Detroit City Is the Place to Be: The Afterlife of an American Metropolis

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Detroit City Is the Place to Be: The Afterlife of an American Metropolis Page 36

by Mark Binelli

  Inkster, Robert

  Inkster (suburb)

  Inner City (music group)

  Intelligencer (newspaper)

  Iraqi immigrants

  Irish immigrants

  Irving, John

  Irwin, Nate

  Issa, Darrell

  Italian immigrants

  Jackson, Maynard

  Jackson Five

  Jacobs, Jane

  Jane Cooper Elementary School

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeffries, Edward

  Jenkins, Holman W.

  job losses

  job training

  Joe Louis Arena

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Raphael

  Jones, Charles “CJ”

  Josephson, Matthew

  Journey to the End of the Night (Céline)

  Justice Department

  Kahlo, Frida

  Henry Ford Hospital

  Kahn, Albert

  Keats, John

  Kelly, Mike

  Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Company strike

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kenyatta, Kwame

  Kettering, Charles

  Khu (performance piece)

  Kildee, Dan

  Kilpatrick, Kwame

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Klegon, Frank

  Kliesch, Jim

  Knox, Stanley


  Kreimes, Len

  Kresge Foundation

  Kucinich, Dennis

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kus, Fred

  Lachman, Sheldon J.

  Lafayette Park development

  LaFollette, Robert

  Land of Opportunity (Adler)

  LaSalle, Robert

  Lauckner, Jon

  League of Revolutionary Black Workers

  Lebanese immigrants

  Le Corbusier

  Leland, Henry

  Lenin, V.I.

  Lennon, John

  Lerman, Faina

  Lewerenz Street demolition project

  Lichtenstein, Nelson


  Lightfoot, Mrs. Madison J.

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Little, Earl

  Little Egypt open-air market

  Little Murder (film)

  LOL: Laughing out Loud (film)

  Loschi, Antonio

  Louis, Joe

  Fist sculpture

  Lugar, Dick

  Lutz, Bob

  Macomb County

  Macomb Daily

  Madison Theatre

  Mailer, Norman

  Malbeuf, Joseph

  Malcolm X

  Mallet, Conrad Jr.

  Mandeville, Ernest W.

  Marchand, Yves

  Markie, Biz

  Mason, Robert

  Mathis, Otis

  Maxsar Digital Studios

  May, Derrick

  MC5 band

  McCaffery, Maryanne

  McClary, Titus

  McCormick, Anne O’Hare

  Meffre, Romain

  Metropolitan Building

  Metzger, Kurt

  Metzger, William E.

  Michigan, University of

  Michigan Arson Prevention

  Michigan Car Company

  Michigan Central Station

  Michigan State legislature

  Michigan State University

  Michigan Territory

  middle class


  Midtown neighborhood

  Miller, Kenny

  Milliken v. Bradley

  model city program

  Mogk, John

  Moore, Andrew

  Moore, Marianne

  Morgan, David, Jr.

  Moroun, Manuel “Matty”

  Motor City Blight Busters

  MotorCity Casino

  “Motor City Is Burning” (Hooker song)

  Motor Trend


  Muhammad, Elijah

  Mumford High School

  Murphy, Eddie

  Murray, “Reverend” David

  Nader, Ralph

  National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

  National City Lines

  National Football League

  National Rifle Association (NRA)

  Nation of Islam


  New Black Panther Nation

  New Jack City (film)

  New Yorker

  New York Times

  T Magazine

  New York World’s Fair (1939)

  Next American Revolution, The (Boggs)

  Nichols, John

  Nobles, J’Rean Black

  Nocera, Joe

  Northland Mall

  North Pointe Village

  Notre Dame Catholic High School

  Oakland County

  Obama, Barack

  Okdie, Mohammad

  Oldest History of the World, The (Evangelista)

  Olds, Ransom

  Olds Motor Works

  Olivet College

  Olmsted, Frederick Law

  Ono, Yoko

  “On Vicissitudes of Fortune” (Bracciolini)

  “Operation Inside Out”

  Origins of the Urban Crisis, The (Sugrue)

  Ottawa tribe

  Outlook (Josephson)

  Overman, Jermaine

  Owens, Chauncy

  Packard plant

  Panini, Giovanni Paolo

  “Ruins of a Triumphal Arch” painting

  Parkman, Francis

  Parks, Rosa

  Patterson, L. Brooks

  People Mover monorail

  Peugeot, Armand

  Pingree, Hazen S.

  Piranesi, Giovanni Paolo

  Poletown neighborhood

  Poletown Plant

  Polish immigrants

  Pontchartrain, Count

  Pontchartrain, Fort

  Ponteach, or the Savages of America (Rogers)

  Pontiac, Chief

  Pontiac, Michigan

  Pontiac Company

  Pontiac Silverdome

  Porter, Cole


  Prasad, Raj

  Pressley, Quan Tez

  Prince of Parthia, The (Godfrey)

  Prometheus Unbound (Shelley)

  public transportation

  Pugh, Charles

  Purple Gang

  Rachel Maddow Show, The (TV show)

  racial discrimination

  residential segregation

  racial integration

  racial tensions

  Raleigh Studios

  Rapson, Rip

  Rather, Dan

  Rattner, Steven

  Reagan, Ronald

  recession of 2008–12

  Reckoning, The (Halberstam)

  Recognitions, The (Gaddis)

  Red Dawn (film)


  Red Poppy society

  Reed, John

  Reeves, Martha


  Remapping Debate website

  Renaissance Center

  Renaissance High School

  Renaissance zones


  Rethink Detroit blog

  Reuther, May

  Reuther, Walter

  Revely, Rev. William

  Revolutionary War

  Rib Rack Killer

  Richard, Father Gabriel

  Rick’s Firearm Academy

  rightsizing plan

  “right to work” states

  “Riot, The” (Clark)


  of 1863

  of 1943

  of 1967

  Rise of the Creative Class, The (Florida)

  Rivera, Diego

  Detroit Industry

  Roberts, Roy

  Robertson, Captain

  Robinson, Smokey

  RoboCop (film)

  Rochon, Harold

  Rock, Chris

  Rodin, Aug

  The Thinker sculpture

  Roger & Me (film)

  Rogers, Robert

  Rolling Stone

  Roman ruins

  Romney, George

  Roosevelt, Teddy

  Rosa Parks Boulevard

  Rosa Parks Terminal

  Ross, Doug

  Roumel, Constantine

  Rudd, Mark

  Ruff, Craig

  ruin porn

  Ruins of Detroit, The (Meffre)

  Rusk, David

  Saarinen, Eero

  Saarinen, Eliel

  Sanders, Jay

  Saunderson, Kevin

  Scream 4 (film)

  Serbian National Hall

  Service Street

  Shabazz, Malik

  Shaw, Harmonica

  Sheeler, Charles

  Shelley, Mary

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Shrine of the Black Madonna

  Sinatra, Frank

  Sinclair, John

  Singer, Benjamin D.

  Slater, John

  slaves, escaped

  Slumberland Child Development Center

  Smith, Nathan

  Smith, Patti

  “Smithsonian of Decline” (Vergara)

  Snyder, Rick

  Sojourner Truth housing project

  Solnit, Rebecca

  Sons of Zodiac

  Southfield suburb

  Speer, Albert

  Stafford, Jalona

  Stalker (film)

  Stand By Me (film)

  Stanley-Jones, Aiyana

  St. Aubin, Edwinn

  St. Clair Shores (suburb)

  Sterling, Madam

  Stevens, Will H.

  Strong, Barrett


  annexation of

  black middle class and

  Young election and

  See also specific towns

  Sugrue, Thomas

  Surkin, Marvin

  Survival Crackas

  Sweet, Ossian

  Sweet Juniper blog

  Syrian immigrants

  Tarkovsky, Andrei

  Tavenner, Frank


  teachers unions

  tech incubators

  Techno! The New Dance Sound of Detroit (compilation)

  techno music


  temporary autonomous zones

  temporary workers

  Ten for Two rally (Ann Arbor, 1971)

  Texas Chainsaw Massacre (film)

  Third Man, The (film)

  Thomas, Gwen

  Thorn Apple Valley sausage plant


  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  To New Horizons (film)

  Townsend, Marv



  Transformers 3 (film)

  Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

  Trumbull Street white anarchists (Trumbullplex)

  Tuskegee Airmen

  Underground Railroad


  Unemployment Institute


  contracts broken

  United Auto Workers (UAW)

  Local 174

  United Public Workers Union

  U.S. Army

  U.S. Congress

  U.S. Marine Corps

  U.S. Supreme Court

  Unity March of 1963

  Upper Chene neighborhood

  Urban explorers (urbexers)

  urban farming

  Urban Homestead Sector

  urban planning

  urban prairie

  Urban Preparatory Academy charter school

  urban renewal


  urban villages

  vacant land. See also urban prairie

  van der Rohe, Mies

  Vanity Fair

  Vaughn, Marvin

  Vergara, Camilo José

  Vermeulen, Corine

  Very Harold & Kumar Chrismas (film)

  Vice magazine

  Vietnam War

  Vita Anonyma (Alberti)

  Von Battle, Joe


  Wagoner, Rick

  Wall Street bailout

  Wall Street Journal

  War of 1812

  Warren (suburb)

  Washington, George

  Watson, JoAnn

  Watts, Steven

  Wayans, Marvin

  Wayne County

  Wayne County Sheriff’s Department

  Wayne State University

  Weiner, Kenneth

  West Bloomfield (suburb)

  west side, defined

  Westside Bible Church

  Wheeler, Lonnie

  White House blog


  election of Young and

  flight of

  hostility to Detroit

  integration of suburbs and

  return of, post-2008

  Whitney Biennial 2012

  Who Killed the Electric Car (film)

  Whole Foods

  Widick, B.J.

  Wieske, Rich

  Will, George

  Willerer, Greg

  Williams, Kevin

  Williamson, Sonny Boy

  Wilson, Jackie

  Wolfe, Bertram

  Wolpert, Ludwig

  Wonder, Stevie

  Wood, Holice

  Wood, John

  Woodward, Augustus

  Woodward Avenue

  King’s Unity March of 1963

  light rail plan

  working class

  job losses and pay cuts

  move to suburbs

  World According to Garp, The (Irving)

  World War II

  Wurlitzer Building

  Yakini, Malik

  Yemeni immigrants

  Yoga for People Who Can’t Be Bothered to Do It (Dyer)

  Young, Coleman

  Young Boys Inc.

  Zimmick, John

  Zone (I-94 Industrial Project)

  Zunz, Olivier

  Also by Mark Binelli

  Sacco and Vanzetti Must Die!


  MARK BINELLI is the author of the novel Sacco and Vanzetti Must Die! and a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and Men’s Journal. Born and raised in the Detroit area, he now lives in New York City.

  Metropolitan Books

  Henry Holt and Company, LLC

  Publishers since 1866

  175 Fifth Avenue

  New York, New York 10010

  Metropolitan Books® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

  Copyright © 2012 by Mark Binelli

  All rights reserved.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data

  Binelli, Mark.

  Detroit City is the place to be: the afterlife of an American metropolis / Mark Binelli.

  p. cm.

  Includes index.

  ISBN 978-0-8050-9229-5 (hardback)

  1. City planning—Michigan—Detroit. 2. Cities and towns—Michigan—Detroit. I. Title.

  HT168.D45B56 2012



  First Edition 2012

  eISBN: 978-1-4299-7461-5




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