Masterpiece (Adrenaline Series Book 3)

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Masterpiece (Adrenaline Series Book 3) Page 11

by Xavier Neal

  “You really do just get dumber and dumber,” Hayli mutters from beside Drew.

  Don't agree with her. I've got a good plan! I swear!

  “You didn't.” Madden shakes his head. “You wouldn't. You're not that fucking stupid.”

  “I'm not,” I stand up for myself. “But I went to see him. I needed him not only to know where Jovi is and the fact that I'm gonna bring her home safely, but his help in getting The Devil's Hot Tottie back.”

  “No way he's gonna help. Daughter or not,” Hayli states. “That man lives and breathes the law. He bends for nothing.”

  “He breaks for nothing,” I correct. “He'll bend for Jovi.”

  Madden grouses, “I told you I would come up with a plan.”

  “And you hadn't,” I announce moving past him towards Knox who is already fashioning an ice pack for me.

  Best mom like figure ever.

  “Besides Madden, I needed to fix this. I need to make this right. I got myself into this shit storm, I need to get myself out.”

  He tries again, “But-”

  “Shut up and listen.” My demand takes him off guard and I use the opportunity to continue, “After a long talk with The Commissioner, we agreed on some things that will help me grab the car and shut The Devil down, but we need all McCoys on deck for this one. I need you to trust that I can handle this Madden and follow my lead for once.”

  Daniel folds his arms across his chest and nods his head at me. “We're in baby bro. Talk.”

  “I'm gonna break into the precinct and then the impound lot. I'm gonna deliver his car and we're going to make a prisoner exchange for Jovi. There will be a tracking chip implanted in the car that will give the Commissioner our location when the time arrives. The bottom line of this mission is to get Jovi out of there no matter what.”

  “You're our responsibility,” Drew tries to correct.

  “No.” I place the cold compress on my bruises. “We're getting Jovi out and then yourselves, because when the cops arrive, they're taking me with them.”

  Knox gasps. “You can't possibly be serious right now. They're gonna take you to prison for this.”

  “Yeah.” I nod slowly adjusting the ice pack. “That's the plan.”

  “No fucking way,” Madden argues. “No fucking way.”

  Clearing my sore throat I sigh, “I already confessed everything to The Commissioner.”

  “What?” They shout.

  “I kept your names out of the loop, but yeah. Ghost is dead and Merrick McCoy is going to prison for a very long time.”

  In a shaky voice Madden groans, “How could you do this?”

  “It needed to be done,” I answer. “I'm done. I've been done. I need to make this right and wash my hands, Madden.”

  “You're not going to fucking jail,” he assures me. “We may do this plan your way, with The Commissioner's off the record blessing, but you're not going to prison and that's the end of it.” I open my mouth when he lifts a hand. “Kill that and tell us what you need from who and when this all goes down.”

  My eyes meet my brother's but I don't make further arguments.

  It doesn't matter. The deal has been made. My freedom for Jovi's. I know it doesn't matter how many times I say it, he won't listen. He won't believe it until it's done. So I'll let it go, but hear me now. I'm trading my life for hers and there's not a damn thing anyone can say to stop me.


  Blinking slowly, I try to observe the surroundings across from me in the room.

  I haven't been conscious long enough to really grab anything to memory, but I know Merrick's gonna need some clue as to where I am. Something subtle. Something that won't get him killed or me wounded for helping. Because of the damn drugs, I barely even remember talking to him. Somehow I clutch onto those thoughts the hardest and they've been sticking. I know he made some mistakes and that's why I'm here. I know he's coming for me. Right now...that's enough.

  There's a window covered by black curtains directly in front of me. My sheets and bedspread are brightly floral colored, which makes me scrunch my face. Casually I look over to see there's no nightstand. No lamps. Nothing that could help in an escape.

  Wouldn't try it. He feels like the kind of man to shoot you in the back and torture you after just to keep giggling about something. What was his name again? The Don? No...

  In the corner there's a single chair being occupied by the woman with the braid. Her name is on the tip of my tongue, so close to sticking out in my memory I can almost shout it. The woman hasn't noticed I'm awake yet, which is fine. She's got her face buried in a book with a very distant look in her eyes.

  “If you just lay there still, it won't register you're up yet,” she whispers, eyes still on her page. “That string on your wrist and ankle are motion bracelets.”

  Trying not to panic I glance at my wrist to see a small string around one. In a quiet voice I ask, “Why?”

  “The drug is strong enough to keep you passed out and prolong the need for you to pee, but when it starts to wear off, I have to take you to the bathroom, and give you another glass of water with it in it.”

  “And you're...?”

  “Melody.” Quietly she informs me. “I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to watch over you.”

  Thankful for the refresher, I try to bear down the fear that's creeping up my throat. “I don't...I don't remember waking up. I don't...I don't remember much.” Tears sting my eyes. “How long have I been here?”

  She turns the page. “This will be day 4. They took you Tuesday night.”


  “You have spoken to him more than once,” the reassurance soothes me. “He's the man known as Ghost. And the only thing you've been begging me to remind you of is that he loves you. That this is all about him trying to get out of this way of life to be with you. That everything is forgivable.”

  Is it? He's Ghost! That means he's been a career criminal for how long? He didn't tell me that from the beginning either...Yeah, he wants out now, but doesn't change what he's done. It doesn't change the fact he's been hiding this from me. That my life is in danger because of it...but you know what? If he gets me out of this... and swears to never get me in it again, I'm sure we can work through this.

  “I'm sorry,” Melody whispers. “I hate that you're here. You don't deserve this.”

  “Guess this is what happens when you fall in love with a criminal.”

  “When you fall in love period,” Melody counters.

  Curious I ask, “Been here before?”

  “I didn't end up as a house wench because I didn't feel I was cut out for college.” Her sarcasm makes me snicker a little too hard because the thing around my wrist starts flashing. There's a vibrating sound and I notice she checks her phone. “Well The Devil knows you're up now. Guess I'll grab your breakfast. He'll be in shortly.”

  “Thanks,” I sigh and sit up. “Not just for the talk but...ya know, everything?”

  “You're welcome,” she coos quietly seconds before the man known as The Devil arrives.

  That's right! Don't let me forget. The Devil! He's the one my father's been after! Have to remember everything I can about him. God, I hope my father takes him down.

  “Ah. Sleeping Beauty awakens,” he says with a cheesy smirk.

  For the record he looks like a bigger douche wearing that pink monstrosity he calls a shirt. Hayli would rip him a new one for it.

  “I take it you're resting well.”

  “I'm fine. Thank you,” I politely answer tucking my legs beside myself.

  “Good,” his remark is followed by him reaching for a remote in his pocket. “Let's make a phone call, shall we?”

  The Devil turns on the television and I'm exposed to the sight of Merrick in front of the screen with a hopeful look on his face. At the sight of me he sighs, “Baby...”

  Meekly I say, “Hi...”

  “Love the warm sentiments,” The Devil sarcastically starts, “but I have a few questions
McCoy and I expect the truth or your beauty won't be so beautiful.” At the words I turn just in time to see a gun drawn, cocked and pointing my direction.

  Nervous I swallow and turn to look back at Merrick who has tensed up.

  There's a gun pointed at my head! An actual fucking gun! Oh my god! Oh my god! I don't wanna die! Please don't let me die.

  He scoots closer like he's trying to reach me. “Don't you fucking dare.”

  “I'm not gonna kill her, but I don't have to send her home whole. Now.” He pushes it against my shoulder. “Why did you go the Commissioner's house? I told you no cops.”

  “You did,” Merrick hurries out, which is when I spot Madden on the couch behind him rigid like he's ready to attack as well.

  Well at least he's on our side.

  “So you were....selling him Girl Scout Cookies?”

  “I was killing his scent off me,” Merrick explains. “Nadie knows my face. She knows that I'm Jovi's boyfriend. It wouldn't have been much longer before they came sniffing so I sent them another direction as a distraction.”

  I cut a glance at The Devil, who looks unsure if he buys it.

  Do you buy it? Can you come up with another reason Merrick would be at my house? Talking to my dad? Oh my God. The fact my father didn't murder him on the spot is impressive in itself. Maybe he'll accept us someday. Yeah. You're right. I'm getting way ahead of myself.

  “You've never been able to buy The Commissioner off. What the fuck makes you think he'd change his tune now? Better yet what make you think he trusts me?” Merrick's words sound so sad. “I just needed him out of the picture to steal back your package tomorrow.”

  “So you're finally bringing it home,” he sounds excited. “I look forward to watching the show.”

  Merrick lifts his eyebrows. “You're gonna be watching?”

  “I'm always watching McCoy. Remember that.” He uncocks the weapon and lowers it. “Now tell your love goodnight.”

  “Can I have a minute?” Merrick pleads.

  He looks at his watch. “60 seconds.”

  Such a heartless asshole!

  “You okay, baby?”

  With a sharp nod I decide to clue him the best I can to my whereabouts.

  I don't buy my father wouldn't help him any more than I buy this man is just gonna give me up with no backlash. Not really sure how any of this is gonna go down, but the easier I can make it to get to me the better.

  “You remember when we stayed in the hotel suite with that one large gorgeous window?”

  The false description looks like it registers instantly.

  Thank God.

  He adjusts in his seat. “I do. It was um...on the first floor.”

  “Yeah. We could see those ducks from it.” I fake an emotional attachment before I ask, “When you save me...can we go back?”

  “We can go anywhere you want baby,” Merrick whispers. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Sweet. Really. Time's up. Ghost, I'll be seeing you again real soon.”

  “Yup.” He swallows. “Real fucking soon.”

  The Devil kills the T.V. as Melody enters the room. Knowing the drug I need to take is in the liquid I make a mental note to have it last.

  No way I can get out of drinking it all together, but the least I can do is prolong my next pass out. It's crossed my mind to accidentally spill it, so you're not alone there. I get the feeling that would make this situation worse not better. No. And not just for me, but for Melody who has been way better to me than I would expect. For now, I've just gotta keep my head down and deal with it. Merrick is coming. I know he is. I believe it.

  “Enjoy your meal,” he states warmly. “We'll be chatting again soon, Miss Carter.”

  Melody puts down the tray in front of me and sighs, “Please drink your juice first.”

  Her eyes are pleading with me not to put up a fight.

  Something tells me if I do, if I change any part of this routine, she will suffer worse than I will.

  I lift my glass and take her soft smile of apology.

  What makes a person this evil? What turns a person so cold that he has to treat someone the way he does her? To force another human into servitude? To hold another hostage? To move others like pieces on a chess board for only his benefit? Are you even human anymore? Do you even have a soul at that point? Maybe that's why they call him The Devil.


  Once Jovi's gorgeous face is gone, I hop and run past Madden who's on the couch, to Destin who is sitting at the kitchen table.

  Daniel chuckles as he bites into a pear. “That must've been some night to remember. Did you get it like ten times instead of the usual six?”

  Ignore him.

  “That night never happened,” I bluntly respond. “Destin, can you pull up the model of The Devil's compound?”

  He starts to type as Daniel asks, ”What do you mean it never happened? You can't bone ten times in one night?”

  Defensively I state, “Of course I can.”

  Just because we haven't had the chance doesn't mean I can't. Besides, I gotta save something for the honeymoon right?

  “What I mean is, Jovi was giving me a clue to where she's being held captive.” Destin pulls up the 3-D model of The Devil's property and I ask, “Which of these buildings have a bedroom with only one window on the bottom floor?”

  Destin types on the key board, moves the model around on the screen with his finger and highlights three buildings. “These are the only ones that fit that description.”

  I stare at the highlighted buildings spread out on his compound. Folding my arms, I nod slowly. “We check 'em all. Daniel and Madden, you'll each take one. I'll take the one attached to the main house. I have to deliver the keys there anyway. Might as well.”

  Daniel and Madden appear at my side to look at the screen. “Those are really far out on the property. You think he'd have her out there?”

  “I think he doesn't want her far from him, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. So we check 'em all.”

  “Shoot to kill,” Madden declares.

  Daniel lets out a long breath and has another bite of his pear.

  Politely I ask, “Destin, can you pull up the full scale model again?”

  He moves a few things around the screen and questions, “What are you looking for this time?”

  My eyes study the image. There are 10 buildings in addition to the main house where I know he has the pool and the garage attached. Buildings vary in size and shape, but they seem to be connected by a series of underground tunnels along with dirt roads. In the far corner towards the back of the property there also seems to be a helicopter pad.

  He really does have everything.

  I look over at Madden. “He's gonna make a run for it with his helicopter.”

  “How did I not know he had a helicopter?” Daniel complains. “Why don't we have a helicopter?”

  “What do we need a helicopter for?” Destin questions.

  “What is the actual plan?” Madden pushes. “You've been vague as fuck this entire time.”

  Casually I answer, “I'm gonna pose as a new cop to get in the building. From there I'll sneak into the impound, steal the car, which is scheduled for towing tomorrow, and drive it to The Devil's compound. Madden I need you and Daniel searching for Jovi before I get there, but it's gotta be quiet. We can't give him a hint to our pre searching. I'll pull a favor from Vinnie to run interference for safe passage to the compound. Knox will be used for further necessary interference.”

  “Once you've brought The Devil his package then what?” Daniel asks. “You can't possibly think he'll just hand Jovi over?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I know he won't. I just have to keep her safe long enough for The Commissioner and his back up to get there and help take The Devil in.”

  Destin questions, “And how will he know where we are again?”

  “He's gonna plant a tracking chip in the trunk. You're gonna scramble it
during the escape there and during their search. As soon as I give you the clear sign, you unscramble it, and The Commissioner will track it. We'll have to buy some time to get Jovi out. No matter what that is our main goal.”

  Madden starts, “Merrick-”

  “No, Madden. I don't wanna hear it. This is about saving the innocent girl I love.”


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