Van, Becca - Leah's Irish Heroes [Slick Rock 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Van, Becca - Leah's Irish Heroes [Slick Rock 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Becca Van

  Seamus reached her first and kissed her on the head as he gave her a hug.

  “Hey, darlin’. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine,” Leah said and hugged Seamus back.

  He released her, and Connell took his place.

  “Hi, baby. I love you,” Connell said, giving her a hug and kissing her head.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Well, Leah. It’s good to see you looking so perky. By the time you’ve showered and dressed, the paperwork for your release should be done and you can get out of here,” Dr. Plante stated from just inside the door. “You two are looking much better as well.”

  “Thanks for all your help, doctor,” Connell said and offered his hand.

  Leah watched as her men thanked the doctor who had saved her life, and then the doctor left them alone.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, baby, and get on home,” Connell said.

  “I don’t think you’re supposed to be helping me in the shower,” Leah said and felt her cheeks heat with a blush.

  “I’m not leaving you alone in there by yourself, baby. You could slip and hurt yourself. Come on, I’ll help you. Seamus and I bought you some new clothes to go home in,” Connell said and helped her to stand.

  When Leah wavered on her feet, Connell scooped her up into his arms and carried her through to the bathroom. He placed her on the shower chair and stepped over to the faucets and handheld showerhead. He turned the head so when he turned the taps on, the water sprayed against the tile wall. He came back to her and helped her remove her hospital gown. He wouldn’t let her do a thing. He washed her from top to bottom and all the way in between. He even washed her hair. Leah sat and enjoyed the way his fingers gently massaged her scalp and couldn’t help but moan at the sensation.

  “There’ll be none of that, baby. Not until you get the all clear from Doc back in Slick Rock,” Connell said and rinsed the suds from her hair.

  Once done, he wrapped her in a large towel and began to dry her hair with another. He scooped her up and carried her out to the room. She was thankful Seamus had closed the door, because she could feel her ass hanging out from the towel. Connell carried her over to the bed and gently sat her on the side. He and Seamus closed the curtains around the bed and began to help her dress.

  “I can do all this myself, you know,” Leah said.

  “We know you can, darlin’. We just need to feel useful. And the doctor said you weren’t to do too much, ’cos you were going to feel tired for a while to come,” Seamus answered.

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean you have to carry me or do everything for me. How am I going to get my strength back if you won’t let me do anything?”

  “We will eventually, baby. We just…I can still see you lying on that bed so pale, Leah. You nearly died for fuck’s sake. We need to do this for you. Okay? Just have a little patience for a couple of days,” Connell said as he buttoned her shirt.

  “Okay. I’ll try, but you can’t keep mollycoddling me forever. You’ll end up pissing me off,” Leah replied.

  “I’d rather have you pissed at me than having you relapse because you did too much.” Connell growled.

  Leah sighed. She knew they were going to drive her crazy, and she was going to let them. For a couple of days, anyway.

  “Did you bring a brush or a comb?” Leah asked as she tried to finger comb her hair.

  She watched Seamus reach into the large plastic bag he’d taken the clothes from and produced a hairbrush. She reached for it, only to have it snatched away.

  “That’s my job, darlin’. Just sit back and enjoy,” Seamus said and crawled onto the bed behind her. He brushed her hair thoroughly and was so gentle she hardly felt the bristles sliding over her scalp. When he was done, Seamus produced a toothbrush and toothpaste. She snatched them from his hand and slid off the bed. She’d been using small disposable brushes and the worst-tasting toothpaste she’d ever encountered. She was going to scrub her mouth until her teeth shone and her tongue stung. She was in the bathroom before either of her men could stop her.

  “I’m going to tan your ass for that move, baby. You should have let me carry you into the bathroom. I saw you wobbling on your feet. You have to take it slowly, Leah. Don’t be in too much of a rush to be independent before you feel up to it. When Doc gives you the all clear I’m going to turn those lush, fleshy globes pink,” Connell said as he moved up behind her.

  “In your dreams, pal,” Leah said but knew Connell hadn’t understood a word she’d said since she had a mouthful of toothbrush and toothpaste. She gave him the raised eyebrow though, because he gave a sexy wink and smile.

  Leah was ready to head out when one of the nurses entered the room.

  “Your paperwork is all done. You’re free to leave.”

  “Thank God. Oh, sorry. Thanks so much for taking such good care of me,” Leah said with a wry smile.

  The nurse laughed at her and replied, “No problem, Leah. I don’t want to see you back here again.”

  “No offense, but I don’t want to see me back here either,” Leah answered.

  The nurse leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Your men are drop-dead gorgeous.” Leah felt her cheeks heat and her heart fill with love and pride for them. She agreed with the nurse. She was one lucky lady.

  Leah said good-bye to the nurse and sat in the wheelchair just outside the door with a grimace. She couldn’t understand hospital policy of wheeling all patients off the premises, but she knew if she tried to walk, one of her men would pick her up and carry her. As much as she loved being in their arms, she didn’t want to make a spectacle of herself, so she sat quietly and let them wheel her out. She breathed in the fresh air and closed her eyes as the cool autumn breeze enveloped her. She could smell sage and ozone and knew it was going to rain soon. She was so glad to be free of the antiseptic smell of the hospital.

  “Wait here, darlin’. I’ll go get the truck,” Seamus said, leaned down, and kissed her on the lips then took off.

  “Where did he think I was going to go?” Leah asked.

  “Nowhere, baby. He’s just taking care of you. Here he is. Let’s get you settled. Do you want to ride in the front or the back, baby?” Connell asked.

  “In the front with you and Seamus,” Leah answered. “I’ve missed you both so much.”

  “The front it is,” Connell replied and scooped her up into his arms. The feel of his muscles rippling had her pussy weeping onto her new panties.

  Connell eased her into the truck beside Seamus and buckled her in. He got in beside her, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and pulled her against his side.

  “You all set, darlin’?” Seamus asked.

  “Yeah, let’s go home,” Leah replied and snuggled up to Connell.

  She was finally going home, where she belonged.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Leah, are you ready?” Connell’s voice called down the hallway.

  They were driving Leah insane. Connell and Seamus hadn’t left her side since they had brought her home from the hospital. It had been five long days, but it felt more like ten. They wouldn’t let her lift a finger. She had tried to sneak, lie, and cheat her way into being able to do something other than rest, but they always caught her. They had hired another two ranch hands to take over their work and tried to keep her entertained, but she was sick and tired of being treated like a child. They wouldn’t even let her make a cup of coffee without giving her the third degree. She was wound so tight she felt like she was going to explode. Something had to give, and she didn’t want it to be her. She had been so patient with them, but enough was enough. She was about ready to leave for her appointment with Doc and knew, once she had the all clear, she was taking a stand.

  “Yes, I’m coming,” Leah replied. She took one last look in the mirror on her dresser, grabbed her purse, and headed to the kitchen-dining room where her men were waiting for her.

  Connell and Seamus turned toward her as she entered the room. T
hey were so fucking hot just the sight of them had her creaming her panties. She took a deep breath and headed for the back door.

  “Come on, let’s get this done,” Leah said. She followed them out and was in the truck before she’d had a chance to reach the last step. Connell had done it again. He’d literally picked her up and put her in the truck. He got in beside her as Seamus got into the driver’s seat. Leah ground her teeth together in frustration, but kept her mouth closed. The last thing she wanted to do was start an argument in the close confines of the truck.

  “Are you okay, darlin’?” Seamus asked as he moved the gear stick and began to drive.

  “I’m fine,” Leah replied testily.

  “What’s with the attitude, baby?” Connell asked from her other side.

  “I don’t have any attitude,” Leah replied coolly.

  “Now, that’s just a lie. You’ve been snapping and snarly at us for the last couple of days,” Connell replied.

  “Just leave it, Connell. Now is not the time or the place,” Leah snapped.

  “You’re just begging for a spanking, baby,” Connell said and ran a finger down her cheek.

  “Connell, leave off, all right? I’m not in the mood to deal with you right now.”

  Connell gave her that look, the one where he raised his eyebrow, which told her she was pushing him to his limit. Leah didn’t care. She was way beyond her own limit. She was so mad at them right now she wanted to scream and rage, but she knew she’d just be wasting her breath. Instead she stared out the front windscreen of the truck, counting in her head as she tried to control her anger. She took another few deep breaths and let them out slowly. She felt her tight muscles loosen slightly, giving her a little reprieve from the restless energy permeating her body.

  By the time Seamus pulled the truck into the parking lot of Doc’s office, she was more in control of her simmering temper. Connell helped her out of the truck, and she turned away from him without thanking him. She just wanted to get the all clear from Doc and move on with her life.

  Leah was thankful Doc’s office was empty, and she was able to go straight into his rooms. She sat patiently waiting for the elderly man to give her the once-over, finally pronouncing her fit and healthy. Then the questions started. Leah was so embarrassed by the intimate questions Connell and Seamus asked Doc, and she felt her cheeks flame. The heat in her cheeks was so hot she wondered if she was going to blow a gasket. By the time they left Doc’s office and headed back home, Leah was a seething mass of rage. She sat between Seamus and Connell, breathing heavily as she stared out the front window. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get her anger under control. She counted to one hundred very slowly, but that only seemed to make her madder. She couldn’t take any more. She was ready to bust.

  Seamus pulled up next to the rear steps of the veranda and Connell got out. He reached for her, but Leah slapped his hands away. She slid from the truck, slammed the door behind her, and stomped up the steps and into the house. She went to the coffeepot and set it up to make a fresh pot. She slammed cupboards and drawers as she worked. Large hands on her waist had her spinning around, and she pushed against Connell’s chest with all her might. It pissed her off even more when he only took a step back, and she knew he had done that and it hadn’t been from her effort to push him away.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Leah? You’ve been snapping and snarling around here for the last few days and I’ve just about had all I can take,” Connell stated in a steely voice.

  “You’ve had enough?” Leah replied coldly to Connell. “I have had it up to here with you and Seamus doing everything for me. I am not a fucking piece of fragile glass. I can’t even make a coffee without getting the third degree. I have just had the all clear from the doctor, so you and your brother can just go back to your ranch work and leave me the hell alone.

  “Do you know how embarrassed I was with you and your brother asking so many intimate questions about me, as if I wasn’t there? God, you make me so mad I could scream.”

  “You are screaming, darlin’,” Seamus said from behind Connell.

  “Don’t you start. I’ve had it with you two. If I want a glass of water, it’s in my hand before I can even get up to get it. You have given me everything I’ve needed without question but you’re driving me crazy. It has to stop and it’s stopping right now,” Leah stated.

  “I agree, baby. It’s stopping right now.” Connell growled in his deep, lyrical voice.

  Leah looked up to Connell and knew she probably looked like an idiot with her mouth hanging open, but he had surprised the shit out of her when he had agreed with her. Connell moved a step toward her, then another, and another until he had her crowded against the countertop. He placed his arms on either side of her, leaning on his hands, effectively caging her in. He looked down into her eyes, and she bit her lip to hold in the moan bubbling up in her chest.


  “I said, we’re not going to be treating you like fragile glass anymore, baby. We were just waiting for Doc’s all clear before we backed off. Now that he has pronounced you fit and healthy, you’re in big trouble,” Connell said.

  Leah gasped when Connell leaned down, slanting his mouth over hers. He devoured her like a man dying of thirst. He gave no quarter. He used his soft yet firm lips to pry hers apart and swept his tongue into the recess of her mouth. He thrust and retreated, parried and conquered her tongue with his, until she was a big pool of liquid desire. She felt her legs shaking and knew she was in danger of her knees buckling. She reached up and wrapped her arms around Connell’s neck. She clung to him, lost in a world of desire.

  He withdrew his mouth from hers, and she was pleased to note she wasn’t the only one breathing heavily. His eyes were glittering down at her, and she should have gone up in flames from the heat she could see there. He moved back, easing his hands from around her waist, and moved off to the side to give his brother access to her.

  Leah turned her head and saw the same heated look on Seamus’s face as was on Connell’s. Seamus picked her up into his arms and slammed his mouth down over hers. Her world spun literally as well as figuratively as Seamus ravished her mouth and carried her from the room.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Seamus carried Leah down the hall to their bedroom. He placed her on the mattress, but instead of letting her go, he followed her down and covered her with his body. He had been waiting for this day for over two weeks, and he was so horny he was shaking with it. He knew Connell was in the same predicament as he was, and if he had to guess at the cause of Leah’s bitching over the last few days, she was suffering from sexual frustration as well. Now that Doc had given Leah the all clear, there were no holds barred.

  Seamus groaned as Leah slid and twirled her tongue around his. He had missed this with her, missed the intimate connection of the body and soul he felt when he was having sex with the woman he loved more than his own life. He weaned his mouth from hers and moved off to the side. He reached for the buttons on her shirt and began to undo them. He saw Connell crawl onto the bed at the bottom and reach for the waistband of her jeans. Between his and Connell’s ministrations they had Leah naked within moments. The sight of her luscious curves and warm, creamy skin made his cock jerk in his pants. Her dusky, rosy nipples were hard and pointing toward the ceiling. He leaned over her and took the nipple closest to him into his mouth and suckled on her. He took her other nipple between his finger and thumb and began to pluck at the turgid peak. He opened his eyes and looked down to see his brother licking at Leah’s pussy. Judging by the slurping sounds he was making, Leah was creaming copious amounts of juices.

  * * * *

  Connell couldn’t get enough of Leah’s cream. He lapped at her cunt and stabbed his tongue into her pussy hole. He rubbed her clit with the tip of his finger and slurped up all of her juices. He swallowed down as much of her cum as he could and worked her sweet little pussy for more. He was so turned on by the feel of her beneath his hands a
nd mouth, the sweet, musky smell of her cunt, and the taste of her on his tongue that his cock was jumping in his pants and he was shaking. He wanted to give his woman at least one orgasm before he buried his cock into her depths, but he didn’t know if he could hold off that long.

  The sounds emitting from Leah’s mouth were driving him wild, and the way she bucked and twisted beneath him was only making it harder for him to hold back. He removed his finger from her clit and slid his tongue up between her wet folds. He licked over her clit with the tip of his tongue and thrust two fingers into her tight, wet sheath. He twisted his fingers around in her body until his palm was faceup, and he began to pump his fingers in and out of her until she was pushing her hips up into his mouth. He caged her clit between his teeth and flicked the little nub with his tongue over and over again. He slid his fingers in and out of her twat, making sure to slide the pads over the rough, spongy place inside her. He chuckled against her clit with male pride and satisfaction when he felt her walls closing in on his fingers until she was gripping his digits as tight as a fist.

  He could hear her keening in the back of her throat and knew she was about to go over the edge and reach nirvana. He hooked his fingers inside her and gave a gentle but firm tug, and she screamed. The sound of Leah screaming his and Seamus’s names had him nearly coming in his pants as she covered his hand with her liquid release. He enhanced her pleasure by rubbing inside her until the last quiver of her internal muscles faded away. He withdrew his hand, licked his fingers clean, rose from the bed, and shucked his clothes. He was between her splayed thighs again before she had her breath back.


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