Jazzy (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 5)

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Jazzy (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 5) Page 5

by Catty Diva

  “Maybe I’m afraid you won’t take something I am willing to give.” Damn! Did she say that out loud?

  His arms wrapped around her and his hot breath hit her neck just before his lips came into contact, kissing her sweetly. The feeling of being home came over her. It was a feeling she had never had before. Jazzy had carved out a place she called home on the streets when she was young. She had never called it home because she knew it could be taken from her at any time. Once she’d come to work for Cash, she’d traveled so much she just had a studio and it was bare bones.

  It was like she had waited all her life for this and for him. That was crazy, wasn’t it? She was an independent free thinking woman. Never had she relied on a man and she wouldn’t start now. Having an affair, however, that would feel so sweet. Not that it was something she did often but right now it would center her to have someone for companionship and sex. Jetson knew the score and he wouldn’t expect anything more.

  Jazzy swung her body around catching him by surprise. She lifted herself onto her toes and grabbed his head pulling it down. Her lips latched onto his and her tongue pressed for entry. He couldn’t resist and his mouth opened just a little bit. It was enough. Her tongue slid in and she tasted his exotic wild taste. It was intoxicating and she wanted more.

  Jetson moaned, he was fighting to dominate rather than be dominated, but she would bet he was enjoying this on some level. Not that an alpha type male would admit it. She felt his hard shaft pressing against her and she wanted to feel him inside her. Right now anywhere would do. He wasn’t wearing a shirt because he was ready for bed and bed was where they were headed.

  She, however, was fully dressed and that was frustrating. Stepping back, Jazzy began to undress. Her shirt went first and there were no bras available so her breasts popped out and bounced. Jetson seemed very interested in them. Sending him a look that asked why he wasn’t undressing, she slipped off her pants, again, no underwear. They’d simply been hit too hard by the sheer number of refugees they’d taken on board. Right now she didn’t mind because they could get naked quicker.

  Jazzy turned and saw Jetson naked and proud. Oh, boy did he have something to be proud of, too. He was tall, she’d known that. But he was big as well, and that was everywhere. The man’s muscles had muscles and his cock thrust out straight from his body, long and thick. She knew it would fit because a woman’s pussy stretched enough for a baby to come out and he wasn’t that big. Jetson was the biggest she’d ever personally seen.

  “Come here.” Jetson said and he crooked his finger at her. Hm, looked like someone wanted to be back in charge. She’d let him and see where that took them.

  She moved to him and they were almost touching. “Here I am,” she said.

  “You certainly are,” he said, looking at her like she was candy. Picking her up in his arms, he lay her on the bed and quickly joined her. “Gods, you are breathtaking.”

  His mouth lowered to hers and he kissed her until she could barely breathe before he began his slow descent down her body. His lips kissed and nipped, his tongue licked, and his hands stroked the fires that burned in her body as she anticipated his next move. Lower and lower until his face was right at her breasts and he sucked in a nipple. He nibbled and tugged until it was sensitive as hell and then he moved on to the other one. Giving it the same treatment, he moved lower to her navel.

  He kissed and licked it thoroughly before moving on down. Jazzy’s girly bits twitched as he drew nearer and she almost jumped out of her skin when his hot moist breath blew on her nether lips. She writhed with need, but she waited patiently, sort of, until his tongue brushed her seam. Her pussy was on fire and he was moving much too slowly.

  Jazzy arched toward him as she spread her legs farther to encourage him. “I think you want something. Tell me what it is!”

  “I want you inside me. Use your tongue or your cock but do it now.”

  Jetson chuckled and continued to move forward slowly. It made her remember she’d thought him an asshole originally. Now, she realized he could be that when he wanted to be. He was torturing her and he liked it. Another sweep of his wet tongue pressed it in further and another chuckle vibrated her pussy making it feel so good.

  His licks were long and deep from gate to clit. Next, he added a finger and it slid in and out of her wet channel easily as his tongue began to worry her little nubbin. He added another finger and she felt full. His speed picked up and she opened her legs more and arched to meet him. Jetson added another finger and it took a while for her to adjust. The fingers were thick, but still not as big as his cock.

  Pounding into her, he licked and sucked on her clit making it feel so good it was almost too much pleasure for her to handle. “Come for me, Baby,” he said, and it was almost as if the directive pushed her body over the edge.

  Lights flashed behind her closed eyes as her body arched and jerked. She felt her honey slid out and Jetson’s tongue came down to lick it up. He continued to lap at it as she bucked and her pussy clutched and clenched. Jetson slid up her body and he placed his cock at her entrance. Jazzy tried not to tense as his massive shaft slid in slowly.

  “Gods, you are so tight.” Jetson moaned as he slid all the way in.

  He paused so she could adjust, then he began to move in and out. His speed adjusted as she did until he was at a brisk pace. Jazzy kept up with him and she met him each time he thrust into her. It wasn’t long before he was pounding into her and she knew she’d be sore tomorrow. She just didn’t care because it felt so good.

  Her whole body was on fire with need. He filled her completely and made her pulse with desire. The friction made the tension grow until she was on the edge of release. She felt like he was, too. Jetson moved, rolling his hips to hit new spots and he found the just right place sending her over into an amazing all-consuming climax. His name on her lips, her pussy squeezed his shaft hard until he was joining her in bliss.

  She tried to catch her breath and it was difficult. Jetson fell to the side struggling to breathe, too. It may have been minutes or seconds before their hearts slowed and breathing came easy again. He rolled to his side and his arms grabbed her, pulling her to him.

  “That was unbelievable,” he whispered and she silently agreed.

  They lay next to each other and eventually she heard his breathing slow and become regular. She hated someone who could find sleep so easily. Eventually she drifted off, too. When morning came, or what passed for morning on the ship they were on, she woke first. Getting up quietly, she showered, dried and dressed.

  Checking on him, he seemed to be sleeping deeply so she left him to rest. The walk to the cafeteria was short and this time she got a tray and filled it with food and coffee. Jazzy couldn’t stand the rue many of the males liked. She’d leave it for them. This was the first day in a long time she had nothing to do. Everyone was loaded and they were just waiting for the team below to determine what they would do with the station. Maybe she would volunteer to help.

  Jetson entered the room immediately drawn to her. His expression left her no doubt about what his mind was on. He got his tray, filled it, and made his way to where she was sitting.

  “Good morning, Jazzy. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You looked like you were getting good rest. I wish I could, so why would I disturb you?”

  “Because I want to go with you when you leave the room. What will we do today?”

  She didn’t miss the way he included himself in her day. It was hard to blame him when she knew he’d been so bored. Since he was interested in her line of work, this would be good for him.

  “I thought once I had breakfast, I would offer to help dismantle the station.”

  “They take the whole thing apart?”

  “Maybe, or they might empty it and sell it if they can find a buyer. Will this be hard on you? You lived there a long time.”

  “No, I’ll be fine. Some of the kids might feel sad. I’m not sure. I’ll go with you anyway.”
/>   “Eat up and we’ll go. Is that coffee you’re drinking or rue?”

  “It’s the strong stuff.”

  “That’ll keep you going. You know it will energize you, right?”

  “No one has told me much about the food or drink.”

  “I’m sorry. I never thought of it.” She began to explain about the different foods and the difference between the rue and the coffee. That didn’t make a difference because he liked the rue.

  Once she covered the foods and drinks that were more common, they’d finished eating. She put in a call to command and they graciously accepted whatever help she and Jetson could give. They had a shuttle leaving in ten minutes if they could make it. Roar was piloting. While Jazzy preferred to pilot, she rarely was in a position to.

  They made it with a couple of minutes to spare. The shuttle was full of crew that had volunteered to work extra shifts to get things done. It seemed everyone was ready to get out of here. The station loomed ahead of them in the windows. They landed and a supervisor divided them into crews but sent Jazzy and Jetson to work with the hunters that were looking for information

  Jazzy and Jetson met Gabe in what was the main administrative office. He was going through each individual computer searching for clues for other labs. She had Jetson help her set up one of several old computers no longer in use. It wasn’t long before she was scrolling through information while Jetson worked on setting up the next one.

  There was something here. It was a location and Cash would have to have someone check it out immediately. She passed on the information to Gabe. Poor guy, he would probably have to leave as soon as he spoke to Cash.

  “Do you know how to use a computer?” she asked Jetson, not expecting he would.

  “Yes, I was allowed on one with no outside access as a reward when I did something they liked.”

  “I’m through with this one so let’s set another one up and then you can look through it.”

  Jetson nodded as he went to get the next one. It was beyond believable that they had left important information on these computers, but they had. There were names, locations, experiments, and results. There were also buyers, of what she wasn’t sure. They had hit the jackpot and hopefully it had been in time. The locations were spread around so Cash would use the nearest agents. Time was of the essence.

  Chapter 7


  Jetson had never felt so much for anyone in his life. The aggravating thing was he knew she was fighting the feelings that were developing. He, on the other hand, was embracing them. There was no way to know what the future would bring, but he wanted to be there standing at her side when it came.

  They had helped go through all the computers and files on the station. A lot of work had been done today and he was certain they would finish tomorrow. He hoped everything would be finished tomorrow. Now that he and his people were free, he was ready to see the last of the station for good. A clean break was what they needed, he was sure of it.

  “Ready to go?” Jazzy asked as she put her last computer on the junk pile. These things would either be sold or repurposed for the people that had been imprisoned.

  Jetson wasn’t sure how they would put them to use or get any money out of them. Luckily, it wasn’t his job to figure it out. “Yeah, let me drop this computer on the pile and we can go.”

  He set it down on their way out. Someone had called them a few minutes ago to tell them the last shuttle would leave in thirty minutes. They should arrive well before the shuttle left. Not everyone was leaving on the shuttle. Some of the hunters and even some of the Mazlan forces were staying on the station so they could put in long hours without distractions.

  While he admired their dedication, he had no desire to spend any more time than necessary here. The place was just a reminder of hard times. “Looks like they are only half full.”

  “We should be able to sit together then.” Jetson said. He noticed there were two seats in the back where he preferred to sit and he led her there.

  His feelings for Jazzy sometimes overwhelmed him and he felt protective in a way he never had before. Since he’d never been in love before, he wasn’t sure that’s what he was feeling, but it was his best guess. Nothing mattered to him more than she did and he never wanted to let her go. The problem was, how did she feel about him?

  “You’re awful quiet.” Jazzy noticed.

  “It’s been a long day and we found a lot of information that will lead us to even more prisoners.”

  “That’s true, but for some reason I don’t believe that’s what’s on your mind now.”

  “Okay, what if it’s us?”

  “What about us? We are friends with some excellent benefits. Why would we want to change that?” There was a hint of warning in her voice. He decided to heed it rather than risk everything. Maybe she would change her mind in time. The trip to where they were going could be used to bring them closer together.

  It was true their relationship had been strange and he never seemed to know what she was thinking or feeling. In his world, people fell into each other’s arms, usually because they were ordered to. Sometimes they developed feeling and the guards would let them stay together. More often than not, they were separated, either because they wanted to be or because they weren’t a good match according to the scientists.

  Jetson had watched enough movies to know things were different in Jazzy’s world. Often, one night was all a couple ever had together. He’d seen the romantic comedies and spy thrillers the guards had when he was being rewarded for good behavior so he understood how things worked out in the real world. If he could figure out how to make her laugh, she would love him.

  They landed in the bay and waited for other passengers to unload before they attempted to. Once the others cleared out, they headed to their room. Both of them had the need to wash off the dust of the station and remove thoughts of it from their minds. Hopefully, they could do it together.

  “Did you want to go first?” He asked as soon as they were in the room with the door closed.

  Jazzy looked at him mischievously. “I thought we could share to save time.”

  “I like the way you think.” Immediately, he began to strip. Jazzy stood there just watching him. “What?”

  “I was just enjoying the view. Watching your muscles flex makes me hot.” Jazzy giggled.

  “Thinking of your naked body with water running over it makes me hot.”

  That made her begin to strip. He rushed into the bathroom to turn the water on and set the temperature. His mind was on fun times ahead when Jazzy came up behind him and pressed her nude body against him. Jetson growled, lust rolling over him. It wasn’t a sound he’d ever made before but he’d never wanted anyone like he wanted her.

  Stepping into the shower, he grabbed Jazzy’s hand and pulled her under the water, too. Turning, he picked her up and her legs wrapped around his hips. Bracing her on the wall, his hand moved his cock to her entrance and he slid in.

  “Gods, you so fucking tight!” He groaned. Jetson began to pound into her.

  “More!” she demanded as she tightened her grip on him and pressed against him. “Oh, yes.”

  He continued to give her what she asked for as he pumped into her until a tingle ran down to his tailbone. Jetson needed her to come first. His fingers moved between them and searched out her clit. They strummed it and plucked it like a fine musical instrument and it gave him the notes he wanted as Jazzy moaned beautifully in his ear.

  A scream of delight followed and she bucked in his arms totally out of control. That’s when he lost his calm and orgasmed, too. Jets of cum filled her as he pumped her full. A deep visceral groan was torn from him and echoed in the shower stall. Jetson waited until they both calmed before he let her slide down the front of his body until she was standing on her feet.

  Two weeks of this while they headed to their destination should convince her she wanted to stay with him, shouldn’t it? Gods, he hoped so. They washed each other and the
mselves playing in the water like two carefree youngsters until it turned ice cold. Turning off the water, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out. A towel was nearby and he took it and dried her off first. He swatted her butt as he sent her to the bedroom to put on something clean. Drying himself off was quick and he joined her in the bedroom dressing quickly.

  “I’m hungry. What about you?” Jetson asked.

  “I could eat.” She said but her stomach protested growling like a monster.

  Jetson chuckled. “I can tell. Let’s go.” He led the way through the hall and to the cafeteria.

  They quickly filled their trays and Jazzy led them to sit by Roar.

  “Where’d Gabe go?” Roar asked.

  “He was sent out on assignment. It was urgent.”

  “I see.” Roar said. Jetson figured he probably did. Since he’d been there when Gabe had been sent away, Jetson actually knew what it meant himself for once. “It looks like we’ll be heading out in the morning if everything is settled.”

  “Do you need any help getting people settled?” Jazzy asked. Jetson recognized her need to be busy. He felt it himself at times.

  “We only have tasks like laundry and housekeeping right now. The hard work of integrating the people we’ve rescued into a life outside of what they knew will begin on arrival.” Roar explained.

  “Not that I think less of those jobs than others, but I think we’re missing the opportunity to get these people more comfortable with the lives they’ll eventually lead. Right now, they are in shock, but fear and even hysteria may set in. Setting up some videos about life in the universe they are about to join might be helpful. Perhaps even giving them information on occupations. Take Jetson, he is interested in becoming a hunter and he is observing and assisting me so he can determine if it is something he really wants to do. If he decides to continue, he will have some experience and reasonable expectations of what the job requires.”

  Roars lips quirked as he fought a smile. “I see your point. You are aware that I am number three and not yet in a position to make decisions?”


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