The Devil's Advocate: Devil's Playground Duet #2

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The Devil's Advocate: Devil's Playground Duet #2 Page 20

by Ashley Jade

“So, to what do I owe this honor?” I ask him as another slow song cues up.

  He places his hand on the middle of my back as we begin moving. “Trust me, the honor is all mine.”

  Considering the man has been nothing but rude to me, I highly doubt it.

  I’m about to ask him to cut to the chase and tell me what the point of this is, but then he says, “Damien King isn’t going to win tomorrow.”

  Damien was never interested in winning anyway. That’s not what any of this was about for him. However, I don’t care for the governor’s condescending tone.

  “Wasn’t aware our great governor was also a psychic.” I give him a sardonic smile. “Last I checked, polling day doesn’t end until tomorrow night…after they tally all the votes.”

  I cringe when he presses me a little too close. “You’re right. But I have it on good authority that Damien won’t be around when they do.”

  My stomach drops. “What—”

  His hold on me tightens. “I have a once in a lifetime offer for you and I suggest you take it.” Not waiting for me to turn it down, he continues, “You’re going to end things with Damien tonight. Cain and Margaret will take you in and help put you back together. And after you embrace them as your family and apologize for the disrespect you’ve shown my daughter, you will be allowed to attend a college of your choice and move on with your life. If you don’t, you can look forward to spending your days locked inside a padded room at the Shady Oaks mental institution.”

  I start to laugh, but his hand dips lower, skimming my behind. “If neither of those choices appeals to you, you can always live with me.” His lips hover over my ear. “Cain told me that pretty mouth of yours does lovely things with a cock stuffed inside it, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been dying to find out for myself.”

  Disgust and rage zip through me like a live wire and I twist out of his grip. “How’s this for an offer? Go fuck yourself.”

  My voice is loud enough the woman dancing nearby gasps.

  Bexley laughs nervously. “Stop being dramatic and making a scene, dear.” His eyes narrow. “We haven’t finished our dance yet.”

  He reaches for me, but I back away. “I don’t dance with pigs. I don’t make deals with them either.”

  With that, I stride off the dancefloor and take out my phone.

  Eden: Meet me at the staircase near the atrium.

  Cain: I’m in the cigar room with Johnson, Judge Kennedy, and your fiancé. Give me a few minutes to make a clean getaway.

  “Why the fuck does he keep his office in the basement?” Cain questions as I lead him down the dark, narrow hallway.

  “I have no idea.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to rip into him about what the governor said, but there’s no point.

  Knowing Cain—he’ll either deny it or defend his precious governor and suggest that Bexley only said it because he has a reputation to uphold and I’m making waves.

  I don’t even know why I’m wasting my energy being pissed off about it anyway. Cain’s not the man I thought he was.

  Nothing he says or does should shock me anymore.

  I turn on a light when we enter Damien’s office and point to the computer. “It’s password protected, but I figured it out.”

  I didn’t. Damien gave it to me so Cain still thinks I’m on his side.

  I turn my head to look at him when he doesn’t say anything. “You okay?”

  His eyes are glued to the gigantic fish tank behind Damien’s desk.

  There’s a hint of amusement in his expression when he finally speaks. “I think that’s my piranha.” He snorts. “Given there are other fish in the tank, he must not have eaten yet.”

  “He ate the other night.” I gesture to the small leather sofa. “I remember because Damien fucked me right there after.”

  If my seduction doesn’t tempt him, his need to compete with Damien will.

  His eyes become tiny slits. “What’s the password?”

  “Cainisacocksucker1829,” I deadpan.

  “Goddamn prick,” he says under his breath as he marches toward the desk and sits down.

  I take the pin out of my hair and reach behind me for the zipper of my dress.

  Cain’s eyes widen and his face goes slack…but it has nothing to do with me.

  It’s due to the picture of him with the chief’s cock in his mouth.

  “This isn’t me.” He swallows hard. “Fucking idiot can’t even manage to use Photoshop correctly. These are obviously doctored. Trejo spilled his drink during our meeting, and I was on my knees cleaning the floor.”

  It actually hurts not to laugh. Unless Cain—who’s never so much as put a dish in the sink since I’ve known him—wanted to be really thorough about missing any spots, his little explanation still doesn’t account for why he’s sucking down the chief’s dick like a popsicle.

  He sticks what looks like a USB drive into the port. “Just in case anyone is dumb enough to believe that was real, I’ve not only deleted the file but infected his computer with a virus. Problem solved.”

  He stands at the same time my dress hits the floor.

  “You know, it’s a shame it’s not real,” I say, stepping out of it. “It kind of turned me on.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “The idea of me with a man turned you on? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Trailing a manicured fingernail down my black and gold bra, I bite my lip. “I don’t know. It just looked so…forbidden and naughty.”

  He rakes his gaze up and down my lingerie-clad body, zeroing in on my panties. “Is that so?”

  I nod. “You can’t deny there’s something sexy about doing something…or someone you shouldn’t. Maybe it’s why we’re both so attracted to one another.”

  “What I feel for you goes beyond attraction. I love you. Always have. Always will.”

  What Cain loves is the idea of controlling someone who genuinely loves him and making them his personal puppet.

  Because he knows when love sinks its teeth into someone, it never really lets them go.

  It always leaves behind a scar.

  I undo the front clasp of my bra, bearing my tits to him.

  “I know you love me.” His eyes darken as I lick my finger and circle a puckered nipple. “But you can’t deny there’s also something so tantalizing about forbidden fruit.” I drift my gaze to the couch. “Taking something that doesn’t belong to you.”

  The vein in his forehead bulges as he comes out from behind Damien’s desk. “You don’t belong to him, Eden. You belong to me, goddammit.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I finger my lacy underwear. “Because I think I might need a reminder.”

  He’s standing in front of me in four strides. “I’ll fucking remind you, all right.”

  I gasp when he plucks the crotch of my panties and plunges a finger inside me.


  He grabs the back of my head and crushes his mouth against mine.

  Revulsion works its way up my esophagus, and I have to remind myself to focus on the plan.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” I say between kisses.

  “I’ve missed you more.” He nibbles my bottom lip. “Have you been a good girl for me?”

  Placing my hand on top of his, I grind against his fingers. “The best girl ever.”

  He makes a low noise in his throat as he adds another finger. “Cain should probably reward you then, huh?”

  If I keep playing my cards right, Cain most definitely will.

  I suckle his earlobe. “Please. I’ve been so, so good.”

  “Prove it.” He tugs down his zipper with his free hand. “Get on your knees.”

  “Get on the couch.” I run my hand over his thickening erection. “I want to suck you off where Damien fucked me.”

  His face contorts in anger then lust as I remove his fingers from my pussy and lick them before leading him to the sofa.

  The moment he sits, I straddle h

is lap, writhing against his cock. “I love you.”

  His thumb brushes my cheekbone before making its way down the length of my body. “I love you, too.” He pulls his dick out and strokes it. “Now be a good girl and take care of me.”

  With a coy smile, I sink to my knees. “I’m gonna take care of you so good.” Swallowing my disgust, I lap the liquid off his crown. “I want to savor this fat cock of yours.” I lick the pulsing vein as I fish underneath the couch for the handcuffs and rope. “But first, can I try something fun?”

  He starts to answer, but I stretch my mouth over his tip, and he hisses. “What’s that?”

  Pushing his legs together, I suck him down a little farther and tie his ankles together the way Damien taught me to this morning.

  “What are you doing?”

  He begins to move, but I get on top of him again. “Relax.” Leaning in, I kiss his bottom lip. “I just want to see you at my mercy while I drain every drop of cum from your dick with my mouth and cunt.”

  “Jesus.” He grunts when I nip his throat. “Deal. But just my ankles.”

  I hold up the handcuffs. “But it’s more fun this way.”

  “Eden—” I shove my tits in his face and he sucks my nipple. “Fuck, you’re such a bad little girl. Aren’t you?”

  “No,” I say, edging away a bit so he has no choice but to lean forward. “I’m always a good girl for daddy.”

  A strangled groan lodges in his throat. “Christ.” He places his arms behind his back. “You better fuck daddy real good.”

  I hold his gaze as I lock the cuffs on his wrists. Damien isn’t in the room yet, but my gut tells me he’s close.

  I kiss Cain’s cheek hard enough to leave a mark with my red lipstick. It might not be permanent like the one he left on me, but it will still sting when he goes to wipe it off in his jail cell. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna fuck you so good—”

  “I’ll take it from here,” Damien’s deep voice calls out from behind me.

  Chapter 39


  The look on Cain’s face when I walk in and Eden gets off his lap is priceless.

  I snap a picture with my phone and smile. “Are you enjoying the party, Cain?”

  “What the fuck,” he grunts, rocking back and forth in an effort to get off the couch.

  I look over at Eden. “You okay?”

  She nods as she fixes her bra. “Thanks for coming to the rescue when you did. A minute later and I might have puked.” She looks at her ball gown on the ground and frowns. “Think Geoffrey will freak if I ask him to come down here and help me get back into my dress?”

  After it dawns on him that I’m planning on torturing and killing my opponent? Probably.

  I pull off my suit jacket and hand it to her. “Here.”

  She smiles and it twists the knife a little deeper because I know it will be the last one she’ll ever give me. “Thanks.”

  “You set me up,” Cain roars, fighting against his restraints.

  I walk over to him. “Let me help you out with those.”

  Before he can blink, I grab his head and bash my knee into his face. “Much better.” I step back, assessing the tiny trickle of blood coming out of his nose. “However, I think there’s still room for improvement.”

  Sinking to my haunches, I get more rope from under the couch, dodging Cain’s pitiful attempt at a kick. “You never were the greatest athlete, friend.” I wink at him as I coil the rope around his calves. “Except when it came to running track. Which is a bit ironic, considering you excel at running away from all your problems.” I pull the rope taut and secure it. “Wait, did I say running? I meant killing.”

  I get up and park myself between him and Eden. “Which is exactly what brings us all here today.”

  “I have no clue what he’s talking about.” Cain looks at his stepdaughter. “I never killed anyone. Don’t let him brainwash you into believing such bullshit.”

  If looks alone could kill, the one Eden gives him would do the job in record time. “Damien didn’t have to brainwash me. You did that all on your own.”

  He keeps his expression impassive. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He looks up at the ceiling. “Help!”

  I click my tongue. “Scream as much as you want, nobody will hear you. Not only am I hosting a party upstairs, my office is soundproof. Didn’t want to take any chances. Being a man of your caliber, I’m sure you understand.”

  “I don’t know what your objective is, but you’ll never get away with it,” Cain spits. “People—important people like the governor—will be looking for me soon.”

  I snatch his phone out of his pocket. “Not if you tell Margaret you’re going home because you don’t feel well.” I glance at Eden. “I’m offended he doesn’t consider us important people. How about you?”

  She thinks about this for a moment. “You know, a little actually.”

  Cain cackles. “You’re officially out of your fucking mind, Damien. No way in hell am I calling anyone.”

  Blowing out a breath, I look at my co-conspirator again. “We’re gonna have to speed things up a bit. He’s ruining my grand finale.”

  Eden shrugs. “Fine by me.”

  I amble over to my desk and fetch the remote. “By the way, thanks for the virus you put on my computer.” I lean against my desk. “Not to be a buzzkill, but it didn’t get rid of the array of pictures I have of you getting fucked by Trejo. Quite frankly, I’m insulted you assumed I wasn’t smart enough to not only have backup files but to protect my computer.”

  Reaching over, I turn on my monitor and press a few keys on the keyboard. Cain protecting and serving Chief Trejo’s cock illuminates the screen a moment later. “Newsflash, Cain. Technology is a passion of mine. If you invested even a small fraction of your time learning things about me like I did you…you would know that already.”

  “Those are fake. Your Photoshop skills are shoddy at best.” He wriggles against his restraints. “Lucky for me, they’re on par with your time management skills. Margaret’s probably started a search party for me already.”

  I hold up my remote. “Ah, yes. I appreciate the reminder.” I press a button and the base of the tank lowers to pelvis level. Perfect.

  I walk back over to Cain who looks genuinely scared. Good.

  “You might want to turn your head for this, Eden. It won’t be pretty.”

  “I’ll be fine. In fact, I say we bring the governor down here after this.” She gives Cain a dirty look as I wrangle him into a standing position. “By the way, I’m so flattered you told Bexley about my oral skills.” She gestures to the computer screen. “Coming from you, I’d say that’s a real compliment.”

  Cain curses under his breath. “I knew that motherfucker couldn’t stay out of it.”

  “Focus, Cain. There are far more important things to worry about than Bexley meddling in your affairs.” I drag down his zipper. “Like whose mouth will be on your dick next.” I wince. “As chance would have it, my—I’m sorry, your piranha—is due for a meal soon.”

  His face turns white as a sheet. “Wait a minute—”

  “Can’t. We’re running out of time, remember?”

  He struggles like a fish on a hook as I lug him behind the tank so Eden can have a front seat to the show. The irony.

  Grimacing, I grab his flaccid cock. “On second thought, let’s make a deal.”

  Cain looks relieved. “Whatever you want.”

  I look at Eden. “I need a hand.”

  She scrunches her nose. “Ugh. I dealt with his dick once already toni—”

  “I need you to hold the phone so he can call Margaret and tell her he’s not feeling well.”

  “That I can do.”

  After swiping his phone off my desk, she joins us at the tank.

  I grip Cain’s face. This is important so he needs to pay attention. “Tell her anything and the shriveled-up chunk of skin that’s attempting to crawl inside your body right now—otherwise know
n as your penis—will be piranha food. Got it?”

  He swallows thickly. “Yes.”

  “And don’t even think about using a code word.”

  He nods and Eden presses a button.

  A moment later, Margaret’s voice filters through the speakerphone. “Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you. Where are you?”

  “I’ve been holed up in the bathroom. I’m not feeling too well.”

  “Oh, no. Which bathroom? I’ll come find you.”

  I tilt Cain toward the tank.

  “I’m not in the bathroom anymore. I’m in the car heading home.”

  “You mean you just left the ball without telling anyone?”

  Cain rolls his eyes. “I’m telling you now. Like I was saying, I’m not feeling well.”

  Margaret tsks. “Nervous about the election, huh? If you want, I can leave and bring you some soup?”

  “No,” Cain says quickly. “I think it’s best I relax and clear my head before the big day. Talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  No, you won’t.

  “Sure. I’ll text you when I leave to see if you changed your mind about that soup.”

  The woman can’t take a hint for shit.

  Cain hesitates briefly and I kick him.

  “Fine, but if I don’t answer, it’s because I fell asleep.”

  She sighs. “Okay. I’m probably leaving in a little while anyway. Daddy said the food gave him some bad reflux, and we’re both tired of looking at your trampy stepdaugh—”

  Eden disconnects the call and drops the phone in the tank. “Oops.” She walks over to my office chair and sits. “Just out of curiosity, Cain—did Margaret ever confront you about our close relationship after dinner last night?”

  Cain clears his throat. “She did.”

  Eden crosses her legs. “And what did you tell her?”

  Cain averts his gaze. “I handled it.”

  “Right.” Pain slashes across her face. “And by handled, you mean you put it all on me. Because God forbid you take responsibility for anything.”

  Cain, relentless bastard he is, tries to pry his way through an opening that isn’t there. “I’m sorry—”

  “No, you’re not.” She looks right through him. “If you were, you would have stopped hurting and using people a long time ago.”


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