up his hands. “Just let me think about this. I’m not promising I’ll say yes, but I’m also not going to make a split-second decision, either.”

  “Fair enough.” Nando nodded as the worry lines knitting his dark brows eased. “But if you say yes, I’ve already scoped out an apartment three blocks from here.”

  “Jeez.” Trey smiled. “Do you always put your foot so heavily on the gas?”

  “When I’m about to be homeless, yeah.” Nando stuck his hand out, and Trey shook it. “If you say yes, I swear you won’t regret it.”

  Trey pulled his hand away just as someone knocked at his door. What the hell? He hadn’t gotten this many visitors in the past month.

  “Excuse me.” Trey got up and looked out the peephole. His heart thundered when he saw it was Ben. Why on earth was his date there, and most importantly, how did Ben know where he lived? The guy hadn’t walked him home.

  Feeling uneasy, Trey took a step back, unsure if he wanted to answer his door. Was Ben a stalker? Had Trey misjudged him? Didn’t serial killers act like the most normal guys around?

  “What’s wrong?” Nando asked as he rose from the couch. “Why do you look so worried?” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Is it your landlord trying to get rent? Is there a back door we can sneak out of?”

  Trey wished it were Delvin. The elderly guy was nice, and he wouldn’t come by to harass Trey. He hadn’t even harassed Trey when rent had been due. The guy had just given friendly reminders, which had made Trey feel horrible that he couldn’t meet his financial obligations to such a sweet and understanding guy.

  Ben knocked again, this time a little more aggressively. Trey sucked in a deep breath. “No, it’s just a friend.”

  Steeling his spine, Trey opened the door. “Ben, what are you doing here?”

  The guy’s sharp gaze moved past Trey and landed on Nando before returning to him. “I think we should talk.”

  Trey glanced at all those delicious muscles bulging past Ben’s shirt. The guy was ripped, and Trey’s brain nearly melted. There was no denying that not only was Ben gorgeous but he had a banging body.

  A body Trey had planned on dreaming about later until he remembered that Ben shouldn’t even be there. But damn, it was hard to tear his eyes away from such perfection.

  “And this couldn’t wait?” Trey hadn’t taken a step back to invite Ben in like he had with Nando. Ben was a large guy, and if he were a loon, he could overpower Trey with no problem. Why were the sexy ones always the crazy ones?

  Trey lowered his voice so Nando couldn’t hear him. “And how did you even know where I live?”


  That was a damn lie. Fire Chief Dalton Knowles was a sweet guy, but he had no idea where Trey lived. They’d talked in passing, and the only reason Dalton knew about Trey’s headaches was because he’d seen Trey sitting on a park bench trying to overcome one of his migraines. But Trey was dead certain he’d never told the fire chief where he lived.

  “It’s late, and I have to get up for work.” Trey started to close the door, but Ben held his hand up, pressing it into the wood and stopping him.

  “It’s important.”

  “I think you should go.” Trey was disappointed Ben had turned out to be a creep. They’d had a great time at dinner, and Trey had had hopes that they could date, but now he regretted even agreeing to go out with the guy.

  Ben looked as if he were mulling things over and then slowly nodded. “I’m sorry for the interruption.”

  Trey watched Ben walk away before closing the door. He had no idea why, but watching Ben leave made his chest feel tight.

  “Dude, what’s going on with that hottie?” Nando asked. “Boyfriend?”

  “No.” Trey shook his head. “Someone I just met who also has boundary issues.”

  So much for his love life turning around.

  Chapter Four

  “His name is Nando Tate,” Elijah said. “He moved to Fever’s Edge about a year ago, mother deceased and father lives in town, and Nando works for Cute Cuddles Pet Emporium.”

  The same place Trey worked. “Anything else?” Ben asked over the phone.

  “His credit sucks, he’s about to be evicted, and a few years back he was arrested for fighting outside a gay bar,” Elijah said. “Do you want me to keep digging?”

  Ben had acted like a crazed stalker when Trey was only being visited by his coworker. God. The look on Trey’s face when he’d opened that door said Ben had just blown it with his mate.

  “No, that’ll be all. Thank you, Elijah.”

  “No problem. Now I have to get back to work, or my boss will have a fit.”

  Ben smiled. “I am your boss.”

  “Well, as much as I love talking to you, I have these arrangements to get ready for Rita’s wedding, and you’re killing me here.”

  Ben had no idea who Rita was. He might own Budding Sensation, but it was Elijah who practically ran things, and the omega ran a tight ship. Ben had seen Elijah throw a fit over his work, and he didn’t want the guy’s wrath because Elijah couldn’t get an order out in time.

  “How’s Buster?”

  Ben heard the smile in Elijah’s voice. “Perfect and thank you for asking. He just had an upset tummy. I overreacted, like I normally do.”

  He still couldn’t understand why Elijah had a raccoon as a pet, but Ben had given up trying to figure that out. Right now what he needed to figure out was how to get back into Trey’s good graces. He’d screwed up, and not with just his mate.

  Lee was pissed that Ben had gone to Trey’s, even after the guy had said he could handle things. It wasn’t easy running a pack, dealing with so many different personalities, and now juggling the responsibility of a mate.

  “Go ahead and get back to work,�
� he said to Elijah. “Call me if you need anything.”

  “I need to win the lottery and have a very long vacation,” Elijah said. “Other than that, I’m good. Bye.”

  Before Ben could say another word, the omega hung up. It was true that Ben allowed Elijah to get away with a lot more than he would have allowed with anyone else, but he had a soft spot for Elijah.

  After tucking his phone into his pocket, Ben walked into Sweet Mercy. Maybe a cupcake or something delectable would help him win Trey over. He knew he had to tell his mate about the world all around him, but Ben had been hoping to get to know his mate first.

  Unfortunately Ben had screwed that up.

  “Hi, Ben,” Mercy said with a smile from behind the counter. “What can I get for you today?”

  Ben was a big supporter in the local businesses. He often bought pastries to take home just to help Mercy. He wasn’t a big sweet eater and always gave away his purchase to whoever was around.

  The guys at hoe always polished off whatever Ben brought in a matter of seconds.

  “I need something that says I’m sorry for being a creep.” Ben walked to the counter and looked at the choices in the glass display case.

  “And who were you creeping on?”

  Since Mercy was mated to a shifter, Ben didn’t have to hide the fact that he was talking about his mate.

  “My mate.”

  The guy chuckled. “Been there. I was freaked out when I first met Ford, but now I can’t imagine my life without him.”

  Ben hoped Trey was the same way. He just had to talk to his mate about what they were to each other, and he would have last night if Trey hadn’t sent him away.

  “It all depends on what your mate likes,” Mercy said. “We have cupcakes, scones, cinnamon rolls, an assortment of cookies and breads. Well, you can see what we have in the display case, but I just wanted to let you know we have more than just that.”

  Ben had no idea what Trey liked. For all he knew, his mate could be gluten intolerant or simply hate sweets. Not everyone enjoyed them. “How about some of your famous cinnamon rolls?”

  Mercy grinned. “With or without nuts?”

  Did Trey have a nut allergy? “How about two with and two without?”

  “Gluten free?”

  Ben rolled his eyes. “This is getting too complicated.”

  “I have to make sure I can provide for everyone’s dietary needs,” Mercy argued. “You’d be surprised how many people have nut allergies in this town or can’t handle gluten.” Mercy furrowed his brows. “Is he nonhuman? That would make your choices simpler since you guys don’t have such problems.”

  “No, he’s human.” Ben decided not to take any chances. “Okay, give me two gluten-and-nut-free rolls and two regular.”

  “Wise choice.” Mercy boxed his purchase before he paid for them. “Tell Rosa I said hi.” Mercy grinned. “She’s my biggest customer, and she’s so sweet.”

  “Rosa is a gem.” Ben thanked Mercy before he left and headed toward the pet store. Either Trey would forgive him and hear him out, or he’d toss Ben out on his ass, which would make getting to know his mate a hell of a lot harder.

  “Fuck, are those Mercy’s cinnamon rolls I smell?”

  Ben turned to find Dalton heading his way. Shifters and their sense of smell. “Yep, and you’ll have to get your own. These are for my mate.”

  Dalton grinned. “I heard. Congrats. Why didn’t you say anything yesterday when we ran into Trey?”

  Because Ben had had a ton of other things on his mind. Like getting Trey’s phone number and interrogating Jimmy. “Was still figuring it out in my head.”

  “Well, the guys want treats, so I guess I’ll go to the bakery since you’re not sharing yours.” Dalton smiled, patted Ben on his shoulder, and walked away.

  Ben made it to the pet store and walked inside to the smell of wood chips and furry animals. Nando wasn’t anywhere around, and Ben spotted Trey bent over, petting a few of the puppies.

  He took a moment to drink in his mate. Slender, sexy, with light brown hair and pretty blue eyes. Ben had also noticed yesterday that Trey liked to talk with his hands and his face lit up when he spoke about things he liked.

  “Going to adopt one?”

  Trey’s head snapped up seconds before he straightened. He had a wary look in his eyes.

  “Look, I wanted to apologize for last night.” Ben held up the box. “I even brought a peace offering.”

  Trey looked around, as if suddenly realizing they were alone.

  Or he was looking for the closest exit.

  “Relax.” Ben moved toward the counter, keeping a good distance of space between them so he wouldn’t spook his mate. He set the box down and turned to face Trey. “My intention last night wasn’t to freak you out.”

  Trey’s hand fluttered to his throat. “Then what was your intention showing up at my house without an invitation and with the knowledge of where I lived in the first place?”

  There was another subject Ben needed to address, but he wasn’t sure this would be the right time. He’d heard their conversation last night. Not that Ben was trying to eavesdrop, but he did have superior hearing.

  Trey had gotten an eviction notice.

  Ben wanted to reassure his mate that he didn’t need to take on a roommate or be homeless. In fact, Ben had to stop himself from telling Trey that he was moving in with him.

  “Do you have any gluten or nut allergies?”

  Trey’s brows dipped. “Excuse me?”

  Ben waved a hand at the box. “Mercy, the guy who owns the bakery, asked, and I didn’t know what to tell him.”

  Trey rubbed the back of his neck. “Not that I know of.”

  At least now Ben knew he wouldn’t kill his mate from treating him to Mercy’s baking. He opened the lid and grabbed one of the gluten-free ones, leaving the regular rolls for Trey. “Help yourself.”

  “This is very bizarre.” Trey didn’t move from the puppy pen. His feet were pointed toward the door, telling Ben that his mate was ready to run at any second. “I don’t know what to think, Ben. We had a great time at dinner, and then you got all weird.”

  “And I’m sorry about that.” Ben looked around. “Where’s your coworker?”

  “In the back.”

  “We still need to talk.” Ben wanted to pull Trey into his arms but decided that might not be the wisest move. “It really is important.”

  “Well, I have a lunch break in an hour.” Trey lowered his hand, seeming not so anxious any longer. “We could talk outside.”

  “Or we could go to lunch and then we could talk. It’ll be a public place since you’re wary of me.”

  Trey’s gaze darted away.

  If his mate was being evicted, then Ben was dead certain he couldn’t afford to feed himself. That wasn’t a problem. Ben would take care of all his mate’s needs.

  If Trey let him.

  “My treat.” Ben gave Trey his most charming, innocent smile. “No strings attached. I promise not to show up at your place again without an invitation. You have my word.”

  Trey seemed to visibly relax. “We can do lunch, but I can’t keep having you pay for my meals.”

  “Bah, nonsense.” Ben waved off Trey’s concern. “I’m wooing you, and I was raised a gentleman, so of course I don’t mind picking up the tab.”

  “Wooing me?” Finally a small smile played on Trey’s lips. “And what does that entail?”

  “Well…” Ben moved a little closer, keeping his steps slow and measured so he wouldn’t spook Trey. “Hopefully you’ll let me show you.”

  The blush that stole over Trey’s face and neck was adorable, and damn if Ben didn’t want to eat him up. “How about we start with lunch and see how it goes from there?”

  Trey nodded. “I can live with that.”

  At least Trey hadn’t kicked him out. If the guy really wanted wooing, Ben would dazzle him and hope his mate didn’t head for the hills when he found out about Ben’s world.
  When Ben stepped outside, his phone rang. He saw it was Rourke calling him. “Hey, what’s up?”

  It was amazing how a person’s heart fluttered and their palms became sweaty when their love interest agreed to go out with them. The day seemed brighter, the smells even better, and Ben smiled at a woman who passed him pushing a stroller.

  All seemed right with the world.

  “We need to talk,” Rourke said.

  Ben knew that tone. Well, it had been good while it lasted.

  * * * *

  Rourke paced the front of the floral shop, wishing Elijah was there to distract him with something silly he said or just to hear him go on and on about his pet raccoon.

  Today Lee was manning the counter, and the guy was still in a funk since Ben had gone to Trey’s, pretty much telling the wolf shifter that he didn’t trust him to watch over the alpha’s mate.

  Things had been peaceful for a long time, except when the hellhounds had infiltrated Fever’s Edge, but even then, the pack had banded together for a cause.

  But now it felt different, as if things were starting to unravel, and Rourke didn’t like that feeling of intuition in his gut. Something wasn’t right.

  So far Jimmy hadn’t given him a damn thing to go on, no information Rourke could use. Hell, the guy hadn’t said a word since he’d told Rourke to do his worst. He just took the beatings in silence.

  Rourke turned when the door opened and Ben walked in. Lee glanced at their alpha and then excused himself to the office.

  Ben sighed. “I really fucked up with him.”

  “His ego was hit,” Rourke said. “Either he’ll get over it or you’ll have to prove to him that he has worth in this pack. That’ll have to wait.”

  Ben moved behind the counter and started looking through the paperwork. Rourke had no idea why, either. Ben was an amazing leader, but he never dealt with paperwork. He was too busy running a whole town and dealing with far too many problems.

  “What do you need to talk to me about?” Ben finally looked up, one brow arched.

  Rourke rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure.” He shook his head slowly as he dropped his hand and walked toward the door, looking out onto the street. “It’s been twenty-four hours, and Jimmy hasn’t broken. In fact, he hasn’t said a word since…”


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