Polynesian Pleasure

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Polynesian Pleasure Page 4

by Victoria Rush

  "Be careful there," Teuila said, noticing the juice dribbling down my neck toward my T-shirt. "Or we'll have to do another load of wash."

  She rubbed her fingers over my chest just above my cleavage then sucked her fingers into her mouth.

  "Anything to get me out of my clothes again near you," I said, feeling my pussy throb from her seductive gesture. "Besides, I can always change into my new native garb," remembering how sexy I felt wearing just a grass skirt and floral lei around my neck.

  "We might be able to get you out of those clothes and cleaned up sooner than you think," Te' said, motioning further up the trail. "There's another waterfall about twenty minutes up the slope, with a secluded swimming hole. It's one of my favorite places to go when I want to be alone."

  "To convene with nature or to find some private play time?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

  "Both. But this time, we won't just have to watch each other."

  "Mmm, yes," I said, feeling my panties moistening with a different kind of juice. "I've been dreaming of touching you ever since I laid eyes on you two days ago."

  "We better get a move on then," Te' said. "Because I'm definitely starting to feel hot under the collar."

  Teuila and I quickly finished eating our pineapple slices, then we continued walking up the trail. As I watched her sexy hips rocking back and forth in her tight native smock, I reflected back to the ceremony last night and her extended family sleeping on the floor of their straw hut.

  "Do you mind my asking," I said. "Whatever happened to your mother? Your grandmother is so sweet and helpful, but with such a large family, how do you and your father manage?"

  "She died many years ago when she stepped on a rusty knife a European traveler had left on the beach and her foot became septic. The infection spread rapidly, and we had no way of saving her. I think this is one of the reasons why my father is so suspicious of Western visitors."

  "I'm so sorry to hear that. Did your father ever remarry? I noticed that most of your siblings are quite a bit younger than you."

  "He never quite recovered emotionally from her loss. But our tribe has a culture of sharing between families, and he's adopted many children whose mothers and fathers died during fishing expeditions and other natural disasters."

  "So your Nona raised you from the time you were young? Where did you learn to speak such good English?"

  "There was a period when my father welcomed the presence of Western visitors. We had a missionary school set up for many years where other children of my age studied many of the same subjects you learn in primary school. But my father became suspicious of their motivation after a period of time and banished them from our island, fearful they were stealing his mana. Ironically, they might have been able to save my mother if he'd allowed them to stay."

  "It's a difficult proposition," I nodded, "melding two disparate cultures. Many other native people around the world have rejected Western help for the same reasons. It's never easy for men to relinquish the reins of power, no matter how much his subjects may welcome the change."

  "My father can be a stubborn man," Te' said. "But his heart's in the right place. Even though our tribespeople defer to him, our culture of aropa dictates that all of our natural spoils be shared equally by the community. He's never tried to hoard resources or oppress our people in any direct way."

  "What about this cargo ship that visits the island from time to time?" I said, reflecting back on his order that I leave the island as soon as practicable. "Why does he still permit the occasional outside intrusion?"

  "We only exchange goods when the ship comes around," Teuila explained. "The markets in Honiara on the Solomon Islands are willing to pay a high price for the shark fins we harvest. We barter their equivalent value for things like nylon fishing line, cloth sails, and nets for catching fish in the lagoon."

  "Shark fins?" I said, cringing at the thought of sharks flapping helplessly in the sea without their essential means of navigation.

  "Don't worry," Te' said. "We use every part of the fish we catch. Shark flesh is considered a delicacy in our tribe. We even use their teeth as cutting blades."

  "Nothing goes to waste," I nodded, breathing a sigh of relief.

  After another twenty more minutes of hiking, I began to hear the sound of a cataract in the distance, and before long we came upon a break in the forest with a small waterfall cascading into a shallow pool.

  "Do you feel like cooling off?" Teuila said, smiling toward me.

  "Do I ever," I said, practically tearing my clothes off.

  As I watched Te' step out of her one-piece tunic, I studied her body carefully. I hadn't seen her fully naked since the last time we were near a waterfall, and I could feel my nipples hardening as I ran my eyes all over her athletic figure. Her breasts sat up firm and high on her chest, and her dark teats stood out prominently on her caramel-colored skin. As she wiggled out of her tight dress, I couldn't help staring at the triangle-shaped patch of dark pubic hair nestled between her exquisitely carved hips.

  "You look like you've never seen a naked woman before," Te' laughed, noticing me soaking up her body.

  "Just not one so naturally pretty," I said.

  "Come on," she said, standing on the edge of an abutment overlooking the aquamarine pool. "How do you Americans say it? Last one in is a rotten egg!"

  Teuila placed her arms over her head then executed a perfectly clean dive into the murky water. Before she could surface, I chickened out and jumped off the cliff, placing my hands between my legs to protect the slap of water against my private parts. When we both surfaced, we splashed and squirted water towards each other's faces, giggling like little girls. I swam toward her and wrapped my arms around her back, pressing our chests together as our mouths joined in blissful union. As we kicked our legs together under the surface to stay afloat, our hips bumped together and I could feel her bush rubbing against my bare mound. The more passionate our kiss became, the harder it became for the two of us to stay above the water.

  "Come," Teuila smiled, motioning toward the waterfall. "Let's go somewhere more comfortable. I bet you've never experienced a true Anutian shower before."

  We swam to the base of the waterfall, then climbed up over the slippery rocks and ducked our heads under the chute. As we pressed our bodies together under the torrent, I leaned down and sucked Te's nipples into my mouth. She placed her hands behind my head and pulled me closer, purring under the falling water. I slowly kissed my way back up her chest and thrust my tongue deep into her mouth, kissing her passionately.

  As our tongues danced in each other's mouths, we ran our hands over each other's bodies. I reached behind Te's back and cupped her firm buttocks in my palms, and she pressed her mound tightly against mine. I pulled away just far enough to slip my hand between the front of her thighs and began to stroke her slippery lips, pressing my fingers gently inside her. She spread her legs further apart and I drew my hand over her soft bush, pinching her clit softly between my two fingers.

  As Teuila began moaning in my mouth, I rubbed my fingers in gentle circles around her nub. It only took a few moments before her hips to begin shaking as she gasped into my ear. I held her tightly against me, rubbing our nipples together, as she experienced her first orgasm at the hand of another woman.


  Teuila and I made love on the grassy knoll overlooking the waterfall then slept under the late afternoon sun to dry off. By the time we woke up, it was already starting to get dark and we headed back to the village, walking hand-in-hand along a moonlit beach. It felt sublime to take my shoes off and feel the warm seawater lapping at our feet as we talked about our past experiences and future plans. But as we neared her village, Te' suddenly became quiet.

  "Is everything alright?" I asked, fearing she was having second thoughts about our making love. "Are you angry with me for taking advantage of you at the waterfall?"

  "No, Jade," she said, smiling warmly into my eyes. "It was beautiful. I'm so glad you were
my first. I can't imagine a more tender and giving lover."

  "You seem a little pensive. Was there something on your mind?"

  "It's just—", Te' paused, as she looked out over the moonlight reflecting off the ocean. "I know you'll be leaving soon. I've grown fond of you in the short time we've been together. I can't imagine being alone on this island without you."

  I paused and ran my hand softly through her hair.

  "As you said earlier, you're hardly alone here. You've got a loving family and the support of your entire community. I've rarely seen the kind of mutual love and generosity practiced by your tribe. Your tradition of aropa is a rare and wonderful thing."

  "It's true that we all get along and share everything communally," Teuila said. "But what you and I have is something personal and special. I've never felt this way with someone else before. You make my heart dance."

  I placed my arms around Te's shoulders and held her gently as I watched the surf crash softly against the shore. I was surprised by how close I'd grown to her in the three days we'd been together. But I worried that her feelings were being influenced by her youth and inexperience. I remembered what it felt like to fall in love the first time and how fragile our relationship was as my high school sweetheart and I took our first steps into the adult world.

  "Oh Te'," I said, cradling her face in my hands. "I feel the same way about you. But we have to be careful about letting our emotions get carried away. We have such a short time together. I think we should just live in the moment and enjoy this while it lasts."

  Teuila looked at me with a pained expression as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  "Why can't you take me with you?" she pleaded. "The missionaries have taught me so much about the outside world. I think it would be so exciting to live with you in America."

  I paused for a long moment as my eyes traced back and forth across her pretty face. She'd broached a subject both of us had fantasized about, but up until now neither of us had had the courage to express.

  "How would that work?" I said. "America is thousands of miles away, both geographically and culturally. It would be a huge adjustment for you. And besides—I'm not sure your father would allow it. You're his only natural child, and you've already told me how suspicious he is of Western people."

  Even though I was trying to talk her out of the crazy idea, I was already thinking about how I might arrange her landed immigrant status. The island of Anuta had no sovereign status as an independent nation and there were no embassies or consulates to help prepare the necessary paperwork. How could I even prove that she'd reached the age of majority?

  "I'm a grown woman!" Teuila shouted. "I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Some of the young men from our island have traveled aboard the cargo ship in the past to pick up provisions in Honiara. My father can't stop me if I want to explore the world. And there's no one I'd rather do it with than you."

  I pulled her close to me and held her tightly, feeling her heart beating against mine. It was an audacious idea, but not an insurmountable one. Surely there must be a protocol in place for allowing people from unrecognized jurisdictions into the United States. Even if I had to marry her—"

  I pulled myself back and placed my hands on Te's shoulders. I couldn't believe I was thinking the unthinkable.

  "Let's sleep on this tonight and talk about it in the morning, okay? This is all happening so fast. I don't want you to do something you'll regret later. We've still got a couple of weeks to explore our feelings for one another and talk to your father to test his receptivity to this idea."

  I glanced over in the direction of the village and noticed a billow of white smoke rising into the night sky.

  "Let's head back to your hut. He's probably worried about you. Like you said, we shouldn't test his patience too quickly."

  "Yes," Te' sighed. "He's probably thinking about sending out a search party if we don't return soon." She clasped my arms firmly, furrowing her brow. "Promise me that you'll think about this. I want to be with you forever."

  I looked into her limpid brown eyes and smiled.

  "I promise," I nodded.

  As we continued strolling through the foamy surf, I suddenly felt my own heartbeat pounding strongly in my chest.

  Forever's a long time, I thought.

  * * *

  When we returned to Te's village, everyone was already lying asleep on the floor of her hut. Her father was reclining in a rocking chair on the front veranda with his eyes closed, snoring loudly. We crept up the front stairs and passed by him as he snorted, then we took off our clothes and pulled a taro blanket over us, reclining in the far corner next to some of the young children. We tried to sleep, but we were both still too excited about what had happened at the waterfall and about our discussion on the beach.

  Te' rolled over on her side and pressed her hips against mine, and we mashed our mounds together, sighing quietly in each other's mouths. It was difficult to remain quiet with the sound of our moving bodies on the crunchy mats underneath us, but once our clits joined together, we couldn't stop tribbing one another until we both reached a powerful climax together. Five minutes later, Te's father rose from his chair on the porch and paused in the doorway for a long time, watching the two of us lying peacefully next to one another. When he finally lay down on the other side of the cabin and began snoring, we giggled under the covers and fell asleep in each other's arms.

  We woke up to the sound of Te's siblings chattering on the front porch and got dressed, finding Nona preparing breakfast. The chief was nowhere to be found, but a few minutes later I noticed him talking privately at the far end of the courtyard with the young man who'd shown such an intense interest in Te' at the feast two nights ago. When her father approached the hut, he looked at Te' with a serious expression and motioned with his head for her to join him in the courtyard.

  I watched the two of them walk down the sandy esplanade together, then Teuila suddenly stopped as she confronted her father with a raised voice. I heard the chief mention something about Manaia, and Te' shook her head violently, gesturing wildly with her hands. Shortly after, she stomped up the path and grabbed my hand, leading me into the woods.

  "What is it, Te'?" I asked. "Was your father angry that we returned so late last night?"

  "Worse," she said as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Much worse. He heard us making love last night and disapproves of how close we've become. He intends to marry me to Manaia in a ceremony tomorrow night."


  That night, neither one of us slept well. I kept replaying the image of Teuila being violated by her groom as she fought to resist his advances. I could feel her tossing and turning next to me, and whenever she cried out or whimpered in her sleep, I cradled her gently in my arms. My mind raced with crazy ideas of stealing one of the tribe's canoes and sailing to safety to the nearest neighboring island. But I no idea in which direction that might be, and neither Teuila nor I had any way of navigating our way through the open seas. Even if the charter boat crew returned for me, it wouldn't be easy to kidnap the chief's daughter from the clutches of her heavily armed tribe. After running every possible scenario through my head, I eventually fell asleep resigned to the idea that my precious island girl would soon be wrenched away from me.

  In the morning, Nona began preparing a special meal for the evening's ceremony while some of Te's sisters braided her hair under the watchful eye of her father. We were both under virtual house arrest, with the chief posting an armed guard outside the front door of their hut. He wasn't taking any chances that the two of us might steal away again before his daughter was betrothed to Manaia. Te' put on a brave face as her sisters talked excitedly with her, but she kept glancing toward me with sad eyes. Fortunately, we were the only ones in her family who spoke English, so at least we were able to carry on a limited discussion.

  "You look beautiful," I said, peering at her pretty face with her hair pulled back behind her head. "I like you in braids."

  "The gir
ls have lots of practice," Te' frowned. "With all the mats and baskets they've woven, they could probably do this with their eyes closed." She looked at her grandmother scraping some manioc shavings into a large wooden bowl. "That and cooking is pretty much all we women do around here."

  I glanced at Teuila's father, who was sitting cross-legged on the other side of the hut, watching us with a stern expression.

  "What about raising a family?" I said. "Isn't that something you're looking forward to? You and your sisters seem to have a close relationship."

  "Jade," Te' said, shaking her head slowly. "I know you're trying to make me feel better, but it's no use. You're the only one I want. There's nothing else in the world that I need as long as I'm with you."

  I tightened my lips, trying to hold back my emotions.

  "It won't be so bad," I said. "Lots of marriages are arranged. Over time, I'm sure you'll grow to love your new husband. After I'm gone, you'll soon forget about me—"

  "I could never forget you," she said, her eyes flaring. "And I'll never love that brute. As long as we're apart, I'll never be happy."

  "Te'," I said, glancing in her father's direction. "We have to accept the reality of the situation. It's out of our hands now. You'll soon be married, we'll be separated from each other, and I'll be banished from the island. It's best that you get on with your life..."

  "I've been thinking," she said. "There might be another way. All we have to do is find a way to get the two of us away from the clutches of my father for a few moments. Then we can slip into the forest and hide away until one of the boats comes to pick you up."

  I glanced at the two burly men standing opposite the front steps of their hut holding sharp spears in their hands.

  "How could we do that? Your father doesn't seem to want either one of us out of his sight, much less both of us at the same time."

  "It shouldn't be too difficult to stretch your legs for a moment. It's me that he's primarily worried about. He knows you couldn't fend for yourself very long if you ran away. He'd probably be happy if something were to happen to you, so I'd stop pining for you. We just need to find a way to get you out of the hut. Then all I'd need to do is create a distraction and slip away. I know this island better than anyone. There are lots of places where we could hide out for a few weeks."


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