The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica)

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The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica) Page 3

by Arabella Quinn

  What was it? Suddenly, the object vibrated. Squeaking with shock, I almost dropped it. Two ladies passing through the restroom to enter the bathroom gave me nasty looks, but luckily they didn’t notice the object buzzing in my hand.

  Was Derek crazy? He wanted me to wear a vibrator in public?


  I returned to our table, trying to maintain a neutral expression. Derek seated me and then asked, "Did you get my present?"

  "I did."

  "And? Why do you look so glum?" He looked at me quizzically.

  I haughtily returned his gaze. "Really Derek! I hardly think this is the appropriate place for that sort of thing!"

  Without warning, a soft buzz sent a burst of tiny shockwaves coursing through my pussy. "Ohhh!" I gasped.

  Crossing his arms, Derek sat back in his chair. "So, you weren't impressed with my gift?"

  I started to answer, "No. Oh, oh, oooooh," but wiggled in my chair as a longer vibration pulsed, sending delicious jolts shooting through my pussy.

  He smiled lazily, devastating my slim grasp of control. "That's too bad. I thought you might enjoy it."

  We locked eyes. "Well, you were…" Another jolt and I was moaning louder. I vaguely noticed the elderly lady to my right shooting daggers at me with her eyes, but I didn't care anymore.

  "I was what?" Derek's voice went from joking to huskily intense.

  My pussy was throbbing with mounting excitement. Not knowing when the next jolt would come was driving me insane with anticipation. "You were… Mmmmm, yeah." A stronger buzz had me closing my eyes trying to contain my reaction.

  "God, you're so damned sexy. I don't think I can keep my hands off of you."

  My eyes flew open as the vibrator stopped again. The women next to us was standing in disgust and leaving in a huff with her oblivious husband.

  I felt my panties getting soaked. I warned in a low voice, "Derek, you better be careful. I don't want to make a scene, but one more press of that button and I can't promise that I won't rip your clothes off and crawl all over you. Right here. Right nowwww…"

  A pulsing rhythm sliced between my legs, shattering my last shreds of composure. My knees squeezed together tightly as the delicious sensations washed through me. The intensity was building fast. I was going to explode. I cried out, a little too loud, "Oh! Derek. Oh my God! Derek!"

  The vibrations stopped again, leaving me on the edge of an abyss, panting with arousal. I noticed a few other patrons turning our way, wondering what the commotion was all about.

  Derek's gaze remained locked on me. He looked ready to pounce. I ached to feel his touch - his hands on my skin, his lips on my body. Bringing me to new heights of ecstasy as only he could.

  Suddenly, the dry restaurant got a whole lot more exciting. "Do you still think it's stuffy in here, Julia?"

  I could barely maintain the banter anymore. "It seems to have picked up a bit, but it still needs a, ahhh, aieeeeee…"

  My hands clasped the tablecloth and twisted it mercilessly. My back arched as I involuntarily ground my pussy into the chair. I felt my hardened nipples pressing against my silky top.

  "Derek!" I gasped. "I'm going to … arggh."

  My eyes closed as the powerful release overtook me. I felt my inner walls clenching furiously around the vibrator as it continued to buzz. I writhed in the chair for what felt like an eternity until the vibrations finally ended.

  Moaning, I opened my eyes to see Derek staring at me, looking undone. The lustful gaze was all I could take. Without thinking, I sprung from my chair and launched into his lap. My desperate lips met his in a needy, toe-curling kiss. Derek's arms wrapped around me, his hands were tangling in my hair and running up and down my back.

  It was an absolutely scorching kiss, right in the middle of the upper-crust restaurant. My head was spinning when Derek finally broke contact.

  I belatedly noticed the maître d' addressing Derek, "Puis-je vous aider avec quelque chose, Monsieur Vaughn?"

  "No. We were just leaving." Derek stood, forced to hold me steady because of my shaky legs. I vaguely noticed him throw some money down on the table before he walked me out the door.


  Derek sat in Julia's office at his father's estate and watched her nervously shuffling papers. It was only two days ago that he was with her in Paris. He had to adjust his position in the chair when he recalled their time together. Damn if his cock didn't get rock hard just remembering how she looked in the throes of an orgasm in the middle of the 'stuffy' restaurant in Paris.

  It had taken all his willpower to get her out the door and back to the hotel before he ravished her. They had not left the hotel room after that. He had laughed on the plane ride back home when she reminded him that she never got to have the dinner in Paris he had promised her. They only got around to ordering room service when they finally came up for air hours later. He had protested his innocence stating that he never expected she would jump him in the middle of the restaurant. Her reply had been quite serious, "I believe I warned you." He smiled just remembering it.

  Julia snapped him out of his daydream, "I don't know how you can look so calm about this."

  Derek sighed, "I told you, I don't really worry what other people think about me. But if you're not sure, we don't have to do this today."

  "No. No, I want to. I didn't think Jackson would be back to the estate so soon. I just wish you could come with me. I don't want to face your father by myself." She looked so uncertain.

  "I'll come if you want. He'll just wonder why I'm at your business meeting. But that doesn't bother me."

  Julia nodded eagerly, "Yes, I do want you to come with me. I'd rather face him together."

  Derek wanted to soothe her nerves. "Julia, remember, he has no say over us or what we do. We don't need his permission."

  "I know." But she didn't sound very confident.

  They had discussed everything on the plane ride back. Julia had suddenly become adamant that their relationship no longer be a secret. She wanted to tell Jackson and her parents and didn't care if anyone else found out.

  Derek pressed her hard about her decision to make sure she knew what she was getting into and that she was sure. There was no shaking her resolve. He was extremely glad that she wanted to take this step, but it had to be her choice.

  First they decided that she needed to wrap up her consulting work with Jackson. They both agreed that Julia should leave out the suspicions of money laundering for now. The potential danger seemed too great. Derek was relieved that she had figured this course was best. And Julia's negative suspicions of Jackson would keep her far away from his father. He grimaced as his deep-rooted issues with his father managed to rear its ugly head again.

  Derek stood and crossed the office toward Julia. He wrapped his arms protectively around her. "Don't worry about all this. Let's just get it over with. Remember, I've got your back. Are you ready?"

  Julia nodded. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and picked up the auditing report of Jackson's financial empire.

  When they reached Jackson's study, Julia turned to look at him. Derek smiled trying to reassure her. He noticed Julia squaring her shoulders as if preparing for battle before she knocked on the door.

  Jackson called from within, "Please come in."

  Just hearing his voice had Derek gritting his teeth. For years, Derek had made excuses for his father's bad behavior. He told himself that his father pushed him hard because he didn't want Derek to get complacent or lazy with all the money Derek had at his disposal. Derek even felt that his own success was largely due to trying to please his father. And it had made him a better and stronger man for it.

  But what about the affair with Elise? Derek even suspected that his father could be responsible for other breakups with girlfriends in the past. When he thought back, there had been possibly other affairs involving Jackson, too. And when Derek found out about Jackson's activities at The Club, it was the last straw. He had no respect left for
the man. He could barely look his mother in the eye anymore because of that knowledge.

  Derek took a deep breath as they entered the study. He needed to erase the thoughts swirling around his head about his father. He told himself that he didn't have to worry about Julia. She saw right through Jackson's charming façade.

  Jackson stood and walked towards them as they entered. "Derek! What a surprise. It's good to see you, son. Although, right now I have a meeting with Miss Collins. Will you stop by later?"

  Derek half-heartedly returned his father's quick embrace. "Actually, Julia invited me to this meeting."

  Jackson turned to Julia, "Hello, Julia. I didn't realize you were acquainted with my son?"

  Julia shook Jackson's extended hand. "Yes, I am. And I did ask him to join us if that is alright."

  Another man approached from the back of the room. Jackson turned toward him, "Of course, Derek can stay. Julia, do you remember my assistant, Henry Thomas?"

  Derek noticed Julia's body stiffen and her face pale considerably. Instinctively, he took a step closer to her as he turned toward the new man. It took him a second to place the face. It was the man trying to accost Julia at The Equinox party. Derek's hackles rose as his adrenaline started pumping. He wanted to pound the man into the ground.

  Julia regained her composure quickly. She shot Derek a warning look before shaking the man's hand. "Mr. Thomas, nice to see you again."

  Derek thought the man held on to Julia's hand for too long as he returned her greeting. Derek deliberately turned away from the man, effectively snubbing him as the man was about to extend a handshake to him, just so he wouldn't be tempted to do anything stupid. The last thing he wanted to do was inadvertently reveal Julia's identity as a member of The Club.

  Jackson motioned them to the large wooden conference table at the far end of the study. "Can I get you a coffee? Or something else?"

  Julia declined and began going through her papers at the table. Derek remained standing while Jackson and his assistant sat across from her.

  Jackson began, "Julia, Mr. Thomas has been going through your report. He tells me that your work is quite thorough and meticulously documented. I'm most interested in the embezzlement activities you encountered at Venture Corporation. The other items, while important, are not that complicated to understand and quite minor. Would you please give me a quick breakdown of your findings at Venture Corp?"

  While Julia outlined her discoveries, Derek's mind wandered. After today's meeting, Julia would be finished working with Jackson. Then she mentioned wanting to take a much needed vacation on a sunny beach, sipping fruity drinks. He was sure he could manage a couple of weeks away from his work. He thought a tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific would be perfect. Maybe a luxury hotel in Fiji or a water bungalow in Bora Bora.

  Imagining Julia sunbathing in a skimpy bikini and lathering herself with sunscreen, he felt his cock hardening in his pants in response. He stamped out the vivid and sexy imagery. Later he could indulge in his bikini fantasies. Or better yet, ask Julia to model some for him. Right now he had to focus on this meeting.

  Jackson was just ordering Mr. Thomas to follow-up on some items and afterwards essentially dismissing the man. When Mr. Thomas had left, he turned to Julia. "So Julia, why did you want Derek to be present at the meeting? How is he involved in all this?"

  Julia glanced his way before answering. "He's not involved in this really. I did audit his business records at your request and his personal financial records as well. And as you know, everything checked out great."

  "Yes, you told me. Then what's this all about?" Jackson turned toward Derek questioningly.

  Julia continued awkwardly, "Well, Jackson, I wanted to let you know - we wanted to let you know that we are together. As a couple. That we have a relationship."

  Jackson laughed. Derek knew the laugh. It was a haughty laugh of dismissal. "You can't be serious, Derek? You're dating Miss Collins?"

  "I am very serious." Derek's answer was uncompromisingly, almost sounding like a warning.

  Jackson laughed again and turned to Julia, "Julia, my dear, I feel I should warn you that my son is quite the ladies' man. My son has fooled you - he is very persuasive and you are not the first woman to get taken in by him."

  Derek felt like his father had just punched him in the stomach. He waited silently for Julia's response. "I haven't been fooled by anyone, Jackson."

  Not even glancing in his direction, Jackson continued reasoning with Julia. "I see he has already found his way inside your bed. He's just using you and he'll toss you away when he's done. Did you know that Derek's involved with some kind of sex club? He even has a girlfriend there, Katia, I think. I'm only telling you, Julia, to protect you - someone from Derek's past is threatening to expose him. I've taken care of his mess for now…"

  Derek's insides were seething with bitterness. He could barely stand still while his father spewed such garbage about him to Julia. His hands clenched into tight fists as Julia replied, "Derek and I don't have any secrets from each other. Whether you choose to believe it or not, this relationship is very real."

  Jackson turned to direct his venom at Derek. "Is this some kind of pay-back for Elise? I thought better of you, son. You want to get back at me by corrupting one of my employees? Julia has nothing to do with it. Or are you just using her for the time being to slake your own endless needs?"

  Swallowing down his anger and hurt, Derek replied with deadly intensity, "She's not one of your employees anymore, Jackson. And I'm not using her - I'm going to marry her."

  Walking over to Julia's chair, Derek placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go, Julia. I'm through here."

  Derek left the library without a backward glance.


  The car ride back to Derek's townhouse was mostly silent. I held on to Derek's hand, searching for a way to make him feel better. The rift and distrust between Derek and his father was bigger than I first imagined. And I just didn't understand it. I wanted to get to the bottom of it, but now wasn't the time.

  Since the moment we stepped out of Jackson's study together, I could only think about one thing: the last words Derek spoke to his father. I'm going to marry her. My heart had pounded like crazy in response. Did I hear him correctly? Was he just saying that to throw back in his father's face? Was it real? Questions swirled in my head until I was crazy with uncertainty.

  I turned down the radio. "Well, that didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped, but at least it's over with. Now we can concentrate on the future."

  Derek squeezed my hand, "God, I'm sorry about all that. I hope it didn't upset you too much."

  I studied his face, "I'm fine. I'm just worried about you. That stuff Jackson said was pretty awful. I don't understand why, though."

  "Don't worry about me. I'm used to it. We have a complicated relationship. I'll try to explain it to you sometime, but I don't even understand it myself. But right now, I just want to forget about Jackson."

  When we finally got to Derek's house and got inside, I slid up against him for a long hug. "That was stressful. Let's just do something quiet - to relax."

  Derek thought for a moment. "How about a nice long soak in the tub? With a glass of wine?"

  My body tingled as I imagined our wet skin sliding together. "That sounds like heaven right now."

  I waited while Derek retrieved two glasses of wine for us. He left me sipping the wine on the couch while he went to prepare the bath. After a few minutes, he called me into the spacious bathroom.

  He had been busy. I inhaled the fragrant scents of lavender and vanilla from the bath oils and scented candles flickering throughout the room as relaxing music played softly in the background. The waterfall tub was filled with white foamy bubbles beckoning to me.

  Derek took my wine glass and handed me a fluffy white robe.

  Frowning slightly, I asked, "You're not leaving, are you?"

  Derek leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I'll stay if you want. I
just want you to relax for awhile."

  "I'll be more relaxed if you stay."

  "Okay. I'll go refill your wine glass while you hop in. I'll be right back." Derek left and I pouted.

  Who was I kidding? I didn't want to relax. I wanted Derek in that luxurious tub with me. Doing unmentionable things to me. I had hoped a little striptease would get him too aroused to play the gentleman. I guess I just needed to work harder.

  My hair was loosely fastened with clips. I removed the clips and twisted my hair high on my head into a loose bun and refastened it. I slipped out of my clothes and into the sinfully soothing waters of the tub.

  The water came up to my neck; my body was completely submerged. I searched for the drain plug and pulled it, watching the water line creep lower. Soon a little leg was showing. A little bit more and the tops of my breasts were showing. Perfect. I plugged the tub up and rested my head against the thoughtfully placed bath pillow. I closed my eyes waiting for Derek. And waited.

  Where was he? How long did it take to refill a glass of wine? Was he stomping the grapes himself? I waited a few more minutes and then growing impatient, I opened my eyes and sat up.

  "Derek! You startled me!" I hadn't even heard him come in.

  He was sitting on a small bench watching. "I thought you fell asleep."

  I sat only five feet away from him, naked under the soft silky water and the foamy bubbles, and yet it felt miles apart. My body burned for him. He needed to be closer, much closer.

  Quite innocently, I asked, "Would you mind scrubbing my back for me?"

  I saw him swallow hard as he got off the bench. He knelt in front of the tub, took the loofah off the hook and poured some bath gel on it. I sat up and leaned forward as he rubbed the sponge all over my back.

  "Mmmm. That feels nice. A little bit lower please." I glanced up at his face and noted with satisfaction his clenched jaw.


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