Friction (Oath Keepers MC Book 5)

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Friction (Oath Keepers MC Book 5) Page 11

by Sapphire Knight

  I don’t make it a habit of throwing my nickname around, but maybe it will make this fuck head back off some. “I’m the motherfuckin’ Butcher, bitch. You don’t demand shit from me or my goddamn club. I’ll fucking chop you—and your buddies here—up!”

  “I don’t give a fuck what your little nickname is. I told you I’m here for two things. The VP patch dissipates and Sadie.”

  “You won’t touch my fucking sister, you piece of shit!” 2 Piece explodes and I could throat punch him for admitting it’s his sister. “You the fuckin’ Ghost she mentioned awhile back? You the one who disappeared on her?” he peppers the Iron Fist, heatedly.

  The mean-looking fucker chuckles, “Yep, I’m Ghost. Now go get my bitch before I slaughter this fucking club.”

  I can’t hold myself back any longer, as I launch my body at his, wrapping my hands around his throat ready to choke the life out of him. His large hands grip my shoulders tightly, bringing me closer as he propels his head off of mine, effectively head-butting and dazing me. Fuck. That hasn’t happened in, I don’t know how long.

  Chaos ensues around me, as the brothers hold off any other Iron Fist members from jumping in on mine and Ghost’s fight.

  After a swift blow to my ribs from him, I’m able to get my bearings back, launching a hard uppercut to his stomach. The force of my hit makes him stumble back a few paces, “Get the fuck out of my club!” I bellow, about ready to foam at the mouth I’m so goddamn angry.

  This guy is strong and he ain’t fuckin’ around when it comes to hitting. He definitely has experience wearing that patch and I don’t want to see anyone experience what I’m sure would be straight fuckin’ horror that he would do to them. He better get the fuck out of here or this will turn into a pile of dead bodies ‘cause I’ll be fucked if I let him get past me and harm the girls. At the same time, I don’t want to kill them because I know a shit storm will rain down, especially killing the Enforcer of such a hard-ass club. I can only imagine what they would stir up.

  He starts laughing loudly, a pure sinister sound and backs up a few more paces toward the door. I take a step toward him and he raises his hands up on each side of his body, wearing a large taunting smile. “Okay, Butcher, you get your way today I see you have me outnumbered here. But make no mistake, I’ll be back for what’s owed, and you better hope to fuck that you have a motherfucking army to help your ass. That stupid bitch will be mine. Hell, this whole fucking club,” he spreads his arm wide, indicating the clubhouse, “will all be mine,” he finishes, laughing loudly while stepping out of the door.

  I spit in his direction, attempting it to land on him but he’s able to escape it by a few inches.

  Panting, I can’t help the burn radiating over my face and neck. I’m so fucking pissed that I scream at the brothers, “For fuck’s sake! Somebody better take care of that goddamn gate, or so help me, I will put someone in the fucking ground myself!”

  Snake and Smiles take off outside as the Iron Fists bikes loudly rumble out of the parking lot. Our prospect is thrown to the ground, bleeding from a few hits the dickwads left him with.

  I’m thankful for our friends sending us a mass text that they had seen the Iron Fists headed out our way. Luckily there were only three guys with that dick, Ghost. Him being from California tells me that they must have already been on their way for days now.

  Twist is definitely going to ask for a fuckin’ Nomad vote now, wanting to chase after them and I’m going to have to do everything in my power to keep him here. Hopefully, Sadie will be able to sway him not to go at it alone. We will back him up; shit, I want justice myself for the grief these ass-clowns are putting my club through, but for Twist and 2 Piece, this just became personal.

  I don’t know how long we have until they’ll decide to return, but in the meantime, we will be planning and preparing for them. Twist will want to lead a run to California to chase after Ghost; we just have to wait and see if and when the Prez lets him go, and if he’s able to finish this shit away from home.

  I’ll be damned if I let my club not be ready for whatever’s to come. The Prez will be back soon, thankfully, and I can finally fill my role as the Vice President, rather than keep playing President.


  Motherfuckingsonofabitch! I hear the bikes rev and crack my bedroom door open.

  “Clear?” I shout, pointing my weapon out into the hallway, ready just in case they didn’t actually leave.

  Cain calls back, “We’re straight, brother!”

  I drop my weapon to my side, taking a deep breath and put it back in my holster. I would’ve shot every motherfucker coming my way to protect Sadie and it makes me think. It’s been a real long time since I’ve felt the absolute need to protect someone versus thinking of my own needs. I wanted so badly to get my chance with Ghost, and I will, but it’ll be when I know Sadie and the baby are both completely safe.

  Sadie opens the bathroom door, peeking her head into the bedroom, curious.

  “I’ll be right back. You stay put ‘til I get back.”

  “Are you coming back this time?” she questions and it brings a bad taste to my mouth. This is my fault she feels this way, since I was stupid an’ took off on her, rather than bein’ a man and talking it out. It’s my fault shit got screwed up in the first place.

  “I ain’t goin’ nowhere, you just watch,” I grumble, closing the bedroom door behind me.

  I’m met with angry stares as I get to the bar. “’Sup?”

  Ares scoots a stool away from the bar, taking a seat, “Let’s all have a drink and discuss this shit real quick.” We all follow suit, gathering around as the prospects start handing out a beer to each of us.

  “We’re gonna talk about some of this, considerin’ the prospects just witnessed what happened. I know Prez would want them included, due to how much this is probably going to affect all of us. I’m gonna call Prez after our conversation and update him too.” We all nod and Ares fills me in on what just went down in the bar while I was with Sadie.

  “I shoulda’ been out here,” I grumble angrily, and he shakes his head.

  “Nah brother, you needed to be in the room with her. They could have tried breaking in back there and we never would’ve known. You were in the best place at that moment to keep her safe.”

  2 Piece chugs half his beer, then slams it on the counter, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’ve had it, Ares. Enough is enough, we need to find those Fists and put them down for good,” he growls, and the room pipes up with ayes in agreeance.

  Every brother is ready to take blood after everything the Iron Fists have put our club through recently: the girls getting attacked, then the car bomb in the compound parking lot, the guys following Avery and London in Cain’s car, then throwing shrapnel and shooting at us, causing my wreck, Ghost hitting Sadie, the threatening text messages and now the balls to come to our clubhouse and to threaten us on our own turf. It’s been hit after hit and has called forward a war between two clubs.

  Ares grunts, nodding, “I get it, they’re threatening my family, my life, and my club. I’ll be speaking to Prez about retaliation. I’m sure he’ll be in here, callin’ church, Mona’s health permitting.”

  The Prez’s ex-ol’ lady is battling one hell of a case of cancer. I can’t blame him for being with her, taking care of her. The club is our life, but family always comes first with us.

  “As for now, I think we need to be on shift for watch. Spin, you need to heavily monitor the cameras, take over for Exterminator and pull a prospect in to help if needed.”

  Spin tilts his bottle toward Ares acknowledging the order.

  “Smiles, find me several routes to Cali. I want to contact the clubs that I know who regularly run them, so they can give us a heads-up like today if we should expect company.”

  “No problem,” Smiles mutters.

  “2 Piece, call Tate. I want AK-forty-sevens for the brothers on watch. Ask him if he can get some explosives; they’d be handy for
when we find the location of the clubhouses. I’m tired of screwing around and not being prepared.”

  “No toxic gas this time to infiltrate the clubhouses?”2 Piece responds, reminiscing about how we took out the Twisted Snakes problem we had not too long ago.

  “We’ll keep that idea on hand. If we can sneak up on them like that, then yeah, we’ll do that. I’d love the chance to inflict as much pain on them as possible. I’m sure a few brothers here feel the same way.”

  He has no fuckin’ clue. I could gut each one of those motherfuckers and not bat an eyelash. Most of these guys couldn’t handle the things I imagine doing to Ghost when I finally get my hands on him.

  “When we goin’ to Cali again?” I ask, and finish off my beer. Snake starts to hand me a new bottle, but I shake my head. I’m not drinking any more right now; I need to have a serious conversation with Sadie.

  “I’ll call Prez and talk to you about it after I hear what he has to say. Oh and Twist?”


  “I’m veto-in’ that request for going Nomad right now we discussed. Your club needs you here more.”

  “I ain’t goin’ anywhere now, unless it’s to catch a fuckin’ ghost.”

  “Good.” Ares finishes with the plans and I get up.

  The conversation I need to have with Sadie is long overdue, and this time, I really need to talk. I have no clue what the fuck to say to her though.

  Should I just go in there directly on my knees to beg for her forgiveness? If I was the romantic type, I’d be buying flowers and shit, maybe someday I will show up with some just to surprise her. If she’ll forgive me, that is. She did, however, allow me to take her into my arms earlier to bring her back to the room. Shit, I would’ve carried her kicking and screaming if I had to.

  I open the door and she’s on the bed, sniffling as tears roll down her cheeks.

  “Hey,” I mumble, shutting the door behind me.

  “Hi,” she responds quietly.

  Love her, Daddy.

  Stop it, please, I beg! “I, uh, I was hopin’ we could talk, yeah?”

  “Okay, sure.” She nods, picking at the comforter with her thumb and pointer finger.

  My own fingers nervously tap a beat against my thighs, trying to keep my daughter from talking to me and driving me crazy. I feel like a fuckin’ kid about to get in trouble when I glance over at Sadie.

  “So, I’m real sorry for puttin’ my hands on you. I’d never do somethin’ like that knowingly. I hope you believe that.” I get straight to the point, not wasting anymore time.

  She nods as another tear falls, still trained on the bedding.

  “Will ya’ look at me, damn it?” I grumble and her eyes meet mine. “Do you hate me now?”

  “No.” She shakes her head and I sit down next to her.

  “I had to stay away for awhile. When I’m around you, I can’t think clearly about certain things. I wanted to give you some space, in case you hated me.”

  “I could never hate you, Twist. I know what happened that night was just an accident. I was so angry, but then I realized that you had never been rough with me before and you were completely out of it, I knew it wasn’t really you doing it.”

  “Naw, baby, it was me, don’t build me up more than I deserve. I was there that night; I just wasn’t awake. I’m so sorry though. I would never forgive myself if somethin’ happened to you or the sprout.” I nod to her tummy.

  “Are you going to leave me like that again?” Her jaw trembles and I feel like a giant dick for making her sad. I’m such a stubborn bastard sometimes, like my mom always said.

  “Not if you don’t want me to. I’ll stick around if it’ll make you happy and feel safe. I can’t have you being scared of me though.”

  “I don’t ever want you to disappear like that again, please.”

  I nod and more tears tumble over her soft skin.

  “Why you still cryin’, Sunshine?”

  “I…um…got another text earlier when I was trying to find you or my brother. Then when you left the room another was sent through. I didn’t respond though; I have no idea what you guys would want me to say.”

  “I just heard ‘bout this texting shit earlier; where’s your phone at?”

  She walks over to the dresser and retrieves her phone from the floor next to it.

  “I got mad and threw it.” She shrugs and I grin. She fits me pretty well with that little feistiness in her.

  Turning it on, I scroll through her messages reading them all. The recent ones all say:

  Unknown: Tick Tock.

  Unknown: Times Up.

  Unknown: You were warned.

  Unknown: I’m coming for you.

  Unknown: I’m on my way.

  And the most recent:

  Unknown: I found you and that club will be mine.

  I want so badly to throw the phone like Sadie had, but maybe one of our guys can trace it somehow, so I stick it in my pocket instead. Fucking bastard! I hope to God I get to skin him alive for tormenting my woman. Sadie is way too sweet to have to worry about a biker throwing a tantrum.

  “What are you doing?” She gestures toward the phone.

  “I’m keeping it to show the new messages to the guys. I’ll give you a burner cell to use until they’re finished with it. I’m sure the guys will want to see if they can get this fuck face talking so we can find him.”

  “You’re really going to go looking for him? What if something happens to you?”

  “You forget we’ve already gone looking for him in the past; sounds like he got the message.”

  “Please be careful. You mean so much to me.”

  “Don’t you worry, darlin’, I won’t let anything happen to myself or you.” I sit closer to her, pulling her toward me.

  She rests her head on my chest and I can feel the tears wetting my shirt. I can only imagine what she’s going through. Being pregnant is making her extra emotional which blows because right now she really needs to be relaxing and keeping her stress levels down.

  She had a nice quiet life in Cali, then dates the wrong person and gets wrapped up in our shit, too, without even knowing about it. Well, unless Ghost knew who she was and got close to her because of the club’s shit. That would actually make a lot of sense and explain why he would have just started showing up everywhere around her like she told me about.

  The Fists fucked up when they decided to come in our territory and threaten more of our women, then with all the other shit they’ve pulled, they’re lucky all we did before was torture a few dicks in their club. I can’t wait to watch their club crumble to pieces. I know Ares will call in favors all over if need be to extinguish these fuck faces. We’ve had a beef with them for far too long. The Prez should have warned us about the issues he had with their club instead of leaving us out in the open.

  “Twist, do you care for me?” she asks under her breath, and I almost don’t hear her.

  “Of course, I do, why?”

  “Because I think I might kind of love you.”

  “You don’t wanna love a man like me, babe. I’m all fucked up and you’re all types of perfect.”

  She laughs breathily through her tears. “I’m far from perfect; I’m a hot mess.”

  “You’re my hot mess, though, yeah?” I rasp.

  “Yes, I’m yours.”

  “Good.” I tilt her chin up, her watery gaze staring at my lips. It’s all the invitation I need. I push her down onto the bed so she’s lying on her side, and I lie directly beside her, leaning over her some so I don’t put any pressure on her swollen belly.

  I wind my fingers in the back of her long blonde hair; pulling her head back in my grip and let my lips meet hers. I lightly graze my lips against hers, softly nipping her chin between my teeth to get her to groan.

  “You got the longest, shiniest, most beautiful hair I’ve ever fuckin’ seen, Sunshine,” I mutter and run my nose up her tear-stained cheek. “You got that whole ‘I’mma good girl’ look goin’
on, yet you got the sweetest, tightest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” I finish, my lips brushing hers as I talk, tasting her breaths as her mouth parts and she starts to pant. “Can I have some more of that pussy, baby?”

  She nods, her eyes wide and my mouth meets hers in a heated kiss. It’s not nice, or soft. It’s hard and rough, demanding, claiming…Owning.

  My hands find her breasts, squeezing and pinching, rushing to push her shirt and bra up to feel the delicate skin underneath.

  “Oh, shit,” she moans and I pull on her nipples again. “I want it hard, Twist,” she demands and I pull her yoga pants completely off so she’s naked, minus the shirt and bra resting above her tits.

  “Turn over,” I growl.

  “Wh-what?” She mumbles breathily.

  “Get on your knees.” I push her ass over to help her climb onto all fours.

  “You want it hard, Sunshine?” I grumble then smack her ass, the clap echoing throughout the room.

  “Oh!” She squeaks and I push two fingers into her quickly. She’s sopping wet, so much that it’s running down her inner thigh, making my cock hard enough that it feels like it may break through my jeans.

  I use my other hand to unclasp the button on my jeans and shove my pants down enough to expose my dick. Once they’re where I want them, I remove my fingers, sucking each drop from them and thrust my cock into her from behind, gripping her hips tightly.

  “Yes, Twist. My God, yes!” she calls as I slam home—finally back where I belong.

  “You love me, Sadie?” I gasp out and she moans.

  Leaning forward, I use one hand to pull and twist her nipples, resting my hand lightly over her tummy so I can kiss over the back of her shoulders. Eventually, I get close enough to speak into her neck so she can easily hear my words.

  “You ain’t never been loved the way I’ll love you.” I plunge into her as far as her tight little cunt will allow, pushing against her backside, trying to go further. “I’m gonna take care of that kid in your belly, Sadie.” I caress my hand over her stomach lovingly. “And you’re gonna be on the back of my bike.” I drive it home by slamming into her twice and gripping her hip bone tightly. “And baby?”


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