Jazzy (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 5)

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Jazzy (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 5) Page 1

by Catty Diva

  Moon Hunter’s Inc.

  Book 5


  By Catty Diva

  Edited by Addicted to Reviews Editing

  Cover by Jesh Art

  Copyright by Catty Diva all rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. All contents, including names, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to persons, living or deceased, businesses, locations or events are completely coincidental.

  None of this work may be used, reproduced, exchanged or transmitted by anyone but the person the book was purchased for. Any reproductions of this book in any part or any form must be done with the express written permission of the author or not at all.

  Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


  This series is a spinoff from the 10 book series The Mating Games. Razar

  The Mating Games series

  Book 1

  Razar needs a mate, but on his planet there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible, but if they find out the secrets of his kind they will refuse to send them mates.

  Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game, she will be free to keep the money and return home.

  Can she outwit him or will he claim her heart before it's game over?

  Moon Hunters Inc.

  Book 1


  When did the good guys get so bad?

  Justice comes on swift wings in the dark. His friend and boss, Cash, has sent him to Earth to exterminate a criminal convicted on Oison and protected by the corrupt Earth government. While carrying out the judgement, he finds her.

  Envy is a pet kept by her evil master. Luckily, he's old and incapable of breeding, so she is still innocent in many ways. Justice has come to make her master pay for his misdeeds. Can she convince him to free her so she can live life on her terms? Will the handsome assassin accept her innocence as a payment for her freedom or will he demand her heart as well?

  Moon Hunters Inc.

  Book 2


  Deadly as Cyn, she’s sent on a mission after a bad guy. Alex is sexy as hell. Can he really be the monster her boss believes he is? It’s up to her to prove his innocence or take him out. If he’s really the anonymous mastermind behind the secrets at space station Alpha and the heinous lab hidden at Pluto, can she take out a man she’s grown to love? And how can she love a creature that loves to kill the innocent?

  Alex doesn’t know what to make of the beautiful but distant woman who was sent to negotiate a contract with him for Oison. One minute she’s hot as she shows interest in him as a man, the next minute she’s once again the cold negotiator. How can he find a way to get to the woman inside?

  With so much at stake and so much muddying their relationship, can they ever find their way to the heart of the matter?

  Moon Hunter’s Inc.

  Book 3


  She had escaped somehow and he felt guilty for not stopping her. The female was the chief of security, guilty of heinous crimes and must be brought to justice for them. Terrik felt guilt for another reason, too. How could he feel drawn to a woman so evil? It was his inability to react that had allowed her to escape. He’d frozen because of the attraction he’d felt for that woman, Lorelai.

  Lorelai had almost gotten caught. She’d been like a deer in the headlights as that incredibly sexy man had stared at her. Luckily, reason had returned and she’d gotten out of there. There was a job to be done and she was the only one that could do it. All she had to do was explain to the commander over all the labs, how she had been the only one to escape and make him believe it. The sexy stranger had to be cast to the back of her mind as she prepared to perform her duty.

  On opposite sides, was there any way they could ever get together?

  Moon Hunter’s Inc.

  Book 4

  Brutus dreams of a beautiful woman for weeks before he heads to Space Station Gamma. She calls to him and he wants to save her but he isn’t sure where she is. If he could find her, he would protect her from everything, including himself.

  Shari has known nothing but a life of hardship and abuse. She wonders if these new people who have come into her life will keep their promises or just give her the same old excuses and pain the others always have.


  Abducted from space station Gamma, Jazzy knows those who have her care nothing for her and intend to breed her like a helpless animal. They had already matched her up with a blockhead called Jetson. The name sounded like some space cartoon from the twentieth century.

  It was a shame such good looks and musculature were wasted on a Neanderthal. The man was sex on a stick, but the second he opened his big mouth, her desire flew the coop. It didn’t matter how pretty he was when he behaved like a jerk. Jazzy only hoped help would come soon.

  If it didn’t, she couldn’t say she might not cut loose on him and injure more than just his pride.


  Chapter 1

  Space Station Unknown

  Jazzy felt like shit! There was no other way to describe it. The food sucked and she’d lost weight since she’d been here. The few extra pounds curvy girls like her carried were gone and now she was getting skinny, something she’d never been or even cared to be. She knew they were pumping her full of fertility drugs and Jetson, the Romeo of the station, was trying to wear down her resistance. Like she’d ever let that happen.

  The jerkwad thought telling her all the other women fought to spend the night with him would convince her? Ha! No way in hell. She could understand being forced to breed, but he enjoyed his status as the official breeder far too much. The sad thing was that she was drawn to him physically. But she needed more than that.

  She refused to sleep with someone she didn’t even like. It didn’t matter that he was a hunk. That’s what she said, but when he was around her temperature rose. There had been some dreams too, but she wasn’t sharing that information with anyone.

  The cell she was in, there was no other way to describe it, was bare bones. Jazzy had been in jail cells that afforded more comfort than this place. There were people in every cell that she could see from her own. They were every age from small children to senior citizens and there were people of both sexes, but the females outnumbered the males a lot.

  Jazzy didn’t fool herself into thinking things were going to work out. There was no way to know how long or even if her fellow hunters would find her and free her. While she was waiting, there was a chance they would simply take her and artificially inseminate her to get their desired result. Their way wouldn’t be as much fun as a few hours with Jetson and might even be painful. Not that she was imagining what it would be like to be with Jetson the jerk.

  “I’m impressed.” The girl in the next cell stated.

  “Oh, really? Why is that?”

  “You took Jetson down a few notches. He’s never seen a girl that would rather die than have sex with him.”

  “Die? Who said anything about dying?”

  “Around here, that’s a possibility. The other option is a fate worse than death.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The fate worse than death? Being given to the guards. Once they’re through with you, there ain’t much left.”

  Jazzy shivered at the thought. “Why would they do that? Specimens are valuable to them, aren’t they?”

  “If we’re so valuable, why do so many of us die every year?”

  “There are some older people here. Few labs have anyone who looks their

  “They did something to them recently. Those people aren’t older than we are, they’ve just been through hell.”

  Jazzy was shocked. “That can’t be right. What would age someone like that?”

  “I’m no scientist or I’d be on the other side of the bars. I’m just Hannah.”

  “I’m Jazzy.” They both nodded at each other acknowledging the introduction.

  She found herself looking at those people and examining them intently. Had the girl been putting her on or was that true? She’d heard that guy that had kept Envy, Justice’s woman, as a slave, had been hunting desperately for a way to regain his youth. What if they’d found a way to steal it at the expense of others? No one would be safe.

  The situation here may have gotten even more serious and threatening to the galaxy at large if their experiments would give them the fountain of youth. Most of the people that were working in these labs were cold and cruel. Simply put, they were just not good people. Certainly not the kind you would want to have unlimited life to pursue their sadistic ways. Jazzy’s problem was she had no way to get Intel to her people and no way to escape.

  It could even be said that she had her own concerns and they were immediate ones. Just now the guards were bringing Jetson for a visit to her cell. He looked pissed, too bad. She was upset too at having him pushed on her.

  “Hey, Jazzy. Still feeling too good for me?” Jetson asked.

  “I just don’t want you. Get that through your thick skull and into your pea-sized brain.”

  “Baby, nothing about me is pea-sized. If you weren’t so stuck up, you’d see that and want me.”

  “You’re calling me stuck up?” That was a load of shit coming from this self-confessed Romeo. Jazzy just didn’t like man whores. There was nothing wrong with having standards.

  “If the shoe fits, Baby.” He said with a shrug.

  “Look, I’m not your Baby and I have a name.”

  “What is it?”

  “You came in here to breed with me but you don’t even know my name, Jetson?”

  “It’s clear you don’t know how things work here. You do what you’re told or someone will be tortured, maybe even killed. If you can enjoy it or help someone else to enjoy it, you try. There’s little in this life that’s fun or pleasurable. A decision has to be made by each of us, live or die.”

  “Next time you meet someone new, especially a woman they want you to breed, why don’t you lead with that?”

  “You are here. I assumed you knew what kind of place they brought you to.”

  “I knew a little, but I guess I didn’t think about the dynamics of the way everyone interacted.”

  “Is that an apology?”

  “Hell, no. You’re still an arrogant blockhead.”

  “I think you like me a little.” Jetson smiled and damned if he didn’t look hot. Jazzy suspected he might even be right.

  “No, I don’t.” He still didn’t stop smiling at her. She’d never admit to liking him, not even a little.

  “I’m in here with you for at least a day. What do you want to do to kill time?”

  “Tell me about yourself. Were you always in here?”

  “Yes, I was bred here, born here, and I’ve lived my whole life here. There’s not much more to tell.”

  “Who or what were your parents?”

  “What were my parents? What the hell does that mean?”

  “I’ve been to other labs and the people they keep inside them come from a variety of races. Humans, of course, but also alien races we know little about. Mazlans are one of those races.”

  “I’ve never heard of Mazlans before.”

  “You look a little like the heir presumptive of Oison. His name is Razar and he is a warrior prince. He doesn’t like the term prince and he denies being royalty. Razar says all his people are equals and he is only a leader because he has the skills to do the most for his people.”

  “I like the sound of this Razar. How do you know him?”

  “I’m a hunter and we work for his people sometimes. He has a mate name Lista and she and I are friends. Not close friends, because I’m away from home too much, but casual friends. I like her, he picked a worthy mate that can help him with leading his people and is a good mother to their children.”

  “I wish I could be a father to my children.” Jetson said his expression yearning.

  “I imagine you’d have a houseful.”

  “Not if the scientists can be believed. Sometimes I suspect they put me with females that can’t or already have been bred.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “They like to watch. I think they film my encounters with various females.”

  “That’s horrible. It’s not right that they do that to you.”

  “We agree on something. The world must be coming to an end.” Jetson murmured.

  Chapter 2

  Station Cubix

  Jetson had lived here all his life, or at least since he had been old enough to have memories of any kind. At sixteen, with his physical development that of a man, he’d been declared the station’s stud. The females who worked for the station often freed him from his cell taking him to other places in the station. He remembered everything he saw and he’d been in every room on every level of this place.

  He’d even been to the presidential suite when a high level female had visited when he was nineteen. “Service her well and you will be rewarded.” Josh Hames, the current warden of their little prison, had told him.

  Everything she’d asked had been done and he had been rewarded with food, drink, and the most comfortable bed he’d ever had. Hames had even given him a computer. It had no access outside of the cell he was in, but he’d learned a great deal and watched some good vids.

  It hadn’t been the first and by far not the last time he been called upon to entertain and service female guests. One guard had even suggested they be taught to fight and set up regular fights for entertainment.

  “Are you crazy? Teach these monsters to fight so your life is at risk every time you’re near one of them?” Hames derided. “Never.”

  The old fool Hames wasn’t as big a fool as the young guard had been. Jetson worked out several hours a day, every day. He was built and muscular. If he was taught to fight he would watch for his chance and break everyone out of this prison. No one deserved the mistreatment they received at the hands of these people who were the true monsters.

  Jazzy had drifted off to sleep and he watched her. She was beautiful and he had been lost the second he laid eyes on her. All the women he knew and had been with paled in comparison but she didn’t want him. At least they were laying the foundation to becoming friends. Once they were friends, who knew what could happen next?

  She’d called him arrogant because he’d assumed she wanted to breed with him. It wasn’t true. That was what he knew, they sent him to a woman and he was always well received or at least he had been before. All the women here knew the risks of not doing what they were told. Maybe Jazzy thought he’d sold out, but what choice had he had? He wasn’t the only one who would suffer if he didn’t do what he was told.

  This was the only existence he’d ever known and he wasn’t sure he would ever know another. He’d heard rumors that facilities were being shut down and the occupants freed, what would that feel like? It had always seemed best not to let hopes and dreams takeover.

  All he could do for now was watch his angel sleep and dream about the possibility that someday they might all be free. What would that mean to all of them? None of them had any training, any life to return to, or anyone waiting for them.

  “Is she asleep?” A voice called out.

  “Yes, Hannah. I think she was too exhausted to stay awake any longer.”

  “She’s not like we are.”

  “No, she’s been free and lived on the outside.”

  “I wonder what that must be like. It has certainly made her strong and willing to test the guards.”

  “That’s not always a good thing. Death follows the guard’s displeasure.” Jetson warned.

  “Even though it’s true, sometimes I wish I had the nerve to stand up to them. A life here might be best if it all ended.”

  “Hannah.” Jetson said softly leaning against the bars. Hannah leaned in, too. Behave just a little longer. Someone may be coming for her and it may benefit us all.”

  “You truly believe that?” Hannah asked.

  “I do. I heard the guards talking and some of them want to leave. Places like this are being attacked and the people freed.”

  “I was so happy for a moment and then I remembered I have nothing and no one help me.”

  “If they free us, I believe they will help.”

  “I pray you are right. If they don’t, we will all be lost.”

  Jazzy spoke in her sleep and they both turned to look at her. Her words were unclear but she was in pain, in her dreams at any rate. “She’s had a hard life at some time. Possibly her childhood was difficult.”

  “The woman would fit in well here, if that’s the case.”

  “I hear a guard coming. You’d best get to bed, Hannah.”

  Hannah hurried to her bed and slipped under the threadbare blanket. Her eyes closed and moment’s alter she slept or at least appeared to sleep. Two guards walked by rattling the doors of the cells’ to make sure they were locked.

  “How goes it, Jetson? Your latest prey refuse you again?” A guard asked and then both dissolved into laughter.

  “Who thought they’d see the great Jetson brought to his knees by a female?” Still laughing, they walked on their rounds.

  Sure, he was embarrassed but mostly, he was hurt because the one female that interested him looked down on him. Nothing in his experience had taught him what to do in order to change her mind. He was helpless to change her mind and he wondered what the guards would do if she wouldn’t give in and do what was expected.


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