Friction (Oath Keepers MC Book 5)

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Friction (Oath Keepers MC Book 5) Page 3

by Sapphire Knight

  “Ouch, shit! I forgot to turn the heat down some!” She rubs the red mark on the arm I’m still grasping.

  “You, go sit over there. Now!” I bark, sounding meaner than I intended and she stands still, staring me down, and challenging me.

  “I’m fine, you sit down.”

  She’s so close; I can’t help but start to pant with need. I bring her arm to my mouth. Her eyes dilate as they watch my tongue stick out, lightly brushing over the tender spot where the bacon popped.

  Once I lick over it softly, I put it back to her side, and growl, “Sunshine, you get your sexy little ass on over there, and sit like a good girl.”

  She draws in a deep breath, standing still and utters, “You think I’m sexy?”

  Her dazed irises glance to my mouth, and just that fast, my hand flies to her neck, gripping it lightly as I push her up against the counter. My face in hers, my nose nearly touching hers, just breathing her sweet smell in, and whisper, “So fucking sexy.”

  Impatiently, I shove my leg between hers, spreading her thighs I was just admiring and her breasts raise up a little higher, ready for the plucking. It takes every ounce of strength in me to not bury my face in them to suck and bite as I wish.

  My other hand runs up over her rib cage, stopping when my thumb presses down over her stiff nipple, rubbing back and forth over the raised peak. I have to touch them in some way to satiate part of my craving. I’ve always been a tit man, and hers are big and full of milk, like a fucking dream come true.

  My mouth lowers to Sadie’s, my lips lightly brushing hers. I don’t kiss her, just graze my bottom lip with her top, making her mouth part open further.

  Fuck, I can’t do this. It’s not right showing her my brand of crazy. Her eyes close, giving herself to me, and instead of owning her like I want to, I back away, dropping my hands.

  Confused, dilated eyes meet mine and I shake my head, taking my seat again. She sighs—dejected—and turns back to finish preparing our food without a word.

  What the fuck am I doing? That’s 2’s sister!

  Holy. Shit. That just happened. And it came out of nowhere.

  I must not be the only one who’s feeling an attraction between us. This is definitely not the right time or place for it to be happening either. I’m about to have a baby by another man; it’s not the time to screw around with some biker friend of my brother’s.

  I’ve never felt like that when someone’s touched me though. My stomach was doing wild twirls and it wasn’t courtesy of the minion in my belly. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been touched by a man in a really long time. Yeah, that’s it.

  God, I wanted him to kiss me so flipping bad. When he touched his lip to mine, I thought I was going to hit the floor. It was such a small move, but it was all so erotic, touching my over-sensitive nipples at the same time. I could have cum if he actually stuck his tongue in my mouth.

  What am I thinking? Silas would kill him if he walked in and saw that whole ordeal. I definitely don’t need a dead guy on my conscience.

  Why did Twist stop though? He’s the one who pulled away, but what happened? Did he feel my stomach and it freak him out? Surely the prospect of a kid most likely scared him off. These guys around here seem to enjoy their freedom a great deal, so I bet that was it.

  Oh well, it’s his loss.

  I shouldn’t think of being with a man or having a man in the future right now anyhow. I have way too much going on myself and in my near future to want to add to the equation. Although, something keeps pulling me toward Twist, and we’ve barely met.

  Maybe it’s the fantasy of him being the unknown bad boy. I seem to gravitate toward that type.

  He’s been nothing but kind to me, but he doesn’t offer the same courtesy to his brothers. Last night before we went back to his room, an older guy called Smiles was asking to rub my baby bump, and Twist freaked out, talking about how no one needed to touch my stomach. I thought he was a sweet older guy, possibly reminiscing about his grandkids or something. Twist didn’t quite see it that way, and I thought Smiles was going to eat the bar top.

  Men are strange to me as it is, then throw in these bikers and they’re even more confusing with their own sets of rules. When I met Ghost, he was very forward. I thought he was really good-looking and he was so kind to me when we first met. He came into the office with a pregnant girl who he said was his sister. She was there for an abortion, and he told me that he was waiting to take her home and make sure she was okay. How sweet, right?

  He ended up flirting with me at the counter the entire time. After that, I tried to do an online search with his name and the girl’s last name for his phone number. I was going to send him a text to see how she was doing, but I could only find her info. I called and checked in on her but she got super pissed when I asked if her brother was taking good care of her, and she hung up on me. I don’t know what that was about, but it’s none of my business.

  I ended up running into Ghost a few days later at a sandwich shop I always went to on my lunch break. It’s a few doors down from the office, so it was easy and convenient to take a short walk to get my food. It was crazy because I had never seen Ghost in there before or around in general, but after that, it seemed like he was popping up everywhere I went. I considered it to be fate, so I gave in to his request to take me out.

  You know, like when you never notice a certain type of car and then you buy one and suddenly it’s like they’re everywhere? That’s exactly how it was with Ghost.

  He was sweet and funny at first. I loved how he was so different from me. I wanted to get to know him and learn everything I could.

  I grew up with my brother chasing guys off, and for once, I didn’t have to worry about a guy not being good enough. I went on some dates when my brother was still living with me, but Silas drilled it in to the guys’ heads that they better not make me uncomfortable and pressure me. It was nice with him looking out for me, but once he moved I was kind of scared to go out with guys. I didn’t have that person there watching my back anymore, and he’d always been there for me.

  I tried to be careful, meeting gentle, polite guys for lunch occasionally, and I even dated a few for a couple of months. By the time I met Ghost, I was fed up with the boring, nice guys. I wanted a man that would make me actually feel some type of passion and excitement.

  Ghost was a little unconventional with stuff sometimes, but I figured it was just because we were so different. I got upset he never introduced me to his friends after we’d been seeing each other for awhile, so he started to bring Blaze around occasionally. He was a nice guy, but I always caught him staring at me like he wanted to pounce, and it made me extremely nervous to be alone with him.

  Ghost would come and go as he pleased, never with a set schedule, and sometimes not talking to me for a week or two at a time. I chalked it up to him being a ‘free’ biker wanting to hang out with his friends. That was fine, considering I worked forty to fifty hours a week, and sometimes I’d take an extra Saturday shift.

  Then I got pregnant, and I thought he’d be excited, wanting to spend more time with me, but it didn’t quite happen that way. In fact, it was horrible. I wish I could go back and change the day I told him about it.

  He looked at me like he’d never seen me before—angry and accusing me of cheating on him. I had never cheated though. I was too busy thinking how I was falling for him and with us being together more. I would easily fall in love with him by the time the bean came along.

  I’ll never forget the day he hit me, and Blaze laughed like it was the most entertaining thing he’d ever seen. I wanted to puke so badly with my nerves going crazy. I wished over and over my brother would pull up at that moment to help me, but I also knew if that happened he would probably get seriously hurt, not to mention be disappointed in me also. I could only handle so much negativity at that point in my life, so I never told my brother about it.

  I had learned not too much before then, that Ghost and Blaze weren’t cari
ng, nice guys like I had believed. It was about two weeks or so prior that I had to pick up Ghost out in the middle of nowhere.

  When I arrived, he and Blaze were kicking this man over and over. Ghost’s boots and pant legs were splashed with blood, and I was scared the guy on the ground was dead. I had never seen anyone look like that in real life.

  Blaze took off, and Ghost explained that the guy had raped his sister, so he deserved it. I kept my mouth shut, because I couldn’t possibly imagine the pain that his poor sister must have been in. I wondered if that’s how she was pregnant and why she wanted to get an abortion.

  When I asked about it, he just chuckled and said I was gullible, that the girl I had met before wasn’t really his sister, but just a friend. He was always doing that though, changing stories or making me feel like I was remembering different than how they really were.

  Now that my head’s less foggy from being away from him, I’m thinking that I was seeing things pretty clearly and he was just making me feel crazy. Now here I am lusting over yet another biker. The first time didn’t damage me enough I guess.

  Huffing out a chuckle, I place a plate full of pancakes and bacon in front of Twist,

  “Thanks, Sunshine.”

  “No problem,” I mumble and get my own plate, overfilling it and dump a shit ton of syrup over the steaming mound. My ass will definitely get bigger after the way I’ve been eating, but I’ll be back to running after this bambino joins the world.

  “That can’t happen again,” he grumbles, as my first bite of pancake hits my tongue. Why’d he have to ruin the first taste like that?

  “Right,” I reply around my food. “Yeah, I agree.”

  “Good, glad you seein’ shit the same way,” he finishes, and digs into his food.

  I can only nod, because suddenly I feel like crying. Damn hormones. It’s not like I was dumped, but why do I feel that way? I need to start thinking of him as a friend, my brother’s friend. I had crushes on Silas’ friends growing up and fought off my urges with them, so this dude should be a piece of cake.

  Yumm, him and cake.

  I’m so screwed.

  The struggle you’re in today,

  is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.


  2 Piece gestures to one of the booths in the clubs bar. “Brother, I need to speak to you for a second.”

  I grunt and take a seat across from him, ready to get whatever this is, over with.

  We don’t talk a lot to each other and we don’t agree on much, so I can’t imagine what this could be about. We’ve always been that way though. We’re the type that if we get around each other too much and both speak, someone will end up getting punched.

  I’ve stayed away from his sister even though it’s been killing me. Sadie and I have become friends over the past month, but I still look at her and want to fuck her every day. Any man who doesn’t has to be nutso or gay.

  I can’t believe it’s been a month already since she first showed up on our doorstep. 2’s been workin’ on settin’ up an apartment for her. I know it’ll be for the best, but I’m not looking forward to her not being asleep in my bed every night when I finally stumble in, lit off my ass. She’s even more perfect when she’s sleeping, and I love to lie awake and watch her.

  I’ve had to drink a ton at night; if not, I hear my baby’s voice more. I have to stop remembering; it’s the only way I’ll fucking survive. Sadie’s woken me up twice, saying I scream at night. That would explain the bags she’s sporting some days, but I try to play it off. No one needs to know my shit.

  Ares, my brother, knows a little, but that’s just ‘cause he knows everyone’s dirt. He’s been the Enforcer for years, so he had to find out if there were any possible threats any one of us could bring to the table. I don’t have skeletons that’ll haunt the club though, just me.

  “Sup 2?”

  “I need to ask a favor.”

  I respond with another grunt and he continues. “I need you to take extra care of Sadie. I’m plannin’ to head up to Cali and find the motherfucker who got her knocked up. It’s time the bastard pays for poppin’ smoke on her.”

  Fuck. I want to go. I want to teach this stupid fucker what it means to have a family and then to leave them. And with Sadie baby at that, she’s a fuckin’ diamond, just waiting to be snatched up. “Imma go too,” I declare.

  “It’s cool, man. You do enough just makin’ sure she’s straight when I can’t.”

  “Exactly. I’m with her all the fuckin’ time, brother. If anything, I wanna hurt this fuck face just as much as you.”

  “You sayin’ you got feelin’s for my baby sister, Twist?” He glowers and I just wanna knock the look straight off his face. Smug fucker thinks I don’t notice how he looks at Avery and Ares both. He has no room to judge me or have opinions. I get it; that’s his family and all, but I’ll happily put him in his place.

  “I ain’t sayin’ shit, ‘cause it ain’t your fuckin’ business about what I feel about who. I’m tellin’ you that she’s club property and I wanna help. I’ve been playin’ nice for too long, I feel like I’m gonna slit someone’s fuckin’ throat.”

  And it’s the truth. Keeping me cooped up for too long makes my head hurt. I try to get lost by using more drugs, which Prez fuckin’ hates, but I have to chase the voice away somehow. My anxiety’s been building up lately, and I feel like I could pop at any moment. I’ve been waiting for the Nomads to hit town again so I could chill with them a little, maybe help clean some shit up if they have a job or something, and keep my demons from taking over too much.

  “All right, man. I better not find out you’re fuckin’ with Sadie though. She’s hands off,” he huffs and I glare.


  “I need to plan the trip out a little and then we can take off in a day or two?”


  Two days later…

  Sadie rests her hands on her hips. “I’m going with you,” she argues in the middle of the club’s parking lot as I get ready to mount my bike.

  Even when she’s ticked off about something, she looks gorgeous. Fuck. Mouthy bitch needs to leave me be. It’s hard enough not giving in when she asks sweetly, but add in her little spark and all I wanna do is bend her over my bike and shove my dick deep.

  I don’t need to be arguing with her, wastin’ time, I should be gone by now. 2 Piece is on his hog, ready and waiting for me already. He let Sadie in on our plan of checking out Cali this morning, and she’s been trippin’ ever since.

  “You can’t be travelin’ across the country so close to havin’ a baby.” I gesture to her swollen middle. I don’t know what it is, but that little beach ball makes me want her even more. Just knowing she’s fertile and can create a life inside her after I’ve been plagued with death for so long makes my desire for her that much stronger. She’s like gravity; the more I fight, the more she pulls me in closer.

  Every night she throws on her little tank top to sleep in with no bra, and I pretty much melt to the fucking floor wanting her so badly. Then in the mornings when she’s still sleeping, she’s got her ass poking out toward me, and hell if I don’t wanna, squeeze those round globes. Each day I notice something new, and it takes even more strength to keep my hands to myself.

  This trip away will be good for my sanity and my cock.

  “I’ll be fine, it’s just driving, not like I’m running around or anything, and you went to the last doctor appointment with me. You heard them say everything was good,” she counters, like I’d ever consider her traveling so far, only to possibly be put in danger. I don’t think so. I don’t give two shits what the nurse said when I was in the waiting room. She isn’t the doctor, and even if they did clear her, I’d still have her off her feet most of the day.

  “This discussion is ‘bout your safety, and with everything you’ve let us know about him, you need to hold off until your brother gets a word in. This isn’t an argument I’m open to having, Sadie. This i
s club life. Do as you’re told and take your ass back inside that clubhouse.” I nod toward the door, getting frustrated. I’m not trying to be a dick, but she’s going to make me be one in order to get her to stay put.

  “That’s just it; you don’t know anything about him! How are you going to find him? I couldn’t and I actually know him,” she huffs.

  “Not up for debate, Sunshine. You’re staying here; and so help me, if you even think about leaving this clubhouse, I’ll carry your ass back myself,” I end on a growl.

  Stubborn woman, just like her brother.

  “He’ll hurt you guys, and I can’t stand thinking about it. Please, just stay,” she requests quietly, reaching out to grab my arm and my dick grows harder.

  At my plea, he thrusts his hand into my hair, yanking my face close to his, and I draw in a surprised gasp. It’s so sexy, but what the hell is he doing? My brother can see him.

  “You listen real good, sugar,” he rasps, removing the toothpick from his mouth. “I’mma find this fucker who left you high and dry. You don’t worry about my safety; you trust me when I say I can hold my own. It’d be in his best interest if I didn’t find him though, ‘cause when I do finally hunt that cunt down, he’s gonna learn just what it feels like to get slapped around.”

  My hand moves farther up his arm until my fingers rest over his larger ones, and I brush my nose against his gently. “Please be careful,” I mutter.

  I’m used to rubbing my nose with his. I know we shouldn’t, but after that day in the kitchen, he got wasted and did it before he fell asleep. Ever since then, I ‘ve kept up the routine, and a declaration like his deserves me acknowledging how much it means to me that he’s all-in with me on this.

  He doesn’t have to hunt Ghost down or stand up for me, yet he chooses to anyhow while only knowing me such a short time. He may appear rough around the edges to his brothers, but I know that deep inside, he’s a good man. He’s simply misunderstood, and while he’s willing to step out for me, I’m more than willing to discover what torments him so badly and stick around for him as well.


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