Masterpiece (Adrenaline Series Book 3)

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Masterpiece (Adrenaline Series Book 3) Page 1

by Xavier Neal


  Adrenaline Book 3


  Adrenaline Series 3

  By Xavier Neal

  © Xavier Neal 2015

  Published by Entertwine Publishing

  Cover by Entertwine Publishing

  Cover Model Griffin Kodors

  Photographer Jennifer Shelby

  All Rights Reserved

  Amazon Edition, License Note

  Thank you for downloading this e-book. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

  All character, places, and descriptions come from the imagination of the author. All are fictional and any resemblance to real life persons or places is purely coincidental.

  Dedication: To the Universe. Thank you for allowing me to turn my own life into a Masterpiece.


  Fairly certain I misheard what my oldest brother just said, I scrub my face with my hands.

  There's no fucking way. There's been some sort of mistake. A very fucking big mistake.

  Unsure of what to do with my arms, I fold them defensively across my chest. “You're fucking with me right?”

  Madden opens his mouth, but I immediately cut him off.

  “You have to be. This is some sort of fucked up lesson where you tell me something this horrible to terrify me. This is just a bullshit scare tactic you're using, so I get the impact of the choices I've made in life. Well, guess what? You win Madden! You fucking win! I fucking get it.”

  He takes another step towards me. “No one is fucking with you, Merrick.”

  You think he's lying too, right?

  “Ben was found dead this morning.”


  “Old Turtle's Bend.”

  I swallow the expanding knot in my throat. “How?”

  Madden rubs the back of his neck. “In his car.”

  Somehow I manage to wobble my way to the chair at the kitchen table where I flop down lifelessly. way. There's

  In a hushed voice I ask, “What happened?”

  Madden leans his back against the counter with a heavy sigh. “According to the police report, it appears he swerved and hit a tree.”

  “Ben was a good fucking driver! He wouldn't just hit a tree!” I shout loudly.

  Okay, so not good...but better than that.

  He nods slowly. “I know.”

  “That shit doesn't make any sense, Madden!”

  “Just fucking listen,” Madden's voice tries to remain calm. “According to the report that was officially filed, nothing looks suspicious. However, the fact they couldn't tell if something was tampered with under the hood or not, was purposely excluded.”

  My eyes widen.

  “The officer who examined his vehicle said it was hard to tell if any of the pieces had been manipulated or if one of the high performance parts wasn't installed properly.”

  “We install-”

  “I fucking know,” Madden growls.

  Daniel pipes up from the couch. “I helped put those parts in Ben's car. They were top of the line. Routine, easy. We didn't fuck that up.”

  “Yeah well,” Madden sighs heavily. “It's what he said.”

  Daniel argues, “He's full of shit.”

  “Probably,” Madden agrees. “But we all know how Ben was. He had a serious problem staying out of trouble.”

  Over protectively, I bite, “That doesn't mean he fucking deserved to die, Madden.”

  “I didn't fucking say it did!”

  “You're acting like it's his fault!”

  “It was my fault!” My brother yells fierce enough to push me back in my seat. “Fuck, Merrick!”

  “Hey!” Knox interrupts on a shriek. The two of us turn our attention to her as she wipes away the fallen tears. “That's enough! We are all on the same goddamn side here!”

  Unsure what else to say I rest my face on my balled up fists.

  The room returns to the eerie silence it was when I arrived.

  Fuck. Ben's gone...What the fuck? Am I next? He didn't deserve this. If anyone has it's me. Look at what I have done. Shit... What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do without him?

  “Look,” Madden starts again. “Ben made a lot of enemies across the board.”

  “There you go again,” I mumble. “Blaming Ben.”

  “Fuck Merrick! I'm not blaming him. I'm stating a fact.”

  “Then why not state he made a lot of friends too.”

  “Because it wasn't one of his friends that fucked with his car and killed him!”

  Seeing my brother's valid point shuts my mouth.

  “Like I was saying, Ben made some enemies. Hell, according to his GPS and the girl I spoke to, he was fleeing from her house early this morning. Her boyfriend came home earlier than she was expecting. That's what I mean when I say staying out of trouble. He sniffed the shit. He pulled dick moves like that all the time. He didn't respect boundaries or rules.”

  Instinctively I wanna argue, but honestly can't.

  As much as I hate that he's right, he is.

  Drew quietly adds, “He might've mentioned...having a little trouble with the drug dealer he was supposed to be pushing shit for when he got caught.”

  And the list fucking continues.

  “There's no definite way at this time to figure out who fucked with his car, but...” The lack of an end to his sentence forces my face up.

  With a slow nod I whisper, “I know.”

  “I um...” He sniffles away the emotions trying to leak out of him. “I went to identify the body. It'll be released to Aunt Kelli this evening. She wants him buried beside his father.”

  Softly Destin asks, “How is Aunt Kelli?”

  “At this moment?” Madden shuts his eyes. “Not speaking to me.” When his head falls, I swear there are tears on his face. “She says after Ben's funeral tomorrow to never speak to her again.”

  “She doesn't mean that shit,” Drew pipes in. “No fucking way.”

  “I don't blame her. This shit's my fault,” Madden grouses, head still down.

  Knox reaches out for him, “Madden-”

  Quickly, he wipes away whatever had fallen, brushing her off in the process. “Look, I have a shit ton of things to do before we put him in the ground. Triple D, make business arrangements for tomorrow.”

  “On it,” they reply in unison.

  “Knox,” he softly says to her.

  Without hesitating she relocates so her body is in front of him. I watch his hands drift to her hips as he stares into her eyes, reminding me of what I need so badly right now.

  Jovi. I need to get my girl. I just....I need her.

  “I need you to help Aunt Kelli with the funeral shit. Can you do that for me?”

  “Anything,” she answers before kissing his cheek.

  The second her lips land on it, he shuts his eyes. For a brief moment I see someone I don't recognize. His face that's always iron clad about concealing agony breaks, exposing one crystal clear fact. Knox is the only thing keeping him together.

  In a shaky voice he says, “Thanks.”

  The moment is short lived. His stone cold expression returns and he points at me. “You. You don't fucking do a goddamn thing.”

  Frustrated I snap, “But I-”

  “No. I just lost one McCoy. I'm not prepared to lose another.”


  “Just fucking stay here.”

  “Madden-”r />
  “For once can you just fucking listen?”

  I surrender my hands and look away.

  Doesn't matter. I'll stay here until Jovi's flight lands. Then I'm fucking out. I can't...I can't stay here. I can't be here. Not right now. This...this wasn't supposed to happen. None of this shit should've gone down this way. Ben should still be alive. Ben should be here at this fucking table bitching me out because I was late for lunch. Not about to be buried six feet under. Fuck. I'm not far behind, am I?


  Why hasn't he called? Or texted? I mean nothing. Nothing all day. Not a good morning text? Not a fly home safe text. Nothing! That's so unlike him. Is something wrong? Why do I feel like something is wrong? Do you know something? Am I over reacting?

  “Forgive her,” Nadie apologizes to the flight attendant beside me. “She's scatter brained today.”

  How long has she been standing there?

  “I'm fine. Thank you.” I finally respond.

  “You're welcome,” the woman politely replies.

  As soon as she's moved on Nadie fusses, “Jovi Carter, you know better than to be rude to people.”

  Not sure what I missed, I shake my head in an attempt to return to reality. “Sorry, Nadie. I didn't mean to.”

  Seeing the look on my face she drops a hand on my lap. “Are you okay? You've been...spaced out all morning. Did something happen last night?”

  Other than some really bad Shania Twain karaoke and trying my first Fireball? Can't say that it did. Drunken college students shouldn't be allowed to sing that intoxicated. However, Fireballs are awesome! Seriously though, I actually really enjoyed hanging out at a local spot with people who have no idea what my father does for a living or what my boyfriend does in his spare time. It was refreshing being around people who weren't waiting to judge me for that. But geez, I missed Merrick. He didn't answer when I got back, so I left a voice mail. Been checking all day for him to answer and...nothing. Is he pissed? Was he pissed last night?


  “You didn't accidentally-”

  “No,” I snap again. “Nothing like that. Nothing crazy happened last night. Made some new friends just like I told you over breakfast.”

  “Then what's wrong?”

  I hesitate before I answer. “Merrick hasn't called or texted all day. I'm just...worried. That's all.”

  “Maybe he's sleeping away his sorrows of missing you,” she sweetly says buckling her seat belt preparing for takeoff.

  A smile slips on my face.

  That...that would be adorable. But the knot in my stomach tells me otherwise. Is it just me or do you have that feeling too? Do you know something? You'd tell me right?


  “If it makes you feel better remember I've had spotty service most of this trip. There's a good chance he tried and those messages just didn't go through.”

  “But I got his call before I left last night.”

  “Okay, but did you get my text I sent you hoping you had a good time?”

  “What text?”

  “Exactly. And think about Hayli. How many texts did you get from her?”

  I ponder that for a moment.

  Holy hell. I didn't get any from her and that's not like Hayli at all. I mean sure when she's got a date or something occupying her she texts less, but no 'do not make a new best friend text' at all while I was gone? That's not like her. Bad service! I've been having bad service. Oh no...if this is how it was for a weekend, how are we gonna stay in touch when I move away if he doesn't move with me soon after? This could drive us insane...did you just say Skype? Oh! You're brilliant!

  Nadie interrupts my runaway thoughts, “I'm sure everything is fine. I'm sure he's just as love sick as you are.”

  In a giggle I try to deny, “I'm not love sick.”

  “Yes you are.” When I smile she gives my thigh a good pat. “Relax, Jo'. You'll see him in a few hours.”

  Feeling a little better, I nod and look out the window as the pilot announces we're about to take off.

  She's probably right. Everything is probably fine. This knot is probably all in my head. Maybe this is what people are like when they're 'love sick'. Does that mean I'm gonna turn into some super needy thing? I know Nadie's most likely right, but I still can't shake this tiny pit weighing on me inside. Am I just being crazy in love and letting love make me crazy?


  I let out a deep sigh of relief as the Commissioner's car turns the opposite direction from where I'm parked.

  You know, I'm smart enough not to get caught. This isn't my first time sneaking around, better yet this isn't my first time sneaking into his house. However, it will be one of the last. I guarantee you that.

  Climbing out of my car, I waste no time hustling down the street towards Jovi's house.

  No. Waiting in my car for an hour for him to leave wasn't the most pleasant experience, but it beats the hell out of being locked up in my room. Fuck. That room was Ben's room as much as it was mine. Being at the apartment felt like sitting in a tomb. Sitting in a memory that was just waiting to be forgotten. Sitting in the final moment we had together. Besides, the engine hum in my car was somewhat soothing.

  At Jovi's door, I debate whether to have her come down or just grab the key instead.

  She was the one who gave me the warning of when he would be headed back into the office. If I just let myself in, she wouldn't be surprised. What was that? Nadie? What about her? Oh...Yeah. You're right. I should just text her. I swear, my fucking phone has been acting screwy all day. Neither of us had been receiving texts from the other most of the day. Believe it or not that bullshit almost pushed me off the ledge I'm hanging onto by a finger. And I do mean a finger. Makes me wonder though, did Ben try to text me in his final moments and I didn't get it?

  Shuddering away the idea I text her.

  Me: Let me in baby.

  Anxiously I rock on my feet, the waiting time between texts an eternity.

  Future Mrs. McCoy: I'll be right down.

  Yup. I'm that guy. Hell, when did I become that guy? Hey! Stop that right now. I get enough pussy whipped talk from my brothers.

  With a small smile, I slide my phone into my back pocket. Looking around at the neighborhood, I admire the fancy street lamps. The driveways that seem to all have two vehicles parked in them. One car and one SUV of some sort. The lawns are manicured and the houses so structured the same it looks as if someone took a cookie cutter and laid them out perfectly.

  I never saw myself living in this kind of neighborhood before. Hell, I never saw myself wanting to before. it seems to be safer than anywhere else. Sure, Vinnie lives in this kind of neighborhood and you know what goes down at his house, but at least the major trouble doesn't come knocking on his door. He has to deliver it. Maybe this is the kind of neighborhood we move to once Jovi graduates. Once I get a normal job. What? Please don't mention The Devil's name right now.

  Finally Jovi opens her front door. She's wearing a pair of black sleep shorts and a tank top, no bra, clearly ready for bed.

  Yup. I wanna be there with her. Right now.

  She whispers, “Hey.”

  I don't hesitate to pull her body into mine. Roughly, I push my lips firmly against hers, falling into the first moment of ease to present itself.

  God, I can't live without her. I just can't. I fucking can't.

  With a soft moan, Jovi clutches onto my t-shirt, our tongues tangled so tightly that breathing doesn't appear to factor into our existence any more. All that seems to matter is how rapidly we can devour the other. On a heavy groan, I slide my hands down her ass, before gripping it harshly.

  Before things can get out of hand, she pulls away. Slightly out of breath she asks, “You wanna come inside instead of giving the neighbors something to call my dad about?”

  “That's not the call you want him to get?”

  “Mmm,” she hums. “Not really.”

  After chuckling, I let her lead me in
side by the hand. She locks the door behind us before we head for the stairs. Quietly I ask, “Where's Nadie?”

  “Passed the hell out,” she replies. “She slept like shit while we were gone. I think she was freaked out about dad...just everything really. Once we got home and settled, she took a sleeping pill. It worked almost instantly.”


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