Runes of Mortality_A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy

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Runes of Mortality_A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy Page 11

by G. Bailey

“Mum loved you like a kid. I guess that’s why I feel like you’re my sister even though you had to do the parenting for so long,” she says, and I wrap an arm around her shoulder.

  “You’re my family. Sister or, well, whatever you want to call our relationship. I’m here for you, remember that.” I tell her as we get to the entrance of the club. There is a big line of demons waiting to get in, but the bouncers hold the rope open for us when they see Azi. One of the bouncers quietly says something to Azi, who pats his shoulder.

  “Have a good night,” the bouncer tells us, his bright yellow eyes matching his light-yellow skin, and he narrows his eyes at Hali. I snap my fingers in his face and place a finger against my lips. He must scent that she is witch or something. Witches are extremely unpopular around here.

  “Shhh, or I will end you,” I say quietly, and Azi stops, staring back at us. The bouncer looks into my eyes and then to Azi, and nods. I don’t look at the bouncer again, only pulling Hali closer to me as we walk into the club. The heat blasts against my skin, and the loud music nearly deafens me as Azi looks around. He seems to see something and starts pushing demons out of the way, heading right to the back of the club and to a pair of hidden stairs behind a black curtain. We walk up the stairs, where a bouncer is stood at the top, and he turns around, opening the door and letting us inside. Once the door is shut, the sound disappears, and I let go of Hali as Seth walks into the room. Seth walks over and shakes hands with Azi before coming to me.

  “Evie darling, I didn’t expect to see you twice in one year,” he says, grinning that charming smile and offering me a hand to shake. “I don’t know whether I should be worried or excited.”

  “Neither, I’m afraid,” I say with a smirk as I slide my hand into his. He harshly pulls me to him, wrapping his arm around me and pressing a burning hand to my neck.

  “I don’t like seeing you and the danger you bring my brother. Nothing but trouble has followed me since I last saw you. Now why shouldn’t I throw your ass out of here?” he asks. I slide a dagger out from the holder on my thigh as I lock eyes with him. The dagger was nicely hidden under my dress, and I press the tip right between his legs.

  “Let me the fuck go, Seth,” I warn, and he moves his hands away, letting me step back.

  “I was only being friendly. No need to get all stabby,” he says, holding his hands in the air like he wasn’t threatening me only a second ago.

  “Don’t be a dick, Seth, we have serious shit to deal with,” I warn him, lowering the dagger.

  “And if you touch my Evie again, it won’t be her dagger-filled, trigger-happy hands you need to worry about,” Azi growls, and Seth tilts his head to the side to smirk at him.

  “Ah I see. Never mind then. I guess you can stay, and I can listen,” Seth says and winks at me. Azi sees it and starts stomping over to us but stops when Hali walks between Seth and me, holding her hand out as she speaks.

  “Hello, Seth. I’m Hali. You seemed to forget I was here.”

  “I didn’t forget. I don’t like witches, kid,” he comments, walking away from her, and she lowers her hand. “You are very, very lucky you are anywhere near me.”

  “I’m not a kid, and it’s rude to walk away from someone. Asshole,” she says, and Seth stops in his tracks, turning and rubbing his jaw as he laughs.

  “Are you challenging me, little witch with no powers yet?” he laughs out.

  “Only a few more years and then we can see who will win,” she counters, crossing her arms.

  “Hali! Just sit, will you?” I ask, grabbing her arm and walking to a sofa as she huffs. This meeting is not going to plan. Hali sits on the sofa, flashing a smug look at Seth who seems far too amused with Hali for my liking. I walk over to Seth, choosing to purposely stand blocking his view of Hali with Azi at my side.

  “Drinks, anyone?” Seth asks.

  “Yeah, I could do with one,” Azi replies and starts pouring himself a drink.

  “No, thanks,” I reply, and Seth shrugs, making a whiskey and downing it before slamming his glass on the table.

  “What do you want, dear brother and his crazy girlfriend?” Seth asks Azi, who finishes making his drink before answering. I would correct his crazy girlfriend statement, but it feels a little petty to do so. And I did just hold a dagger to his dick. So, I guess I can be classed as a little crazy.

  “Cex has resurfaced,” Azi says, and I watch Seth’s reaction, which is not one of shock.

  “I know. He paid me a visit, and it wasn’t for a brotherly chat,” Seth replies solemnly.

  “Tell me what happened,” Azi demands.

  “Cex wanted my blood, and he used Cheri against me. I knew he would kill her if I didn’t do what he wanted. I didn’t have a damn fucking choice,” Seth bites out.

  “Is Cheri okay?” I ask. I remember his daughter well from the time I rescued her, and she can’t be far off Hali’s age now. Cheri has Seth’s charm, but her mother is a succubus demon, and she is the image of her with pink hair and skin. I know she is going to have Seth running through hoops when she is older and boys notice her. Though I don’t know who is mad enough to try and date an overlord’s daughter.

  “Cheri is shaken up, but it was my fault. I let her come and see her mother here when usually her mother comes to the house, he says, guilt written all over his face. “I’m keeping her in the safehouse for the rest of her life at this point,” Seth growls out.

  “Our mission in Hell went to shit, and they got my blood too,” Azi explains what happened to us, in a very short way. I doubt Seth would believe I was killed and came back with wings. Nor do I think Azi wants to admit he recused me from a place overlords were told not to go to.

  “Why would they want both your bloods?” I ask, not understanding. I guess there might be something different and interesting in their blood, but it seems like a lot of effort to go to.

  “No clue, Vi,” Azi answers, but Seth looks away, running his hands through his hair.

  “I heard something once, but shit, I thought it was rumours or made up,” Seth admits, pouring himself another drink.

  “What is it?” I ask as Azi drinks his vodka.

  “That strong, ancient blood mixed in with powerful magic could give someone control over black magic,” Seth says, and the room goes silent as I watch Azi’s reaction. And it’s not a damn good reaction.

  “Bullshit. Black magic would kill anyone that tried to use it!” Azi exclaims.

  “I wouldn’t lie to you,” Seth says, and I actually believe the demon. He looks worried and fearful rather than hiding anything. Seth has too much to lose, like his daughter for example.

  “Hold up, what does black magic do?” I ask as I have never heard of it before.

  “It’s a massive power boost for one. It apparently can give you the power to control souls, even control Hell and breach the layer between earth and Hell itself. You could open and close it at will. Could you imagine someone like Cex being able to open millions of portals all around the world with one single thought? Could you imagine all the souls that would kill millions if they got out?” Seth asks. “It would be Hell on earth if Cex got that power.”

  “The grove must be the magic he wants,” I muse, connecting all the dots. That is why he is so interested in Erica; he needs the magic, and he must have the blood already.

  “We can stop him…you just have to beat Erica and become queen. You would never make him a knight and his plans are ruined,” Azi says. “Problem sorted.”

  “Then get out of here and get your throne,” Seth says and pauses as he looks back at me with a smirk. “Wait, what throne?”

  “The Protectors. Evie is an heir,” Azi explains. Thank god he didn’t call me a princess.

  “You have one cool girlfriend, bro,” Seth says, making Azi laugh. I roll my eyes and look over at Hali on the sofa, knowing I have to ask now before I back out.

  “I need you to do something for me, Seth. A massive favour,” I say, still watching Hali. Seth follows my gaze
and turns back to me, grinning.

  “I see,” he muses. “I wondered why you would risk bringing the witch here.”

  “I need you to keep her safe. Treat her like your daughter and protect her with your life,” I tell him firmly.

  “In return?” he asks.

  “You will be owed a debt by the queen of Protectors. Isn’t that worth keeping a witch safe for a few months at the most?” I ask, knowing he will collect his price at some point or another. When I’m queen, I will be in a better position to pay him back.

  “She isn’t just any witch, Evie darling. The queen of the witches wants her head and would pay a pretty price, plus…” Seth chuckles and walks closer to me, lowering his voice, “I don’t want a deal with Queen Evie of the fucking Protectors.”

  “Don’t be an asshole. I will owe you a debt if you watch her,” Azi demands, grabbing Seth’s arm. Seth knocks him off and looks back at me.

  “Every demon I talk to whispers the old saying, “Demons will fall. Demons will rise.” But more recently there is a new saying. One only a few know its meaning and everyone repeats in hope,” he pauses. “Demons will survive. The Salvatore will rise.”

  “It’s a nice saying, but what the hell does it have to do with this?” Azi asks, his eyes flashing between Seth and me because I remember the demons I saved in Hell calling me that.

  “I will watch the witch for the Salvatore to owe me,” Seth offers.

  “Then you have a deal,” I reply. “But don’t even think of betraying me. I will kill everyone you care about if anything happens to her. Even if there is a hair missing on her head, I will know, so do not cross me, Seth.”

  “Demons always pay their debts. They always keep their promises. Are you forgetting who you grew up with while you spend all your time with Protectors now?” Seth says, laughing a little.

  “I never forget my past,” I say, locking eyes with Azi for a second before walking away from them both to try and explain this all to Hali. She stands up off the sofa and shakes her head as she holds a hand up. I close my mouth to hear what she wants to say.

  “I know. I have to go with the demon for him to protect me,” she says, her pale grey eyes surprising me with how calm she is about this. I expected her to get mad, to cry, hell, to beg me not to leave…I didn’t expect this grown-up response.

  “How did you know?” I ask.

  “I’m not stupid or a kid anymore. I knew the moment you said I was coming with you. You are about to fight for a throne, and I’m your weakness. They have already used me against you once, and they would again,” she says. “I can’t fight them, and I can’t help you. Therefore, I need to be out of the way.”

  “It won’t be for long,” I say, not knowing what else to tell her without lying.

  “I know you will come back for me. You always do,” she says, and I gently grab her arm to stop her walking away and pull her to me, holding her tightly in an embrace.

  “I love you, Hali, you know that?” I whisper to her and she pulls away, walking over to Seth and Azi. She looks over her shoulder, and winks at me. For the first time, I realise how much all this has changed her, made her more grown up. I’m so proud as I stare back at her walking away.

  “I know,” she whispers.


  “You’ll like my house, and my daughter, Cheri, will find you clothes and shit that girls need,” Seth says. Hali just crosses her arms, glaring at him.

  “Whatever, asshole,” she replies. That’s my girl.

  “You are way too much like my Evie darling,” Seth says, laughing as he opens a portal. Hali hugs Azi and me before walking into the portal and not looking back once. It hurts to see her go, but I’m relieved she will be safe.

  “I will protect her. Even if she calls me an asshole all the time for doing it,” Seth says, a rare show of emotional understanding before he walks into the portal and it disappears. I stare at the empty space for far too long, not really knowing how to fix the worried feeling in my head and heart.

  “Hali is a smart kid, and Seth is the only family I trust,” Azi tries to comfort me as he puts his glass down on the side table.

  “I know you trust him, and I trust you. That is the only reason I let him take her,” I explain, and he flashes me a surprised look. “We should get back,” I comment, not wanting to dwell on the action of me trusting Azi’s judgment with the most important person in the world to me.

  “No. I have a better idea. We should have some fun, relax a little. Everything is so stressful all of the time,” Azi says, and links his hand in mine when he walks over. I let him lead me out of the room, past the bouncer and back into the club. The atmosphere once again numbs my senses straight away. Azi leads me right into the middle of the dancing demons and humans, pulling me against his chest. His hands find my hips, and he somehow sways them to the music. I rest my head on his chest, relaxing and enjoying the simple moment between us. Right in this moment, I can pretend we are just two regular people dancing, flirting and falling for each other. We can pretend the world isn’t out to chase us, and we don’t have a history of falling apart.

  “I have always loved dancing with you,” Azi tells me, and I only just catch what he said over the loud music. I look up at him as his red eyes gaze down at me, and I don’t know what changed with us, but he makes me feel safe. Like he did once before. And feeling safe is something I really treasure. I lean up on my tip toes, brushing my lips against his and sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, biting down very gently and loving how his red eyes glow as his hands tighten on my hips. I’ve always loved the rougher side to Azi when he lets go and embraces who he is under the suits and the way he wants to be more human.

  “You are a tease, Vi,” he tells me, sliding a hand up my back. I go to reply when a shrill, shrieking alarm blasts through the club, and the music goes off. Everyone stops what they are doing to hold their hands over their ears, but I slide my dagger out of the holder instead.

  “What does it mean?” Azi shouts over the noise. I glance around at the demons who stand up and start running to the back of the club to no doubt hide.

  “An attack!” I shout back and start running through the demons to get to the entrance.

  “You don’t run towards an attack, Vi!” I hear Azi shout behind me, but I keep running anyway, knowing he will follow me. If you don’t run towards an attack, you are leaving yourself open for whoever it is to attack you. Or that’s my—likely messed up—logic. I run up the stairs of the club, which are empty as no else seems to be running out with me. When I get outside, the street is quiet, except for the alarm blaring. Azi gets to my side as we hear two massive bangs come from our right. We run down the street and turn, finding a big crowd of demons surrounding what looks like a wall of fire, but I can’t see through them. I grab the nearest demon to me and swing him around by his arm. He is skinny, and his skin feels greasy under my hands. His green glowing eyes narrow on my hand.

  “Get off me, you stupid demon bitch!” the demon says, shoving me away, and Azi reacts more quickly than I can, grabbing him by his throat and lifting him in the air. Azi throws him like a rag doll all the way down the street and out of sight as he screams. The demons around us bolt away, and I shrug at Azi and move further around the crowd. I search through the demons near me, looking for a more friendly face. When I spot a familiar pink demon, I run to her and her eyes widen when she sees me.

  “I remember you. I never did get to thank you for bringing me here,” the succubus demon says, and I smile tightly.

  “What is going on here? I can’t see through them all,” I ask.

  “Three Protectors turned up and some demons attacked them. We think the Protectors have finally found us, and we need to run before they raid this place. The others think they can kill the Protectors and hope no one will follow them here,” she explains. My heart pounds in my chest when I wonder if the three Protectors could be my guys.

  “Are the Protectors in the fire?” I ask, needing to kn
ow if they are protecting themselves or if they are too badly hurt. They wouldn’t have come here unless something went seriously wrong.

  “Yep! They won’t be able to hold the fire up forever, and then we can get answers,” she replies.

  “Shit,” I mutter, stepping back from her. I toss my dagger at Azi, who catches it in the air and frowns.

  “What the hell are you going to do?” he asks. “We should work our way through the crowd and find out what we are dealing with.”

  “I’m going to go and get in the middle of whatever this is. The Protectors are likely here for me, or it might be my guys. Either way, I’m no use at the back, and demons might die if they fight them,” I tell him, not waiting for his reaction as I call my wings. As soon as they appear, I fly up in the air and through the crowd. I land right in the middle of three demons and the wall of fire. I don’t notice until I land how everything has gone deadly silent. The three demons lower the purple fireballs in their hands, putting them out, and looking between each other. I scan around the crowd, noticing how so many of them are whispering and gaping at me. I forgot how seeing anyone with wings might be a shock to them.

  “I don’t know what you are, but you need to move. We can’t have Protectors left alive who know about this place,” the largest of the three demons tells me, his eyes drifting over my wings.

  “I am a Protector, and I lived here nearly my entire life. Should I die as well?” I shout back, my voice echoing around the silence of demons watching me. They look so confused on what to do with my answer that it is hard not to laugh. Demons kill Protectors because of who they are and the same way around. Yet, I’m literal proof that Protectors can live with demons, even fall in love with them.

  “You have wings…Protectors don’t have wings,” I hear someone over the whispering crowd.

  “I am half angel as well,” I answer simply. I’m not hiding anything from them.

  “Angels don’t exist anymore! So, you are lying! We need to kill the Protectors!” the large demon in front of me shouts in my face. I raise an eyebrow at him as I hold my hand out, calling a ball of holy fire into existence with my rune.


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