The Devil's Advocate: Devil's Playground Duet #2

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The Devil's Advocate: Devil's Playground Duet #2 Page 23

by Ashley Jade

  “Don’t worry. I’ll do you a solid and kill you before then.” I point to the tank when he starts twisting against the restraints. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  His body goes slack.

  I take hold of Eden’s elbow and steer her out into the hallway, ignoring the feeling rising like a tidal wave in my chest.

  The one telling me not to let her go. I have to. It’s time to set the butterfly free. God knows she’s earned it.

  “I’d ask if you’re okay, but—”

  “It would be a stupid question.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Why didn’t you?”

  If I was ever going to tell her how I feel about her—this would be the time. But I’m not. Eden doesn’t need an anchor. She needs to fly.

  The hardest part of loving someone is knowing it won’t last forever. Sooner or later, one of you will have to let the other go. Because all things, good and bad, come to an end at some point. That’s the way shit works.

  I point to the pocket of my jacket she’s still wearing. “There’s a check made out to you for twenty-five million. There’s also a first-class plane ticket to Spain. Your flight leaves tomorrow.”

  I could walk the planet a thousand times and back again, but I’d never find someone like Eden. Kristy was right, she is perfection on earth…and I want her to get out there and explore it.

  She looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “Twenty-five million? Spain?”

  “If you want more money, it’s yours. If you don’t want to go to Spain, I can have Geoffrey book you a flight to somewhere else. The tropics are beautiful this time of y—”

  The sting from her hand slapping my cheek is well deserved.

  “You drop this bomb on me…and now you’re leaving when I need someone to help me pick up the pieces?”

  “Technically you’re the one who’s leaving. And you don’t need anyone’s help, Eden. You can pick up the pieces yourself this time.”

  “Fuck you.” She jabs her finger in my chest. “Fuck you for making decisions for me without asking. Fuck you for not even giving me a second to wrap my head around everything that’s happened tonight before sending me packing. Fuck you for making me have feelings for you and then abandoning me. Fuck you, Damien.”

  She needs to understand the road we walked down was never an ongoing one. And for once, I’m not hurting her because I want to…I’m doing it because I have to. Because it’s the right thing to do.

  I can’t take back what I did to Kristy. I can’t undo the role I played in her death. Therefore, I’ll never be able to take away Eden’s pain.

  I’ve earned my life sentence in purgatory, but Eden hasn’t.

  And unlike Cain, I won’t make her serve the time with me. It’s not fair to her.

  She shouldn’t have to live the rest of her life with a constant reminder of what she’s lost. What she never got the chance to have.

  And quite frankly, I’m fucking tired of living with the guilt. My penance to Kristy has been served.

  Eden’s strong and resilient—just like Kristy wanted her to be. Mission accomplished.

  I prop my arms on either side of Eden’s head, caging her against the wall. “Tell me it doesn’t hurt to look at me now.”

  As predicted, she averts her gaze. I don’t blame her.

  “I can’t.” Her hand finds my jaw. “But that doesn’t mean it will always be this way.”

  She doesn’t get it. “The best you can ever hope for with me is to become numb and desensitized. You’ll have to shut off parts of yourself.” It takes every ounce of willpower not to close the distance between us and bury myself balls deep inside her. “You’ll be a ghost again.”

  We both will.

  “I’m not ready to lose you.”

  “Tell me it doesn’t hurt to look at me,” I repeat, punching the wall with my fist. The more she protests, the harder this is.

  “Tell me you don’t love me,” she counters.

  Jesus. I’m hanging by a thread. One of us has to be the strong one here, and it has to be me.

  “I could…if the circumstances were different.” I kiss her tear-stained cheek. “But they’re not.”

  They never will be. Not in this lifetime.

  I start to pull away, but she catches my wrist. “I still love you despite the circumstances, Damien.”

  When an animal is wounded beyond repair, you should do the righteous thing and put it out of its misery. Same principle applies here.

  “You know as well as I do, you can love someone with everything you have, and it will never be enough to make them love you back.” I pin her with a look of disgust. “I thought you learned that lesson already. Do yourself a favor and stop making the same mistake.”

  She lifts her chin. “Right.”

  “I have to handle the shitstorm upstairs, but you’re welcome to spend the night.” I start walking down the hall. “Geoffrey will drive you to the airport tomorrow.”

  Her expression turns to stone so fast it’s almost jarring. “Thanks.” She gestures to my office. “I’m gonna grab my ball gown. I’ll be upstairs in a few.”

  I start to object, but my phone rings. “I know, Geoffrey. I’m coming.”

  With a grunt, I walk out the door and up the stairs. It’s not like Cain can get to Eden the way I left him.

  Chapter 42


  The fat fuck better not die. I’ve put in too much time and effort with Bexley and his irritating daughter for things to go to shit now.

  Blowing out a breath, I remind myself I need to use my time wisely. Damien will presumably be coming back at some point.

  If I can bash this tank against his desk and somehow manage to knock the phone down, I can use my nose to call for help.

  It’s not a foolproof plan, but it’s the best one at my disposal.

  Sweat drips down my back as I fight against the restraints, trying my hardest to get the damn tank to move. I curse when it doesn’t budge.

  I search my brain for a Plan B—but there isn’t one. There’s nothing I can offer Damien at this point. Nothing he doesn’t already have, given he’s stolen everything of mine.

  My election, my Eden…my goddamn piranha.

  He’s even managed to secure blackmail as a parting gift. Fucking stalker.

  I could almost respect the lengths he went to if his intent was to elicit my confessions in order to go public so he could win the election, but it’s not.

  There’s only one thing he cares about…Eden.

  I grind my molars. Motherfucker’s gone soft. I loaned him some prime cunt with my name stamped on it and suddenly he’s developed a conscience. A guilty one at that.

  This is a perfect example of why you should never let anyone borrow your things. Especially your most prized possession.

  I knew better. I fucking knew better and still I let her trick me into staying with him.

  Eden’s been yanking my dick this whole time. Little backstabbing whore.

  I should have left her the medicated, drooling, zombie she was when I found her. Instead I fixed her up and cared for her. Killed for her.

  All so my loyal pet could turn around and bite me when I needed her the most.

  I loved her. I loved her more than I thought I was capable of loving something.

  And there was a time she lived and breathed for me as well…but those days are gone. Treacherous slut.

  It’s disappointing how little it took to sway her perception of me. For Christ’s sake, it’s not like the people I killed were saints. Quite the contrary. If anything, I’m a goddamn hero for taking them all out of the universe.

  The only innocent one in this whole ordeal was Kristy, and she wasn’t all that virtuous considering she was cheating on her husband with two high school students and gave her kid up for adoption. The world didn’t mourn her loss. Just Damien.

  That alone says a lot about her chara

  I could understand Eden’s outrage if Kristy had raised her. But Eden didn’t even know she existed until ten minutes ago. That’s hardly enough time to form any kind of attachment and declare the man who’s done nothing but care for you a villain.

  My chest aches. I never should have set her free. I lent Damien a jewel he didn’t deserve…and now she’s ruined. Because that’s what Damien does. It’s all he knows how to do.

  For a moment I think I’m seeing things and do a double take when Eden walks back into the room…sans Damien.

  She’s upset. More than upset. She’s been crying. Given she hasn’t looked at or said a word to me, it can only mean one thing.

  Damien hurt her. God, I’d laugh if she didn’t look so sad. Did she really think Damien King was the type to settle down? Or that he cared about her more than he cared about getting revenge against me?

  No. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. He might have felt bad for her, but there’s only one person on earth he’s ever loved.


  Poor, naïve, Eden.

  “Let me guess,” I say as I catch a peek of what looks to be a plane ticket in the pocket of the jacket she’s still wearing. “Either he’s leaving, or he wants you to leave?”

  She doesn’t respond. Sometimes my girl is stubborn like that. Unfortunately, this is the only opening I may have before Damien returns and I end up fish food.

  Eden’s my only hope.

  “You’re too good for him, sweetheart. A man like Damien doesn’t know how to love.”

  Finally, she glances my way. “I guess you two have something in common.”

  Fair enough. “He and I have a lot in common actually. The only difference is, I’d never send you away because my feelings for you have always been genuine. You’re not a game to me, Eden. You never were.”

  She opens her mouth and then clamps it shut. Dammit.

  “Don’t worry. Even though you hate me, I’ll make sure I avenge you.”

  “I don’t want you adding any more names to your body count because of me.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  A scoff pushes through her lips. “From you? Nothing.”

  “That’s a shame because I’d give you anything. Everything.”

  “You didn’t give me everything when you had the chance, why should I believe it would be any different now?”

  Hmm. It’s not a large window by any means, but with enough finesse, I might be able to wiggle my way through.

  “We all make mistakes. Some of them are worse than others. However, when Damien kills me, my biggest regret won’t be killing my family or Karen…it will be not treating you the way you deserved.”

  Her face screws up. “You really think Damien’s going to kill you?”

  I think he’s fighting with his conscience over it, but in the end, his dark side will win. “I have no doubt these will be my last few minutes on earth.” I give her a small smile. “At least I get to spend them with you. The only person I’ve ever loved.”

  She closes her eyes. “I—you. I can’t believe everything that’s happened.”

  “I know it’s a lot to digest, sweetheart, but you’re strong. You’ve always been strong. You didn’t need Damien or anyone else to validate it.”

  Her eyes become glassy. “Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything.” Just make it snappy.

  “Did you ever think about telling me the truth? Or ever feel guilty for taking my mother away from me?”

  I don’t know why I’m compelled to give her honesty, but I do.

  “No.” When she glares at me, I add, “Telling you what happened would mean losing you. That’s not something I was ever willing to do given you hold my heart in the palm of your hand. As far as guilt goes—the more time passes, the more complacent I got…because I’d gotten away with so much already. It’s hard to feel guilt when you’re happy someone is dead. Kristy was the only one who didn’t deserve to die, but she never gave me a reason to feel remorse either. We weren’t friends like she and Damien were. Whenever we were together…she treated me like I was a second-class citizen. It was clear she only put up with me because Damien wanted her to.”

  “Oh,” she says softly.

  “It hurt,” I whisper. “Feeling unwanted. Rejection, no matter what form it comes in, always stings. And I’ve had a lot of it throughout my life.”

  She draws in a slow breath. “It still doesn’t excuse anything you did, but at least I can kind of understand it now.” She looks toward the door. “I should probably get going.”


  “Wait,” I call out. “I know I have no right to ask you for mercy, considering all I’ve done, but please give me just a few more minutes.” I exhale heavily, blinking back tears. This is my only chance to save myself and possibly get Eden back. “Damien’s gonna kill me. I know it and you know it. I just need a little more time with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known.”



  “Okay.” She kneels down next to me. “Um...your pants are still down.”

  “Would you mind pulling them back up? Giving me a little dignity?”

  I’m shocked when she does. “Better?”

  It would be better if her mouth was on my dick, but at least the draft is gone.

  She worries her lip between her teeth. “Cain?”


  “Did you ever think about killing me?”

  “No,” I say quickly. “You’re my everything. I knew the second I saw you—you were it for me.”

  She looks down at the floor. “I was really out of it the first time we met.”

  “I know.” I crane my neck to get a better look at her. “I remember you were sitting on your bed…staring into nothing. You didn’t even realize I’d entered your bedroom until I said your name. And then you looked at me…and I was a goner. I swore right then and there I’d find a way to rescue you…and I did.” I hold her stare. “I know you’re angry about the therapist, but it was the only way. You were so mentally fragile, I had to put you together piece by piece. But in order to do that, I needed you to learn to trust someone first. Karen had neglected you for so long…” I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter. She’s gone. I killed her for you. Because no one hurts my girl.”

  I narrow my eyes. “And don’t you worry, sweetheart. Damien will get what’s coming to him. It may not be my doing, but trust me when I say there’s a bullet with his name on it coming straight for him.”

  The first day he showed up in town, I took measures to protect myself. Or rather, to make sure he follows close behind in the event he takes me out first.

  I was trying to be nice and send him to jail for the rest of his life…but obviously that just won’t do anymore.

  Damien no longer deserves my mercy. He only got it because he loved me so much…it made him special. Just like Eden.

  She draws her knees up to her chest and I let my gaze roam to her panties. If the silky fabric moves to the left a little, I’d catch a peek of one of her soft pussy lips.

  If she moves up several inches, I’ll have my face between her thighs. I close my eyes and inhale. She’s so close but still too far away.

  “I’m gonna miss you, Cain. And I don’t know how to feel about that because you’ve done so many bad things.”

  I swallow hard, pulling out all the stops. “Someone once told me it’s not the number of bad things a person does…it’s the number of bad things they do to you. For what it’s worth, I’ve always loved you. Always tried to do right by you.”

  “I know,” she whispers. “That’s what makes this so hard. The Cain I fell in love with isn’t the Cain sitting in front of me now.”

  “I’m still the same Cain.” I press my cheek to the hardwood of the floor. “What’s your favorite memory of me?”

  She’s caught off guard by my question. Good.

  And then it happens. She smiles. “The day you tol
d me Karen was dead. You came into my room late at night, crawled into my bed, and held me. You promised me you’d always take care of me. You said we were family.” A tear falls down her cheek. “I felt loved…for the first time in my entire life.”

  “I’ll always love you. Even after I’m gone.”

  “Part of me doesn’t want you to leave.”

  We’re so close. “You could set me free. Let me turn myself in.”

  She makes a face. “We both know you wouldn’t.”

  “You’re right. You know me better than anyone.”

  She looks pensive. “Let’s say I did let you go. What would happen? Would you kill me like all the others?”

  “God, no.”

  “Not even after I betrayed you?”

  “I can’t kill what I love. Hell, I’d probably ask you to run away with me.”

  “Where would we run to?”

  “Anywhere you want.”

  “Damien got me a ticket to Spain.”

  “I prefer France.”

  She laughs. “You mean it? Me and you?”

  My heart thumps against my chest like it’s trying to break free. “Swear it.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “No more killing?”

  “I’ll never kill again,” I lie. Damien King is a dead man walking.

  “I’m scared of you,” she whispers. “I love you, but you petrify me.”

  Good. However, that won’t help me now. “I’d never hurt you.”


  “You have my word.”

  She shifts so she’s on her knees. “There’s a small storm hatch behind you we can crawl out through.”

  “Perfect. But let’s work on untying these, first. Shall we?”

  “Oh, right.” Her hands tremble as she undoes the ropes on my legs before moving to the ones on my wrists. She pulls out the key for the cuffs…then pauses.

  “What is it?”

  “Where are we going after this?”

  It’s all I can do not to roll my eyes. “Wherever you want.”

  “I’m not doing this until we have a plan.”

  She’s turned into quite the demanding little thing. “I figure we’ll go back home, get some sleep—”


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