Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica)

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Alice's Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful World (Fairy Tale Erotica) Page 8

by Liz Adams

  Alice held him in her hand not sure exactly how to start. Perhaps the way to go was to stroke it like she would her cat’s tail. Caterpillar watched without appearing to enjoy it.

  “Is this okay?” She asked.

  “You can keep it in your hand and squeeze it gently.”

  Alice pulsed her clenching fingers around his cock. Caterpillar closed his eyes. She felt him grow in her hands. That seemed to do the trick. What if she rolled her fingers in a squeeze, like playing piano? She tried clenching each finger one at a time, rolling them along his cock. He moaned.

  “Is this okay?”


  How big that thing was getting! So hot and hard! Caterpillar’s jaw dropped open and he tilted back his head, his long, golden hair resting on his shoulders. His lean abdomen glistened in the sun, his sculpted chest rising and dropping with each of his shuddering breaths.

  Maybe it was time to start stroking it.

  Alice slowly moved her hand up and down his cock that stood proud from its nest of hair. The skin seemed to stick to her hand. Surely that didn’t feel good. Alice let go, quickly licked her hand wet, and returned to sliding up and down his shaft. Caterpillar watched her work.

  “Is this okay?”

  “Yes,” he said. “You can even go faster and harder, now.”

  Alice tightened her fist, shuttling it along his tall cock. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back with pleasure in his eyes.

  She said, “I’ve never smoked a real pipe before.”

  “You’ll like it,” Caterpillar said. “Tastes like peppermint.”

  Alice laughed. Putting her lips around his huge length, she inhaled. A cool, icy sensation filled her lungs. She pulled him out of her mouth and exhaled the smoke.

  “It really does taste like peppermint!”

  “Of course.” He sighed happily. “I said it would, so it does.”

  She sucked on him again, pushing it deeper down her throat. Hands were on her head, shoulders, and breasts as she inhaled and exhaled the smoke.

  Alice saw his face. He was lost in pleasure, and Alice found it difficult not to be lost in her own. Those gentle, groping hands of his knew just how to touch her. But this was about him. His pleasure. She also wanted to see what a climaxing pipe looked like and tasted like.

  Alice’s breasts swelled at his squeezing fingertips and she groaned. Her mouth probably wasn’t doing a good job on him considering how distracting his amazing hands were. Every time she groaned, her lips stopped working on his cock. And unless she brought him to climax quickly, her mouth might become too weak to finish at all. Best be quick about it! She wrapped her hands around his length and rapidly rubbed up and down to make him come. When he moaned in pleasure, her whole body felt it. The vibrations of his groans and sighs shuddered within her. He was close. She could feel his throbbing cock twitch. Clamping her lips down, she looked up at him. Caterpillar’s face contorted and he exploded in her mouth.

  Alice noticed his cum tasted cool and fresh. Like peppermint. What if it had tasted like chocolate? The world would be a much happier place if all men’s cum tasted like chocolate.

  She drank down the sweet, invigorating liquid until he stopped spurting. Alice pulled his limp member out and stood on tiptoe with pursed lips. Caterpillar bent over and Alice kissed his cheek.

  “You’re a beautiful being,” Alice said.

  Caterpillar didn’t respond. Seemed too exhausted to say anything.

  Alice sat on the ground, her back against the mushroom stem, and waited for him to compose himself. His cock still puffed occasional wafts of smoke. After several minutes, he put his pipe back in his pants and buttoned up.

  She stood. Were those strands of gray hair on his head there before?

  “Now, Delicious one. How can I help you?”

  “You wouldn’t happen to know a way that I can be bigger?”

  “I do indeed,” Caterpillar replied. The gray hairs were getting longer.


  “Break off a piece of mushroom from each side.”

  Alice did as instructed. “What are these pieces of mushroom for?” She noticed gray hairs also growing on his arms.

  “One makes you tall and one makes you small.”

  Chapter 11

  Alice looked at the two pieces of mushroom. One in her left hand, one in her right. Which should she taste? Which would make her taller?

  She recited to herself:

  Eenie meenie tiny cock

  Put that phallus in a sock

  Rub him ‘til he’s like a rock

  Eenie meenie tiny cock

  Alice tasted the mushroom piece in her left hand. A soft nutty taste. Portabella? She tasted it again. Yes. Very much like a portabella mushroom.

  “It’s happening!” Caterpillar shouted.

  He was covered in gray hairs that spun around his body. “I’m turning into a cocoon!”

  Before Alice could feel happy for Caterpillar, a tightness clenched her heart. Her throat constricted. Lord, no! Was this poison? Had she eaten a poisonous mushroom? She turned to Caterpillar for help. No good. He was wrapped entirely in gray hairs. Alice ran off into the woods to find help. Her gut churned with pain and regret. Why did she eat the damn thing?

  It was right then that her neck was gone. Her legs and torso, too. Her head sat upon her feet. As thankful as she was for no longer having a stomach ache (for she no longer had a stomach!) she knew she must look like the most hideous creature in the world. Even her arms were shorter. Just her hands and their forearms stuck out of the spot between her head and feet.

  She had to get out of this hideous state. How ever could she even attempt to win Jack’s heart if she looked this ugly? At least her regular ugliness in her regular state gave her a fighting chance.

  She had to eat the other mushroom. There was just no other choice. Now, eating a mushroom in your hand when you don’t have any elbows is quite a difficult task. She couldn’t even hold the mushroom piece over her head to drop it in her mouth because she had no neck to look upward. Alice found that she had to lie on the ground first. Then she could hold the mushroom piece over her face and drop it into her mouth.

  This better work! Alice dropped the mushroom. It hit her upper lip. She scrunched up her face and manipulated her mouth until the mushroom piece fell into her mouth.

  Relieved, she chewed. Her swallow constricted. Lord, it hurt. Her gut churned in pain. Yes! Her gut was in pain! She had a stomach again! Alice grew into a full body. Neck, arms, legs, torso…even her dress was back on. What had happened to her dress? Perhaps it had been too small to see.

  Now the question was, would Alice grow back to her normal height? Bigger than Rabbit’s height?

  Indeed she did grow. But it wasn’t quite what Alice expected. Her neck grew taller, her arms grew longer, and her legs stretched up further. Standing on her feet, she reached the sky. This would not do. Not at all.

  She looked at her hand. Her fingers looked to be about a foot long! Literally close to twelve inches long! She knew she had to eat part of the shrinking mushroom piece again, just enough to get back to proper proportions. Her fingers, twelve inches long. She broke off a piece of the shrinking mushroom and brought it to her mouth and paused. Twelve inches. Why did that length sound so familiar?

  She remembered her sister Lois telling her about a fact from a book. “Some men’s penises can be as big as twelve inches long!”

  Alice couldn’t imagine what kind of books Lois had been reading, but at the time Lois told her that little nugget of information, Alice had been too caught up trying to imagine something twelve inches long going inside of her to ask about her sister’s source.

  Instead of eating the mushroom piece, she put it back in her dress pocket and looked at her empty hand. She wiggled her fingers. They looked like stiff snakes with joints. Alice had stuffed penis-sized objects inside of her before, but none of them were part of a warm, living being. Maybe now she had the perfec
t replica: uncommonly long fingers. Something that could finally make her orgasm.

  She lifted up her skirt, hiking it higher and higher, past the long length of her legs. She licked the middle finger of her other hand and brought it to her secret button, rubbing it right. Thoughts of Jack filled her mind. Him appearing at her bedroom door. No. Busting the door open. Standing in the doorway completely naked. Saying her name. Telling her he loved her.

  Alice slipped her finger just past the folds, into the entrance. She imagined him holding her, kissing her, telling her how he understood what she was going through, whispering to her that everything would be alright.

  Her finger plunged further inside. Her inner walls opened up to her finger and ripples of delight spread across her body. Was this it? Was this what a cock felt like?

  She itched around, seeing if there was a G spot to touch. Her finger explored, stirring inside her. She knew her finger was reaching those places Caterpillar’s tongue found, those places she could never reach before. That finger filled her, stretched her, pressed and pushed inside. Deeper still. Her pussy tightened around her sopping wet finger. Alice moved it inside and out, like a cock would, thrusting through her slippery entrance. Faster now. A machine pumping her hard with all it could, with all her strength, and all her energy. Alice focused on what it felt like to have a hard, driving force pounding her deep inside. And it felt good. Felt very good.

  …That was all it felt like.

  It didn’t get her any closer to orgasm. Alice sighed and removed her finger.

  Perhaps it had nothing to do with length and everything to do with…girth? Was that the word? The thickness of the cock. Her fingers were only as thick as regular fingers. Even a small cock was thicker than her fingers. If that was true, then all she needed was to have sex with a man. Any man. And maybe, that would make her come.

  Alice took out the piece of mushroom that would make her smaller and ate just enough to shrink herself back to where everything about her body was proportionally correct. No more long neck, no more long legs, no more long fingers. Unfortunately, that brought her back down to rabbit size. She wandered back into the woods to see if anyone else could be of more help than the villagers or Caterpillar.

  Chapter 12

  A clearing in the forest opened up to a beautiful garden of ripe carrots and tomatoes, potatoes and celery, the care and attention so reminiscent of Jack’s love. And there were peppers. Chili peppers, bell peppers, pepper corns, in red, yellow, orange, and black. Beside the garden perched an adorable cottage with crimson colors and cottontail trim.

  Two men sat on the steps to the cottage. One had a frog-like face. The other had a mouth that looked like a fish. They had on curly white wigs, like courtroom judges, and their tailored suits made them look as though they were only interested in getting down to serious business. So why were they sitting on the steps?

  Clanging and crashing noises called out from the interior of the cottage. Sounded like pots and pans being tossed about. The men sat there unperturbed, not speaking.

  “Hi,” Alice said to the two men. “What are you sitting on the steps for?”

  “We have an invitation to deliver,” the frog-looking man said.

  “An invitation to what?”

  “To the queen’s croquet game.”

  Oh! To play croquet with a queen, Alice thought. How wonderful that would be!

  Jealousy burdened her heart. Alice wanted an invitation, too.

  “Who’s the invitation for?” Alice asked.

  “For the duke. So we’re waiting,” Frog-face said.

  “Waiting for what?”

  “For the duke to finish.”

  Alice heard the interior clamoring noise violently shatter the serenity of the garden. She overheard a man inside shouting, “You good for nothing woman! Stirring the soup the wrong way! Clockwise! Clockwise!”

  “What’s going on in there?” Alice asked.

  “The duke is hurting the cook.”


  “The duke is hurting the—”

  “I heard what you said!” Alice felt her body grow cold. “Why don’t you stop him?”

  “Because of the percentages. You see, we have 100% responsibility to stop the duke so the two of us have 50% responsibility.”

  “And since you’re now here,” Frog-face continued, “that’s three of us. So each of us have about 33% responsibility to stop him, meaning we each have about 66% responsibility to not stop him.”

  Alice could hear the duke shouting, “Good for nothing woman! Even sex with you is like stuffing a piece of dead meat!”

  Alice clenched her fists. She pounded on the door, “Open up! Open up! Open up!”

  She grabbed the handle. It didn’t budge. She hammered on the door yelling for the duke to open it. The door flung open and in the doorway stood a large man. Alice saw the fury in his face. The aroma of chili pepper stabbed her eyes.

  He put his puffy red face right up to Alice’s and growled, “What the hell do you want?”

  Alice gulped.

  The two men behind Alice announced, “My Lord, you are invited to attend the queen’s croquet game.”

  Suddenly all the redness in the duke’s face seemed to vanish. “The… the queen’s croquet game! I…I better not be late!”

  He put on a coat and turned to Alice. His gaze dripped down her body.

  Alice shuddered.

  “I’ll deal with you and that fragile, little body of yours later. In the meantime, breastfeed my baby boys.”

  And the duke left accompanied by the odd-looking officers.

  Chapter 13

  Alice tiptoed inside the cottage and walked down the hallway.


  No one replied.

  “Ms. Cook?”

  The hall led to a kitchen where a slender, big-busted woman crouched over broken plates and cups. She wore only an apron, leaving her backside completely exposed. “Why can’t I do anything right?”

  Alice’s eyes stung from the powerful odor of chili peppers. She squinted hoping that would help. “You did nothing wrong.”

  “I did.” The cook stood up straight and placed the broken pieces into a trash bin. “I stirred the wrong way.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s no wrong way to stir.”

  “And I’m no good in bed.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that!” The words came out of Alice louder than she had anticipated. Perhaps because she didn’t believe she was being truthful.

  “Did you hear him?” The cook leaned on the kitchen counter staring at the rest of the broken dishes on the floor. “I’m no better than a piece of meat.”

  Alice was about to say it wasn’t true, but she realized she had no way of knowing what the cook was like in bed.

  “Look at me.” Alice took the cook’s hands. “Look at me!”

  The cook did.

  “There is nothing wrong with you. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman and any sensible man should feel privileged to know you and love you. The duke…” Alice paused. “Any man who dislikes you because of how you are in bed doesn’t deserve you.”

  The cook took a deep breath and let it out. Alice felt like her words to the cook were truthful. But only about the cook. If anyone told Alice those same words she’d know they were lying. Just saying things to soothe her.

  Why was that? Why did she feel it was so important to know how to please a man and at the same time the cook’s sexual inexperience didn’t matter? What was the truth? Was there any difference between the cook and herself that made sexual experience important?

  Alice asked, “Why don’t you leave the duke?”

  “And leave his baby boys? I could never leave the children. Now let’s have you breastfeed his baby boys before he comes home.”

  The cook left the kitchen, perhaps to a bedroom. Alice didn’t understand what was expected of her.

  “I can’t breastfeed,” Alice called out to the cook.

  The cook came back in to the kitchen holding a giggling baby in each arm. Both babies were bundled in blankets so Alice couldn’t see them directly. She just saw the bundles and heard the giggles.

  The cook said, “Of course you can. Come here.”

  Alice approached.

  The cook nodded to her chest and said, “Take them out.”

  Alice scooped out her breasts over her dress’s neckline. To her surprise, dribbles of milk came from the nipples. That wasn’t supposed to happen, was it?

  “Take one of the babies,” the cook instructed.

  Alice looked at them and didn’t see babies. They looked more like…starfish!

  “Those aren’t babies!” Alice said. “What’s this all about?”

  Both starfish lay upside down in their blankets. At the centers where their legs met each had two closed eyes and a giggling mouth, babbling incoherent words.

  “Trust me,” the cook said.

  Alice picked one up and listened to his gurgles. Then he yawned with his eyes scrunched closed. Alice placed the starfish at her breast, and he latched on to suckle peacefully.

  The cook placed the other on Alice’s other breast, looked at Alice and smiled. “They seem to like you.”

  Chapter 14

  Alice took a walk outside to nurse in the beautiful garden. Even though she struggled with the conundrum of what was true for the cook wasn’t true for herself, the sun shined a sizzle of warm promise and hope upon Alice as she fed the babies. One of the babies burped.

  “Now that’s a healthy appetite,” Alice said.

  The other squealed, of what sounded like delight, if she could interpret starfish sounds correctly.

  “Excuse you,” Alice said. A curly, pink tail wagged from one of the starfish’s bodies. “I didn’t notice your tail before.”

  The other also had a tail.

  “What’s going on?”

  Before she knew it, a leg turned into a snout, remaining feet became hooves, and she had two piglets wriggling in her arms.


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