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Archer Page 10

by Haley Jenner

  "It was around then for me too,” he reveals. “At Josh's funeral, I was in such a bad place mentally, emotionally and over you walk,” he grunts out a small laugh at the memory. “I was grieving but fuck me if I didn't notice how killer your body was. All tits and ass. I felt like such an asshole for even noticing. You were a 16-year-old girl and I was a grown ass man."

  We stare at each other for a few beats, both recalling our own memories of Josh's funeral. I hate remembering Archer that way, so broken. "You were such an asshole that day," I share and he watches me for a breath before speaking.

  "I was. It pissed me off that a 16-year-old could have it more together than I did. Plus, I was shocked at how much my body responded to you. Shit, I can still remember how hard you made my cock.” The words are spoken with a gravel that I’ve come to realize gives away how turned on he is. I can feel it vibrate through my body when I hear it, when he swallows deeply at the scratch it causes in his throat.

  Sliding off my stool, he stands as I make way around the bench towards him. Reaching his heavy frame, I plaster my body against his, stretching my neck to allow my lips access to his ear. "Tell me what you would’ve done to me if I’d stayed that day. If I’d made my interest known.”

  Pulling back to meet my hooded gaze, Archer rubs the side of his jaw, his feral smile showcasing his perfect teeth. Pushing me against the bench, he takes in my body with his eyes before turning me. "I would’ve bent you over when I fucked you." His teeth meet my earlobe as his chest rests against my back. Using a large palm between my shoulder blades, he moves my body until I’m bent at the waist, my front flush with the kitchen counter. "I would’ve made sure I could see that round ass as I fucked you hard." His words have me panting as my backside rubs eagerly against his crotch. Rock hard. "I would’ve watched myself fuck you, watched my cock push and pull from your wet heat as I spanked your perfect 16-year-old ass and could see my handprint on that creamy skin," he muses, pulling my pants down slowly, stopping at my knees, restricting my movements.

  "Hands gripped on the counter, Belle. Don't move 'em baby," he commands quietly and I obey without hesitation.

  Archer enters me on a forceful thrust, gliding straight in, my arousal coating him easily. “Fuck me,” he grounds out as my mouth opens on a silent shout. “Baby, I’ll never tire of that feeling. Sliding inside you, it’s like you were made to fit me. You’re always so ready for me, always wet and waiting, aren’t you, Belle?” he growls, one of his large hands gripping my hip, the other kneading my ass.

  “Yes,” I breathe, barely able to form coherent thoughts with him filling me so blissfully. He hums his approval at my agreeance before slamming inside of me once again. He fucks me hard and rough. Exactly as he imagined all those years ago. Exactly how he told me he imagined and it’s fucking fabulous. I come loud and hard, my whole body giving way at the force.

  Archer’s fingers run softly through my hair as we sit, half naked on my kitchen floor. My body is cuddled into his as we come down from our euphoric state. "You could do a lot with this place, baby, you thought about renovating?"

  I look around my kitchen and smile. "All the time. I have a million ideas, but I'll have to wait until I buy it first."

  Archer tips my chin up so he can meet my eyes. "You don't own it?" he seems genuinely shocked by my revelation.

  "Nope. My gran rented it all the years we lived here. The owner is happy to keep it as an investment for now, so they let me continue the lease when Gran passed. I have a little money from Dad's life insurance and savings from over the years but not enough. Plus, on a single income I wouldn't be able to afford the debt. One day," I nod confidently on a smile.

  He seems to contemplate my words for longer than necessary but I don't think further on it, just wanting to enjoy to the serenity of the moment.

  Several minutes' pass before Archer tips my chin up to meet his eyes again. "Baby, you know I'm gonna go back, yeah? My contract with the Army might be finished but I plan on contracting out. You understand that, right?" his voice is quiet, hesitant in his question and I look down.

  I need a moment to hide him my disappointment that I'll lose him so soon after we found one another. "Don't do that, hide from me," he reprimands softly.

  I sigh loudly. "Why? I’m allowed a moment to gather my words."

  Tipping my chin up again, his tone is slightly agitated when he speaks. "Because I want to see you, always.

  Because I want to be able to read you.

  And because you should never hide what you're feeling from me. I want it all."

  I love it when he does that. Gives me his reasons. Always three; it's direct, impactful. Meeting his eyes, I scan his face, smiling to myself at how beautiful he is. "Yeah, Arch, I know you’ll go back. I hate that we've just found this and you'll be gone again, but promise me you'll always come home to me, yeah?"

  I know it's silly to make him promise me that. I also know that he won't. He smiles sadly at me briefly before kissing my forehead. "I can promise I'll do everything in my power to."

  I can accept that, that’s the best I can expect. The best he can offer in the situation, so I hug him fiercely in appreciation at this promise. Even if deep down, it’s not really what I wanted to hear.

  Chapter Eleven


  My work boots crack twigs under my feet as I walk, causing a still echo to dance around the space. My muscles hurt, I’m filthy, covered in the remnants of my day. Plaster, sanding dust and sweat decorate my clothes and skin. I’m tired, sore and would kill for a long hot shower, a beer and Belle.

  Laughter spikes through the air and I smile without conscious thought at the sound. Her laugh always hits me head on; it’s deep, loud and one of my favorite sounds to listen to.

  Breaking through the blanket of trees surrounding the lake, jealously radiates through every cell in my body. It’s unfounded but automatic and I roll my shoulders as an attempt to release the immediate tension in my frame. The water hits Jake mid-chest, as Belle sits perched on his shoulders. Her thighs brush lightly against his neck as his hands rest on her knees, keeping her steady. Shithead is tall enough that he'd only have to inch his head back and it would be resting against her tits.

  They're laughing at Willow’s unsuccessful attempt to find traction on Toby's shoulders, her irritation obvious as she throws mumbled curses and inventive insults into the air. Jake notices me first, his wide smile remaining as he greets me. "Archer, hey."

  Belle turns her body instinctively when she hears my name, seeking me out. The move unsteadies her position and my anger spikes as both her and Jake grab at one another to save her falling. Her arm bends to hold onto his chest as one of his hands flies around to her back, missing the mark and settling on her ass. I know I'm being completely ridiculous, this is Jake. Their relationship is 100% platonic, but my temper flares at seeing someone else touching her. All that echoes in my brain is mine.

  Belle sees the anger written clearly on my face. "Arch, baby, you okay?"

  "Jake," I bark out. "Hands off my woman. Belle, get the fuck off his shoulders."

  Belle’s irritation peaks, a scowl forming on her beautiful face. “We're about to play chicken fight,” she explains. “If Willow can ever get on Toby’s shoulders,” she arches an eyebrow towards Willow on challenge, her remark met with an extended middle finger. “Bennett’s ref,” she gestures towards him before focusing back on me. “So stop being fucking ridiculous and tell me why I would hop down?"

  My eyes scan the lake locating Bennett, that permanent grin breaking his stupid face. Promising him bodily harm with my stare, I turn back to Belle and Jake, neither having moved.

  "Because those thighs touch me and only fucking me.

  Because you’re mine.

  And because you don’t get that ass off his shoulders, I’ll come in and remove you myself."

  Jake visibly recoils at my words. "Gross. Annabelle, just hop down -" he starts, looking up at her pleadingly.

p; "Don't you dare move, Jakey babe, your brother is being a Neanderthal. Ignore him." Mocking me with a wink, she bends at the waist to plant a hard kiss on his lips. This isn't unusual behavior for them, she touches her lips to his every time she sees his stupid fucking face. Shithead. But she knows what she's doing right now, purposefully pissing me off and now I'm really fucking mad.

  "Annabelle, your tits look amazing in that bikini by the way, can’t keep my eyes off 'em," Toby yells out.

  Willow groans in irritation. “Don't rile him up anymore."

  Willow's tits are huge and perky as all hell. Toby can barely tear his eyes away from them, so I know he's talking shit, but it still has the desired effect and for a split second I consider why I’m even friends with the dickhead.

  "I was gonna say how hot the bottoms are, cutting up your ass like they do," Bennett teases blowing out a long steady breath in mock appreciation.

  "Aww thanks, babes," Belle laughs, joining their provocation, thoroughly enjoying my obvious dissatisfaction.

  “I’m gonna kill you fuckers. Fair warning,” I speak wryly, looking between my two best mates.

  "Guys, fuck, he is going to kick my ass for all your shit. Sorry, Annabelle," Jake apologizes, as he flings her off his shoulders and I watch as she flies into the air before landing with a large splash into the water. Jake, all for self-preservation swims in the opposite direction as I remove my shoes. I can kick his ass later.

  Belle breaches the surface, spluttering, screaming at Jake. "You little shit-" she starts, stopping, wide-eyed as I jump in the water. It’s refreshing on my aching muscles and I enjoy it for a few long seconds before breaking the surface. It takes me only a split second to locate her, swimming as fast as she can away from me.

  "Baby, it's only gonna be worse if you run," I yell out to her, kicking heavily to follow her retreat.

  Willow, exasperated by our behavior turns to Toby. "We're out, they're about to start fucking in the lake."

  Toby barks out a loud laugh, pulling her into his side. "Enjoy lovers," he yells as he, Willow, Bennett and Jake all turn to leave the lake.

  "No, no, no, wait for me," Belle pleads. "You fuckers, this is all your fault," she cries. They all laugh, disappearing through the border of trees, leaving us alone. She looks back briefly and on seeing my advance, attempts to swim faster. I dive under the water and swimming forward a little farther, I grab hold of her leg, hearing her squeal as I pull her under. We break the surface at the same time, her laughing before she wraps her arms around my neck and legs tightly around my waist. My cock starts hardening almost immediately at the feel of her heat against me.

  "I fucking hate when you do that shit," I reprimand, pulling her in closer, letting her feel me grow hard against her core.

  She sighs, shaking her head in irritation. "You need to get a grip babe, it's all a bit of fun, and it only riles you up because you let it," she accuses, making my temper flare once again.

  "Belle, you're mine and I don’t fucking share," I snap, flexing my hips to allow greater pressure to hit between her thighs.

  “You cannot be fucking serious. This is Jake we're talking about, your 17-year-old brother. Grow up," she spits, trying to untangle herself from my grip.

  "Don't pull away from me……I'm sorry, okay. The thought of any other man, younger brother or not, touching you, makes my blood fucking boil. Baby, your beautiful soft thighs were around his neck," I finish quietly.

  "Arch, baby…." she begins, but I cut her off.

  "Jake knows everything about you and I want to know you better than anyone," I sulk and she looks on amused. Finally, she barks out a loud laugh, arching her neck as her head tips back and like always, the move causes my heart to skip a beat in my chest. She’s so fucking beautiful. I have no clue how I got so lucky. How this amazing creature chose me, I’ll never know, but I won’t ever let her know that she’s settled for so much less than she deserves in me.

  Tilting her face back to me, she scans my expression, a finger smoothing along the frown in my forehead. "Arch, baby, Jake's my best friend, but trust me when I tell you that he most definitely doesn’t know everything about me,” she reassures me on a grin and I close my eyes on a laugh. “Yeah, he knows that my favorite color is green,” she traces the socket of my eye with her finger. “And that I secretly love boy bands," she whispers the confession conspiratorially, as though it’s actually a secret. "But you know me, and all the other stuff you'll learn as we go."

  I know it makes sense. Everything she’s said is logical but I still hate that there are people in the world that hold a piece of her heart that will never be mine. Lifting my chin in defeat, I watch her intently, securing my hold on her body as her hands move upward to her neck. Toying with the string of her bikini top, my eyes travel over the scrap of material waiting for her to pull the string and show me what I want. Her whispered tone hits my ears as my eyes remain fixed on her tits. "You know, there is actually a lot only you know about me." The string falls and the small triangles of material covering her perfect tits, drop away, giving me the perfect view. Groaning out loud, her nipples harden at my appraisal and I lick my lips, ready to taste. "But the one thing you should know more than anything," her finger lifts my chin and she meets my eyes confidently, "is that I love you, Arch. So much."

  The emotion in her words makes the confession so much more and my face breaks with my smile before I lean forward to claim her mouth in a deep, wet kiss. She doesn’t ask me to say it back and I’m glad that I’ll get my own moment to confess it to her. Because I do. Love her. Completely. I don’t recall the exact moment I fell, but I know now that without Belle, my life doesn’t make any sense. That with Belle, my life no longer feels empty. I feel full inside. Complete, for the first time in my life and she gave me that. She gives me that day in and day out.

  She pulls back from our kiss, eyeing me skeptically. "You knew?"

  I’ve played this moment in mind over and over again. The moment she told me she loved me. It happened weeks ago, in the middle of the night, I came into bed and completely out to it she told me she loved me. I didn’t sleep a wink that night. Replaying the words over and over, smiling wide the entire time. I wanted to wake her up and show her how much I loved her back, but was afraid in conscious thought she might take the words back. So, I’ve waited in blissful silence for weeks for her to say it again. "I’ve told you that you talk in your sleep. You told me a little while ago. I've just been waiting for you to tell me when you're actually conscious."

  Leaning forward I claim her mouth again. My lips move over her face, her jaw, her neck, moving towards her tits, licking, kissing, and sucking her skin. She arches into my touch, pushing her chest farther into my mouth as I reach her nipple, sucking it hard into my mouth.

  Keeping her close, I hold tightly to the back of her neck and slip my free hand smoothly beneath her swimmer bottoms, grabbing hold of her bare ass. Her hands thread through my hair, tugging slightly. I’ve grown it out over the last few months, Belle likes it that way, so I keep it longer for her.

  Biting down on her nipple, she pulls the strands roughly and the sting of pain only heightens my need for her. Moving to her other breast, I keep up my assault, sucking and biting, making her moan loudly. "That's it, baby, let me hear you," I growl against her, the sound vibrating against her skin. Dropping my arm from her neck, I swim us closer to the edge of the lake, resting Belle’s back against the side. “Tell me how you want it, Belle," I demand, biting into her neck.

  She responds so well when I lose control. When I can’t go another second without being inside of her. When my hands are rough on her body, commanding her to obey my demands. She loves it.

  Her teeth sink into my shoulder, her small hand reaching into the waistband of my shorts, causing me to groan loudly when she grabs hold of my heaviness. Palming my hardness, she squeezes me tightly making a feral groan escape my lips. "Hard, Arch. Fuck me hard," she begs, dragging her tongue along the shell of my ear.
r />   Moving quickly, I push her swimmers to the side and enter her body in one swift thrust. Belle screams out at the invasion, the sound contorted in pleasure. "That's it, baby, scream for me," I grunt into her neck, thrusting into her hard and fast.

  My pace is punishing as I take purchase of her body against the side of the lake. Every so often I roll my hips slowly, placing pressure on her clit before pulling out and thrusting back in. The feeling is overpowering and I feel her throb around me as her body inches closer and closer to orgasm. Her screams are loud, as are my harsh noises, anyone nearby could hear us and it only makes it hotter. "You like it when I fuck you hard, dirty girl?" My teeth meet her nipple and she rewards me with another desperate moan. "You like when I fuck you in public, when anyone could hear us, see you screaming for me?"

  My hands squeeze her ass tightly enough that my fingers will leave marks. I love it, marking her. Taking ownership over her body. I love seeing the bite marks, the red indents from my hard touch, her lips swollen from my kisses. “Belle, baby, I’m almost there,” I groan against her lips and she pulls my bottom lip between her teeth. “Come for me,” I demand. My tone is harsh as I work to hold my release back. It takes only one or two more thrusts and she comes, hard and loud, biting down on my shoulder as her climax tapers out. My own orgasm follows shortly after and my feral groan is muted as I sink my teeth into her neck.

  Labored breathing echoes around us, our bodies moving heavily with the exertion. Her legs loosen around my waist as our bodies slowly begin to relax. Dragging her tongue lightly across my shoulder, she soothes the bite mark she left. I move my mouth down, copying her action by softly kissing the mark left against her neck from my teeth.


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