trade, international, 316–318, 320–321, 323–25, 326, 327, 337
Transamerica, 334
Transnationalists, 21, 33–34, 39, 161, 355, 365, 384, 387, 401, 424, 428, 514, 637, 643–44
definition of, 18, 313–14, 315
education and, 330–32, 339, 391
global company and, 325–26, 328–330
global culture and, 330–33, 338, 339
global managerial class of, 326–27, 329, 339
Internationalists vs., 18, 313–15, 322, 323, 324–25, 333, 334, 337, 341
John Paul II on, 332–33
material development and, 327, 337–38
Transylvania, 523
Treaty of Rapallo, 237, 238
Tridentine Masses, 84
Trotsky, Leon, 212, 229
Trud, 476
Trudeau, Pierre, 298
Truman, Harry S., 335, 336
TSRF (Self-Realization Fellowship), 303
TTM (Threefold Movements), 302
TU (Temple of Understanding), 298, 303, 304
Tukhachevsky, Mikhail, 543, 554
Turkey, 538
Turkmenia, 442
Turowicz, Jerzy, 109
20th Century-Fox, 329
Tyranowski, Jan, 61
UEW (Union of East and West), 302
UIA (Union of International Associations), 302
Ukraine, 110
Catholics in, 406, 435, 453, 457, 466, 597–98
Christianity’s 1000-year anniversary in, 123–24
Czarist Russia incorporation of, 530
free elections in, 468
nationalist movement in, 272, 367, 435, 442
Soviet incorporation of, 231
Stalin’s atrocities in, 129–30, 163, 234, 406, 598
Ulyanov, Aleksandr, 210
Unfinished Business (Mazur), 343
Union of East and West (UEW), 302
Union of International Associations (UIA), 302
Union Pacific Railroad, 334, 335
Unità, L’, 68
Unitarians, 141, 285, 521
United Nations, 38, 120, 153, 241, 2.56, 341, 362, 364, 366, 434, 477, 555, 567, 651
Economic Commission for Africa, 167–68, 324
Economic Commission for Europe, 324
Economic Commission for Far East and Asia, 324
godlessness of, 401
Gorbachev’s speech at, 29, 394, 399–402, 424–27, 429, 430, 432, 433, 436
IMF and, 318
potential of, 425–26
Third World nationalism inspired by, 152
United State Directorate (OGPU), 218, 231
United States:
birth control funded by, 340
Canada and, 321, 323, 324
children and poverty in, 171
Dominican Republic invasion and, 130
German reunification and, 467, 650
Gorbachev as viewed in, 472, 473, 474, 475
Gorbachev’s visit to, 362–63, 387–388
Greater Europe geopolitically linked with, 34, 457, 474, 482
on independence of Baltic States, 471
John Paul II’s visit to, 598
Lend-Lease program of, 335
Liberation Theology’s hatred of, 261
Mexico and, 324
moral quality of, 152
NATO’s annual cost to, 320, 388
sanctions applied against Poland by, 636
secularism of, 360–62
sense of responsibility in, 477
Soviet containment policy of, 178–180, 183, 188, 190, 199,’241, 428, 429, 433
Soviet debt and, 386
Soviet Union and, 28, 153, 174, 178–80, 183, 188, 190, 199, 241, 242, 254, 255, 336, 362–63, 386, 3.87-88, 428, 429, 433, 478, 648–649, 652
style and goods of, 153, 190–91
trade policies of, 321, 323, 324, 388
underclass in, 171
weapons industry and, 169
world hegemony of, 25, 151–53, 181, 316, 317, 320, 321–22, 323, 352
world’s ills blamed on, 188, 260, 352
in World War II, 240
Universal Religious Alliance (URA), 302
Universal Studios, 329
Upanishads, 331
Upper Volta, 189
URA (Universal Religious Alliance), 302
Urban VI, Pope, 134
U.S.-USSR Trade and Economic Commission (USTEC), 386, 388, 389
Uzbekistan, 442
Vannucci, Pietro (Perugino), 459
Vasken I, Supreme Patriarch of Catholics of All Armenians, 141
Vatican Bank, 111
Vatican Congregations, 142
Vatican Hill, 118, 136
Vatican Secret Service, 452
Vatican Summit, 446–65, 491, 597
gifts exchanged at, 461–62
Gorbachev on, 459, 463
greetings at, 450, 451
issues discussed at, 453
John Paul II on, 459–61
media coverage of, 446–49, 462–63
prelude to, 434–36, 438, 440, 445, 458
private conversation at, 452–53, 457–59
security measures taken at, 450, 452
ultimate concerns of, 448
Vatican II, see Second Vatican Council
Vedanta (Hindu) sign, 302
Venezuela, 166
Verity, William, 386, 389
Versailles Conference and Treaty, 238, 531, 532
Vieira, Joäo Bernardo, 476
Vietnam, 161, 392, 648
Vietnam War, 145, 180, 184, 241, 478
Villot, Jean Cardinal, 602
Virtuous Samaritan, 528
Vision Interfaith Satellite Network (VISN), 296
Vistula River, 400
Vivekenanda, Swami, 300–301, 302
Vranitzky, Franz, 642
Vyshinsky, Andrei Y., 426
WA (World Alliance), 302
WAIFR (World Alliance for International Friendship and Religion), 302
Waigel, Max, 643
Walesa, Lech, 635
Walt Disney, 329
Warner Bros., 329
Warren Commission, 336
Warsaw Pact, 110, 367, 441, 468, 635
Watanbe, Koji, 642
Waterkott, Brigitte, 599
WCC (World Council of Churches), 263, 304–5, 311, 456
WCF (World Congress of Faith), 303, 305
WCIPR (World Conference for International Peace through Religion), 302–3
WCRP (World Conference of Religion for Peace), 303, 305
Weakland, Archbishop Rembert, 65, 77
weapons industry, 169
Wells, H. G., 239
Western Hemisphere, 172–92
arms race and, 179, 180
and China’s invasion of Tibet, 37, 184
Eastern vs., 172–73, 181
East-west moral equivalence and, 173–74, 175, 181–89
financial aid provided by, 173, 180
industry of blame used against 187–88
mutual penetration of Eastern and, 481–82
pawns in balance between Eastern and, 182, 183–87
sexuality of, 190
world conditions and, 189–91
Westphalen, Jenny von, 203, 204
Weymouth, Lally, 466
WFF (World Fellowship of Faiths), 302
WFR (World Fellowship of Religions), 303
“What Is to Be Done?” (Lenin), 213
“Wheel of Fortune,” 153
Wilhelm, Friedrich, 525
Wilhelm, Philip, 525
Willebrands, Jan Cardinal, 612, 615
Wilson, Edmund, 225
Wilson, Woodrow, 372
Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made, The (Isaacson and Thomas), 334
Wise Men of the West, 40, 46, 394, 402, 474
definition of, 34, 161
New World Order sought by, 392, 393, 428, 429, 466
outmoded approach of, 395, 481
political balance
as seen by, 34
Wisniowiec, 528
Wladyslaw, King of Poland, 504
Wladyslaw IV, King of Poland, 507
Wlodkowicz, Pawel, 507
Wodan, 502
Wojtyla, Eduard, 548
Wojtyla, Emilia, 544, 548
Wojtyla, Karol, see John Paul II, Pope
Wojtyla, Karol (senior), 544
Wolski, Wladyslaw, 558
Woods, George D., 336
World Alliance (WA), 302
World Alliance for International Friendship and Religion (WAIFR), 302
World Bank, 167, 170, 335
World Brotherhood, 303
World Conference for International Peace through Religion (WCIPR), 302–3
World Conference for Religion for Peace (WCRP), 303, 305
World Congress of Faith (WCF), 303, 305
World Congress of Humanists, 295
World Congress of Religions, 301
World Council of Churches (WCC), 263, 304–5, 311, 456
World Economic Forum, 642–46, 648, 649
attendees of, 642–43, 644
Gorbachev’s absentee domination of, 644, 645, 646
John Paul II and, 642, 643–44, 654–55
World Faith, 299
World Fellowship of Faiths (WFF), 302
World Fellowship of Religions (WFR), 302
World Peace (WP), 302
World Psychiatric Association, 391
World Spiritual Council (WSC), 303
World War I, 211, 238, 334, 531, 532, 543
World War II, 119
atomic bombing of Japan in, 335
beginning of, 240
concentration camps in, 105, 129, 183, 234, 546, 548, 549
Europe and Japan rebuilt after, 152
Japanese-Americans imprisoned in, 335
McCloy in, 335
Poland in, 183, 516–17, 548–52, 554
Polish officers slaughtered in, 183
Roman Catholic Church-Soviet relations in, 128–29, 137, 234
territorial gains by Soviet Union in, 176, 182, 255, 256
WP (World Peace), 302
Wright, John Cardinal, 303 Writers Guild of America, 329
WSC (World Spiritual Council), 303
Wycliffe, John, 518
Wyszynski, Stefan Cardinal, 106, 552–77
arrest and imprisonment of, 96, 569–77, 592
as Cardinal, 568
critics of, 579–80
death of, 625–26, 634
on enemies of Roman Catholic Church, 592–93
as “Fox of Europe,” 552, 553, 568
on free will, 23, 25, 48
geopolitical strategy of, 20–21, 573–74, 621, 622–23, 632–33
Internationales analysis of, 21, 45, 614
as Interrex, 508, 515–16, 552–77, 578–600
John XXIII and, 583, 590–91
John Paul Il as student of, 20–21, 23, 24, 92–93, 94, 115, 127, 128, 269, 508, 515–16, 553, 556, 563, 578, 582, 598, 603, 640, 642
John Paul II as successor to, 597
at John Paul II’s Obeisance and Adieu, 617–19
John Paul II’s Polish visit and, 94, 99
Pact with Mary invoked by, 571–572, 574–75,’ 577, 585, 654
and papal election of John Paul I, 601–3, 609–10
and papal election of John Paul II, 612–17
papal support for, 582, 583, 584 Paul VI and, 604
Pius XII and, 568, 582, 583
political activity of, 42, 92–93, 269, 270, 271, 456, 553–77, 578–600, 601
political philosophy of, 562, 580
seized writings of, 565
Solidarity and, 595, 624–25
veneration of, 596, 613–14
West Germany visited by, 611
Yalta Agreement, 517, 531, 551, 554
Yang Shangkun, 408, 409
Yellow River, 353–54
Yew, Lee Kuan, 642
YHWH, 520
Yugoslavia, 110, 233, 252, 583
“Z,” 444–45
Zakharov, Mark, 155
Zaleski, Stanislaw, 528
Zambia, 168
Zawadzki, Aleksander, 579, 587
Zebrzydowski, Count Mikolaj, 511
Zeus, 502
Zhivkov, Todor, 191, 440, 441
Zimbabwe Patriotic Front (ZPF), 67
Zoroastroism, 138
Zygmunt II, August, King of Poland, 506, 524
Zyklon-B gas, 239
About the Author
Malachi Martin, eminent theologian, expert on the Catholic Church, former Jesuit and professor at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute, is the author of the national best-sellers Vatican, The Final Conclave, Hostage to the Devil and The Jesuits. He was trained in theology at Louvain. There he received his doctorates in Semitic Languages, Archaeology and Oriental History. He subsequently studied at Oxford and at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From 1958 to 1964 he served in Rome, where he was a close associate of the renowned Jesuit cardinal Augustin Bea and Pope John XXIII. He now lives in New York City.
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