The Dangerous Delaneys and Me

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The Dangerous Delaneys and Me Page 9

by Anne Brooke

  How I loved a man who knew how to make a good time last. Nearly as much as I loved a man who knew what he wanted and got it. I really was one hell of a lucky guy.

  Just as Johnny had had about as much as I guessed he could take of my teasing, I leaned in closer and touched his balls and the base of his cock with my tongue.

  He hissed a response through clenched teeth. “Liam.”

  The sound of Johnny’s pleasure and the fact it was me, and nobody else, who was giving it to him made me want to give him more, so I took one of his balls into my mouth and licked it until he was all but gasping. Then I gave the same treatment to the other.

  “Liam, touch me. I…” Johnny’s voice was hoarse and suddenly cut off, as if he had wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the words.

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered. “Anything you want, always.”

  Then I cast aside all determination to be slow and wrapped my lips around Johnny’s dripping cock. At the same time, I felt Mark bury his hand in my hair, and shivered at the connection with him, too. How I needed them both.

  A few moments later and Johnny came, filling my mouth with salt and warmth, his hoarse groan echoing in the film’s unexpected silence. I hoped any voyeurs we had were enjoying it, but, hell, they couldn’t hope to enjoy themselves as much as me. No way.

  The moment his brother reached his climax, Mark began to stroke my head, easing his fingers through my hair and down onto my neck.

  “I love to see you lose it,” he whispered, keeping his eyes fixed on his twin, but his touch on me. “Thank you, Liam.”

  I didn’t think Mark had ever thanked me before, although Johnny had, I was almost sure of it. Hearing these words brought a flush of heat to my skin, and I twisted my head and kissed his hand as I rested my head against Johnny’s groin.

  God, but I loved a night out at the cinema. Dating them was a thousand times better than dating their cousin. Right now, I wasn’t even sure I could remember his name. Mark and Johnny were more than enough to fill my world and more.

  We stayed in the same position for a while until Johnny took pity on my discomfort and pulled me upward onto his lap. For the Delaneys, I could have stayed on my knees and crushed between their legs and the back of the next row of seats for hours if they wanted me to, but, their happiness aside, my own legs were glad of the respite. Johnny didn’t bother to cover himself up, but placed me over his lap and began to kiss and stroke me, running his hand inside my shirt and touching my chest and nipples.

  A moment or two later, Johnny’s tongue disappeared from my lips. I didn’t have any time to complain, though, as Mark’s tongue at once replaced it. I could feel my heart pounding as I sucked on him, pushing as close as I could get to him, whilst not losing contact with his brother. Mark chuckled, the sound of it echoing through my mouth, and it made me kiss and clutch him with more vigor. All thoughts of anyone watching us were meaningless.

  Hell, let them watch. I’d show them how to make two men very happy. They might even learn something.

  “You seem to want to be kissed a lot,” Mark whispered, drawing away from me so he could get the words out.

  I leaned after him. “Yes, please, Mr. Delaney, sir. Please, I just want to be close to you, master.”

  My final word slipped out without me thinking much about it, though I’d been reading up on what submitting to someone meant. But I heard Mark’s gasp, felt the renewed touch of his hand on my face, and then the shape of his fingers in my mouth.

  “Master?” he queried, but I could tell he wasn’t cross.

  “Yes, you,” I babbled a reply as he withdrew to allow me to answer. “You, both of you. My masters. Want your tongues again, both of them, please.”

  “I love to hear you beg,” Mark said, and the next second his tongue was plunging into my mouth again, accompanied in a heartbeat by Johnny’s. They filled me up, stretched my lips wide, and I opened myself up to them as much as I could. Once more, it felt like flying.

  Before I could even think about what they might want to do to me next, Mark had half pushed me off Johnny’s lap and was pulling down my trousers. I scrabbled to help him, but he slapped my hand away.

  “Leave it.”

  He only stopped kissing me long enough for that one command before his lips were fastened to mine and Johnny’s once more. Thank God. Then Mark tore at my briefs; I felt the seam go and the next minute his fingers, still wet from my mouth, were burrowing their way into my arse, as if seeking for unknown treasure.

  It felt so good I almost came there and then, on Johnny’s lap. I had to focus on the art gallery’s tax returns in order to keep my spunk to myself for a while longer. But if Mark kept on playing my arse like a piano, then, tax returns or no tax returns, I couldn’t be held responsible for the state of the cinema seats. Not to mention Johnny’s stomach.

  I couldn’t help but groan and, at once, Mark broke the kiss, easing my head to one side so Johnny had to stop kissing me, too. My lips were warm and wet from their saliva.

  “What do you want?” Mark asked me, his voice a steady rock to lean on as I trembled between the need to come and the desire to hang on to this experience as long as I could.

  God, what a question. Poised on the brink of orgasm, I still had enough sense, just, to know how best I should answer. Really, my mother would be proud of my lightning responses, though possibly not of the situation I was in whilst using them. It was always hard to tell with parents.

  “Want…to please you,” I managed to stammer out, whilst gazing at Mark as if I could hang on to sanity from the power of his gaze alone. And, with the Delaney twins, I no doubt could. They could do whatever they wanted to. “That more than anything, please.”

  Mark chuckled.

  “Always happy to help a lover,” he said. “Especially one with a good idea.”

  Then, before I could understand what he was doing, he’d lifted me up and pulled down my briefs. As Johnny held me and whispered soothing words in my ear, I heard the sound of a wrapper tearing and then Mark spitting. The next moment, his sheathed cock, damp with his saliva, nudged at my hole, demanding entry.

  I gave it. More than willingly. Mark’s cock pushed into me, no holds barred, and filled me up in an instant. I cried out and thought I was going to come, but Johnny gripped my cock and held me off.

  “Hush there,” Johnny whispered, his breath drifting over my face as I moaned and hissed. “Take it easy. No need to rush. We’re dating now, Liam, so we want you to have a good time, too.”

  I wasn’t sure Mark had grasped this concept but, hell, I wasn’t complaining. He continued to thrust himself inside me, stretching me and pounding at me until I wanted to give him, and Johnny, everything I had in the world and more. In the dark shelter of the cinema, I could feel Mark’s warm hardness inside me, the grip of Johnny’s hand on my cock, both of them holding me secure, even while their touches on and inside my body were driving me wild. I could hear their gasps and murmured reassurances set against my own harsh panting.

  The next moment, I was over the edge and my cum shot out in hot streams. Behind me, Mark shuddered, and moaned his own release into the popcorn-scented air. Johnny continued to stroke me until my orgasm faded, leaving me spent and shaking on his lap.

  Just then, Four Weddings and a Funeral reached its own special climax, and Andie MacDowell was left with Hugh Grant on a windswept street looking into her happy marriage-free future. I couldn’t have cared less. There was a long pause while the twins and I recovered from our encounter, and our fellow cinema-goers gathered their belongings.

  “Sorry,” I managed to pant. “Sorry we didn’t get to see the film, like we wanted to.”

  As the lights came up and people began filing past us, studiously ignoring the post-coital pattern of our bodies and talking amongst themselves, Johnny grinned at me, but it was left to Mark to have the last word.

  “Film? What film?” he said.

  * * *

  So, our dating experiment had sta
rted, as it were, with a bang. And Johnny was the first to continue it more fully. The sound of my doorbell a couple of days later on a Saturday afternoon brought me clattering down the hallway, my hair still damp from the very late shower I’d just taken.

  “Coming!” I yelled as the bell rang again. When I opened up, it was Johnny. He was dressed in what my mother might have called his Sunday best and carrying a bouquet of orange and yellow flowers. They weren’t from any garage around here, or any garage at all.

  I swallowed. “Hello, Mr. Delaney, sir,” I said.

  He smiled. “Thought we’d surprise you. We’re going for a drive. Have you got a vase?”

  I had no idea, but Johnny didn’t look as if he’d consider abandoning his gift to its fate, so upstairs in my kitchen I scrabbled around the cupboards in an attempt to find something suitable. Nothing came to hand, apart from an old bottle of aspirin last opened by some previous owner in 1985 and two dead spiders. I wasn’t really one for domestics.

  Johnny sighed. “Don’t you have anything you can use?”

  I blushed and shook my head. “Sorry, Mr. Delaney. Nobody’s ever bought me flowers before.”

  He raised his eyebrows, a gesture which reminded me more of his brother than him. Then he settled the bouquet on one of the work surfaces, came up really close so I could smell his aftershave, took my head in his hands and kissed me. Johnny had never kissed me like this before, not when we were on our own, and maybe not even when there were three of us. He kissed me like he was really thinking about me, and not just about our bodies and how they were together. His lips were soft and warm. He didn’t use any tongue, but it was okay. I didn’t want him to stop.

  Halfway through, I felt fingers stroking the back of my neck. For a moment, I couldn’t see how Johnny could be doing that as he was still holding my head steady in his hands, but then I realized Mark had come in. I hadn’t even heard his footsteps. I froze for a few heartbeats and whimpered into Johnny’s mouth, but Mark murmured reassurances, and I relaxed into his touch, whilst continuing to kiss Johnny.

  If this was what getting flowers gave me, then I certainly wasn’t complaining. Then Mark began to speak, softly but in a tone that brooked no disagreement.

  “Light kissing is alright,” he said, “if there’s only two of us together and not three. But nothing more than that, ever, without the three of us. Do you understand, Liam?”

  I broke away from Johnny and dropped to my knees, Mark’s hand still gripping the back of my neck, harder now.

  “I understand, sir. Please forgive me for not asking about it before. I’m sorry, and thank you for explaining it. I needed to know.”

  For a long moment, I held my breath, dreading Mark’s disapproval and yet so very grateful I had his full attention, and Johnny’s, too, that I could hardly believe it. The grip on my neck softened and Mark gave a low chuckle.

  “Good, Liam,” he said. “Very good. I like a man who’s open to being taught. That I can use.”

  The thought of Mark using me, in any fashion, made me shiver, but not in a bad way. However, I couldn’t let my head take me into my own private fantasy as he had more to tell me.

  “Because you didn’t wait to find out what the boundaries were,” he said, “I’m going to have to discipline you. So you’ll remember the lesson.”

  “Yes, sir,” I replied at once. “Thank you, sir.”

  Before I could find out exactly what Mark’s punishment might be, Johnny stepped in.

  “Wait, Mark,” he said. “There’s something you should know.”

  Mark and I both looked at him, and Johnny sighed.

  “I kissed Liam,” he said. “He didn’t have a choice. So now I know the rules, too. But this is a date. We’re supposed to be going out and having fun, finding out about each other. That’s what we decided on, wasn’t it?”

  He looked like he might have more to say, but Mark gave him that look—the one which always shut the two of us up—and Johnny fell silent at once.

  “Punishment can be fun,” Mark said, his voice nothing more than a growl, and I couldn’t help but agree. “Whoever it’s for.”

  Johnny nodded. “Yes, you’re right, but punishment deferred is even better. We’re on a date, Mark. A real one where we can’t get sidetracked this time. And I’ve bought flowers. Why change the plan you decided on?”

  A few seconds ticked by when maybe it could have gone either way, but, to be honest, I didn’t know which option I liked best anyway. Sexual punishment versus a date with the twins followed by sexual punishment. As Melissa liked to say, it was a win-win situation.

  In the end, Johnny got his way, though, naturally, it was Mark who made the final decision.

  “Alright,” he said, breaking the silence. “Date now and punishment later. But no more questions about what we’re doing unless I give permission. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” I said immediately, and looked up to see Johnny nodding.

  “Good,” said Mark. “In that case, get those flowers in the sink as I’m sure Liam’s not got anything useful like a vase, and get in the car. Now.”

  I trotted downstairs and through the hallway after the twins, making a mental note to buy as many vases as I could tomorrow, and the three of us got into the waiting car. This time I didn’t recognize the chauffeur.

  Once installed, Mark in the front and Johnny and I in the back, the engine purred to life and we were off. I wanted to ask where we were going, but thought it wasn’t my place. If the brothers wanted to tell me before we arrived, that was up to them. I was beginning to learn when I could push it and when I couldn’t. My mother, I was sure of it, would be proud. She’d always doubted I had any manners.

  After a while, the houses and shops thinned out. I could see the beginnings of the park, and, beyond that, pastureland stretching out almost as far as the horizon. Where I lived was nothing if not flat. Mind you, the colors of the skies at dusk were fantastic and Melissa was always wishing someone would paint them for the gallery, although, so far, nobody had.

  So I thought the twins might be taking me to the park, but the chauffeur kept right on going, and Mark turned round to me.

  “Johnny said you’d like a surprise, and we can guarantee we’re taking you somewhere you’ve not been before,” he said.

  “Thank you, sirs. I really appreciate it. Both of you are too good to me.”

  “Maybe,” said Mark with a shrug, but Johnny put his hand on my knee.

  I opened my legs just like the first time they’d taken me out, hoping he might want to explore further. But he only shook his head and kept his hand where it was. They, or at least Johnny, were obviously pretty serious about the dating experience.

  We drove for a further ten minutes or so and then, just as I was starting to think they might have kidnapped me and if so how I could work it so they kept me as long as possible, the car turned off the road down a narrow, tree-lined track. At the end of it, the lane opened out into a large field surrounded by a hedge. In the distance, I could see horses and, beyond them, a flock of sheep.

  The car turned right and parked under the trees. Johnny nudged me.

  “Go on, Liam, get out,” he said, and I obeyed at once, trotting around to the other side like an eager puppy to join the twins. Hell, I didn’t like anything at all coming between us, not even some very classy metal and leather. What we could do in that car… Maybe one day, if my luck was in. I wouldn’t even mind cleaning up afterward. It would be a pleasure.

  Without speaking, Mark and Johnny began walking along the line of trees toward the field of horses and, once again, I hurried to follow them, my heart beating fast. The small path we were on swung to the left with the woods, and it was then I saw it: a picnic table covered with a soft pink tablecloth and three matching chairs. The silver cutlery and crystal glasses glittered in the sun, and I couldn’t help but blink.

  Johnny touched my arm. “Do you like it?”

  I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded. This was because
right then I couldn’t think of anything suitable to say, as nobody in my entire life had ever arranged a picnic for me.

  Mark tutted at my silence, and I found my voice at once.

  “Thank you so much, sirs. This is lovely. Far more than I expected. Thank you.”

  Due to the strange lump in my throat, my words came out mumbled, and Johnny drew me over to the nearest chair and sat me down. This was a good thing as, at that precise moment, I had no decision-making ability, and the last thing I wanted to do was to rile Mark. Though, on second thought, I was sure any extra punishment meted out would be both long and delicious.

  As I attempted to gather together what little sense I had, the driver unloaded the picnic from the boot and set it, according to Mark’s instructions, onto and around the table.

  They’d not stinted, so they must have had a good month with the gangster business. I was obviously in the wrong profession, as there was no way I could afford any of this on my salary. Because the Delaneys produced four bottles of Moët champagne, half a crate of my favorite beer, a salmon, a box of what turned out to be quails’ eggs, then sliced meats, assorted breads, three different types of salad, a dish of real butter, a fruit bowl and two local cheeses.

  Once this great feast was set out before me, I gulped and wondered who else they might be inviting, but Mark spoke, solving the mystery. “This should be enough for the three of us. Pedro is eating his own lunch by himself.”

  He jerked his head at the driver, who obediently jogged away toward where he’d left the car. I watched him go for a moment, but then felt Mark’s hand on my arm, bringing my attention back to him. Not that it had really been anywhere else but with him and Johnny.

  “Forget the chauffeur,” he whispered with just that delicious hint of threat. “I want you to focus on my brother and me, and nobody else.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, lowering my gaze from his and allowing my lips to brush against his hand as he let me go. “Always. You know that, sir.”

  He leaned forward, lifting my head so I was looking straight into his eyes again. Johnny’s shadow appeared at my side, and I moved my leg closer to his so we were almost touching.


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