by Trish Cook
We bring stories to life
First published by Egmont USA, 2013
443 Park Avenue South, Suite 806
New York, NY 10016
Copyright © Trish Cook and Brendan Halpin, 2013
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cook, Trish, 1965- author.
A really awesome mess/Trish Cook and Brendan Halpin.
pages cm
Summary: An angry girl and a depressed boy, both sixteen, are sent to a therapeutic boarding school.
eISBN: 978-1-60684-364-2
[1. Emotional problems–Fiction. 2. Psychotherapy–Fiction. 3. Chinese Americans–Fiction. 4. Boarding schools–Fiction. 5. Schools–Fiction.] I. Halpin, Brendan, 1968- author. II. Title.
PZ7.C773Re 2013 [Fic]–dc23
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To Courtney and Kelsey, who light up my life.
If you’re getting through high school with anxiety and depression on board, I dedicate this book to you.
Title Page
Chapter 1: Emmy
Chapter 2: Justin
Chapter 3: Emmy
Chapter 4: Justin
Chapter 5: Emmy
Chapter 6: Justin
Chapter 7: Emmy
Chapter 8: Justin
Chapter 9: Emmy
Chapter 10: Justin
Chapter 11: Emmy
Chapter 12: Justin
Chapter 13: Emmy
Chapter 14: Justin
Chapter 15: Emmy
Chapter 16: Justin
Chapter 17: Emmy
Chapter 18: Justin
Chapter 19: Emmy
Chapter 20: Justin
Chapter 21: Emmy
Chapter 22: Justin
Chapter 23: Emmy
Chapter 24: Justin
Chapter 25: Emmy
Chapter 26: Justin
Chapter 27: Emmy
Chapter 28: Justin
Dropping my duffel bag on the worn hardwood floor, I scanned the claustrophobic room. Above me: A low, oddly angled ceiling that made the cramped space feel like it might swallow me whole. Straight ahead: A tall, skinny window with bars on the outside, presumably so I wouldn’t a) fall or b) hurl myself out of it, flanked by plain wooden dressers. To my right: Twin beds crammed into an L-shape, each with a big-ass bulletin board hanging above it. Pee-yellow walls all around.
The already-claimed mattress was covered in a barn red comforter and had a big stuffed pig on top of it. Farm Girl—which was what I’d already nicknamed my new roommate in my head, and hoped wouldn’t actually come out of my mouth when I met her—had plastered every last inch of her board in cutesy animal pictures and 4-H ribbons. The bed and board meant for me, of course, were still naked.
“Heartland Academy is going to be such a great experience for you, Emmy,” my mom said, a fake smile glued to her face. “Take it all in. Give it everything you’ve got!”
I couldn’t believe she was pulling out an inspirational speech at a time like this. It would have been more honest if she’d just crowed, “Later, sucker!” and hightailed out of there never to return, because the truth of the matter was inescapable. She and Dad were finally getting rid of me. I mean, Dad hadn’t even bothered to come to drop me off here, claiming he didn’t have any more vacations days left after all the meetings at school and with the police and whoever else had gotten pissed at me recently.
I also knew the lame excuse the ’rents were using—We need you to learn to be healthy again, both mentally and physically—wasn’t the real reason they were sending me away. Reality: Despite the twenty pounds I’d lost recently, I was still the elephant in the room. Though we’d all tried our best to deny it, I was always going to be a living, breathing reminder of my parents’ painful bout with infertility. Lucky for them, the infertility had turned out to be temporary and they’d ended up making a kid the old-fashioned way. Unlucky for me, they now wanted to cut bait on the sole vestige of a very sad time in their lives.
“Yeah, totes. This place seems really chill, Em,” my little sister Jocelyn piped in, checking out a picture of a hedgehog wearing a daisy-print hat on Farm Girl’s bulletin board.
The “little” in little sister would be a relative term here. For pretty much our whole lives, Joss has towered over me. Other things, in addition to tall, that Joss is and I am not: Fair-skinned, blond, and freckled. Athletic. Biologically related to my mom and dad.
I stared around the room, then back at Joss again. She couldn’t be serious.
“I guess what I meant was, I’m sure it’ll be way better than the Internet made it out to be,” she qualified, wincing.
We’d spent the last few days holed up in my room, poring over the Heartland Academy and Rate My School websites, looking for clues as to what my daily life might be like here and how long my involuntary admission might last. Heartland’s made it look a lot like summer camp—arts and crafts, ropes courses, trust games, that kind of stuff—with regular classes and tons of psychotherapy thrown in; Rate My School’s assessment probably cut a lot closer to the truth. Hell in a cornfield, Pointless and stupid, and Jail were just a few of the descriptors former students had posted anonymously. And after the long, bleak orientation I’d just sat through with the other new kids who for the most part looked like total freaks, I was even more inclined to agree with the Rate My Schoolies.
“You want to stay here in my place?” I joked with Joss.
I was only half kidding. Joss had been known to do other heroic things for me, like beating up the mean boy in preschool who said we couldn’t be sisters because I was a “ching chong bing bong.” Like inviting me along to parties and dances with her friends because the few I had tended to be socially awkward and anxious. Like choosing to stay home with me instead of hitting those same parties and dances after the shit flew and even my socially awkward and anxious friends deserted me.
Tears pooled in Joss’s eyes. “I wish I could,” she said, sniffling. “Really I do.”
Mom decided Joss needed defending, which was ridiculous because we weren’t even fighting. I couldn’t remember us ever really fighting. “It is not Jocelyn’s responsibility to rescue you from this situation. Nor is it mine or your dad’s. You’ll have to do that for yourself this time.”
She sounded just like the parents’ section of the Heartland website. I wondered if they’d made her memorize lines like that during her orientation, and that’s why it had been held separately from mine.
“Things really got blown out of proportion, don’t you think?” I said, staring down at my feet and scrunching up my toes in my kid-sized Converse.
Mom answered my question with another question. “You’re surprised that parents, your school, and the police take bullying—especially when it is carried out online for everyone to see—seriously?”
I sighed heavily. “Mom, I told you a million times, I posted those things on Facebook in self-defense. Danny Schwartz bullied me first!”
“Then perhaps you should have reported him to the school administrators rather than taking matt
ers into your own hands, Emmy,” my mom said. Her eyes kept darting toward the door, like she was plotting her escape from me even as we spoke.
I took some slow, deliberate breaths—another dumbass thing suggested on the Heartland website—to try and keep my head from exploding off my body. What my mom didn’t know (and what I’d never tell her) was I couldn’t have reported that douche Danny—who liked to sing me so horny every time he saw me in the halls—no matter how much I wanted to. And here’s why: According to the rules of my swanky private school, we would have then been obligated to have our argument mediated.
Which would have meant talking about what had prompted his racist, sexist remarks.
In front of a bunch of student mediators and teachers overseeing the proceedings.
Sure, they might have made Danny apologize even if he refused to admit what he’d done. But his fake apology wasn’t worth me having to expose myself any further than I already had. And I was positive that asshole would have found a way to work the mortifying reason he was harassing me in the first place into the conversation.
So narcing on him had never even been a remote possibility in my mind. Instead, I launched an online counterattack meant to publicly humiliate the guy the way he was publicly humiliating me. Over the course of five days, I spammed choice words and photos disparaging him all over FB. One of my favorites: Dan Schwartz has the genitals of a Girl Scout, accompanied by a picture of a half-eaten Samoa cookie. I thought it was pretty funny, especially since word at school was the guy had a total chode in his pants.
Even funnier, that particular post had gotten 256 likes. Which, of course, Danny didn’t like at all. So he screenshotted all my little digs and reported me to his parents, who in turn reported me to the school, who in turn reported me to the local police.
The power trio was not amused in the least bit. I got grounded for an undetermined amount of time that still hadn’t ended, not that I cared to go out anyhow; a lecture from Officer Friendly about online etiquette that wrapped up with a fifteen-hour community service sentence, which I kind of liked because speed-shelving books at the library turned out to be great cardio; and a week-long suspension from school that came as a welcome relief because I could barely get myself out of bed and dressed in the morning, I was so stressed by that point.
I was told I could return to school once seven days was up and I issued an apology to me so horny-singing Danny Schwartz. Naturally, I declined. So then they declined to let me back in.
My parents, baffled by my uncharacteristic mean behavior and subsequent stubbornness, begged and pleaded with me to apologize. Even Joss, who knew why I’d gone after Danny Schwartz like a rabid pit bull, advised me to just suck it up so I could get out of trouble. But there was no way—not a chance in hell, not then, not now, not ever—he was going to hear the words I’m sorry pass my lips. No f-ing way.
It turned into a total standoff, which left me in quite the quandry, school-wise. Since all this happened with only three weeks left of the academic year, my by now totally freaked out parents convinced the powers that be to let me complete the rest of my assignments and take finals from home. I was like, halle-freaking-lujah, because it meant I wouldn’t have to put up with people staring at me and whispering about me in the halls anymore.
I assumed I’d spend the entire summer much in the same way as the end of the academic year—hanging out with my sister or in my room on my computer—and then head off someplace else in the fall. Though the public school was the most likely suspect, what I really wanted to do was get the hell out of dodge and start over somewhere else. During one of my long, boring afternoons spent online, I’d discovered this cool place called Bard College at Simon’s Rock. It offered an “early college program,” admitting students right after sophomore year—like I’d just finished—and letting them skip the rest of high school and start college right away. It seemed tailor-made for smart kids like me who couldn’t stand one more second of bitchy cliques and immature, judgmental classmates. I was dying to go there.
But then my parents decided I was too “fragile” or something to handle the change. To the highly selective, faraway-from-home Simon’s Rock or the mediocre local public high school. Not pleased doesn’t begin to describe my reaction.
The fragile thing, I knew, was just another excuse. I might have been small—granted, much smaller than I used to be, back when I looked like a bloated blueberry next to my celery stalk family—but that didn’t mean I wasn’t strong. What other five-foot-nothing, now-ninety-pound girl could have taken down a big bad Danny Schwartz and stuck to her guns even after he went crying to his mommy and the principal and Officer Friendly?
“The point is, you’re the one who got yourself into such trouble at Stonebridge Country Day,” my mom said. “If you’d just apologized to Daniel, the school would have let you come back for your junior year—”
I shook my head furiously. “No. Never! I would rather be stuck in this hellhole until I turn eighteen.”
“Which you just might be,” my mom said, her palms upward like Your choice, kiddo. It’s out of my hands now. I’m letting you go.
I felt hot tears in the corners of my eyes, but I was damned if they were going to fall. “Well then. I guess you got what you wanted, and I got what I deserved, huh?”
This, of course, made my mom turn on the waterworks I was busy holding in. “Do you honestly think this is how we want things to be, Emmy? We’re going to miss you so much. I’m already dreaming of the day my beautiful star is healthy enough to come home.”
Right. The “beautiful star” crap again. It was what my real name—my Chinese name—meant. My parents had been telling me the same bullshit story for as far back as I could remember: We saw a beautiful star in the sky and it was you, calling us to China to come get you. We were all meant to be together. Well, maybe that had been true for all of about a week. And then they found out Joss had somehow implanted herself in my mom’s supposedly defective uterus.
Too bad my parents had already told everyone about me, or they probably would’ve just left me stranded at that orphanage for some other suckers to adopt. But things being the way they were, the ’rents were obligated to come get me or they would’ve looked like the world’s biggest assholes. And that was why, instead of just having one tall, beautiful, blond biologically related kid, my parents got stuck raising a small, dark, chubby China doll, too.
The four of us made for a weird-looking family. There were three people who obviously fit together and one who obviously did not, like I was a piece of a different puzzle that had somehow made its way into the wrong box. To make matters worse, even though I was a full eleven months older than Joss, from age three or so on she’d always been the “bigger” sister. Or should I say, the taller and skinnier one. Which would, by default, make me the short, fat one.
All this led to a lifetime of awkward stares and stupid comments that were amplified times a million because we were in the same grade at school. “You must be twins, hahaha,” went the most annoying “joke.” “How does anyone tell you two apart?” My parents had always told us to laugh along with the less enlightened and tell them families were based on love, not looks. Joss had no problem following their advice; me, not so much. How other people viewed us cut me to the core every time. It felt like everyone knew my ugly secret—that my real family had gotten rid of me and this nice white one had taken pity on my poor orphaned self—and it left me feeling raw and exposed as a turtle without a shell.
The more I thought about the situation, the more pissed off I got. There had been so many other viable alternatives, but my parents had chosen the wrong ones every single time. And now they were acting like I was the one with the problem? It was all such bullshit. Had I asked to be born? Was it my fault my mom chose not to keep me? Did I somehow trick my parents into going ahead with the adoption?
I didn’t think so.
“If I really was your beautiful star, I think you would’ve just let me go to Simon�
��s Rock or even the stupid public high school instead of this loony bin,” I hissed, surprised at how deeply I actually felt the venom I was spewing. “At least my real parents were honest about the reason they were ditching me—I had a vag, not a dick. You’re just dumping me because I’m not a perfect blond Amazon like the rest of you.”
Which made my mom put her face into her hands and sob. It was exactly what I wanted to do, to cry and beg her to take me home. I just kept quiet instead. I’d tried begging for a different outcome a lot in the last couple of days, and it hadn’t gotten me anywhere. Ditto for yelling, screaming, and the silent treatment. I was too washed out and used up at this point to exert that kind of energy when I knew the end result would be the same. I was staying here, they were going home without me, and that was that.
A woman wearing a green Heartland Academy sweatshirt knocked on the open door and interrupted our lovely little pain festival. “Sorry. I’ve know you’ve seen me pop my head in the doorway a couple of times, Mrs. Magnusson. I was trying to wait until an opportune moment, but I guess this will have to do. You need to say good-bye now.”
My mom walked over and wrapped me in her arms, hugging me so hard I thought I might burst. I let her hold me but didn’t hug back, my arms hanging by my side like wet noodles. “I love you so much, sweetie,” she whispered in my ear.
Yeah, right, I thought. You love me so much you’re leaving skid marks.
When my mom finally let me go, Joss threw her arms around me. I clung to her like a baby monkey. “I promise I’ll e-mail every day, sis,” she whispered, her voice choked and small. The archaic means of communication was necessary, of course, because texts and phone calls and other normal ways of contacting someone weren’t allowed at Heartland, at least not until I jumped through what sounded like a million hoops.
“Looking forward to seeing you again at the end of summer term for Family Weekend,” the woman in the sweatshirt called after my mom and sister as they left my room. Then she turned and handed me a striped hospital gown. “I’ll need you to get undressed and put this on, Mei-Xing.”