Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series)

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Two Halves of a A Vampires Soul (The Silver Series) Page 26

by Samantha Bates

  "Beth, I have been acting an ass, and I am so sorry. I love you with all of my heart; would you do me the honour of marrying me?"

  It felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest, time slowed as he waited for her answer. His throat was suddenly dry; his body had started to sweat. What would she say? For Beth just looking at him was too much, everything she had felt for him, rushed back at her. He had made mistakes, but so had she. And she would need him now. Although it may be the other way around, he wanted honesty and well he would get it.

  "Vlad I want you to know that I love you and always will, but we need to discuss something first. I haven’t been feeling well since the attack."

  She didn’t get a chance to finish. "What, why? Has May checked you over?" She could see the panic in his eyes as they darted around the room. Obviously May was going to materialise to give her a check up.

  "No, not yet, I don’t know how this has happened, but Vlad, I am pregnant."

  He just stood there looking at her. "You can't be. I can't have children, I am a vampire. Liza and Lewis are only here because both of their parents are others. Humans and vampires are even rarer."

  She smiled at him. "It is rare to have a human parent and a vampire parent. Yet it has happened before, granted there are only a handful of cases in history, I checked."

  He slumped to the sofa, still staring. "Are you sure?"

  "I went to a clinic this morning. I am only a few weeks and it is still risky but they confirmed it. Considering the attack from Talia they are unsure how I haven’t miscarried but I definitely haven’t."

  The room seemed to spin; he couldn’t take his eyes from Beth, but he couldn’t clearly focus on her. He was going to be a father, him. He had never thought of parenthood as a human, he was too young. Then he had been turned, and he shut that side of him off. Now he could have that family, now he was going to have a child. Suddenly Beth found herself being held tightly in Vlad’s arms, he was holding her like he was scared she would disappear.

  "Beth, how do you feel about this?"

  "I am still in shock, but I am going to have this child whether you like it or not."

  His heart lightened at her words. HE WAS GOING TO BE A FATHER. He lowered his head so he could kiss the woman he loved more than his own life, just as he was thinking about how he would make sure he was a damned good dad. And then realism hit him, he needed to protect Beth and the baby. Shit, what if Talia had injured Beth and the baby?

  "Beth you need to rest. What do I do?"

  "You tell me what you are thinking. If you don’t want to be involved just say so. I was thinking of moving………" He leaned over and kissed her again. He kissed her with every bone in his body. He put everything he had inside him, into the kiss. It made him feel slightly dizzy.

  "I am not letting you out of my sight. You will be pampered and looked after. Nothing will happen to you or the baby. I love you so much Beth, please say we can start again?"

  "Aren’t you meant to ask permission from my dad?" Her heart was in her throat. She had no doubt that she would say yes, but maybe it was time to make him sweat.

  "Of course but your dad isn’t…." He saw the corners of her mouth lift. "You aren’t serious are you? Ben wants to kill me right now. You are, shit…" He reluctantly stood. "Are you sure?"

  This time it wasn’t a little smile, it was a broad grin. "Did you mean what you said Vlad?"

  "Definitely, I love everything about you. The house is empty without you, my Elite hate me, Alberts thinking of quitting and moving here with Louisa and it doesn’t feel like home anymore."

  "Then I can't answer, until I know my family agrees to the union." With a deep breath he wandered through to the kitchen, her mom, Ben and her twin sisters, Ellie and May were waiting.

  "I take it things are okay now, judging by your smile." Lucky came and hugged her, May smiled broadly at Vlad. Ellie and Ben continued to scowl at Vlad, they wouldn’t be easily swayed.

  "Um I am sorry to intrude on you all, so early in your evening." No-one said anything. "But as I am sure you are aware we have had a few problems."

  Ben was unable to remain silent. "Well, when Beth is stabbed and refuses to speak to you, I think we get the damn picture Vlad. Now get to the point, so I can decide what to do about you."

  "And while you are speaking, I will decide what I want to do about it." Ellie was fierce and had been since she was young.

  "Well it's just…here goes. I have been a fool, and have nearly let the most important person in my life get away from me. I love her so much and I was scared to death of it. Anyway I would like to ask your permission Ben, for Beth's hand in marriage?"

  God Ben was worse than Beth, at least she smiled. Ben looked at him, and then looked at him again, and then looked to Lucky before Beth.

  "Sweetheart I don’t like it, but it's up to you. Do you really want to be saddled to him for eternity? Especially when he makes you cry."

  "I say no Beth, why marry someone who makes you cry?" Ellies tone said how serious she was.

  "I know he makes me cry Ellie, but he also makes me smile, laugh, tingle all over and feel warm and safe and cherished."

  With a shrug of her shoulder, Ellie was unconvinced. "I don’t understand people, whatever Beth, it's up to you. But if you make her sad I will find a way to kill you."

  Vlad gave a small bow. "I do not doubt it Ellie, this time I will cherish and protect her."

  "I suppose it doesn’t hurt to have a strong vampire in the family, but I echo Ellie. I don’t like seeing any of my girls upset, although I am aware that you have a few redeeming qualities. This time I expect you to make her happy."

  Ben was not happy, but finally he was letting her grow up. The relief was immense, grabbing Beth he pulled her into a fierce kiss. Beth heard Ben behind her. "Seriously I do not need to see that. Damn it Lucky, make them stop."

  Breaking the kiss, he whispered to her. "Can I tell them?"

  Beth nodded at Vlad. "Before you leave Ben, I have something to tell you all. Beth is pregnant, we are having a baby."

  Everyone stood for nearly a minute, open mouthed. Ben fainted, he actually hit the floor. Lucky was with him in an instant as was Beth. As he lifted his head, he looked to Beth.

  "Please, tell me that was a dream or we will never get rid of him. You can't be, he is a vampire and really old and I am too young to be a granddad."

  Lucky slapped Ben. "You are over three hundred years old. I am a damned sight younger."

  As they stood, mother and daughter looked to each other. Each waiting, Lucky felt the tears roll down her face. "Are you happy baby?"

  "I am mom, I never thought I would be but this is a good thing."

  Pulling Beth into a hug, she was crushed by her mom and then May and Ellie. "Then congratulations, to you both."

  Ben was sat at the table shaking his head. "A grandfather, I can't be."

  Vlad teleported them to his house, she was coming home, and he would not be the only one to be overjoyed. Albert came to greet them excited to see her return.

  "Mistress, you look radiant. It is lovely to have you return, I have to say the house feels warmer already."

  "Albert, stop sucking up. Are the Elite upstairs?"

  "Yes, they are waiting for you."

  "Well can you fetch Louisa, while I tell the men to meet us in the morning room?"

  Although confused, Albert complied.

  Ten minutes later, everyone had converged in the morning room. Beth had received many hugs and welcomes by the team. She had missed them all and was pleased to see them. Vlad called them all to attention.

  "Good evening, tonight Beth returns. She will be remaining here; this is her home as much as mine and yours and I am deliriously happy to announce that, Beth is pregnant."

  No-one said anything, the silence demonstrating their amazement. Louisa was the first to break it. "That is the most fantastic news. You must be so happy."

  Albert came forward, tears in his eyes
. "A child is a wonderful gift; you will both make marvellous parents. And when you get things wrong there are enough us to spoil the little fella."

  Ice coughed and everyone turned to him. "Beth will need extra protection; this will be in place by the end of the evening. You will no longer leave this house without a heavy guard. I will bring Denissa in tomorrow to increase the wards on the house. I will also set up a secondary residence, just in case."

  Laughing Julian slapped Ice on the back. "Calm down Ice, let Beth have time to breath."

  "She will have time as long as she follows my rules."

  Beth could see how serious Ice was; he wouldn’t be Ice, if he was happy about something.

  "I agree Ice, and thank you."

  "Now, I am going to take Beth to bed. We have much to discuss. Ice I will leave you in charge." He wouldn’t let her walk, he carried her. When she got to their bedroom he laid her on the bed.

  "Beth can I ask about the ring you gave me? Where did you get it from?"

  "Where to start, since we bonded I have dreamt your past Vlad. I have seen parts of your life, and during part of it, Xin was my guide. He told me that you had to lose him, so that you could take the paths you needed to take to find me. I liked him a lot.

  "What? How? I have missed him more than words can say, he taught me to be who I am now. He was the father I never really had. I don’t think he ever knew how important he was to me."

  "He did, and he has continued watching your life. He is very proud of you and considers you to be the son he never had." This time it was Vlad who cried, cried for those he had loved and lost, he cried for the he had now, and he cried for those yet to come. Beth held him through it all.

  When he had finished he kissed her, starting at her head, leading down to her stomach. As they loved each other, Vlad finalised the bonding by feeding from Beth and as they both realised that from this day he would feed only from her that they both finally felt whole.

  "I can't quite believe it, Beth I love you so much. You are my life."

  Chapter 50

  Beth was nervous; Ellie and May were stood next to her in front of the huge mirror. Her long blonde hair was pinned with a few strands hanging down. Ellie and May stood, wearing blood red dresses, with no straps, the length ending at their ankles. It didn’t feel the same without Claire, who was somewhere unreachable. Beth had wanted to wait until she returned, until she had received a letter from Claire telling her to go ahead. Still the whole family missed her presence.

  And then the door to the room slid open, and there she stood with mom at her side. Jumping up they all rushed to her, their joy accelerating. Now it was complete, all of the girls together. It was only when their excitement settled that they truly looked at Claire, she looked drawn and tired.

  Anxiety clouded Beth. "Claire you look sick, are you?"

  "No princess, I am not sick just a little tired. I can't stay long but I wouldn’t miss this for the world."

  Ben came up the stairs and rounded the corner, before he stopped dead just looking at them all. Claire had slipped into the dress; Lucky was brushing her hair for her, while Beth was adding a little makeup.

  "Wow, you all look stunning." Tears formed in his eyes. "Shit, I can't believe I will have to do this three more times, I don’t know that I can cope. Claire you look lovely." He gave her a giant hug. "We've missed you."

  "Ben." He turned to where Ellie stood addressing him. "It's only twice; I have no intention of letting anyone make me cry, regardless of how tingly he makes me. Screw that."

  With all of them laughing Ben offered Beth his arm. "Are you ready?"

  With a deep breath, she took his arm, before a voice stopped them all. "Would it be unconventional to have two people walk you down the aisle?"

  They all turned to see their father looking back at them. He looked regal with his long blonde hair tied back, a flowing white shirt and pants, with those magnificent wings. He looked ethereal.

  "Daddy." The girls rushed to their father, and he hugged them all before addressing Ben. "I don’t have long, but I want to thank you."

  "Phil." Her mom was almost questioning that it was Phil.

  "Lucky you look lovely as always. You have done a wonderful job with the girls; I have missed them so much. Ben would you mind if I took Beth's other arm?"

  Beth saw the disappointment on Ben's face. "Phil as her father I think you should do it. I will sit with Lucky."

  "I don’t think so, I want you both to. Ben it wouldn’t be right to walk down the aisle without you. Come on; let's get this show on the road before Vlad thinks I have run away."

  She saw Ben ponder this with a thoughtful look on his face. "Now that's an idea. You could you know, I know of a good place for you to hide."

  Ignoring him they made their way to the ball room.

  At the top of the winding stairs, she looked down at the flowers and red carpeting; everyone was waiting in the ball room. Looking down the grand stair case, she did feel like a princess waiting to meet her prince. Her mom ran on ahead to get her seat, as they reached the bottom of the stairs her brothers stood in little tuxedo's, and took the hands of the girls. They looked so cute; Albert was waiting with them and had tears in his eyes when she reached him.

  "Mistress, you look stunning." She bent a kissed to his cheek as she passed.

  Vlad felt nauseous he was so nervous. Ice, Shaun, and Julian stood at his side, each had argued over who was going to stand next to him. He didn’t care and told them so which prompted them to declare that they would all stand with him. But that didn’t matter; all he saw was her, as Beth was led to the doorway.

  She looked magnificent, from her blonde hair piled onto head, with some loose strands, to the silk ivory dress with Tsychovsky crystals glimmering across the chest; it tightened in the middle, and fell in pools to her feet. Her veil covered her face, but he could still see the loveliness behind it. He knew the tiara she wore, it was one designed by him and crafted by him, with diamonds handpicked by him.

  His heart sped up the closer she got to him, he was so focused on her that he nearly missed the man on her other arm. This must be her father, she looked so like him. As the man smiled and nodded to him, Vlad refocused on the woman in front of him. Ben and her father handed her to him, and he bowed courteously to both of them.

  The ceremony passed in a whirl of words, she meant every one of them but could only see him, her vampire. In his tuxedo, he looked dashing; everything she had ever wanted was in front of her. She would never let him go; he was hers for all of eternity. As the pastor pronounced them man and wife, the breath she was holding released as Vlad lifted her veil to kiss her.

  Everyone filed out for the photos, giving the caterers time to clear the room for the reception. As people came over to congratulate them, she finally saw all of the people who had joined them. Her gran, her great aunt, Silver Pack, and even her uncle Lewis was here. There must have been several hundred people here, and she couldn’t have been happier. As Vlad took her hand and led her outside, she finally felt like his and turning to him, she kissed him to the whoops of their friends and family.


  Locked away in her room again, Claire was exhausted from her therapy session. She was always emotionally drained at the end, but today she also felt lonely, seeing her family again for Beth's wedding, had left Claire feeling alone, and nostalgic. Standing in front of the mirror her chestnut brown hair colour was returning as was her complexion. But her heart still felt heavy, she had let herself down. Climbing onto the bed she knew that it was time to find out who she was again, if she had ever known who she was in the first place.

  The turning of the key in her door didn’t faze her; it was probably one of the staff coming to check on her. She lay on her bed and didn’t even acknowledge the presence, until the presence sat on her bed. Turning to ask to be left alone, she faced one of her nightmares with a gasp.

  "Ellie what on earth, how did you know? How did you get in here?"

  Tears rolled down Ellies face. "Why didn’t you tell us? Claire why didn’t you let us help you?"

  Claire sat up and embraced Ellie, she could feel the pain inside of her, and she could also feel Ellie’s fear. Ellie didn’t cry, ever. Even as a child she was so strong and steady, sitting up Claire pulled her into her arms. Ellie cried for a while before she was able to pull herself together.

  "How did you get in here Ellie?"

  "I have been known to be persuasive, I am also good at breaking and entering so don’t worry." Her tone was light, but Claire knew how Ellie worked.

  "If you get caught…"

  "Claire you worry too much, you have always been there for us now let me be there for you. Please." Instead of waiting for an answer, Ellie picked up the hair brush and sat behind Claire brushing her hair. They sat in silence, no words needed to communicate their bond with each other. Ellie stayed with Claire until she fell to sleep, she needed to leave before the staff found her. She had some lose ends to tie up out of the city but as soon as she returned, she would visit again.

  As the door closed and Ellie locked it again, her heart slipped. She was locking her big sister into a room that was cold and sterile, at that moment she hated herself. In the room, Claire thrashed and moaned in fear as the nightmare took hold of her. The same nightmare that plagued her for the next two nights, a nightmare that had gripped her subconscious. With such vague images Claire was unsure of what she was seeing, her consciousness lasting only briefly as she drifted in and out of sleep. Unfortunately those that would have listened were too caught up in the aftermath of the wedding to visit her.

  Three evenings after the wedding on the other side of New York, Claire's dream played out.

  He wandered the dark cold streets; unlike the others, he did feel the cold. Hopeful that it wouldn’t take long to find his prey he continued his search as the rain hammered against the pavement. Unlike Talia, he knew how to get a job done right, the woman had been useless. He had met her when he had visited Paris years before. When he had retuned and given Talia the poison, he had been impressed at its potency. It had meant to be easy, take out Vlad and put a leader in his place that he could control. But one of those brats of Ben's had discovered his secret. He had been tempted to take Vlad out during the wedding, unfortunately the opportunity never rose. He was furious to see Ben's bratty daughter there, even though his plan had failed he had been pleased when she had disappeared, he thought that with Ben and his bitch of a wife worrying after her, his plans would manifest a little quicker.


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