The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica)

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The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica) Page 1

by Arabella Quinn

  The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever

  By Arabella Quinn

  The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever

  Copyright © 2013 by Arabella Quinn

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The Billionaire's Son 8: Always & Forever

  I stared out my office window, lost in thought. Blooming magnolia and crape myrtle trees dotted the manicured lawns, leaving me longing to be outside, basking in the warm sunshine. I had been cooped up in my office at Jackson's estate for hours straight, even eating lunch at my desk, searching for answers.

  It had been two weeks since the Equinox party, and since then, Derek and I had spent every moment that we could together. We were officially a couple even though we had kept it to ourselves so far. I could feel Derek's impatience growing by the day to make it public. But, I was still basking in the intoxicating throes of a brand new relationship and I was head over heels in love. I didn't want to complicate it all just yet.

  I worried about Jackson's reaction to the news and even my own parents' reaction. Derek was the son of a well-known billionaire. And he had quite the reputation as a reckless playboy. I could imagine the well-meaning lecture, word for word, from my parents about Derek. I pictured the hand wringing, the worried looks and the knowing frowns.

  Worse than my parents was the media. The paparazzi stalked Derek at social engagements, always looking for a story. My picture could end up on the cover of gossip magazines; they might even dig through my past looking for dirt to dish to their readers. Even though my past was squeaky clean, except for my recent activities at The Club posing as Katia, the thought of my privacy being invaded left me queasy. And what if anyone caught wind of Katia? I knew from the icy glare that Derek's ex-girlfriend, Elise, flashed me before running off, that nothing would stop her from ruining me if she so desired.

  Derek and I spent many hours, usually in bed, discussing the situation. He was very understanding of my nervousness about it all and promised to shield me any way that he could. But I knew that once the cat was out of the bag, there would be no turning back. The repercussions for me were potentially huge. I had to be cautious.

  The first week after the party, I spent every moment that I wasn't working at Derek's townhouse. We only risked going out once. We had dinner at a restaurant where Derek knew the owner, and could assure me that no one would bother us.

  The rest of the time we stayed in. I learned a lot of things about Derek. To my surprise, he was a decent cook; he made delicious meals for us several nights. In fact, he seemed to be more comfortable in the kitchen than I was. He loved sports, both as a fan and playing in various leagues himself. One night, I stayed in and watched a movie lazing on his couch, while he met up with some friends to play basketball.

  The thing that pleasantly surprised me most was how involved he was in actually running his companies. I had wrongly assumed that his wealth and his job had been entirely given to him by his father and that he was a mere figurehead at Vaughn Enterprises. In fact, Derek worked hard to manage and grow the business. He worked the same grueling hours that I put in at my job, but he often took international phone calls after business hours were long over. While I didn't fully understand his dealings, I was impressed with the depth of his knowledge and the level of his involvement when I happened to overhear several of those calls.

  A week into our new relationship, he left for a business trip. He had wanted me to come with him, but I declined. I needed time to think everything through. And I wanted to wrap up my consulting work with Jackson.

  A long week apart from Derek had me regretting my decision. Our brief phone calls were not enough. I would leave my office and return to my lonely home at night, counting the days until he returned.

  I glanced away from the window and back to the stack of papers on my desk. Sighing, I reached for my cell phone and checked my messages. Nothing new. I clicked on the last message I had received from Derek. I had woken up to a new message earlier that morning: I miss you. Wish you were here.

  Two more days. He would be back in two days.

  I was getting tired of keeping the relationship a secret, too. I just wanted to be with him - without sneaking around and hiding from people. The hell with it. Who cares what happens? As long as I'm with Derek it won't matter.

  Warning bells went off in my head as my cautious nature took over. You've got to be careful, Julia!

  I shook my head to clear it of distractions. If I buckled down on completing the final report of the audit of Jackson's business, I might be done with it before Derek got home. Then I could take a much-needed break from my job and decide what I wanted to do next. With my professional obligations finally wrapped up for the moment, I could concentrate on figuring out how to make my relationship with Derek succeed despite the outside obstacles.

  Reading through the half-completed synopsis from the report to Jackson, I paused before typing. I had already described several financial anomalies that I had found at two of his companies. They were fairly minor transgressions including petty embezzlement by potentially two to three of Jackson's own employees, but the financial impact had been negligible. The synopsis had accurately explained each situation and the numerous attachments, charts and tables thoroughly documented their scope.

  Now it was time to address the looming question. The night I had snuck back into Jackson's estate and got caught up in the secret sex club, I had been tracking a suspicious hunch. At first I had thought it was possibly a complex tax shelter, but since then, I had located the files I needed, and had meticulously followed the clues down a wayward path of obfuscation and convoluted layering and backtracking, so complicated that it could only be money laundering.

  I couldn't outright prove anything. Money could be tracked going out, but after it was so thoroughly laundered, I couldn't determine what exactly happened to it. A niggling doubt had me worried. The scheme was so well crafted that any individual working in any of Jackson's companies would never be able to discover it. But someone had to be orchestrating the entire operation. And that meant someone placed far above any of Jackson's individual business holdings, someone with high-level access to all of Jackson's financial records.

  I was pretty sure that narrowed the list down to a very small handful of people. And what caused me even bigger concern was that I suspected that Jackson might even be privy to the entire operation. My instincts were rarely incorrect in these matters, and something about the structure of this system hinted at Jackson's personal participation.

  But why would Jackson have me investigate if he were part of it all? It made no sense. Still, my senses were on alert and I wanted to speak with Derek before I added this suspicious information to my report. I had a bad feeling that admitting my knowledge might not be a smart move.

  I closed the file containing the scraps of evidence that I had gathered that all led up to the conclusion that illegal activity was taking place within Jackson Vaughn's corporate empire. Leaning down to grab my briefcase, I tucked the
file amidst the packed contents already stuffed in it. I had to be careful with this material until I figured out what I was going to do with it.

  I sat up and stretched my weary muscles. I had been working long hours while Derek was gone. Maybe I would just go home early, since I didn't have much else to do at the office. As I was trying to talk myself into leaving for the day, a knock sounded at the door.

  "Come in."

  The door opened and Marcy poked her head into the office. "Hi, Julia. You've been buried so deep in here, I haven't seen you for days."

  I leaned back against my chair and smiled. "You came at just the right time. I could use a distraction from all this. C'mon in."

  Marcy loved to trade gossip, so I was surprised when she declined my offer. "I'd love to catch up with you and find out what you've been up to besides all this boring stuff. It seems you've been holding out on me. Clearly, it's something juicy, but I'll have to take a rain check."

  Momentary panic set in. Could Marcy have heard something about The Club or Katia? Something was giving her that weird, knowing look.

  Before I could manage a reply, she cut in. "I came to let you know that Mr. Vaughn wants to see you in his library."

  My heart started thumping in my chest. I hadn't laid eyes on Jackson since The Equinox party. I thought back in shame with how my body betrayed me so badly when Jackson took his turn pleasuring me while I was in the crazy box contraption. Luckily, I was sure that Jackson hadn't recognized me.

  I had known that I would have to face Jackson sooner or later, but I thought I would have more time to prepare. Now, it seemed, my time was up.

  I looked up at Marcy with wide eyes, betraying my nervousness. "I didn't even realize he was here."

  Marcy nodded. "He just got here and he made it very clear that no one was to disturb you. You better hurry."

  Marcy left as I was hastily checking my makeup in a compact mirror that I fished from my purse. A fresh coat of lipstick and I was as ready as I could ever be. I approached the library with trepidation.

  I tried to calm my frazzled nerves. Jackson was probably only looking for an update on my investigation. On the business end, I felt that I could give him some answers without alluding to the money laundering operation that I suspected. It was actually my personal reaction to Jackson that I was afraid of. Would I be able to face the man, my boss and Derek's father, who had brought me to such a powerful orgasm without betraying any emotion or making a fool of myself? I would have to. I pasted on a serene no-nonsense face, took a deep breath and knocked on the library door.

  When Jackson didn't answer, I knocked more forcefully. Still no answer. Hesitantly, I tried the door knob and it turned easily. I opened the door and stepped inside. "Jackson?"

  Before I could take another step, I was swept off my feet and spun around. Shocked, my heart jumped wildly in my chest. Within moments; however, my body reacted with wicked delight as I recognized the clean masculine scent as my face pressed against Derek's solid chest. Derek slid me against his hard length as he set me back down on my feet.

  His strong arms remained clasped behind the small of my back, pressing me intimately against him, as he smiled devilishly down at me. "Sorry to disappoint you, but… it's only me."

  Trying to keep from squealing like a schoolgirl, I beamed up at him. "Derek! I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you so much."

  "I've missed you too, Princess. I worked hard so that I could get back here early and surprise you." Derek's eyes were drinking me in like we had been parted for ages.

  I laughed as realization dawned; "Now I know why Marcy was giving me such strange looks! I think she must be suspicious about us now. I'm never going to hear the end of it…"

  Despite his protests, Derek looked guilty, "I didn't tell her anything, but I'm not going to be able to hide my feelings for you forever. Anyway, I have another surprise for you, but first, I'd like a proper welcome home." Derek waited patiently.

  I didn't need another invitation. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him into an intoxicating kiss. My lips parted and our tongues slid together. My stomach fluttered as I realized how much I had missed this closeness.

  Derek kept me pulled tight against his full length. "That's much better. Now, for your surprise. I know it's short notice, but you'll need to tell Jackson you won't be coming to work tomorrow."

  My imagination running away from me, I lifted an eyebrow inquiringly, "And why is that?"

  Derek chuckled. "Because I'm taking you to dinner."

  "That's one long dinner…" I had been expecting something quite different - maybe a day spent in bed.

  Derek shrugged his shoulders casually. "I've made reservations at a favorite restaurant of mine. In Paris."

  My mouth dropped open in surprise. My voice came out slightly high-pitched in my excitement. "Paris! Oh my God, I can't believe it! Are you serious? But how can we get to Paris in time for dinner?"

  Derek seemed to approve of my excited exuberance. "Yes, I'm serious. I'll drive you home now so you can pack an overnight bag and get your passport. Bring something really sexy for dinner and some comfortable clothes so we can do some sightseeing while we're there. Of course, it all depends on if you can take time off work."

  It all sounded magical. No way was I passing up the chance. "I'm at a bit of a standstill with my work anyway. I can definitely take some vacation days."

  Derek nodded. "Great. I scheduled the jet for takeoff in about two hours. It's about a nine-hour flight. I have some work to finish up while we fly, but you can sleep. We'll arrive in Paris at around noon. So, I'm afraid dinner tonight will actually be onboard the jet, but it's really quite good - "

  I stopped his words with a quick kiss to his lips. "It all sounds too wonderful to be true! First you surprised me by getting back early and now whisking me off to Paris - I feel like I'm dreaming." I paused, realizing this probably wasn't a new experience for him. "You've probably wined and dined a hundred women in Paris though. It must not be so exciting for you."

  Derek's eyes burned with intensity. "Yes, I've done it a few times, but never with you. It always seemed more like a chore to perform before. But this time, I'm very excited. In fact, I've been so excited about this idea that I've barely been able to focus on my work all week. And this way, in Paris, we don't have to worry about anyone seeing us together. I know you're still worried about that."

  I know he wanted our relationship out in the open, but I still worried. "Thanks for understanding. I'm starting to come around - I just need some more time."

  Derek pulled me closer. "I'm a very patient man. If it takes jetting you around the world every week, then that's what I'll do. Now, we have two whole hours until the jet leaves. Let's save all this talk for later…"

  Derek began placing light kisses on my neck working his way toward my sensitive ear. My nipples tightened under my blouse as Derek's mouth nibbled ever so close to my ear. I felt a hand making its way down my back to tug my blouse out of the waistband of my skirt. A few more seconds of this and I would be undone.

  I tried to remain rational as I shivered with delight. "Right here? In your father's library? Isn't that a bit - I don't know - immature or something?"

  Derek groaned and then pulled back. "This has nothing to do with my father. I simply can't wait any longer, Princess. We can go to your office if you like. Or even the pool cabana. Wherever. But you have exactly five seconds to decide or else…"

  I didn't let him finish. Who was I kidding? I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled tight against him. My lips found his in a searing kiss. Our tongues entangled as I felt Derek pull me off the ground. My legs wrapped around his waist and Derek started carrying me backwards, our mouths never parting.

  I was so caught up in the heady sensations of our breathtaking kiss that it barely registered when Derek sat me on the edge of the large wooden desk, hastily pushing aside objects to make room. My hands found their way under Derek's shirt; I was running my hands over his
sculpted body as he began unbuttoning my blouse.

  He broke our kiss to slip my blouse slowly off my shoulders. I felt a wet heat invading my pussy as he stared at my heaving breasts spilling out of the lacy pink bra.

  Slowly, his eyes lifted to my own searing me with their lust. "God, you're beautiful. I've missed you so much, Julia."

  A jolt of desire shot through me as he swiped a thumb across my nipple, which strained against the pink silk. I pulled his hands to my breasts begging for more. I moaned as his fingers traced swirling patterns through the fabric around my taut nipples.

  Needing to feel his skin against mine, I reached for his black t-shirt and tugged it off him. I had almost forgotten the utter perfection of his toned muscles, broad shoulders and narrow waist. The light dusting of dark hair on his otherwise smooth skin that led wickedly under his jeans pushed me to the edge of control.

  Derek stepped up against the desk nudging his body between my legs and simultaneously pulling me into him. My legs clamped around him as my skirt rode up my thighs exposing the tops of my thigh high stockings. I pressed against him, grinding against the bulge in his pants, needing him desperately.

  I felt my breasts spring free as Derek unhooked my bra. My hands reluctantly separated from exploring his back so I could slide my bra off and toss it aside. Derek's eyes darkened with hunger as he pulled back to look at me. A sexy growl escaped his throat before he lowered his head and took my breast into his mouth.

  I leaned back on my elbows and arched my back as his tongue worked its magic. His tongue circled my sensitive nipple before his mouth softly suckled my breast. I gasped at the waves of pleasure, which rippled through my body and centered deep in my pussy that left me aching for more.

  His mouth left one breast and slid to the other. His teeth nipped and gently tugged at my hardened nipple until I threw my head back and moaned in an agony of demand. I felt his hand burning a fiery trail of desire, moving ever so slowly, closer to my throbbing need.


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