Runes of Mortality_A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy

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Runes of Mortality_A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Page 5

by G. Bailey

  “No time is bad for bacon,” I shake my head at him, believing he should know that by now, and then step away as he calls the portal. The portal burns into existence, bigger than the usual one he does for one person. I glance at Azi, seeing red veins covering his face from his burning red eyes. His demon is close to taking over with all this power, and we don’t need that to happen here.

  “Run in the portal or stay! Now!” I shout at the angels who stare in shock. They quickly move, running through the portal two at a time. Charmeine grabs her sister’s hand, nodding once at me before jumping into the portal. Danike stands, waiting by the portal until every angel is gone but Azi and me, before jumping himself. I walk towards the portal, standing right in front of it as it burns, and the heat hurts my skin a little.

  “Go,” Azi bites out when I look back, seeing how much he is struggling. I quickly jump into the portal, the fire feeling like it burns away my soul before darkness thankfully takes over.


  I roll onto my back, groaning as every part of me hurts, and I force my eyes open to see where Azi has portalled to. I’m surprised to find us all outside his manor house on the outskirts of London, which thankfully has high walls, so no one can see in. I pull myself up, looking around at all the angels still unconscious on the floor and spin around just as Azi falls through the portal, landing roughly on his knees. I rush to him, jumping over two angels and sliding down in front of him. I lift his head, seeing his red eyes are glowing, and there are veins crawling all over his face, but his demon hasn’t taken over. I relax a little when he smirks at me, the lines disappear, and I push some of his black hair off his damp forehead. It took way too much of him to save the angels and me.

  “That was dangerous, if I wasn’t in control,” he quietly tells me, while he is still struggling to catch his breath.

  “You are always in control, Azi. I know that,” I whisper to him.

  "I could have not been in control, and that is really dangerous for someone like me. I'm a demon, and you should know that when my inner demon takes over, he doesn't recognise people. Especially not people I am in love with and would never usually hurt," he whispers the words quietly and so full of emotion that I find it hard to look away.

  "Azi, I'm not scared of you, and you shouldn't be scared of who you are," I tell him, needing him to understand that. What I don’t tell him is that if his demon took over, I would be running my ass away as quickly as possible.

  I stand and turn around, looking at all the angels plastered across the lawn of Azi’s gardens. They all look okay, nothing particularly wrong with them that I can see anyways. I think for a second about the fact I could have made a big mistake and these angels could be evil, but I know I can figure out a way to kill them if they betray us. I am glad that Azi decided to bring us here. It is probably the best place for these angels, hidden from the world until we figure something out, and they can get to understand everything that has no doubt changed since they were last here. I look up at the giant house, which I've only been to a few times, and admire how good it feels to see something of colour again. My eyes drift to a purple flower crawling up the side of the house, reminding me of Hali as it’s her favourite colour. We need to leave soon to find Hali and let her know I am alive. I can’t even imagine how upset she must have been. A tiny part of me wants to go and see the Protectors, but I don’t think on that for long. They might not want to see me, knowing who I am and who I am going to kill to get my revenge. I won’t let anyone stop me, no matter what they say or do.

  "They will not wake up for a while. Should we go inside?" I ask, though I don’t see the point in waiting for a reply. I don't wait for his answer as I step over the angels and walk straight towards the house. Azi’s house is looking extremely beautiful and old. I look at the old stone building, the beautiful brown brick walls and the white windows. There are rose bushes planted outside, and they are loads of different colours which look extremely beautiful. I open the white door, looking round at the small entrance hall, which is covered in white sheets, and the grand staircase that goes up to the second floor. I briefly try to remember where kitchens are in this house, and I turn to the right to have a look on that side. I find the kitchen straightaway, and I head straight for the fridge, opening it up and seeing the zero food inside.

  "Why can't I find any bacon? It feels like it's been years since I've had anything decent to eat that isn't a bloody white vegetable," I mutter and slam the fridge door shut. I turn around to see Azi leaning against the door, a smirk permanently etched across his face.

  "I could go to Greggs to get you a bacon sandwich,” he suggests. I lean against the fridge as a big smile takes over my face.

  "And what would I have to do to make you go get it for me?" I ask. Azi just smiles and walks straight out of the door to no doubt make a portal outside so it doesn’t burn his wood floors.

  “I didn’t ask anything, I know if you don’t have bacon for a while, you get really moody. It's likely safer for everybody if I go and get you some while we wait for the angels to wake up,” he chuckles before he leaves. He has a point. I smile and find a bottle of water in one of the cupboards before walking back outside and sitting on a wall as I wait for the angels to wake up. The angels don't stir for some time while I drink my water. As I watch them, I wonder how angry the world might be to know there are angels around again. I look at my back, even though my wings aren’t out, and wonder if having my angel wings means I will get any powers with it. I’m not sure if I want any, but with a big battle coming up, any bonus would be useful. I finally see one of the angels moving at the back. I slide off the wall and walk over to see that it is Danike that has woken up first. Typical.

  “That portal hurt more than I remember them ever hurting,” he comments as he stands up and then pauses as he looks around where we are. I silently watch his reaction to being outside of hell for the first time in twenty-six years. I do not know what it must feel like to him, but I imagine it's good to see a colour other than white. The other angels all start stirring, some of them climbing up off the ground and looking around in shock. I watch as Charmeine stirs and rolls on her side. She places her hand on her sister’s arm, right next to her, before realising that she is still sleeping. She stretches her hand out in the grass and picks up a small daisy, staring at it in amazement. Her eyes meet mine as she stands up and walks over to me.

  "Thank you for taking us out of there. We could never have escaped without your help, and we will always owe you our lives,” she says and presses the daisy into my hand as a gift.

  "You do not have to thank me. You owe me nothing,” I reply, accepting the flower. She only shakes her head at me before walking away to wait for her sister to wake up most likely.

  "The angels will come if you need them," Danike says from next to me. I look at the man who is my father and feel nothing but anger towards him. He left my mother alone when he must have known the cost of doing that. He left me alone and has had no interest in even being decent towards me since he found out he is my father. I know that I do not need a father like that in my life.

  "I will never call for the angels. I have survived on my own since I was a baby, and it has taught me that I do not need anyone in my life, especially not a father who left a pregnant woman alone,” I say harshly, “who left a defenseless child alone.”

  "I did not leave her alone, and you have no idea what you speak. You will need the angels, especially if you plan to take the throne. The keepers will never accept a half angel like you as their queen,” he warns me.

  “It is lucky that Evie has more people to protect her than you know. The keepers will have no choice in the matter if it is what Evie wants," Azi’s dark voice comes from right behind me.

  “Demons cannot protect angels from the price we all pay,” he tells Azi and then looks towards me. “When you want to know about who you are and the price you will pay, come to me.”

  “There is no price that I cannot pay. I have eve
rything I need, without your help,” I tell him as Azi slides an arm around my waist.

  “You and your people can stay in my home for as long as you wish. We have to leave, but there are humans who will come to the house to bring food and clothes once a week. I suggest you all get to know the world you have stepped into before going out in it,” Azi says, and Danike nods his agreement.

  “Good luck,” Danike says once, his eyes locked on mine before he walks away. I try not to feel any emotion that the only parent I’ve known just walks away like I do not mean anything to him. Thankfully Azi uses that moment to show me the bacon sandwich, which I practically inhale in two seconds, and it makes me feel so much better. I smile up at Azi, knowing how lucky I am to have him in my life and how much I missed him. I don’t know when it was, the saving my life or getting me bacon, but I can’t help but feel like we are getting back to how we were before. Once I'm done eating, I look up at Azi with only one question in mind.

  “Where is Hali?”


  Once Azi tells me where to find Hali, I open a portal with my rune and run through it, feeling the cold wash of the magic surrounding me as I step into an empty room. The room is small with a kitchen pressed on one side of it, and the lounge with two sofas on the other side. There is a red blanket hanging over the back of the sofa and weapons all leaning up against it. I hear Azi come through the portal after me, and I turn and give him a questioning look.

  “Hali!” Azi shouts. I practically hold my breath as a door opens and Hali steps out, dropping the book she was holding. Hali’s long black hair is neatly braided, and she has on black clothes I’ve never seen her wear before. They almost look like boy clothes, and I wonder if the Protectors went shopping for her or something. Neither one of us moves for a second, then she runs into my arms, crying and mumbling words I can't understand. I hold her close to me, rubbing my hand down her back in comfort as I try not to cry myself. I missed her, and damn, I hate that she had to go through all this heartbreak and shock. She has been through enough.

  “I'm okay, honestly,” I tell her, but I know that she probably won’t believe me, and she pulls away to look me in the eye.

  “They told me you had died, and I don't really understand how you’re back,” she mumbles, wiping her eyes.

  “It's a little complicated, and you would probably laugh if I told you,” I say, and she gives me a confused look. I step back and call on my wings, watching Hali’s very shocked reaction as she stares at me. Hali walks to my side and gently touches the wings.

  “You are an angel?” she asks.

  “I didn't think I'd ever say yes to the question before,” I reply and go to explain more when the door bangs open behind us. I turn just in time to see a gigantic tiger jump on top of me, knocking me to the floor. I am just about to defend myself when the tiger licks my face, and I realise who it is. Star is huge, her head is the size of a small child and she weighs a tonne. I push her head away to get her to stop licking my cheek. So gross.

  “Star?” I ask in shock, because this is not the baby tiger I feel like I only left a while ago. Star climbs off me but still stays close as I manage to pull myself up.

  “Evie?” a shocked voice asks as I place a hand on Star’s head. I look towards the door, seeing Connor and Trex stood there like statues. They both have snow-covered cloaks on and look so different from when I last saw them. Connor’s hair has grown out, and he now has a beard which really suits him. When his gold eyes meet mine, I can do nothing but stare for a moment as the tension flitters between us.

  “Blue?” Connor asks, his voice like someone who's just seen a ghost. Which I kinda am.

  “Hey, Connor,” I reply, wondering why I can’t stop smiling at seeing him. I missed him, which is crazy when we didn’t have that long together. He falls to his one knee, bowing his head, and I don’t understand why he would do that. I look at Trex, who slowly does the same thing but keeps his dark green eyes locked on mine.

  “We made a mistake, and you died because of it. If you give us another chance, we will protect you because you are a royal and we owe you,” he says and lowers his head, bowing like Connor.

  “Will you idiots get up off the floor? We have stuff to do, and if you really want to say sorry for letting me try and rescue my crazy-ass sister, a plate full of bacon will do nicely,” I say, making everyone chuckle and killing the tension in the room.

  “I saved a load of bacon in the fridge for you,” Connor says standing up and coming over. He pulls me into a tight hug, and his lips graze the top of my ear. “I’m so fucking happy you’re here.” His words are a whisper, but so full of emotion that it gives me goose bumps.

  “Can I help you cook?” Hali asks as Connor pulls away, and he grins at her.

  “Sure, kid,” he replies, knocking his head to the side. Hali smiles at me once before running after him to the kitchen. Trex walks over to me but goes around me to the sofa as I watch him. He moves the red blanket away, revealing my purple sword.

  “You have it!” I say happily, walking over as Trex hands me it.

  “Even when we thought you were dead, I wasn’t letting anyone touch what is yours.”

  “Is that why you went after Hali?”

  “No. I did that for you,” he tells me, his fingers grazing mine on the sword. I give him a slightly confused look, because I swear this man hated me not so long ago.

  “Where is the other one?” Azi asks, breaking up the tense moment.

  “We don’t know, and we were just looking for him,” Trex explains.

  “Why would Nix leave?” I ask.

  “He is likely drunk somewhere. When we told him you were coming back, he didn’t believe us and stormed out of here,” Trex tells me, not looking happy about it.

  “I will go and find him. Evie needs us all if she is going to do what I think she is,” Azi says. I mouth ‘thank you’ to him, knowing I don’t need to say much more as he calls a portal and disappears, leaving only burn marks on the floor.

  “What do you plan to do?” Trex asks.

  “Kill Erica and take the throne. What else?”


  “Shit, I thought you were a wall and you appeared out of fucking nowhere,” I mutter, staring at the back of the huge blue demon I have just bumped into and smashed my drink against. The beer drips down his back as he turns, looking down at me like I’m a bug or something he wants squished under his giant feet. I don’t have a clue what kind of demon he is, but by the sound of the humans running out of the bar, screaming at his growl, it isn’t good.

  “You are going to pay for that, stupid, drunk human,” the demon growls and grabs me by the front of my shirt, lifting me in the air as I laugh.

  “You know, it’s been a boring day. Thank fuck I can finally have some fun,” I manage to laugh out, and the demon’s blue eyes glow as he lifts a beefy hand, slamming it into my face and sending me flying across the bar. I smash into a water fountain, wheezing from the force of that hit as I open my eyes to see everything is blurry. When things come into focus, the blue demon is reaching for me in the fountain, so I call my fire rune, making a shield of fire in front of my hand. I slam the shield into his hand, and he screams, stepping back as his hand burns. I know it was a cheap shot to use my powers, but I don’t really care.

  “Protector,” the demon spits out as I stand up in the fountain, water dripping off my clothes, and my phone most likely destroyed in my pocket.

  “Yeah, that’s me,” I sigh, holding my other hand out and calling a ball of fire this time.

  “I’m leaving,” the demon shakily gets out, and I swear under my breath as he runs away. That ruins all the fun.

  “If you want someone on your playing field to take your shit out on, I’m right here, Protector,” Azi drawls, walking around the fountain and pausing, picking up a bottle of whiskey that someone must have left. He opens the lid before taking a long drink.

  “Pass it here,” I tell the asshole as I make the holy fire di
sappear and jump out of the fountain, ignoring my dripping wet clothes as I walk to Azi. He passes me the whiskey and pulls out a chair, sitting down and waiting as I drink. He waves a hand at another seat and raises an eyebrow.

  “You can sit your ass in it, or I can make you. Your choice,” he says, his voice impassive, but I know he means what he says. Fuck’s sake. I turn the chair around to face him before sitting in it and slamming the whiskey on the table between us. I know what the idiot is going to say, and I don’t believe him. People don’t just come back from the dead. I’ve spent enough time praying and pleading that my sister and mother would come back. But dead people don’t just pop up alive. I have no fucking clue how he convinced my brother and Connor that Evie is alive, but I won’t believe it.

  “Evie is back and wants you with her. Not this drunk, lost-in-misery you, though. No, she needs the Nix who fought by her side in Hell. The Nix that makes her laugh and isn’t a complete tosser most of the time,” Azi tells me, then picks up the whiskey and takes a deep drink.

  “You expect me to believe that shit?”

  “Yes,” he answers as I lean back in my chair, watching him.

  “If Evie was really back, you wouldn’t come to get me for her. She liked me, and I fucking liked her, which means I’m a threat to your chances of getting her back.” His eyes glow a darker red, the only reaction he has to my words.

  “You’re right, but I know Evie needs you. She is going to go after her sister and take the throne. She will be the queen of a race that has hunted her, that are scared of her. Every day she will be at risk,” he informs me and slides the bottle across the table. I catch it before it falls off and take a long drink as I think over his words.

  “None of this matters anyway, she is dead,” I shake my head, throwing the bottle across the room and standing up. I’m not sitting here listening to this bullshit any longer.

  “Portal to the house and see for yourself,” he says, and I chuckle.


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