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Beauty and Two Beasts: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 20

by A. Anders

  “Is Sergio your husband?”

  “What? Your exhaustive research didn’t reveal who Sergio was married to?” The woman asked with a smile.

  “It didn’t. And now I see that it was to my detriment,” Devlin said unable to stop himself from flirting with Sergio’s wife.

  The woman smiled and stood. “Perhaps it was,” she said taking Devlin’s hand and flirting back. “Sergio is getting dressed but he should be heading out in a moment. Until then, why don’t you entertain me by telling me something about yourself?”

  The woman led Devlin to the rounded couches that faced each other. Instructing him to sit on one end, she let go his hand and sat an arm’s length away. Devlin didn’t know what to make of her but he couldn’t deny that he found her incredibly seductive.

  “You want me to entertain you?” Devlin asked amused.

  “Isn’t that why you’re here? To put on some type of dog and pony show for me and my husband?” She said with disguised venom.

  “Am I? That’s news to me. I thought I was here to make your husband a very rich man.”

  “My husband is already a rich man.”

  “No. I mean a very rich man,” Devlin said with a confident smile.

  The woman looked at him intrigued. By any definition, Devlin was a good looking man. His broad, strong shoulders and chiseled cheekbones made that fact inescapable. “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “I don’t think that’s something I can tell you without at least getting your name.”

  “I’m Ava.”

  “Nice to meet you, Ava. I’m Devlin.”

  “Yes. Now tell me, how are you going to make my husband richer?”

  Devlin sized up the woman in front of him. “Tell me, do you have kids?”

  The woman stood up, untied her beach coverall and allowed it to drop onto the couch beside her. Underneath it, she wore a bikini that clung to her for dear life. “Does it look like I have had kids?” Ava asked seductively.

  Devlin, knowing she had given him permission, allowed his eyes to wander across her body. Her curves were perfect. By no means was she a skinny girl and Devlin liked that. Looking at her, he felt himself becoming hard. Wondering where this was going, he didn’t hide his appreciation.

  “It doesn’t look like you have.”

  Ava returned to the couch in her new state of undress. “With that mystery solved, how are you going to help my husband?”

  “Well, I have a couple of companies that will allow you to ensure that your children have those beautiful green eyes of yours.”

  Devlin knew that he shouldn’t be flirting with the wife of the man he was going to have to convince, but she started it. Besides, he couldn’t help it. Devlin had a hard time controlling himself around beautiful women. And when they responded to him the way Ava had, he couldn’t be held responsible for his actions.

  “Genetic manipulation?”

  “Yes,” Devlin said surprised.

  “And you want my husband to invest?”

  “Actually, no. The board of your husband’s company wants to buy it and the only one standing in the way of the acquisition is your husband. By the way, would you know why that is?”

  Ava stared at Devlin evaluating him. She stared for so long that Devlin was about to retract his question. Before he did, she spoke. “It’s because he doesn’t know if he can trust you?”

  “He doesn’t know if he can trust ‘me,’ specifically?”

  “Yes,” she said as she was handed a drink by a circling bartender. “Would you like one?” She said pointing to the champagne flute filled with something orange.

  “What is it?”

  “They call it a sunrise. It wakes you up,” she said with a smile.

  “Devlin took the glass and returned his attention to Ava. “Why wouldn’t your husband trust me? He hasn’t even met me.”

  “My husband doesn’t trust anyone. But if you’d like to know a secret,” she said leaning forward intimately. “It’s not that he doesn’t trust others, it’s that he doesn’t trust himself.”

  Devlin looked at Ava intrigued. “Why wouldn’t he trust himself?”

  Ava smiled like a Cheshire cat and took another sip of her drink. It was then that Sergio stepped onto the concrete platform behind the two.

  “Devlin, you made it,” Sergio said drawing Devlin’s attention.

  Devlin looked around and then got up. He had seen Sergio on various video conference calls but none of them had prepared him for who stood before him.

  To Devlin’s surprise, Sergio was tanned and extremely good looking. Wearing only trunks and an open robe, his sculpted body was evident. Sergio was way too attractive for how wealthy he was and he was also way too young.

  “I just got in a few minutes ago,” Devlin told him. “Your wife, here, was just keeping me entertained.”

  Sergio looked at Ava. “Yes, she is good for that. So, tell me, why have you made the trek here from New York?”

  Devlin searched his mind for the beginning of his presentation. Everything Ava had said had thrown him. Suddenly at a loss for words, Devlin make the decision to just be direct.

  “Frankly, I came to see if I can convince you to do what the rest of your board has already recommended,” Devlin stated honestly.

  “And I guess you’re wondering why I voted against them on the acquisition.”

  “I have wondered,” Devlin admitted.

  “I work off of gut feelings.”

  “So, you’re willing to ignore all of your board’s research and our financial reports based on what you feel in your gut?” Devlin asked.

  Sergio looked at Devlin impressed. He knew that most people wouldn’t have said something so challenging no matter how obvious the statement was. They would have been too focused on kissing his ass and saying the right thing. That impressed Sergio.

  “I think you have it right. Now, is there anything I might have missed that would make me feel another way?” Sergio asked.

  This was the opportunity that Devlin had flown 1000 miles to have.

  For the next few hours, Devlin laid out a series of facts and figures that showed why Sergio’s company should purchase his own. To Devlin the evidence was overwhelming. The arguments barely swayed Sergio, however. And since they had both been drinking throughout, Devlin was having a hard time hiding his frustration.

  “I’m beginning to think that there’s nothing I can say that will convince you to vote for the acquisition,” Devlin said bluntly.

  “When I have a gut feeling, I listened to it. It has made me a very rich man.”

  “And this is your opportunity to become a lot richer,” Devlin enticed.

  “All of you sales types always say that. You’re all talk, all of you. You can never trust anything any of you say.”

  Devlin was taken aback. “So now you’re saying that I can’t be trusted?”

  “None of your type can,” Sergio said not backing down.

  “So if there’s nothing I can say to convince you because I’m “a sales type”, then what am I doing here?”

  “Greed, perhaps. Perhaps there is a ladder here that you’re looking to climb. I made my decision clear a week ago so I couldn’t tell you why you’ve come. Perhaps it was to take advantage of the private beach,” Sergio said smugly.

  That was the final straw. Devlin had had enough. It was one thing for Sergio to have a closed mind, but he wasn’t about to be insulted for no reason. He hadn’t simply invested in his two companies for the money. He had invested because he saw the potential in the people who ran them.

  Devlin invested in people. It gave him a warm feeling to see those who deserved to succeed reach their goal. Devlin was a good man no matter what Sergio said and it pissed him off to hear Sergio imply otherwise.

  It took everything in Devlin not to curse out Sergio and walk away. He did walk away, though. He couldn’t take anymore. It was like Sergio was trying to push his buttons. And if he was, he had succeeded.

; Devlin looked around once he got clear of Sergio. The shadows from the coconut tree canopies were different. Although it had felt like minutes, hours had passed. Looking towards the beach he found an orange sky and a setting sun.

  Filling up on the circulating snacks as they talked, he wasn’t hungry. But every moment that passed told Devlin how drunk he was. And sitting on the rocks next to the beach, he wasn’t sobering up, he was getting drunker.

  Watching the sun set, Devlin made a decision. Considering that the deal was clearly never going to go through, he was going to tell Sergio what was on his mind. Sergio was an asshole. No one had probably ever told him that and it was time someone had.

  Walking back to the outdoor living room, Devlin felt himself sway. He hadn’t remembered drinking so much. He was definitely very drunk, but he was going to use it. His intoxication was going to make it a lot easier for him to express himself.

  When Devlin arrived back, Sergio wasn’t there, though. What he found instead was a table set for one. On it was a meal. Devlin looked around for any sign of his two hosts and didn’t find any. So instead of giving Sergio piece of his mind, he sat, ate dinner, and continued to drink.

  Wandering around the estate after dinner, Devlin only got more upset. Why did Sergio even invite him there if he wasn’t going to listen to anything that Devlin had to say? The whole thing pissed Devlin off.

  Reconsidering whether he should stay as long as he had planned, Devlin headed to his room. Getting undressed and into bed, Devlin thought about Sergio. The man was so arrogant. He was the type of person who needed to be taught a lesson. But in the bubble that Sergio lived, Devlin knew that he was untouchable.

  At least, that was what Devlin thought because as Devlin begun to drift off to sleep, a noise woke him. The cabana main entrance was a sliding glass door and it was opening.

  Devlin realized how drunk he was as he sat up. Forcing himself to focus, he tried to figure out who it was. He could see their outline. Was it a butler? Was it an intruder?

  To Devlin’s surprise, it was neither of them. It was Ava. She stood in the open doorway dressed in a flowing beach coverall. It was hanging open. And although Devlin couldn’t be sure with the lights behind her, from where he sat it looked like she was no longer wearing her bikini.

  Her curvy body called to him. He couldn’t deny how beautiful she was. What was she doing there? When Ava dropped her coverall and stood before him naked, he got his answer.

  Devlin was too turned on to think. He could feel his thick cock growing hard beneath the sheets. When his hand slid to it above the covers, Ava took it as a signal. As she approached, Devlin had one thing on his mind. He couldn’t stop himself from fucking her if he tried.

  Ava climbed on top of him immediately finding his lips with her own. Devlin’s mind swam in the sensation. Feeling her bare breasts against his naked chest he opened his mouth. Clasping the side of her head in his palm he pushed his tongue in search of hers. When he found it, the two swirled around one another. Devlin’s heart thumped in reply.

  Kissing Ava harder, Devlin wrapped his arm around her back and rolled her over. On top of her, his naked ass tingled in the cool beach air. He was completely hard and he wanted Ava to know that. If she had come simply to tease him, she had made a mistake. There was going to be nothing that would stop him from making love to her once he started. If she didn’t want this, she was going to have to get out now.

  She didn’t. Instead of fleeing, she pulled Devlin closer. Grabbing his ass she thrust her groin against his cock. Separated by the sheet, it frustrated both of them. And the minute that Devlin lifted his hips, Ava pulled out the sheet.

  As their naked bodies pressed against each other’s, Devlin nearly lost his breath. Slipping one knee between her legs, he rubbed his cock against her thigh. He loved the feeling of his dick against her.

  Craving more of her, he inserted his second knee and spread her legs apart. A rush of heat washed through his body. She was going to let him fuck her. Moving the tip of his cock closer to her pussy, he released her lips and slid his body up hers.

  As the tip of his cock found her pussy, Devlin could barely contain himself. This was the last thing he expected when he made plans to come to the Bahamas. Devlin loved this. Feeling her warm glove consume his cock, Devlin grabbed her ample breasts and pinched her nipple.

  “Ahhh,” Ava moaned overcome with pleasure.

  Devlin slid his thick cock into Ava pulling her apart. Ava’s mouth dropped open in surprise of how long he was. Her body tingled taking all of him, and Devlin’s cock throbbed pleasurably as it was strangled by her vagina.

  When Devlin couldn’t push in any further, he pulled his hips back until her pussy lips kissed his head. Almost withdrawn, he thrust his long cock back in. His bow strummed the inside of Ava making her bellow. Devlin crackled with pleasure. Squeezing her breasts, he fucked her forcefully. He lost himself in the sensation.

  Nearing orgasm, Devlin lifted Ava into his strong arms and flipped her over. Setting her on her knees, he slid his hand down her back grabbing her hair. Gripping enough to let her know that he was there, he held his cock and directed it back towards her pussy. Tugging at her curls he pushed himself into her. She shimmied under Devlin’s forceful hand. And when he knew that she had completely submitted to him, he put both of his hands around her waist and fucked her hard.

  With the base of his large cock stroking her G-spot, Ava couldn’t hold out for very long. Shrieking with pleasure, Ava ushered Devlin to release. The orgasmic sensation rushed up the inside of his leg and rattled his balls. Clutching her waist tighter, he slammed his groin against her ass drawn into a powerful orgasm.

  Devlin’s mind swam and the pleasure ripped through him. He hadn’t had an orgasm like that in years. It was Ava’s beautifully round body that had done it. He loved holding onto her. It made him feel like he was making love with a real woman.

  Exhausted and drunk, Devlin slumped forward onto Ava’s back. Unprepared for his weight, Ava collapsed. Wrapping his arm around the woman, Devlin couldn’t think of anywhere else he would want to be. The feeling was seductive. And within a few moments, the pleasure and the alcohol lured Devlin to sleep.

  When Devlin woke up the next morning, it took him a moment to remember where he was. As it came to him, he realized that he was on an estate in the Bahamas and he had come there for something important. It was then that he remembered his meeting with Sergio. What followed was a memory of having sex with Sergio’s wife.

  Devlin’s eyes popped and looked around. His bed was empty. As much as he would have preferred that the sex hadn’t happened and that it had all been a dream, he knew that it had. He had had sex with the wife of the man he was trying to convince to buy his companies. How could he have done that? How could he have been so stupid?

  Devlin propped himself up trying to figure out what he should do. The deal was definitely dead if Ava mentioned what had gone on. Not only that, he was in a foreign country where he didn’t know the laws. It was possible that Sergio could have Devlin shot or something for sleeping with his wife. Devlin didn’t know, and he didn’t know what he should do.

  Deciding that it was probably best for him to leave the estate as quickly as quickly as possible, he threw on some clothes and looked for a bathroom. To Devlin surprise, there wasn’t a bathroom in his room. How could that be? They were staying on what had to be a multimillion dollar estate. How could his cabana lack a bathroom?

  The question seemed less consequential the longer he needed to pee. He would consider the practicality of the estate’s design when he was safely on a flight back to New York.

  Crossing the surprisingly cold sand barefoot, he spotted what had to be a communal bathroom. Entering, he was right. The interior was both modern and luxurious, though, at that moment, he would have settled for a hole in the ground. Relieving himself and turning his mind towards his escape, he left the bathroom and headed back to his room.

  “Devlin!” He heard som
eone yell from behind.

  Turning, he spotted Sergio. Heat pulsed through his body. He searched Sergio’s face for anger. He found none. Perhaps his wife hadn’t told him about their indiscretion.

  “Listen, Devlin, I wanted to apologize about last night,” he began as he approached.

  “Apologize? For what?” Devlin asked sincerely.

  “I might have been a bit of an asshole when we spoke. I know that you came down here to convince me to purchase your companies. I wasn’t respectful of that. Your companies have value. That’s why I instructed my board to do the research they had.

  “I’m simply a little apprehensive about the structure of the deal. You are requesting a lot of stock in my company in exchange. With each part of my company that I give away, I retain less control. I’m not willing to give up something so dear to me to just anybody.” Sergio paused and smiled. “My wife tells me that I have trust issues.”


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