Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 7

by Paige Cameron

  * * * *

  Chad glanced at her body. He’d never tire of seeing her naked. Curves flowed into smooth lines and more curves. Her deep, dark-red hair glowed against her creamy skin and her rosy nipples stood out straight and proud. Unable to resist, he bent over her. His tongue swirled around the peaked nipples. Her body jerked with reaction, and she let out a soft sigh.

  “No fair. I’m out of breath.”

  “I should know better than to pick an older woman. No stamina.”

  Fire blazed in her eyes. He chuckled.

  “I’ll have you know I can hold my own with the twenty-year-old women I play tennis with, and they’re wiped out after one game.”

  “Then show me,” he dared her and lay back. She’d take his suggestion. She couldn’t resist.

  Amy crawled over his body and got a condom from the drawer. Then she placed it nearby. “Now, where do I start?”

  Straddling his legs, she moved forward and ran her tongue across his lips. Then she bit the edge of his jaw and nibbled on his lower lip. Amy started at his face and dropped light kisses from there to his neck and down to his chest.

  Chad’s heated blood raced in his veins. His heartbeat quickened. At his chest, she ran her fingers through his chest hair and across his hard nipples. Amy watched his eyes closely and although he tried to hide her effect on him, he saw from her reaction that she’d spotted the desire deep in his eyes. She continued her kisses downward to his abdomen, around his cock and along the inside of his thigh.

  A shudder went through him when she placed her hand around his sac. She smiled and asked, “What else do you like?”

  “You are doing fine without instructions,” he hissed out between clenched teeth.

  Amy got off the bed and went to the bathroom. When she returned, she had a wet washcloth in her hand. She wrapped the warm, soft cloth around his cock and rubbed it up-and-down. The sensation sent his hunger for her spiking up his spine.

  Then she removed the cloth and put her cool mouth over his dick. His body arched with ecstasy.

  Her hand clasped his sac and she moved her mouth back and forth over his length. Chad gripped her hips. “Stop.”


  “I can’t hold off much longer. I want to be in your pussy when I come.”

  She reached for the condom and rolled it slowly along his dick. His temperature rose. Then she raised her body and began to take him inside her pussy walls. Simmering lust swirled in his veins. He held onto her hips as she moved up and down on his hard shaft.

  Amy leaned back and clenched his cock tight. Chad held still while her pussy rippled in delight around him. Then he let out a deep breath and the strongest orgasm he’d ever had shook him inside and out.

  When she curled her soft body against his and nuzzled his neck, his love for her grew stronger. He didn’t want to think about her leaving. He closed his eyes, determined to enjoy the moment.

  Chapter Eight

  Tor watched out the window as the plane landed at the small Triple Dare County airport. They’d decided Kel and Chad wouldn’t meet him in Minneapolis. It was best Chad be with Amy and Kel was keeping a lookout for strangers in town.

  He saw Amy and Chad standing at the edge of the tarmac. In the darkening sky it was difficult to read either of their expressions. He was anxious to find out if she still had the same effect on him. She’d been in his dreams every night since she’d left, and he wasn’t a man to dream about a woman. It was disconcerting.

  Once the plane stopped, Tor got his overhead baggage and went to the door. “Thanks for flying me from Minneapolis, Gray. I’m glad I caught you on your way home from the office. It must keep you busy going back and forth.”

  “I’ve cut my practice down, so I don’t have to fly to town as much. I see you have company waiting. She’s pretty. Are you and Chad thinking of settling down?”

  “We’ve talked of making changes, but she’s hiding from a serial killer I’m trying to find.”

  “Ah, so no romance.”

  Tor shrugged his shoulders, but didn’t give a direct answer. Gray opened the door and the steps were rolled to the entrance. He led the way down and Tor followed.

  Chad walked across the tarmac. “Welcome. We’re glad to see you.”

  “You may be, but is she?” Tor looked past him to where Amy stood waiting. “Have you made progress with her?”

  “I love her.”

  “That’s fast.”

  “Sometimes it happens quickly. She wants to be a career woman. If you feel the same as me, we’re going to have a tough job convincing her to move here and marry us.”

  “I don’t know. I talk about settling down, but I’m not sure.”

  “You’ve made one lousy experience color all your thinking regarding women.”

  “Most of my buddies at the police station would agree with me. The divorce rate is higher than for most professions.”

  They’d walked toward her, so Chad didn’t comment.


  Her soft voice flowed across his skin like a warm caress.

  “How are you doing?” Tor asked.

  “I’m managing. Chad has been a big help in keeping me calm when I feel overwhelmed.” She touched Chad’s arm and smiled at him.

  Tor wanted to move close to her side and have her look at him in the same way. Following his instincts, he put down his suitcase and pulled her into his arms. He lifted her off her feet and swung her around. Then he kissed her when he set her feet on the ground.

  He smiled across at Chad. “Now that is a welcome.”

  Amy shoved him away. A frown wrinkled her lovely forehead. “Don’t think you can come here and assume I’ll welcome your advances.”

  “Sorry. I’ll remember to ask first next time, but seeing your lovely face made me forget my manners.”

  Amy turned to go to the car and mumbled, “What manners.”

  Tor chuckled, and he saw her back stiffen. It was so much fun teasing her.

  When they got in the car, Tor motioned for her to move over so he could join them in the front seat. She jerked her chin up in defiance.

  “It’ll be crowded. You can ride in back or I will.”

  He reached in and lifted her to the center and got in before she could move. “There’s plenty of room. You aren’t that big.”

  “Big! You two are the big ones.” She stared straight ahead as Chad chuckled under his breath and headed home.

  Tor fought admitting how much he liked her. When he’d touched her he got the same reaction as before. He’d wanted to see and had half-hoped he’d imagined the sizzle between them. He hadn’t. He breathed in her scent each time he took a breath. The lavender was a sweet smell and the vanilla comforting. What the hell was the matter with him? Next, he’d be spouting poetry.

  “Do you have any news about the hunt?” Chad asked.

  “No. The guy cleaned up and left no prints again. But”—he glanced at Amy—“the paper you sent to the lab had a partial fingerprint. Apparently this guy hasn’t been in trouble before. We didn’t get a match.”

  “What did the grandparents say about him?” Amy asked.

  “They said he was a good kid, smart, high achiever in school, but he started to change after his dad went to jail. He and his mom argued about his visiting. She stood her ground. But when he turned eighteen, he visited his dad several times.

  “The grandparents and his mother noticed a change. He got quiet, sullen at times, kept to himself in his room.”

  “I remember his father as an attractive man and definitely a con artist. We worried when he took the stand himself that he’d convinced the jurors he was being framed. He almost convinced me.”

  “Did the jury stay out long?” Tor studied her side profile. She wouldn’t look directly at him.

  “Yes. They took four days. It was close, but they found him guilty. The shock on his face made me grin. He’d been so sure of himself. He caught my smile, and if he’d been able to get to me I think he
’d have strangled me. I realized he wasn’t just a con artist, but an evil man.”

  “Makes you almost feel sorry for the son,” Chad said. “If he was that good he probably filled the boy’s head with evil lies about the people who put him in jail.”

  “Hell, I don’t feel sorry for him. I can’t wait to see him behind bars.”

  Amy turned her head and looked at Tor. “I understand how you feel.”

  Tor was surprised she hadn’t totally supported what Chad said. He’d been used to women telling him he was hard-hearted.

  She pulled him to her like a magnet. His cock got hard the minute he touched her. He wanted to run his hands over her smooth skin. Dangerous and compelling and she’d smashed right through his defenses.

  When he saw the ranch, he took a relieved breath. Soon, he’d put distance between her and him, at least for a little while.

  Amy jumped out of the truck and hurried inside. Chad and Tor watched her.

  “She’s running from us. Apparently, she likes us both and it scares her.” Chad motioned for Tor to go inside.

  Tor took his suitcase and they walked in. “I like your place.” He glanced around. “Sure beats a small apartment with a view of the building next door.”

  “My cook came in today and cooked a number of meals for us. I’ve frozen most of them. But the beef stew is in the fridge. I’ll put it on to warm while you unpack.” He walked Tor down the hall past his room. “This will be your room.”

  “I like it. It’s not too feminine. You should have seen Amy’s apartment. I was afraid to sit on the furniture.”

  “My mother did a good job of making the house comfortable for dad and me, and for her. Some of the rooms are similar to how you described Amy’s, but the main ones work for all of us.”

  “I remember you telling me about your folks on those long nights when we watched for the enemy in the darkness.”

  “Do you have still have nightmares?” Chad asked.

  “Not so much anymore.”

  “It’s the same for me. Kel will probably drive by sometime in the morning.”

  “It’ll be good to see him. I was surprised when he called, and then showed up at my office in Pittsburgh. He invited me out for a visit then, and after talking with you I began considering a change in my life.”

  “But can you give up all the excitement?”

  “No problem. I’m ready for a nice, easy job, where killers seldom come to town.”

  “I’m going to put the stew on.”

  Tor unpacked and looked out at the land from his windows. It was quiet and lots of space spread out in front of him. Night had fallen, so he didn’t have a good view, but enough to see the spaciousness and the stars.

  When he left his room, Tor hesitated. Instead of going to the kitchen, he wandered down the hall. At the end he found a closed door. It must be Amy’s room. He knocked. She didn’t answer. He cracked the door and called out her name.


  “May I come in?”

  “Will you behave?”

  “I’ll use those manners you said I don’t have.” He heard a soft chuckle.

  “In that case, you can join me.”

  She had curled up in a chair by the windows. He went to the other side and sat across the table from her.

  “It’s different out here. There’s so much space and zillions of stars.” She looked at him. “Do you forget the stars like I do when living in a big city?”

  “Yes, I had the same reaction when I looked out my windows. Do you think you’d like living in South Dakota?”

  “I don’t know. It’d be a big change and little opportunity to climb the ladder to success.”

  “And that’s important to you?”

  “Of course, isn’t it to you? You must want to be chief of police and maybe commissioner someday.”

  His laugh had her raising her eyebrows. “What’s so funny?”

  “Believe me, I have no desire to climb the ladder as you say. I’m considering moving here and taking a job at the police station in the larger town of Willow Junction, about thirty miles away, if they have an opening.”

  “Wouldn’t you want to work for your friend, the sheriff?”

  “If he had an opening, that’d be great, but I’ll be lucky if I can find a job in Willow Junction.”

  Chad stuck his head in the door. “You’re talking civilly. It must be a good sign. Dinner’s ready.”

  Tor walked out after Amy. He’d enjoyed their quiet talk. But Chad was right. Her determination for success in her job might put their plans in jeopardy. Obviously, her career was important to her. Where would she find similar work nearby to satisfy her need to achieve?

  “I hear a truck.” They’d eaten and Chad had gotten up to cut the pie for dessert. Tor glanced out the window. “Kel’s come to visit.” He opened the back door. “You’re in time for pie.”

  “I can’t eat another thing. Sondra cooked a huge meal and baked a cake. But I couldn’t wait until morning to welcome you.” He stepped into the kitchen and grinned at Tor. Then Kel grabbed him in a bear hug. “Damn, it’s good to see you.” He glanced around at Amy. “And you, too.”

  “Sit and have coffee.” Chad poured them all a cup and placed plates with pie in front of Amy and Tor and himself.

  “How does it feel to be out of the big city?” Kel asked.

  “Hard to say since I just got here. But I like the quiet and the open spaces, so far.”

  Kel took a sip of his coffee. “We haven’t seen a sight of a stranger. A few tourists in and out, but that’s all.”

  “After we finish, we can go in another room, and I’ll catch you up on what’s been happening.”

  “You don’t have to protect me. I know it all. You can tell him right now,” Amy said.

  Tor noted the dark circles under her eyes and suspected she wasn’t sleeping well. He didn’t want her to hear details he’d tell Kel.

  “No. We’ll wait.” Her delectable, bow shaped mouth clenched and her jaw tightened. She gave him a long searching look.

  “Then I’ll excuse myself.” When she rose to leave, Chad joined her. “I’ll play the piano, and we’ll have an after-dinner drink while these two talk shop.”

  “Thank you, I like hearing you play.” She left the room without looking back.

  “Join us after you finish talking,” Chad suggested. Then he went to the cupboard, got two small crystal glasses, and a bottle of Calvados. “See you later.”

  “Am I interrupting anything?” Kel asked.

  “No, we need to talk.” Tor told him about the latest killing and the partial fingerprint.

  “He’ll be looking for her soon,” Kel said.

  “I’m afraid so. He has an uncanny way of finding people. Of course his latest victim made it easy. She and one or two of the other jurors preferred to stay in their homes.

  “Do you think he’ll go after the rest of them?”

  “No. He’s more interested in the big fish, the chief prosecutor and Amy.”

  “I’m glad you’ve arrived. Another pair of eyes always helps. My men are keeping watch, too. We’ll get him. I’d better go home. I promised Sondra I wouldn’t be long.”

  “You seem happy being married.”

  “Best decision I ever made. She’s the most important person in the world to Boyd and me.”

  “The threesomes working well?”

  “We’re all very happy. Are you and Chad considering marriage with Amy?”

  “We might, but she has her life planned in Pittsburgh.”

  “Change her mind.” He clapped Tor on the back. “See you tomorrow. If you have a chance, stop by the office.”

  Tor nodded. He locked the door after Kel and sat in the comfortable kitchen. He had a tiny walk-through in his apartment.

  His head was filled with facts and questions regarding the killer and with thoughts of the woman in the other room.

  * * * *

  Chad joined Amy and poured a small amount of Ca
lvados in her glass. “See if you like this. It’s an apple brandy from the Normandy region of France.”

  Amy took a sip. “I do like it.”

  He poured himself a drink and left the bottle on the table by her. Then he went to the piano and opened the lid. He took his first sip before starting to play.

  The easy-listening music filled the air. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Amy relax back against the chair. Good, she’d been tense and had a forlorn look in her eyes when she’d sat down.

  Her and Tor’s interaction told him a lot. They were attracted to each other. But Tor feared disappointment, and she feared not achieving her goals. He suspected her determination to achieve went deeper than simple success.

  He stopped playing and took another swallow from his glass. “Are you more relaxed?”

  “You’re playing, and this drink has me sinking into the chair.” She’d emptied her glass.

  “Pour me a little more brandy and fill your glass.”

  She walked to his side. “Are you trying to get me tipsy?”

  “I want you to see you relaxed and happy.”

  “May I have some of the Calvados?” Tor took long strides across the shiny tile floor to the piano. He held his glass out.

  Amy frowned, but poured his glass full, and then walked back to her chair.

  “Be good,” Chad whispered.

  “I promise.” Tor joined Amy and sat in the other chair.

  Chad began to play again. This time he chose more lively tunes.

  * * * *

  “He has an incredible talent,” Tor said.

  “I agree. He amazes me whenever he plays.”

  “I suppose you think he should show the world how well he can perform.”

  “We discussed it. He’s an unusually private man in his personal life. I respect his choice.” She faced Tor. “As the two of you should do the same for me.”

  “Don’t you want to be loved?”

  “When the time is right, I’ll be open to love and marriage. I see your smug grin. You think I’m foolish.”


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