The Detective's Trust (Brothers in Blue #2)

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The Detective's Trust (Brothers in Blue #2) Page 6

by K. Langston

  Reid took his sweet time. Worshiping me with his mouth. His kisses were hot.


  His mouth ravaged mine while his hands were nothing short of tender bliss. They were covetous but held a gentle edge that accompanied each brush of our skin, as if he knew my body already.

  Like we were old lovers who had finally found each other again.

  “Turn around.”

  These short, clipped commands were like some kind of an electric current, zapping every nerve to life, depositing tiny seeds of pleasure into my soul.

  His touch.

  His spectacular mouth.

  I was willing to give him anything he wanted. Even though deep down, in the end, I knew I would be the one to pay a hard price for it.

  My breath came in short, shallow pants, owning the air in the room. “Reid.”

  “Trust me?” he asked, and I immediately nodded.

  There was no one else in the world I trusted more than him.

  I spun around, facing the bed furthest from the door. His hand moved to my back, pressing down until my cheek touched the comforter. My legs were spread shoulder width, my naked body exposed in a way I’d never been before. His hands moved between my legs, fingers seeking.


  If he was looking for my inhibitions, they were gone. Lost somewhere between the alcohol and this unrelenting need to be claimed by this man.

  Reid squatted down, spreading me. A gush of heat raced through me as he slipped a finger inside and began moving in and out. First one then two, while his teeth raked across the skin of my ass. “Jesus, you’re so fucking wet.” He removed his fingers only to replace them with his hot mouth. His tongue dipped, flicking at my clit with dexterous precision.

  “Oh God,” I cried out, spreading my legs farther.

  “That’s right. Spread these sexy legs wide for me.” He slapped my ass, gripping the supple skin tight with his fingers before releasing, only to do it all over again.

  “You like it rough?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.


  I screamed his name as his mouth dove deeper, taking.


  So much giving.

  Every lick and swipe was like peeling back a layer of skin, exposing me. I knew, without a doubt, that I would never, ever be the same after this.

  He was a powerful wave, strong enough to crush my heart before it evened out and kissed the shore.

  I fell apart.

  His name but a plea on my lips as he devoured me until every tremor settled, and I sagged with satisfaction.

  Reid stood up and pulled his shirt off.

  “Knees on the bed.”

  God, I love the command in his voice.

  That intensity that normally irritated me had somehow found a spot between my legs that appreciated it. I slowly slid into position, my legs weak and wobbly. With his hands on my hips, he pulled me against him. The rough scrape of his denim met my bare skin, breeding more flames.

  More desire.

  More need.

  They licked at the insides of my thighs as his hard cock nestled at my center.

  His was a beautiful kind of torture, delivering just enough to push me to the edge, only to jerk me back. His hand shifted beneath me, snaking around my stomach, drifting up between my breasts before his fingers curled to take ownership around my neck.

  Reid pulled me up, my back curved against his rigid front. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll think I hate your pussy. But I just want you sore from my cock so every time you move tomorrow, you’ll think of me,” he whispered close to my ear, his breath sharp with the promise.

  Releasing the hold on my hip, his long fingers inched down, dipping low, pushing ever so gently through my wet slit. “Mmm…she likes it rough and dirty. I’ll be sure and remember that for next time too, baby.”

  “There’s going to be a next time?”

  “Yes, there will definitely be a next time. Now that you’ve let me have a taste, you’re mine.”

  He turned my head and kissed me.



  Branding me.

  I loved him. I loved him then. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I loved him now. More than I’ve ever loved anyone. But Reid wasn’t ready for love.

  Not yet anyway.

  I would just hold on to the hope that he would be someday. That he cared for me the same way I did for him. At least that’s what his body was telling me, and let’s face it, that’s a straight line connection to the heart.

  He released my mouth with a gentle tug to my bottom lip, those blue eyes silently pleading for trust as he guided me back down to the bed. I rested on all fours, anticipation thick in my blood. There was a soft whoosh of cool air when his hands came between us.

  The sound of his belt buckle releasing the leather and of crinkling foil were the only warning I had before he centered himself and drove into me. My fingers clutched the comforter beneath me, bracing myself. I’d never felt so full.



  With a firm grip on my hips, he thrust into me, over and over and over again, going deeper and deeper with every push.

  His thumb moved to where we were joined, as if seeing our connection wasn’t enough. “You should fucking see us, Cass. My cock sliding in and out of this hot little pussy. Squeeze me tight. Fuck yes, just like that.”

  Those filthy words only served to drive me higher. I pushed back against him, seeking more.

  So much more.

  I lost his thumb and gained an open palm across my ass, landing with a sharp smack. He squeezed the skin hard, jerking me back onto his cock with a savage pull. “That’s it, baby, fuck me back. Show me how much you want me.”

  I met him pound for pound, my body begging for release as sweat slicked our skin and need filled our veins. It came like a tidal wave, destroying me from the inside out. I was drowning in pleasure unlike anything I’d ever known, and I willingly surrendered to it, allowing it to swallow me whole.

  Reid found his release while the reality of what just happened slammed into me.

  “Stay put,” he said, his breath as worn and ragged as mine. I smiled up at him, my heart warming at his gentle tone. It held a lick of contentment that hadn’t been there before. As if he’d just unloaded years’ worth of pain and longing. That’s kind of how I felt. Like my soul could finally rest.

  Like I’d finally found my way home.

  He walked into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush then he came back out carrying a towel. He cleaned me up, careful to fold the towel over after each wipe. I’d never felt so cherished.


  His eyes wandered without an ounce of apology, roving over my body with slow deliverance.

  Then he shocked me even more when he tossed the towel aside and climbed in bed next to me, pulling me tight into his chest.

  His hand moved to my ass, giving it a soft squeeze before covering my mouth with his in a series of hot, tender kiss. “I can’t promise you anything, Cass. I won’t. But I do know I can never go back to the way we were.”

  Dark eyes held mine as my heart pounded in my chest, aching to be at one with his. “I can live with that.”

  He kissed me once more, rolling me over and positioning himself between my open thighs, his hard cock gliding back and forth against me. “I don’t have another condom or I would take you again. But to be honest, I didn’t get a good enough taste the first time.” He inched down, pressing a kiss between my breasts before burying his head between my legs, plunging me further into our fool’s paradise.

  * * *

  It was just after five a.m. the following morning when we set out for Texas. By the time we stopped for lunch, we’d put several hundred miles behind us.

  Reid was quiet, brooding, but his voice no longer held the frustrated bite it had before. My hope was that our night together had a lot to do with that. I thought about what he’d said.
br />   I can never go back to the way we were.

  Waking up in his arms this morning had been nothing short of divine. Especially when he pulled me closer, nuzzling his scruffy face into my neck, causing my heart to sigh with relief. Reid had always been so elusive, nothing more than a dream or a fantasy, but last night he became my reality and what he made me feel was beyond anything I could have imagined. I knew he wasn’t ready for anything serious, and right now wasn’t the time to ask or consider it, but I had hope for our future, despite our pain-filled past.

  “This is it,” he announced as we pulled into the long driveway of the compound hours later.

  Located fifteen miles outside of Dallas, it was a fortress, equipped with razor wire and scary looking men wearing leather cuts and guns on their hips. I’d read about bikers in books, and it was some serious shit, but this was downright scary as hell.

  We were greeted by a big black guy with gold teeth and arms thicker than tree trunks. The patch on the front of his cut indicated he was the sergeant-at-arms and his road name was Trigger.

  I reached for Reid’s hand and he gripped mine tightly, offering me that little bit of reassurance I needed.

  Trigger seemed less than thrilled we were here, especially when he denied us entry only for Reid to shove his badge in his face, earning us a long string of colorful words. Reid didn’t seem fazed by it in the least. The man towered over him by at least two inches, but Reid never backed down and he never lost his cool. I shivered with fear at the angry growl the man unleashed before making a call on his cell then followed Reid’s order to take us to the club president.

  Seeing Reid in action, all badass and controlling, made me think about how he was with me last night. Though it worked much more in my favor than it did for these bikers.

  Trigger led us through the compound. The half-naked women scattered about was a good indication that these men asked for nothing and took everything. I had a feeling people, women mostly, handed over whatever these men wanted willingly.

  Everything was leather and chrome. Hard and soft. Tough and beautiful. It was incredibly intriguing, alluring, and nothing like I’d imagined it would be.

  This was more than an MC; it was a whole other world.

  We walked through a set of wooden double doors. A massive wood table dominated the space, the surface discolored and worn from years of use. It had several chairs positioned around it, all of which were equally as worn. A man sat in the lone seat at the head, his presence not only intimidating but also imposing, filling the room with distinct authority.

  A woman stood next to him, her soft gaze reflecting nothing but complete love and adoration as he spoke quietly to her, the baritone of his deep voice carrying throughout the room as we entered.

  “Got visitors, Prez,” Trigger announced, and they both swung their attention to us.

  The woman was dressed in a tight black tank top, jeans, and a pair of the coolest leather high-heeled boots I’d ever seen. Her long, black hair was curled in loose waves framing her face and a pair of warm brown eyes. She took a protective stance next to him, resting both hands on his shoulders.

  Reid nodded toward Trigger. “Appreciate the warm welcome.”

  “Trigger here ain’t a fan of cops. Heat killed his baby brother a few years back. That wound still bleeds.”

  Reid nodded in understanding but said no more. That was no reason for this man to have animosity toward Reid, but I kept my thoughts to myself. I’m pretty sure Reid had seen his fair share of prejudice against his profession due to the actions of others.

  Rowdy Lawter, President of Brother’s Keeper had to be well into his fifties at least. His hair was dark, graying at the temples, and he also sported a gray goatee with hints of darker hair sprinkled in there, too. He was a handsome man but you could see the hard life he’d lived written in the scars on his face. One angry slash marred his jaw. It went almost unnoticed, until he grinned. There was another scar on his right brow and it only served to make him look even more menacing.

  Or it could have been the dangerous look in his dark blue eyes.

  He motioned toward me. “This must be your girl.”

  His girl.

  I really loved that.

  “Cassidy,” I said stupidly.

  Rowdy gave me a smile and a wink before turning to speak to the woman next to him. “My old lady, Camilla.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  “You too, darlin’,” she replied.

  Rowdy kept his eyes on Reid while he spoke to Camilla. “Camilla, take Cassidy to the common room. We’ll be out shortly.”

  Reid stepped in front of me. “She stays with me.”

  Rowdy sat back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head. “Sorry, kid, this is club business and bitches don’t sit in on that.”

  I gasped in disbelief. “Bitches? Did you just call us bitches?”

  I could feel Reid radiating with rage next to me. Narrowing my eyes at Rowdy, I fixed my mouth to give the asshole a piece of my mind but Reid beat me to it. “First of all, I don’t give a fuck what you call your old lady, you call mine a bitch one more time and we’re going to have some fucking problems. Second, she’s not leaving this goddamn room without me.”

  A million thoughts rushed through my head but I could only focus on one word of that.


  The bastard was out of his mind if he thought I was letting Cassidy out of my sight. I knew how these men operated. In their world, women weren’t allowed to know their business. For good reason, I suppose. The less they knew about their crimes and dealings the better, but there was no way in hell she was leaving my side.

  Rowdy glared at me, his dark eyes hardening at my demands. I was pretty certain his orders were rarely disobeyed, but I could see the resignation in his eyes. He knew I wouldn’t budge on this, just like I knew he wasn’t going to let his woman stay.

  After a dismissive nod, Camilla kissed Rowdy on the cheek and left the room. Rowdy pinned me with an iron glare. The American flag and Texas flag hung proudly on the wall behind him. Their club insignia, an eagle preparing to take flight with a silver key dangling from a thin chain in his beak, hung centered between the flags.

  Brother’s Keeper, an MC started back in the sixties by Rowdy’s father, Shepard Lawter, was one of the most dangerous biker gangs in the United States and Mexico. They weren’t into drugs. They weren’t into running guns. They were into keeping the peace and serving up justice where the long arm of the law wasn’t able to reach. They were a highly organized and legal operation and had relationships with some of the most dangerous criminals in the world. I was banking on his ties with Del Marco to help me secure Cassidy’s safety even further.

  “So what can I do for you, Detective?” Rowdy asked, getting right down to business.

  “Recently, one of Del Marco’s associates was released from prison. Vincent Rodriquez. He’s the man who murdered her brother. We have reason to believe he’s after her. I need you to reach out to him and Del Marco. Make sure any threats against Cassidy Sky are not carried out.”

  “And what makes you think I would do that for you, or her for that matter?”

  “Because I have something you want.”

  He raised a brow. “I’m listening.”

  “What if I told you I could get your son released from prison?”

  He leaned forward, his interest piqued.

  I knew that would get his attention.

  His son, Oakley, was a computer genius. Had an IQ that rivaled Bill Gates and he was Rowdy’s VP. A few years back, he’d somehow managed to hack into some classified government files. He would have gotten away with it too if it hadn’t been for one of their own who turned coat on Oakley and the club. He was now serving a twenty-five year sentence up in San Quentin with no possibility of parole.

  “What the hell makes you think Del Marco will agree to that? If the man wants someone dead, I won’t be able to stop him.”

  “Jameson says
if Del Marco thinks she’s under your protection, he won’t touch her.”

  Anger and frustration nipped at my gut. I hated that I had to rely on this man to help me keep Cassidy alive. I could protect her but keeping her safe would be tough if someone like Del Marco wanted her dead.

  Rowdy nodded with understanding. “I see. And what happens to my boy once he’s released?”

  “The condition of his release is contingent upon his cooperation with future cases.”

  “Speak English, boy.”

  “He’ll be working for the FBI.”

  His face hardened with indifference, and for a moment I wondered if he would take the deal, but then a flash of acceptance washed over his face and he grinned. “Once Oak is released, I’ll make the call to Del Marco.”

  “You got it. Special Agent Jameson or I will give you a call when everything is finalized.”

  As we left the compound, I felt like I’d made a deal with the devil. But it had been a necessary evil. A deal I hoped would buy me some time to figure out what the hell I was going to do next.

  That was the million-dollar question.

  “What next?” Cassidy asked as we pulled out onto the highway.

  “We check into the nearest hotel. I have to make some calls, and I need to book us a flight back to LA.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then we sleep.”

  Fuck was what I really wanted to do. I was so wound up. I needed to let go of some of this frustration before I could actually think clearly.

  No, this will all be over soon and she’s going back to Florida. Stop making shit harder.

  “Do you think he’s telling the truth? Can we trust him?”

  “If Ryder says he can help us then I have to believe he will. There’s motive in this for them, too. He wants his son out of prison and he knows that’s the only way it will ever happen.”

  “I feel like I’m trapped in a dream. Like none of this is real.”

  “It’s real, baby.”

  She reached for my hand.

  Without hesitation.

  Without permission.

  I fucking loved it.

  But would never admit it out loud.

  “Thank you for not making me leave the room. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable with that,” she softly stated.


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