Surrender in Moonlight

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Surrender in Moonlight Page 3

by Stella

  She was a hellcat the night before, but he knew she liked being told what to do, which worked out good ‘cause he liked telling her what to do. He had known for a while he was the most dominant snake in the nest, something that was not looked on kindly by most of the females, given his age and lifestyle. Which was why he was often playing with the ladies of the different species. She was different, and having another snake to play with was great. He felt her stir next to him, and he lay on his back and looked up at the ceiling, his cock stirring as she moved.

  She rolled over and grunted sleepily, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. Still not fully awake, she pulled the covers over her head and settled back down.

  He watched her and grinned. He had indeed worn her out. His cock twitched, feeling her so close. He wanted her luscious body, and he knew she wouldn’t deny him. Still, he wanted her fit, so he abstained from turning her over and sinking into her from behind, and instead moved a lock of hair from her sleeping face.

  She bolted awake, grabbing his hand almost painfully. Her dark snake eyes snapped open, fixing him with their glare before she blinked, recognition flaring across them. Her grasp on his hand loosened, and she smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I’m not a morning person. It takes a while…” She stretched and yawned. “What time is it?”

  “Does it matter? You’re very beautiful when you sleep.”

  “Well, it does if I’ve only had as many hours sleep as I think I have, ‘cause then I’m going back to the land of snooze. Thank you, you didn’t take pictures or anything did you? Because that’s just weird.”

  “No, and I agree with you.” He looked over at the clock. “It’s one in the afternoon.”

  She groaned. “Damn. Well, there’s no telling what another day will bring.” He smiled. She shrugged and did the same. “What? There’s no point in fighting it, I guarantee there’ll be another dawn tomorrow.”

  “Good way of looking at it.”

  “Only way to look at it. You can’t hide from life. It sneaks up and bites you on the ass. The only way around it is to play along.”

  He smirked again. “All too true.”

  She nodded. “Of course, it doesn’t make mornings any easier.”

  “Be happy you’re not hung over.”

  She giggled. “Well that is one for the motto book.” She sat up, wincing a little.

  He looked over at her, eyebrow arching. “Problem?”

  “I’m a little sore. A few muscles that aren’t used to being so abused are protesting.”

  “Then I think I did my job.” He closed his eyes and sighed then rolled out of bed completely naked and stretched.

  “Yeah, they’ll loosen up though. Thanks for the concern,” she answered sarcastically.

  He turned to face her and smiled. “You can handle it.” He winked.

  “Yeah, I guess.” She smiled at him, her gaze travelling over his body.

  He watched her look him over, and his cock twitched. “Careful, he likes the way you’re looking at me.” He laughed. “I’m going downstairs. Bathroom is through that door. Towels are there, as well. When you get dressed just go down one flight, walk to the end of the left side of the hall and take the stairs. You’ll be in the kitchen. Hungry?”

  She nodded. “Famished. I could eat a…well, I could eat a lot.”

  “That’s my girl. You do need to keep your strength up.” He looked around and grabbed a pair of green silk pants, slipping them on. “If you meet with anyone in the hallway—meaning Remy or Chrissy—be nice.” He winked and leaned in, reaching for her nipple that was outlined by the sheet, and pinched ‘til she gasped. “Enjoy your shower.”

  “I always enjoy hot water. Make coffee, please.”

  He smiled. “It’s good that you added the please, Pet. You would have gotten a strap to your ass otherwise.” He left the room chuckling to himself. The girl was special and sexy, and she was submissive, but she played dominant. He was going to enjoy breaking her so much.

  * * * *

  She soaked in the heat from the shower, her skin a deep pink. The shower felt good, but not as good as he had the night before. Her body ached. He was a complete bastard, but she kind of liked him. He was strong and beyond dominant. He suited her. She’d enjoy the next month with him. She so rarely had any interaction with her kind. Not that it ever bothered her, but sometimes, it could get lonely.

  She snorted. “Yeah, I just need to be loved.” She chuckled looking around. “At least, I know where my meals are gonna come from,” she said absentmindedly as she rinsed off.

  The compound was huge and practically stank of wealth. It was her ideal place to be. The water stopped, and she stepped out, grabbing a towel. There was a window on the far side of the bathroom showing the dense forest. The snake in her couldn’t wait to hunt in it. It looked absolutely ideal. She knew it would be, why else would the nest have lived here for so long. Most likely, it would be well-stocked with tasty little treats of hare and rats, maybe even foxes, raccoons or some large birds. She licked her lips in anticipation.

  It would be so much better than shifting in alleyways, unprotected and searching for the dead or dying, constantly having to keep all her senses on the lookout for humans. Her tongue flicked out, tasting the air as she finished drying off. His bedroom was huge, much like himself. She smiled. She could afford to pay much more attention to it now than she had previously.

  She pulled on her pants from the night before and rifled through his drawers to find a simple black tee and pulled it on. She would need clothes. All of her stuff had been in the pickup she’d planned on driving out of town. That was before Reece though—Reece and his rich-kid life. This was going to be fun. She tied back her wet hair while mentally earmarking a few things of his that she’d steal before leaving. After all, who needed three Rolexes? Well, blatantly she did. She took her time, prowling through his stuff, deciding which would make the most money and would be easiest to sell.

  Once satisfied with her haul, she left the room, followed his scent and the sweet aroma of coffee. She was halfway down the stairs when a masculine voice stopped her.

  “You came home with Reece last night? Good lord, how the hell did he manage that?”

  Lord, time to make nice with the locals. She rolled her eyes before turning with a smile. “Truly? I stole his bike, and he reported me then he bailed me out on the condition that I come here with him and be his fuck toy. It was a fucked-up day.”

  The man laughed. “Well shit. You guys had a more amusing night then I did. We had hoped he wasn’t alone, otherwise the screaming we heard coming from his end of the house would have posed another question. Though I have always suspected he had multiple personalities, I never guessed one would be a hot chick. I’m Remy.” He stuck his hand out and smiled.

  She smiled back at him and shook it. “Name’s Carmen, and yeah, jail was real amusing, thanks.”

  “Beautiful name for a beautiful snake.” He smiled at her look of shock. “It’s the only way he would bring you here, so I guessed your heritage. Where is my cousin?”

  She ducked her head down at the compliment. “Not sure. I’m following the coffee. Best bet is that’s where he’ll be found, and if not, there’s always coffee.”

  “Shit. Then he’s going to be alone with my pregnant mate. We better get there soon. She might kill him if he says the wrong thing.”

  “That could be fun to watch,” she answered gleefully.

  “You should have seen it when she broke his nose.” He smiled and offered her his arm. “Shall we save your boy toy?”

  “If we must.” She slipped her arm in his. “So, he gets his nose broken often? It would explain how it got that pretty little squint to it.”

  “I think you should know the kinda guy you came home with by now.”

  Oh boy, do I. “Yeah, jail isn’t looking all that bad.” She grinned as they walked down the stairs towards the smell of coffee.

  “So what kinda snake are you?”

  “Am I?
A viper, well, technically a pit viper. I can do the whole day-glow, heat movement thing but,” she shook her head, “it fucks with my actual vision, and kinda makes me sick. Good lie detector, though. How about you?” she rushed out, quickly. She was venomous, a fact that tended to make other snakes twitchy. Almost all nest snakes were boas, pythons or anacondas.

  “Viper?” he laughed and smiled at her. “Didn’t tell Reece yet, did you? Don’t, that’s a surprise and a half for the dick. I love him, don’t get me wrong, but he really is a prick and a half. As for me, I’m a green python. My mate is a ball python. And it’s good to have you here, even if you’re just passing through.” He smiled at her again and pointed to the door at the end of the hall. “Our destination. Anything else you wanna know before we go and save your playmate?”

  She shook her head a little surprised. “Nope, I don’t think so.”

  “Then let’s go in, I can’t wait for him to see this.”

  Chapter Four

  The kitchen was bright as he walked in, intent on getting something to drink to re-hydrate from last night and making the coffee the sweet snake in his shower had asked for. It cost him nothing to keep her happy, and a happy snake, well, a happy snake was just what he wanted.

  He shielded his eyes from the sun, cursing as he stumbled and stubbed his toe on the side island when he finally made it into the kitchen proper.

  “Whoever designed this fucking place should be shot,” he muttered as he shook his head, his eyes finally adjusting to the brightness.

  The fridge was in front of him and he opened it, grabbing a bottle of Gatorade. Tipping it back, he sucked it down quickly then panted. He turned to the coffeemaker to snap it on when he noticed it was full and there was a slight laughing noise coming from behind him, very feminine.

  “Out of bed? I’m surprised he let you out of the suite,” he said to Chrissy, who was sitting in the sun in the breakfast nook, her face a sparkle of amusement.

  “He did try to stop me, but I get my way more often than not. Sitting in the sun is good for me at this stage. So, you’ve been busy?”

  He smirked. “What’s it to you?”

  “You know how Elise feels about bringing strangers home. Especially the kind of strangers who’ll come home with you.”

  “Relax, preggy. She’s a snake. I have been part of this nest longer than you have, so yes, I do know the rules. And there’s nothing that says I can’t bring another snake home for hot sex. How do you know I’m not auditioning a mate?” He laughed to himself. As if.

  She laughed loudly. “You? Like another snake would agree to spend time with you. What did you do? Knock her unconscious and drag her caveman style back to your den?”

  “Regardless, Miss heavy with baby, and I do mean heavy.” He grinned viciously taking another Gatorade from the fridge “My fuck toy is my responsibility. How or why she’s here is between me and her.” He walked closer and licked his lips. “What? Did we keep you up all night?”

  “Once I give birth, I’m going to break your nose again,” she said caustically then smiled sweetly. “So, she’s here against her will, then?”

  “Did it sound like she was here against her will?”

  She rolled her eyes and smiled. “She could be. I thought that was you screaming. You do have a girly shrill to your voice.”

  “You know, you really are a dirty bitch. You know that?”

  “I do indeed.” She grinned. “But not in any way you’ll ever know about.”

  “Ooh, trust me, after that baby… Well, be happy you’re mated is all, though I’m sure Remy will gladly pay to have certain things nipped and tucked. You’re still young after all.”

  “We’re going to sell you to the circus, you know?” she bit out angrily.

  He laughed and shook his head. “Me? Or that two-headed monstrosity you’re carrying?”

  She gasped. “My little girl does not have two heads. We have the scans to prove it. Look it’s not my fault you’re completely incapable of finding anyone who can bear to stand you for longer than a few hours at a time. Don’t take your social ineptitude out on me.”

  “Like I’m looking for a ball and chain. Remy is the stupid one in the family, not me. I’m not worried about anything. I’m rich, attractive and give women one hell of a ride. What’s not to like?”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, and when you’re pushing forty and going bald that’s not going to sound as cute.”

  “Luckily, I’m not even in my thirties yet. Why do you think Ol’ Rem was looking for you? He is in his late thirties.”

  She shook her head. “Remy’s keeping his hair. I think yours is already starting to dwindle at the front.”

  “That’s ‘cause Remy has been using Rogaine since he was seventeen.”

  “Life’s really gonna come up and bite you on the ass, and when it does, I’m going to be right here laughing at you.”

  He shook his head, ready to retort when Remy and Carmen walked in, arm and arm. Reece’s eyes narrowed into slits, his blood boiling. Who the fuck does he think he is? Touching my snake? The thought sobered him, and he relaxed, leaning against the island counter and assessed Carmen. She was still wearing her leather pants, but the T-shirt looked extremely familiar. “So I see you found Remy. No doubt the two of you have met, or he wouldn’t be squiring you around the house. Nice shirt.”

  Carmen smiled at Remy then at him. “I met him on the stairs.” She tugged on the T-shirt. “You like? I found it lying around…at the bottom of one of your drawers.”

  “Going through my drawers? I’ll have to remember that. Though we couldn’t have you running around half naked, as much as it would indeed delight me. What? You leave your bag in the car so you felt the need to wear my clothes?”

  “Something like that. It looks better on me anyway.”

  “I prefer you in nothing.”

  “True, but as you said, we can’t have me running around in nothing.”

  He smirked, got a mug and poured her a cup of coffee. “Coffee?”

  Remy moved from where he was next to Carmen and went to his mate, whispered something to her, and she giggled at him, his hands on her distended belly. Reece saw them and exaggerated a gag. “God, you two lovebirds are making me physically ill. Take preggy there back to her cage, will ya?”

  Chrissy laughed and threw her mug at his head. “You’re such a prick sometimes.”

  It missed but just barely. “Ooh, princess, you’re losing your touch. Now quit being such a bitch, and say hello to Carmen.”

  Chrissy glared at him then turned to Carmen. “It’s nice to meet you. You do know that whatever he has on you can’t be worth it?”

  She looked up from her coffee cup. “Oh I know, I weighed up my options, and it really was the best offer and chance for a little fun.” She shrugged taking another sip. “Plus the sex is out of this world.” She grinned and winked at Reece before turning to rake through the fridge.

  Reece stood across from where she was bent over, her ass in the air as she went through the crisper drawers. The chit was great, and she even ribbed on Chrissy which was a point on her side. Her ass looked great, and he growled as he moved in.

  Remy saw it and groaned. “Come on, Mate. I really don’t wanna see him fuck her right here. He’s got that look in his eye.”

  Chrissy laughed. “Oh God, no. That’s the last thing I need to see.” She shuddered and stood heavily. “Let’s go lay in the sun, babe.”

  He took her hand as Reece watched them walk through the back kitchen door into the bright sunshine. His attentions back on his little toy, his hands went to her hips then he slipped then under the shirt she wore, his fingers playing on her hard nipples.

  She growled and backed up into him, her ass rubbing along his groin. “Um, I liked your shower.”

  He hissed. “I bet. We can’t have you wearing my clothes, Pet. Granted it’s sexy, but…” He let the thought die as he sighed. Her wearing his clothes was too familiar, like the state o
f Chrissy and Remy’s relationship. He was not getting suckered into that, no matter how sensational she was in bed. In one month, she was gone. That’s it.

  “It was the only choice I had that was clean. It won’t happen again. I can take it off if you’d prefer?”

  “No, but why didn’t you put on your own clothes?”

  “My top from last night was dirty. It smells like jail. My pack with everything else I owned drove off with that truck from last night, which was entirely your fault, by the way.”

  “Right, so what do you want me to do about it?”

  “You should at least replace what I lost. I’m sure a change of clothes will come in handy at some point over the month.”

  “So shopping, is it?” he asked as he rolled his hips on her ass in time with the rolling of her nipples in his fingers.

  She yelped delightfully. “Well, first, I think you could take advantage of the fact that you got me all bent over and at your mercy. It would be rude not to.”

  He pinched her nipples hard and growled. “Then get the pants down, and I’ll satisfy us both.”

  Her hands made short work of her pants, pulling them down quickly and stepping out of them. “I kept my end of the bargain,” she teased, her bare ass in the air close to him.

  He grinned, moving his hands off her breasts and clutched her hips with one. The other opened his silk pants, letting his cock and balls spring free. He rubbed himself on her wet pussy, sliding his shaft between her folds, scraping on her clit, back and forth slowly. “You sure you want this, Carmen?”

  She moaned and braced herself. “Pretty damn sure…”

  “Good.” Reece moved just a scant inch and slid into her dripping wetness, groaning. “God, that’s good.”

  She whimpered under him, her sensitive body moving to take more of him. “Um, fuck yeah.”

  “Such a wanton little thing, aren’t you?”


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