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by Glenn Van Dyke

  Victor grinned and nodded, but still felt compelled to ask, “You’re sure. There’s a lot more.”

  “Victor, that’s enough!” To Steven, it felt like Ashlyn had been violated. “You have no business knowing any of that.”

  Steven quickly turned and left, leaving Victor shamed, which was his intention.

  Aboard the transport, Steven kept replaying Victor’s words over-and-over in his head. Ugh. I can’t take any more of this. I can’t focus. Dammit! His passions were driving him crazy and he chastised himself for his lack of self-control.

  It was only as the shuttle entered the darkness of space that he found himself able to review the details he needed to go over with Brooks. Avenger was little more than an hour away from launch, and if all went well, they would return in seven to ten weeks, fourteen to sixteen months, Earth time.

  He glanced down at the book Renee had given him. It warmed his heart, bringing her closer to him. He recalled her parting words, ‘Go now, before I lose the strength to let you fulfill our destiny.’

  It was only now that he realized Renee had said our destiny, instead of your destiny.

  “One minute ‘til docking, Admiral,” said Robbie.

  Broken from his thoughts of Renee, Steven stared out the port window at the star-filled heavens. It brought back fond childhood memories of the warm, summer nights when he had watched the sky with his father and his dog, Boomer, from atop the water tower on the ranch. He remembered how he and his father had playfully sat for hours swinging their legs from the tower’s platform walkway.

  The nights had been so peaceful, the air so crisp, the stars so bright. They were the nights in which his father had told him stories of glorious adventures and of slaying alien monsters. They were the days of his innocence. They were the days when the weight of the world wasn’t riding upon his shoulders.

  Steven remembered how badly he had wanted to visit the massive ISC-3 as it traveled overhead each night, its three, large rings easily visible with the naked eye from almost any point on Earth. It had been his inspiration for wanting to attend the Academy.

  Outside, the great hulk of the captured alien flagship came into view, replacing his view of the distant stars. Her design was sleek, efficient and far more pleasing to the eye than was Avenger. Her triangular shaped hull seemed built for speed and she had virtually no external, visible arrays or protruding structures.

  Seconds later, the transport entered the bay. Her magnetic skids settled onto the deck of Defender, the new name given only that morning to the alien ship. At the base of the transport’s exit ramp stood Brooks, poised like a faithful dog. Steven had an urge to pat him on the head and tell him, Good-boy.

  Glancing about the bay, Steven took note of just how quickly Defender was transforming into a vessel that had all the earmarks of having been made by human hands. Steven had requisitioned fifteen hundred people from Sea Base to be brought aboard to help with the extensive refit. Workers were moving about, speedily remodeling her interior, painting and labeling machines and devices, which might otherwise have appeared to be as foreign as the reading of Braille to the sighted.

  “Welcome aboard, Admiral,” said Brooks with a formal salute.

  “Thanks Leslie. I had no idea the shuttle bay was so large.” Steven was truly impressed. “I wish I had time for a full tour but I’ve only got time to see the bridge.”

  One thing that was unique to Defender was her transportation system. It was something akin to a small train that ran along the center of the hull. It was an automated, relatively slow moving chain of cars that cycled endlessly down the length of the ship. You just simply hopped on or off, in the direction you needed. Riding along, though the leisurely pace made Steven feel a bit lazy, it availed itself to the conversation that he needed to have with Brooks.

  Steven told Brooks about Victor’s expectations of finding a virus, which would be Earth’s best defense against a future attack.

  They spoke of the need for Brooks to remain vigilant. They both knew that the element of surprise was on Steven’s side but once the alien fleet became overdue at home, the advantage was lost.

  “We’re here,” said Brooks, stepping off the train near a large set of open doors that led to the bridge. As they stepped inside, Steven was in awe of the clear glass canopy that enclosed the entire bridge, making every view, every angle of space, spectacular. Even with all the destruction below, the Earth off the port bow appeared as a jewel against a black velvet backdrop.

  “She’s amazing, Leslie!” said Steven as he looked around the room at the bridge and its dozens of duty stations. “It’s hard to believe that you've accomplished so much, so fast. You’ve done a magnificent job, Brooks. Magnificent.”

  Turning to the comm officer, “Comm, please open a channel on the public address system for me. I have an announcement to make.”

  “One moment, sir. Channel, open.” Two small chimes sounded, garnering the attentions of everyone, everywhere.

  “This is Admiral Sherrah. Avenger will be sailing shortly and before I go, I want to express to all of you my admiration for the job you have done. You have overcome impossibly high odds. You should, and indeed have the right to be proud of what you have accomplished.

  With my departure, Commander Leslie Brooks will be assuming command of Sea Base as well as Defender. I ask that you give him the same loyalty and respect that you have given me. I also know that you will do so because he has earned your loyalty based on his own merits. It is for this reason that on this day, I am promoting him to the rank of Vice Admiral. I have complete confidence in him to lead you through our current crisis and on into the future.

  My heart will be with you always. Godspeed my friends. Sherrah out.”

  “Congratulations, Admiral,” said Steven to Leslie with a formal salute. Reaching into his breast pocket, Steven removed his personal set of worn bars, and held them out to Brooks. “I was commissioned with them only days before I was married. They were awarded to me by President Tomlinson’s own hand and they have stayed upon my shoulders until this very morning. If you treat them with the respect that they deserve, their very sight will lighten your burdens.” Placing them gently within Brooks’ open palm, “I’m sure that they’ll serve you every bit as faithfully as they have me.”

  “I can’t! These are yours, you should-”

  “No Leslie, they’re yours now. I’m leaving two of the most important things in my life behind, my bars and my family. It’s your responsibility to guard them both.”

  “I will,” Brooks said softly as his fingers closed over the bars. “I wish Defender could sail with you. It’s going to be god-awful tough waiting for you to return.”

  “Your job is here. Defender is the last line of defense. I am ordering you not to follow. If we lose Sea Base, then all is lost.” With a last glance about the Bridge, Steven gave a salute and left.

  Aboard the transport, Steven stood at the forward window as Robbie backed the Dolphin transport out of Defender. As the shuttle pulled away, he placed his hand upon the cold glass and gave a small wave goodbye.

  Chapter 9

  Day 292, 2288, 1210 hours. Ship’s time.

  Soundly asleep on his sofa, Steven awoke to the chime of his cabin door. Authorizing entry, the door slid aside.

  Ashlyn took a couple of steps inside and then came to a stop. Tipping her head toward the door, “I found a stowaway.” Ashlyn put her hand out, “Come-on, it’s okay.” In through the door stepped, Phillip. He took Ashlyn’s hand.

  “He was hiding inside the emergency suits’ locker aboard one of the Dolphin transports. With the energy core removed for jump securement, he couldn’t cycle the airlock.

  I didn’t think you would mind but we made a quick stop by the galley. He was as thirsty as a dehydrated camel—and said he had a grumbly tummy,” said Ash with a grin.

  “Hi Dad,” said Phillip. Pigeon toed from embarrassment, he looked like a kid straight out of a 20th century Norman Rockwell painting

  As Steven put his arms out, “Why Son? Why did you do this?”

  In the embrace of Steven’s arms, “Because, I missed you. I didn’t want you to go away again.”

  “Damn, Renee must be going out of her mind!” he said shooting a quick glance at Ashlyn.

  “She knew I was leaving,” said Phillip.

  “What do you mean?”

  “When Mom hugged me goodnight, she told me that I should give you this.” Phillip pulled out a holo-player from his pant’s pocket.

  Steven knew in that instant that he was about to find out the reason for Renee’s strange behavior. Nervously trembling, he set the viewer down on the coffee table.

  “It’s private. I can take Phillip, show him the bridge and give you a little time,” said Ashlyn. As she put her hand out to Phillip, he joined her and they made a quick exit. A lingering impression of Ashlyn’s swaying hips in a tight, black, one-piece stretch, stayed in his mind long after the door had closed.

  Steven hit the View Message button.

  Renee’s life-size image appeared in mid-air before him. Seated on the sofa in their quarters at Sea Base, it was obvious that she had been crying.

  “My dearest husband, I don’t really know where to start but I ask that you listen carefully to my words. I say them with all sincerity and they come from my heart.

  You’re a good man Steven, the best I’ve ever known and I owe you an apology for how badly I treated you in our last hours together. I have little to offer as an excuse for my behavior and it’s hard to explain what happened, and I certainly don’t pretend to understand it myself. But, I will try to explain it as best I can, and maybe you can put some semblance of logic to it. If so, it’s more than I’ve been able to do.

  During the awards ceremony, I went to the library to get some books for the kids. While I was there, I guess you could say that I had a vision. At least that’s the best word that I have for it.”

  Steven swallowed. There was little else that Renee could have said, that would have shaken him more.

  “It was strange,” Ren continued. “It was like a collage of images, mixed with holo clips. It showed me glimpses of your future. I know it sounds crazy but I know it is real. Of this, I am certain.

  The things I saw scared me, Steven. Really scared me. Because I saw what is going to happen to you and the crew of Avenger on your journey. I don’t know all of it—but I know enough.

  Before I say what I am about to say though, I want you to know that I have thought this through very carefully.

  What we’re fighting for is humanity’s survival and because of this, I’ve decided that it is far too dangerous for me to share the details of my vision with you. If you were to alter that which has to happen, well, the risk would be just too great. Certain events must occur if we are ever going to be free.

  I will only say, you will not be returning to Earth. My happiness will come from knowing that you will survive, and from knowing that you have found happiness and love. Perhaps, even in having said that, I have said too much.”

  Steven looked up at the vacant spot where Ashlyn had stood.

  “I am not at all bitter, my husband. I take great comfort in knowing that you and Ashlyn will see and accomplish amazing things together. I have the greatest and deepest respect for her. She is still and always will be, my friend. She is an inspiration and a woman to be admired. All that I ask is that you have no guilt in loving her, for this is as much your destiny as it is mine in ways that I cannot begin to explain to you. Being with her will let you attain and become who you are meant to be.

  I know you, Steven. I know you will be deeply troubled by the things I have said, and it is probably a mistake for me not to have said them to you in person, rather than having given this holo to Phillip. For this, I beg your forgiveness. Nevertheless, I do ask that you take them to heart. You must listen carefully to the things I am telling you. You must not dismiss them, and so that you will have confidence in what I say and not question my beliefs, I will state it clearly, leaving no room for doubt in your mind.

  I am well aware of the genetic bond between you and Ashlyn, and that the two of you have no choice but to be together. You must not fight what is meant to be. The two of you are now and forever bound together as one. Your place is with her and because it is worth repeating—I do not want you to feel guilt over being with her. In fact, it is the only thing that I ask of you.

  This is your destiny, Ashlyn’s destiny, and my destiny. Someday, you will come to understand the truth in my words.

  You are the only man I have ever loved, and so shall it be for eternity. God-speed to the two men I love.” The holo then faded away.

  A shudder ran down Steven’s spine. Tears were streaming down his face. He now understood why she had kept her distance during their last hours together.

  In the end, she had let him go, all the while believing that she would never see him again. He loved her more than life itself and he wished he could hold her in his arms.


  On the third day since leaving Earth as he headed to his cabin to retire for the night, Steven fully expected to find Phillip fast asleep on the sofa. He was right. Only he wasn’t alone. Phillip was peacefully coddled within Ashlyn’s arms.

  Quiet as the hush of the door was, Ashlyn awoke. Grinning, she handed Phillip off to Steven so that he could be put to bed in the adjoining room. “He made me promise to stay until you came, and I never break a promise,” said Ashlyn, exercising every bit of flirtatious promise she could muster as the tip of her tongue slid cross her glistening red lips.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.” Nearing her, as always, Steven felt like a puppet under her control. Her sensual scent and the tingling charge of excitement as they touched made him flush with heat.

  Having laid Phillip down, he bounded back to Ashlyn. “Gena, lock the bedroom door behind me.” Standing just inside the doorway, Steven stopped to watch Ashlyn. She was on the floor trying to retrieve one of her shoes that had been kicked beneath the sofa. The sensual angle was one of pure seduction. Her tight, faded blue jeans mesmerized him. Damn, damn, damn—she looks sexy as hell.

  As she stretched a bit further, through her thin, white cotton blouse, he traced the outline of her bare breasts that were sweeping circles on the floor. He was right. They are like dinner bells! And I’m starving. He couldn’t help but think of himself lying beneath her, his face buried deep in her cleavage.

  Rising, Ash tossed her shoes into the corner and slowly began moving toward him, stalking him. Pulling the band from her hair, she loosed the ponytail, letting her long curls flow free. Her beguiling perfume invaded his senses. With desire filling her eyes, she licked her lips. Drawing close, she began taunting him. With a single finger, she ran it over his chest, his neck, touching his lips. She pressed herself gently into him, slowly moving her breasts back and forth across his chest, while guilefully peeling his clothes away.

  Each movement was sensual, teasing. Only when he was fully disrobed, did she finally touch him, grabbing the head of his swollen cock. While squeezing and stroking him, the passion embodied in her electrifying touch, captivating him, she leaned forward and rising on her tiptoes, began kissing his neck.

  Steven began fumbling at the buttons of her blouse, his eagerness yelling at him to tear it from her. As he peeled her blouse off her shoulders, exposing her bare flesh, he spun her round, placing her back to the wall. His chest pressing into her, his hands gouging deep furrows in her breasts, he let the fever pitch temperature of her skin scorch him, brand him—as their lips locked in a hard kiss. Catching his lower lip between her teeth, she ran her quivering tongue across him, tickling him.

  Every moment with her, seemed as the first. Every sight, every touch, carried such an impact that he felt compelled to burn it deep into memory, fearing that the moment might someday be forgotten.

  As Ashlyn kissed his chest, she sensually shimmied out of her jeans and panties.

nning Steven round, she pressed him hard against the wall and turning her back to him, gave him the most sensual lap-dance that any man had ever received. She was swaying masterfully, her arms fluidly raised above her head, stroking her own body sensually. Her fingers ran through her mane, sweeping it round her shoulders, throwing it back so that it lightly brushed against his bare chest. His hands rode atop her hips, taking in every nuance of her spirited, liquid movements.

  Dipping and rising, her butt pressed against his balls, her hips swaying back and forth, she could feel his cock swinging back and forth in the hollow of her back. Knowing how ready Steven was, Ash took his hand and danced him toward the sofa.

  Placing her knees upon the cushions, Ash leaned forwards grasping the back of the sofa—lowering her shoulders square with it. Fully braced, her head hanging over the backside of the sofa, her long locks almost whisking the floor, she spread her legs wide. Canted hips, invited him to enter her.

  Locking the visual into memory, he studied her perfection and flawlessness—plumped, feminine swells and a small, pink flap of skin begged for his touch.

  Ashlyn sighed as he placed his hands upon her hips and began sliding, separating her lips, wide. Ashlyn gasped each time the tip of his shaft slid across her clit. As her passions grew, her head snapped back, her mane of hair landing atop her back. Gathering it, he wrapped her hair around his fist several times—then tightening the slack, he penetrated her deeply.

  Ashlyn screamed, applauding his dominance. She screamed again to each successive, furious thrust from him.

  Steven marveled at Ashlyn’s specialized muscles. Her breasts were bouncing and swinging furiously against the sofa. Her pussy was pulsating, vibrating, massaging him—voraciously purging and gorging upon him, her intense heat driving him to the brink of obsession.

  As Ashlyn’s shrill sighs signaled her impending orgasm—she dropped the veil of control upon his mind, letting him instantly succumb to the mind-numbing passions that were begging her to let him explode.


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