Ashlyn leaned her back against the wall, and taking his hands in hers, placed them upon the buttons of her white blouse. She watched his eyes intently, relishing in his lust as he unfastened them.
Her eyes closed, her lips parting as he peeled it back of her shoulders, pinning her arms behind her. She stood as though bound by steel chains, submitting to his touch, to his will, to his bidding.
With a sigh, her head tipped back, her body shaking as he slowly traced her rounded cleavage with a single finger, giving rise to goosebumps.
As he leaned forward and their lips met, he popped the snap of her jeans. A downward slide of the zipper, made her knees tremble. As his hands slid round, grasping her butt, he kissed her neck just below the ear. Ashlyn gasped, her bosom heaving, her stomach muscles tensing. Her canted hips betrayed her desire as he began slowly moving lower, his hands adeptly removing her jeans.
Kneeling between Ashlyn’s spread legs, her knees slightly bent—his mouth found her breasts.
Wriggling against the wall, Ash bit her lower lip, futilely trying to hold onto some semblance of composure—as simultaneously, his fingers stroked her clit. Ash was crying out shrilly—with each stroke of his fingers—her breath dragged from her.
Within minutes, Ash was close to orgasm. Rising, Steven picked her up off the ground, and with her breasts atop his shoulders, he allowed the fire within him to rage, penetrating her deep. Each of his long, heavy thrusts lifted her higher off the ground, stealing her breath, stealing her screams. Her body shuddered, her mind hopelessly succumbing to an orgasm. His thrusting, throbbing pulses lit the world ablaze, charring the very ground beneath his feet. As his thrusts became faster, more rigorous, more forceful, her trembling body pleading to feel him exploding inside her—he gave her what she desired. It was an offer he was happy to fulfill.
In the early afterglow, her back pressed firmly against the smooth cool wall, his head buried in the hollow of her neck, their moaning sighs fading like an echo, their bodies dripping sweat to the ground, Steven uttered the words of his heart, “I love you Ashlyn. With all my heart, I love you.”
And she, taking delight in the throbbing pulses of his shaft inside her, “And I love you. With all my heart, I love you.”
In their time together against the wall, they took no note of the rainbow of colors that had come to life inside the wall, swirling round them.
But the magical words had been spoken, and the gate unto the treasure had been opened.
As their bodies were absorbed through the wall and gently placed on the other side, they stood as before, Ashlyn’s back pressed against the wall.
Withdrawing himself from Ashlyn, he lowered her to the luscious, green grass beneath their feet. They stood naked, staring at an area that shone with all the beauty of a well-kept garden.
“Is this part of my orgasm?” teased Ash. “Or did we just die and go to heaven?”
Steven jested back, “It’s part of your orgasm—I’m that good.”
Ashlyn touched the wall behind her, unsure of how they had passed through it. It appeared solid. No seams, doors or portals.
Together, they stood unmoving, awed by the beauty of their surroundings. The sky was blue, the temperature perfect. The colors were vibrant beyond compare.
“Is this what you were expecting to find?” asked Ashlyn.
Shaking his head, “I wasn’t sure of anything. I just had theories.”
Holding hands, they walked slowly forward in silent awe through the lush, foliage-filled valley. The valley had all the characteristics of a paradisiac, manicured landscape—each flower displayed as if it were part of an exotic, floral bouquet. Not a single petal lay on the ground, nor was there one wilted or aged. It was truly, paradise. A light breeze was moving the flowers gracefully, carrying the welcome of a warm, spring morning. The sight and aroma of such pure, unadulterated perfection flooded their hearts with wonder.
A few minutes later, as they rounded a bend in the trail, Ash suddenly came to a stop, her body tensing. “Steven, look!”
Twenty meters ahead of them was a carved, white marble bridge that arched over what appeared to be a narrow but deep canyon. On the near side of the bridge, stood two large statues with human-like bodies and facial features with long hair lay back of their shoulders. Each figure stood about five meters in height, and was perched atop a short pedestal that bore ancient symbols upon its facing.
Between the statues, a double-bladed flaming sword was spinning round in mid-air, blocking passage to the bridge. Its slicing motion through the air created a deep, guttural humming sound, not unlike the beating of a bee’s wings.
Ashlyn’s grasp on Steven’s hand tightened, unusually so. In turning to look at her, Steven’s heart skipped. Her eyes were glazed, unblinking. “Ash?” Grasping her shoulders, he tried, unsuccessfully, to rouse her.
“We, the Guardians, bid you welcome, Lord Steven and Lady Ashlyn!”
Steven nearly stumbled as the deeply, resonant voices boomed from behind him, and Ashlyn’s legs simultaneously went limp. After supporting her collapse to the ground, Steven spun round to look at the statues.
The flaming blades slowed and separated into two swords, each returning to the hand of a pedestaled guardian. Their eyes sprang to life, glowing the color of molten gold. Their feet shifted on the pedestal taking an aggressive posture. From behind their backs, large wings unfolded, their skin changing from white stone to that of liquid fire.
“Your presence honors us,” boomed the majestic, powerful beings as they bent to one knee, bowed their heads and lowered the tip of their swords toward the ground in respect.
In waking, Ashlyn clasped Steven’s bicep. When he jumped in response, Ashlyn couldn’t help but smile.
“What happened to you?”
“A search was done of our minds,” responded Ashlyn. “When I sensed it, I projected outwards, touching it. It was so powerful, I guess I fainted.” Without waiting for Steven to respond, “Steven, these are the Cherubim, the angels appointed to keep watch over the entrance to Eden. The Garden of Eden. They’ve been waiting thousands of years for us.”
On the pedestals, the symbols shifted their shape, taking the form of written text. “Sumerian?” Steven began to read the words aloud, translating them. “Beyond this portal to Horeb lies the path of life and death and the knowledge of knowing good from bad. Be wise my children, so that you may attain the Gifts of Eden and be granted entrance into Heaven,” read Steven aloud. “May the Sword of Truth guide you.”
“You are indeed worthy. Your words grant you entrance to Eden,” said the two Cherubim in dual voice.
“How could you read that?” asked Ashlyn.
“At the Academy, I majored in history. I loved reading the works of Zechariah Sitchin. I’d always felt drawn to it. With all that we’ve seen, and now this, I think Sitchin’s understanding of the Sumerian history was much closer to the truth than mankind realized.”
Ashlyn smiled. “You never fail to surprise me.
Come on, let’s go!” Smiling buoyantly, Ashlyn rose to her feet and took Steven’s hand. Pulling him to her side, they walked between the Cherubim whose glowing eyes were following them.
“Steven, when my mind was searched, I met an entity that’s been waiting here for untold ages—waiting for us, his children.”
“His children?”
“You’ll see. All is about to be explained and the story is wilder than you can possibly imagine. Come on,” said Ashlyn with unbounded enthusiasm.
Every sight in the valley was spectacular, its grandeur unparalleled. They stopped by a stream to watch a flock of tiny birds that had taken flight from a nearby tree in a flutter. Passing overhead, the birds circled once round before returning and coming to rest in a different tree.
“What?” said Ashlyn, smirking curiously—uncertain if it was an insult or if she was missing a sexual connotation. “Are you making a snide remark about my breasts—or is that what
you want right now, bush and tits?”
Steven laughed. “You already know the answer, but I was referring to the birds, they’re Bushtits. Really—that’s their name.”
Ashlyn then joined Steven, chuckling.
The familiar sign of life unlocked the floodgates of emotion, “After the attack, I never thought I’d see a bird again,” said Steven. They took a seat atop a small boulder, Ashlyn held fast within Steven’s arms. The birds jumped from branch to branch, their churring song filling the air.
Not ten meters in front of them, a small stream babbled. Steven felt a strong pulling to drink of it—and in mentioning the yearning to Ashlyn; she in-turn stated that she too felt the pull. Kneeling at the edge of the stream, they filled their hands and partook of the water. They found it to be cool and refreshing, but it also made them feel different inside, as if they had been reborn.
“There are many things here for your pleasure,” came an aged voice from a small tree to the left of them in the center of a clearing. The tree’s branches displayed a beautiful bouquet of pure-white flowers and even as they watched, the flowers upon the tree began to glow, radiating a burning aura of light from their delicate petals. “Approach, my children,” the entity said in a deep, slow, fatherly tone.
Hand-in-hand they slowly approached the tree.
“My little ones, you are so young and you have so much to learn.”
“Who are you?” asked Steven.
“I am from the most ancient of times—to times everlasting. I have waited for you, my children—and you have come.”
“Are you God?” asked Steven, humbly.
“Some have called me God. I have had many names to different people, but you may call me The Keeper, for I am The Keeper of Knowledge.
For you to fully understand the answer to your question, I must first tell you of the Anunnaki—those who created you.”
Steven and Ashlyn sat down on the bed of grass, anxious to hear the revelations that were about to unfold.
“Since the dawn of the universe-” the tree faded away as a visual replay of the story began to unfold “the Anunnaki have traveled through the depths of space as easily as you walk here in the garden. As they spread their seed through the galaxy, they knew that someday, their children would seek them out, wanting to find their way home.
So it was, millions of years ago, that when the Anunnaki visited this planetary system, they created me. It has been long, but finally, as they had hoped, you have come here, to Earth. Your presence has brought meaning to my existence. It is through me that you can go home. I am the way and the life.”
“Earth? I don’t understand. We are from Earth!” said Steven.
“All is not as you have been told, young one.
Millions of years ago, a powerful Anunnaki Lord, known as Enlil was given dominion over many worlds by his father, Anu. Enlil was one of the Elite, a pure Anunnaki, born of royal blood.”
A shiver ran up Steven’s spine. Just hearing the name of Enlil shook him intensely. Steven was then shown the image of a tall, human-looking man with white hair and white robes. It was Enlil.
“He chose Nibiru to be the place from which he would rule. It was a radiant world, heated from within, a place of great beauty that reminded him of home. As Nibiru moved between the planets in your system, Enlil visited your world of Tiamat; taking minerals that Nibiru needed to maintain its warmth.”
“Gold,” said Steven aloud. “They seeded their atmosphere with it.”
“Yes, you are correct, Lord Steven. Over many millennia as gold became harder to extract on Tiamat, they decided to uplift one of Tiamat’s primitive hominid species, making a slave class to assist in the work.
That is how your race came into existence, my children. Much of your people’s genetic composition is Anunnaki.
However, Enlil did not realize how quickly you were capable of evolving. You accomplished far more than he anticipated and in many ways, grew to become nearly as powerful as the Anunnaki themselves. That is why Enlil limited your lifespans. It kept you inferior.
In two-hundred thousand years, you accomplished what had taken them, millions. This is when Enlil’s jealously and hatred for your people began. As the gold disappeared and he found that he no longer needed you, he deliberated on how to destroy you.
Knowing that he could not directly take your lives, which would be in violation of Anunnaki law, he instead waited, plotting to let a close passing of Nibiru destroy the life on Tiamat. He had the means to protect you, but chose not to do so.
In opposition to this decision was another Anunnaki, second son to Anu, younger brother to Enlil—Lord Enki. He and their sister, Ninmah, Chief Medical Officer, were very fond of you. It was they who uplifted you—using the genes from their own pure bloodline.
Enki disobeyed Enlil and returned to Heaven, the Anunnaki home world—where before the Council of Twelve, he plead for the lives of your people. In agreement, the Council decreed it an immoral act to let an intelligent species die—especially a species which had been made in their own image, from their own royal bloodline and genetic materials.
The Council went so far as to embrace you as part of their own family. They empowered Enki to speak on behalf of the Council. When Enki returned with the Anunnaki fleet, he ordered Enlil to vacate Nibiru so that it could be destroyed.
Instead, Enlil rebelled against the Council’s decision and brought the full power of his armada to bear against Enki. Thus, a great battle took place between those who ruled from Heaven and those who ruled from Nibiru—between those who sought to save you and those who sought to destroy you.
Enlil’s forces almost prevailed and it was at Tiamat, that Enki made his last stand, holding out until reinforcements from the Anunnaki home world arrived. As Nibiru approached, though it wreaked havoc upon your world, it was destroyed by the Anunnaki fleet. With Nibiru gone, Enki forced Enlil’s forces back, ousting him from your planetary system.
In retreat, Enlil came here, to Earth. This is where Earth’s last war was fought and Enlil was defeated. The battle scorched this world, destroying it.
From that moment on, the Council decreed that Enlil and his followers forever be called the Nephilim, the fallen ones. So as not to violate their own laws, they ordered that Enlil and his forces be banished—abandoning them to live forever on this dying world.
By order of the Council, this planet had its name changed from Earth to Hadaesia, what your people now call, Hades. The name makes it unlawful for the Anunnaki from Heaven to set foot here. It is meant to be a reminder of the consequence for rebellion.”
Watching history unfold was as close to a spiritual experience as Steven and Ashlyn had ever known. It was humbling. Humanity had never known how much the Anunnaki sacrificed.
“Before Enki’s fleet departed, he ordered the gathering of what little beauty remained on this world and had it delivered to your planet, Tiamat.”
“The Ark?” questioned Steven.
“Yes, Lord Steven. Enki’s ship, the Arkane, gathered what little life remained here, saving it from extinction. In homage to Enki and the beauty of the creatures the Arkane brought—your people changed the name of Tiamat to what it is now known as, Earth.
Over time, the truth became a myth. The story of those who had come from Heaven, the Anunnaki home world, to save humankind—were forgotten. The names and deeds of the Anunnaki great ones were claimed by men of your world—men who sought greatness for themselves.
This Lord Steven was the reason for your confusion.”
“You were right Keeper. We have much to learn. What happened to Enki?”
“Enki worked with your people, teaching, imparting knowledge and building great structures. He had hoped that his display of love, kindness, and wondrous works, would someday lead you to seek out the creators and receive the rewards they held out for you.
Eventually, Enki departed, returning to Heaven to rule at his father’s side. He wanted your people to have free will and grow
naturally without further interference.
It is hoped that someday you will rejoin them on Heaven.”
Steven was speechless. The Keeper’s visual of Enki, a gentle looking man in a white robe, walking through the crowds of gathered people who were reaching out to touch him, was shocking.
“We’d always been told that we’d killed him,” said Ashlyn to Steven silently.
“I know. It’s like The Keeper said, once Enki left Earth, men spun and twisted his return to Heaven into a hundred versions. It’s easier to instill obedience from the weak, if you tell them their god is dead. Our manipulation of the truth—it sickens me Ash. It does. Mankind’s greed for wealth, power and control, it was so egotistical, so self-absorbed.”
“I’m not sure that mankind is worth all the lives the Anunnaki lost,” said Ashlyn.
“We aren’t, but without laws and principles, civilization falls into chaos,” said Steven. “Ultimately, the Anunnaki had no choice. Enlil violated everything they stood for.”
The visual presentation disappeared and the tree returned.
“Enki’s love for your people is great and he made a promise to your ancestors that he would not forsake them.”
“Keeper, how is it that the fallen ones—bound forever to this world, acquired another fleet of ships with which to attack my world?”
“Lord Enlil has not been idle. It has been thousands of years since the last battle was fought and in that time, he has worked hard to rebuild his kingdom and his fleet of ships. Entire cities—cities built long ago by the Anunnaki have been stripped of their materials and technology for the construction of his fleet.
Enlil will not take the loss of his ships lightly. He will seek vengeance against you. The three ships you destroyed upon your arrival into this system were the last of his great fleet and he is once again without a vessel that is capable of escaping this system.”
“Keeper, you speak of Enlil as if he is millions of years old—and I too have heard rumors on my world from knowledgeable men, who make claim that Enlil is immortal. If this is true, how is it possible,” asked Steven.