The Dangerous Delaneys and Me

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The Dangerous Delaneys and Me Page 11

by Anne Brooke

  I had no idea how long the battle lasted. I was only aware of the faint rocking of the car beneath us and the fast disappearing countryside beyond the window as the houses crowded in once more. The touch of the twins’ fingers both sent me to ecstasy and grounded me so I could somehow managed to resist it.

  When the car finally halted, I was all but broken.

  “He won’t hang on much longer,” Johnny warned.

  “I know that,” Mark spat back. “Get out of the car, Liam.”

  I needed their help to do it. When I was outside, still naked, unable to stand and my cock throbbing for release, Johnny helped me toward my front door. Just at that moment, my next-door neighbor chose to leave his house for his usual early evening walk to the pub. His eyes widened as he stared at the three of us.

  “’Evening,” said Johnny. “Nice night.”

  Struck dumb, all my neighbor could do was nod and scurry away, in the opposite direction from the pub he always visited. Couldn’t say I blamed him. He was seeing more of me than he’d ever expected to, particularly as he was straight.

  Mark ignored the whole scenario and kicked open the door. Which was a good thing as I’d left my keys in my clothes at the picnic table—I was never a great one for planning ahead and, besides, where could I have put them?—and I really couldn’t wait any longer. At all.

  But, thank God, the twins could see it. Once he’d slammed the door shut again, Mark shoved my back against the wall. “Well done, Liam. Let it go. You can give it all to us now.”

  Not a moment too soon as, with Mark’s hand holding me in place and Johnny stroking my head and murmuring soft phrases I couldn’t begin to understand, the juices from my aching-beyond-measure cock began to spurt all over the hall floor and walls and even the telephone seat. And kept on spurting. At the same time, I was wailing my release like a banshee on a Halloween night, over and over again. The neighbors, if they were in, must have been impressed. They couldn’t have ever heard me have such a lengthy orgasm before, and I certainly couldn’t remember having anything like it myself. I hadn’t even had to touch my cock for the final moments, which was a first for me. Nobody had. The Delaneys had undone me through the power of command and knowing how to master me. God, how I loved them.

  As the orgasm rode its long and delicious course, I sank to the floor, gasping and shaking, and the Delaneys came with me. Mark gripped my shoulder, and Johnny put his arms around me, both of them keeping me safe until I was calmer again.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Johnny kept on saying. “You’re so very beautiful when you’re ours.”

  In the haze of sensation constituting my brain right then, I thought I must, in that case, always be beautiful as I was certainly always theirs. Whatever we were up to.

  After a while, Mark lifted me up so I leant against him, loving the feel of his hardness against my body.

  “Your bedroom, Liam,” he said. “That’s where our date is going to end.”

  No objections from Johnny this time either, and the three of us made it onto my bed in record time. This was entirely due to Johnny carrying me there, while Mark gave instructions, but, hell, I wasn’t complaining. Who didn’t like a bloke with muscle?

  Mark began tearing off his clothes, and, after throwing me onto the bed, Johnny followed his example. Thank God for it, as I couldn’t have waited much longer for them to get their kit off. Mark tugged off his briefs as Johnny landed beside me on the mattress.

  I pulled Mark down to join us, even before he’d finished undressing. He didn’t object and his orders came almost at once.

  “Right,” he said. “This is what we’re going to do. Johnny, I want you to rim Liam. Whilst my brother is doing that, Liam, you’re going to blow me. Because you’re fucking good at it, and why should Johnny have all the fun? So, do it.”

  He arranged Johnny and me on the bed in the way he wanted us—me on all fours, with Johnny behind me. I was shaking, but neither of them wasted any time. Mark pushed his erect cock in the direction of my lips and I took him in with a groan. At the same time, I felt my arse-cheeks being opened and Johnny’s tongue slipped inside, making me spasm. Mark’s cock plunged deep into my throat. I relaxed my jaw and sucked him down greedily. This sort of attention from the twins felt nothing short of heavenly, and I knew then I wanted it for so much longer than the six weeks they’d first offered.

  As Johnny continued to explore me in ways probably illegal in several countries, I moaned in delight around Mark’s cock and tumbled into another, fainter orgasm. A second or so later, my mouth filled up with the salty heat of Mark’s cum. As I gulped down the liquid, Johnny shouted out and I felt the warmth of his spunk splashing over my feet and legs.

  Jesus, this was one hell of a date. I didn’t see how it could possibly get any better.

  When the three of us had finished and ensured my bedclothes would need a thorough washing or two before our next date came round, we lay together in a sweaty, dirty, delicious tangle of flesh. As Mark had promised me earlier on, I couldn’t tell where I ended and they began, but I suspected I wasn’t the only one.

  “Liam,” Mark said at last, with a catch in his voice I hadn’t expected to hear.

  “Yes, master?”

  A pause. Then, “There’s something I’m going to tell you and this time I’m going to do it without my bloody brother finishing my sentences, okay?”

  “Yes, master.” I sat up straight on the bed and blinked at him, as Johnny raised his eyebrows and nodded. He said nothing, but shuffled up the bed closer to me.

  Both of us faced Mark. He cursed softly and looked away, frowning.

  “It’s like this,” he said. He spoke quickly, as if there was a great deal he wanted to say, but he didn’t have much time. “I like my people to know what we’re planning so they can prepare in advance. The Delaneys don’t mess around with our associates and we never will. So, Liam, if our dating scheme continues the way it’s begun, then I see no point you being here in your flat so far away from our home. It’s not convenient. When the six weeks is over, I—we—want you to move in with us. Agreed?”

  I blinked at him again. Speech of any sort was beyond me. Johnny pulled me closer and hugged me, a much needed gesture. “I agree with my brother,” he whispered, breath warming my ear, “though maybe I would have used the word ‘desirable’ rather than ‘convenient.’ If you’d like to, Mark and I would be very happy if you agreed to live with us. Dating plan or no dating plan.”

  Mark growled. “Don’t push it. We don’t do romance, remember? This is the best way forward for us, that’s all. It might seem too fast for some, but we didn’t get as far as we have by holding back or messing about. So, Liam, I’ll ask you once more only: agreed?”

  I gave Mark a slow-burn smile and squeezed Johnny’s arm where his brother couldn’t see. Then I lowered my eyes. “Of course, master. Thank you. Your plans are always second to none and I’m more than happy to do whatever you wish for. Thank you again.”

  As Mark gave a satisfied nod and Johnny kissed me lightly on the cheek, I couldn’t help thinking that life, however delightful now, was about to get a whole lot more exciting.

  “Liam! What on earth are you doing?”

  This more-than-familiar voice shattered my sexual idyll, and I leapt out of Mark and Johnny’s clutches like a wasp escaping from a flapping tea towel. At the same time, I attempted to cover my crown jewels with the palm of my hand, a task made significantly easier by the fact my crown jewels were themselves making every effort to crawl inside my body and hide.

  In the midst of all this, I couldn’t help but admire the fact that neither Johnny nor Mark moved one inch from my bed. They stared up, eyebrows raised in mirror images of each other, at the intruder.

  She stared back—a petite woman in her early fifties dressed in a smart red suit with matching necklace and earrings. She had bright hazel eyes, which missed nothing, and a mouth in the process of twitching. Whether this was with amusement or horror was hard to

  “The door was open,” she said at last. “I made my own way up.”

  “Hello, Mother,” I managed to stutter. “L-lovely to see you. What are you doing here?”

  Before she could respond to this, Johnny eased himself off the bed, still utterly and gloriously naked, stood up and held out his hand in greeting.

  “Ah, Mrs. O’Connell. We’ve been looking forward to meeting Liam’s parents, so this is an unexpected pleasure. Would you like tea?”

  Then my mother and Johnny shook hands as if this was the most natural thing in the world. And as sure as night is dark and the Delaneys were the sexiest men on the planet, I feared no good would come of this encounter. I was right.

  “No, thank you, Mr. Delaney,” she replied. “I was just passing through. I’ve actually come to invite the three of you to Sunday lunch one weekend, when you’re free. Would that be acceptable?”

  After Mark nodded his agreement, Johnny and my mother began discussing a suitable date, while I was left to realize my worst nightmares were about to come true. My two masters were going to meet the parents, and dating the Delaneys was proving to be rather more complex than I’d thought.

  God help me, would any of us survive?

  Chapter Five

  No sooner had the Delaneys expressed a desire than the act was done. I’d certainly found out how true that was in bed, to my immense satisfaction, and now I was in the middle of finding out how similar they were when it came to domestic arrangements, too.

  Only forty-eight hours after they’d made their proposition about living with them, I was outside their front door, my suitcase in one hand and an enormous bouquet of flowers in the other. Behind me, Pedro, the chauffeur I’d already met, was hovering, as if afraid I might do something unexpected. As his colleague Benjy had thought I was attacking him the first time I’d visited the twins, Pedro probably had good reason.

  I wondered if “something unexpected” might include bursting into the “confidence” song from The Sound of Music, but thought this might be too much even for me, let alone Pedro. However, to be honest, it’s what my arrival here felt like. I only needed a habit and a high soprano and I’d be Maria in the flesh. Thank the Lord the Delaneys didn’t have any children.

  Before I could ring the bell, the door opened. I’d expected Johnny, but I got Mark.

  “You’re late,” he said with a growl before pulling me inside and slamming me back into the wall. My suitcase landed with a thud on their tiled floor and the flowers skittered away.

  “I needed to fix my hair,” I managed to say before he kissed me.

  Though probably devoured would be the better word. His tongue went straight into my mouth, claiming me without any doubt for his own, and I held on and sucked for all I was worth. Always play to your strengths is what I say. The next moment, I felt warm breath in my ear as Johnny made his presence known, licking and nibbling my earlobe. God, I loved being with them, and gave myself up to their attentions as I gripped Mark with one arm and hugged Johnny with the other.

  I had no idea what Pedro might be doing, but frankly, as they say, I didn’t give a damn.

  When the twins finally let me go, I felt as if I’d really arrived. Mark reached out and pushed the front door shut. I think Pedro had already left, but the gesture made me feel safe. Well, almost safe. With the Delaneys, there was always an essential little frisson of danger, which I was well into enjoying by now.

  “Good,” Mark said, one hand pinning me to the wall. Not that I was intending to go anywhere. I was having too good a time right here. “It’s just the three of us at last. And I’ve got plans. Liam, go upstairs, turn right and then take the second door on the left. It’s my bedroom. Strip yourself and get on the bed. Johnny and I will join you as soon as we’re ready.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, unable to stop the smile threatening to make my jaw break. Domestic bliss looked pretty exciting so far.

  At the same time, Johnny sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder. “Don’t you think it might be best to offer a coffee first? This isn’t a one-night stand, you know. This is Liam.”

  I blinked. He said my name with a softness in his voice I didn’t think I’d heard before. Yes, Johnny was the gentle one; I knew it. But he’d never sounded quite like this. I reached up and stroked his face. Then I kissed him lightly on the mouth, before drawing away.

  “Coffee’s nice, sirs,” I said, “but so is bed and I only want to do what you want. I’m just glad to be here.”

  Then I kissed Mark, too, for good measure and just because I could. Mark smiled, glanced at Johnny and raised one very sexy eyebrow.

  “I think I can be reasonable,” he said, “in the right circumstances. Get into bed, Liam, and we’ll bring your coffee to you.”

  Before either of them could change their minds, I started jogging up the stairs. Halfway up, I remembered my manners and swung back round.

  “Sorry, sirs,” I said, feeling a wave of heat on my face, which might have been embarrassment or lust. Maybe both. “I forgot to ask: where would you like me to put my luggage? And I bought you flowers.”

  But Johnny had already picked up the bouquet, now looking rather the worse for wear from its journey across the hallway, and was smiling.

  “Leave them to me,” he said, “and the luggage…”

  “The luggage will be dealt with,” Mark said. “Just get into bed, Liam.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I made it into the bedroom in record time and, heart skittering away like a gazelle on speed, stripped as Mark had commanded and flung myself onto the bed.

  Then, as nothing happened immediately, I began to look around and take in my surroundings. Mark’s bedroom was painted a rich green and was large enough to take the whole of my flat in it and still have room for a patio, or maybe two. A huge picture window stretched across almost the whole of one wall and, from what I could see, looked out over their garden and the fields beyond. Which they probably owned as well. Opposite the bed was an equally large mirror with a gold frame of the type I was sure I’d last seen in the V&A, and next to this was a sofa you could probably happily spend your whole life on. It, too, was green.

  I blinked. I hadn’t realized Mark was so arty and had such gothic tastes. Even the bed I lay on was a vision of green and gold, the sort of place where champagne and caviar should be served for breakfast and the crumbs swept up by a passing servant. Though maybe this was what happened in the upper echelons of criminal society. Who could tell?

  In which case, he probably wouldn’t take kindly to my discarded clothes cluttering up the décor, so I’d be well advised to fold them away neatly. Just like my mother always told me a good guest should.

  But, hell, best not go there. Any thoughts on my parents, particularly my mother and her plan to meet the Delaneys on a social basis, could wait ’til later. Still, I hopped out of bed and began gathering up my jeans, shirt and underwear. Arms laden, I was dithering as to where to put them when I heard the twins coming up the stairs. Johnny was laughing, and Mark said something I couldn’t make out.

  I leapt back onto the bed, clutching my clothes, just as the twins entered the room. Johnny was carrying a tray of three coffee cups and a cafetiere, and Mark was carrying the expression of a man who had plans and every intention of fulfilling them. When he saw me, he lifted one eyebrow.

  “I said naked, Liam…”

  “Yes, sir, but I didn’t want to mess up your room.”

  I was going to say more, too, but he shook his head. He wasn’t interested in conversation. Without another word, I pushed my pile of clothes across the duvet and onto the floor. My eyes were fixed on Mark. I heard the faint clunk of the tray as Johnny placed it on the bedside table and pushed the plunger down, and then Mark smiled.

  “Don’t worry about mess,” he said. “There’ll be plenty of that, but isn’t it what cleaners are for?”

  Johnny sighed, but Mark’s frown brought the sigh to an abrupt halt. Even this didn’t
stop me opening my mouth, though.

  “Just because someone’s got a cleaning job doesn’t mean we have to make it worse for them,” I said. “I mean, if that were the case, Melissa wouldn’t even bother tidying up her papers for me to file them, would she? What would be the point?”

  The silence, which settled upon the three of us after my little speech, was a heavy one. Mark frowned, while Johnny only stared at me, lips pursed. Then, just as I was expecting a harsh reprimand from Mark for daring to question his approach to domestic arrangements, he slowly hunkered down, picked up my clothes and handed them to Johnny.

  Johnny shrugged, opened the wardrobe and dropped them inside before shutting the door with a determined click. Mark smiled.

  “Satisfied?” he said.

  I nodded. My throat felt too dry to speak. Way too dry. But, hell, that wasn’t really a bad thing.

  “Good,” he whispered. “That’s nice. But I think you’ll find questioning my housekeeping is a dangerous game, Liam. Understand?”

  Mark looked like he wouldn’t take silence for an answer, not this time, so I found my tongue. Thankfully.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you,” I said, then, “Will it lead to punishment, sir?”

  Without warning, Mark grabbed my chin and pressed me farther back onto the bed. The warmth of his hand on my face sent a throb of excitement straight to my groin, which nobody could fail to notice. Johnny snorted and at once stopped looking quite so worried, but Mark brought any further reaction to an end with a hiss and a quick glance his way before turning his attention back to me.

  “Oh, yes.” He smiled. “I can promise you punishment, but, as I’m sure I’ve told you before, neither Johnny nor I are unreasonable men. First, drink your coffee and let us look at you.”


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