Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Treasured Temptation [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 10

by Paige Cameron

Russ was staring at his easel when Amy entered the room. “Come look at what I’ve done so far. Give me suggestions of where I’m off.”

  Amy went to stand by him and study his drawing. Fear clutched her heart. The hate in the dark eyes jumped out at her. Her breathing quickened. She put her hand to her chest.

  “You are good. The picture only needs a little tweaking.”

  “Tell me what to do.”

  “The eyes are more oval and the mouth thinner.” She watched him work. “Did you get this close from my descriptions?”

  “You definitely helped. I’d brought my computer with me. I pulled up a picture of his father. You said there was a resemblance. I worked with that and what you gave me. Is this more like it?” Russ stepped back from his drawing.

  “Yes, that’s very good.”

  “Then I’ll try to age him a bit to get a closer idea of what he looks like now.”

  Amy sat in her favorite chair and turned it to look out of the window. “We thought we heard someone near us when we stopped during our ride,” she said to Russ.

  He raised his head from his work. “Do you think it was him?”

  “I hope not. The only two people he could get the information from would be my mother or my aunt.” Amy jumped up. “I’ve got to get my phone and call them. Excuse me.” She flew out of the room and found Tor in the study talking on the phone. He saw she was upset and hung up.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “My mother and my aunt need protection.” Something in his face send a chill down her back. “Who were you talking with on the phone?”

  Tor reached out and pulled her into his arms. “Your mother was attacked getting to her car after a dinner last night.”

  “Is she dead?” It’s my fault if she is. I ought to have asked for protection for her sooner.

  “A man leaving the dinner saw the attack happening. He rushed to help her. Our killer shot him and left your mother lying on the concrete driveway. Both are alive, but in serious condition.”

  Amy gasped. She felt as though she’d been holding her breath while he spoke.

  “Both of them are heavily guarded. From what your mother was able to tell the police he was trying to get her to tell him where you were staying. He stabbed her twice before her rescuer came out of the house and chased him away.”

  “Then he knows I’m in Triple Dare County.”

  “No. Apparently your mother is one strong lady. She refused to tell him. He socked her and broke her jaw, and then he ran. The same description as before, a tall man in a long black coat and a hat pulled down.”

  Amy’s legs went weak. Tor picked her up and sat in a chair with her in his arms. “I know you’ll want to see your mother. Chad and I will fly with you to Boston. We’ll get the quickest flight out of Minneapolis. I’m sure Gray Callahan will fly us from here to there.”

  “I was remiss in not making sure she and Aunt Janie had protection.”

  “No, you weren’t. We’ve checked your aunt and she’s fine. The local police are keeping a watch on the house where she’s staying until this is over.”

  The fax machine started up. Tor set Amy in the chair and walked across to get the fax.

  He studied the sheet and strode to Amy’s side. “What he didn’t realize was the man he shot got a picture of him just when he knocked your mother down. It’s dark, but you can see a few features.”

  Russ knocked on the open doorway. “Maybe I can help if that’s a picture of the killer. I’ve finished my drawing for now. I can work on it some more and do more adjusting if you want.” He handed his drawing to Tor.

  Tor compared the two. “We’ll go with your drawing and get it out right now. I’ll fax it to my partner in Pittsburgh and to the police in Boston.”

  “Let me see.” Amy put out her hand. “Yes, very much like his father but with little differences.”

  “I searched the internet and got a picture of his mother. I gave him her eyes and a similar mouth. If you’re happy, I have to get on my way. It’s getting dark, and I have work to do at home yet.

  “We can’t thank you enough.” Tor shook his hand. “How much do we owe you?”

  “This one’s on me. Just get him and put him away.”

  “We’re working hard on catching him. Your drawing will help.” Tor walked him to the door.

  Amy sat and stared at the man creating such havoc and despair. He was young and had an innocent face. No one would suspect the evil mind behind his normal façade. She looked closer. Except for his eyes, which if someone looked carefully would certainly give him away. Even in the blurred photo you saw the hate.

  * * * *

  Amy hurried into her mother’s hospital room after speaking with her doctor. Chad and Tor stayed in the waiting room.

  The doctor had told them her mother had been lucky. The man who knifed her didn’t want her dead, yet. He’d wanted information. Neither of the knife wounds were fatal blows. The man he shot was still in ICU, but expected to recover.

  Her mother glanced at the door. She smiled as best she could with her teeth wired together.

  “Mom, I’m so sorry this happened to you and especially because I brought this dangerous man to you.”

  Her mother grasped her hands and shook her head no. “This wasn’t your fault.”

  “You can talk with all those wires in your mouth?”

  “Nothing can stop me talking.”

  Amy laughed and it turned to tears. Her mom pulled her closer to her.

  “Don’t cry. I’m going to be fine. Your father is hiring a nurse to care for me and take care of pureeing my food. The worst part is the food I have to eat, and the best is I’ll finally lose weight.” She touched Amy’s cheeks and brushed the tears away. “Now I know you love me.”

  “I’ve always loved you. You annoyed me at times, but the love was there.” She pulled the straight chair closer and sat by her mom’s side, holding her hand.

  “You’ve always been different than the other four. You are more organized, future oriented, you didn’t take anything by chance, and consequently, you’ve missed a lot of fun.”

  “But I’m successful. Why don’t you give me credit for that?”

  “I do. Still, a woman needs more than just a job.”

  “Your generation did. But look at what it got you.”

  Her mother bristled. “What do you mean?”

  “Be honest, Mom. You and Dad don’t have the best relationship.”

  “And who are you to judge. Do you see us in our private times?”

  “Well, of course not.”

  Her mom looked away toward the windows.

  “I’m sorry. I should never have said anything, especially not when you’re in the hospital.”

  “Perhaps it’s a good time to clean out all the dark corners of our relationship,” her mother said. “As to your father, I fell in love with him in college and determined to marry him.”

  “You succeeded. The two of you still make a handsome couple.”

  “Don’t go soft on me now.” Mom squeezed her hand. “I know your dad has faults, as we all do. I let you be more mother to your brothers and sister than I was. The social life caught me up and I loved it. Mothering was not my strong suit.”

  “I didn’t mind. By organizing the house I began to learn more about myself.”

  “But because you’ve already mothered, you avoid marriage.”

  Amy leaned back. “Someone else said basically the same thing to me recently.”

  “A man, I hope.”

  “You are an incorrigible matchmaker.”

  “You’re the last I have to work on. Darn, I’ll still have this trap on my jaws for the wedding.”

  “It’ll be your badge of courage. You didn’t tell him where to find me.”

  “What do you think? I may have been an absent mother at times, but I’d lay down my life for any of my kids.”

  “Thank you, Mom. You will have protection from now until they catch this guy. It’ll be
soon. We have a good drawing of him. You’ll probably see it on the news later today.” Amy stood and put the chair back against the wall. “If I don’t go, the nurse will be in here to run me off.”

  “We’re good?” her mother asked.

  “If you can forgive me for getting you stabbed and beaten, then we’re good.” She kissed her mom and left the room. She was shaken by the conversation between her and her mother. It had given Amy a lot to think about.

  Tor saw her coming. He and Chad met her halfway. Chad put his arms around her and held her close.

  “Is she all right?” Tor asked.

  “Fine, she can even talk with her jaws wired shut. That’s my mother.” Amy reached out a hand to Tor. “We had a serious conversation. A bit eye-opening for me.”

  “You’ll have to tell us at lunch.” Tor took her hand and the three of them walked toward the elevator.

  “No. I have to do some thinking on my own first.”

  “Okay.” Tor shrugged. “Where do you want to go for lunch?”

  “To a nice restaurant, no fast food. I’m really hungry.”

  * * * *

  Amy saw her mother once more that evening. Her father sat by her bedside. “It’s good to see the two of you together. The men protecting me want to get me back to Triple Dare County for safety.”

  “He’ll still be looking for you. I think that’s a good idea. The rest of the family and me will take care of your mother.”

  “Mom said you’ve hired a nurse.”

  “And a nutritionist,” her dad added. He rubbed his wife’s hand. “She gave us all a scare.”

  Amy saw the paleness in her father’s cheeks and the worry in his eyes. Her mother was right, and she’d been wrong. Whatever type of marriage they had, their love had survived.

  “Will you get back in a few weeks for Marilyn’s wedding?” her mother asked.

  “If this guy has been caught, but I won’t bring more danger to the family by attending if he’s still at large.”

  “I saw his picture on the news at six,” her mother said. “I got a quick look at his face when he first attacked me.”

  “Is the picture accurate?”

  “Very. Someone will see him and call the police.”

  “We can only hope.” She kissed her mom and went around the bed to kiss her dad’s cheek. “Take care of each other. I hope to see you soon.”

  Chad and Tor escorted her to the taxi and they headed to the airport. “I made a mistake coming to see my mom, but I can’t regret it.”

  “How was it a mistake?” Tor asked.

  “My sister, Marilyn, is getting married in less than three weeks. If he’s not caught by them, he may disrupt the wedding and hurt someone else to get me back here.”

  Chad took her hand in his. “I’ll have the FBI start watching all your family, and there will be an obvious number of agents at the wedding and reception. He won’t have a chance to hurt your family. We all want him caught.”

  The plane flights seemed long and tiring. When they drove up to Chad’s home, the tight knot in Amy’s chest eased and her tense muscles relaxed.

  Tor carried her suitcase in and took it to her bedroom.

  Chad walked with her to the kitchen. “I’ll warm you a cup of hot chocolate, and then you can go to bed. You’re exhausted.”

  When he handed her the cup, he also placed a plate of coconut cookies in front of her. “Enjoy.”

  Tor had joined them and made coffee for him and Chad. “I’d like cookies, too,” Tor said, looking at Amy’s plate.

  Amy grinned. “You have a sweet tooth.”

  “So do you.” Tor wrinkled his nose at her.

  “I admit it.” She held out a cookie to Tor while Chad got out the bag and dumped several on a small plate for him and Tor.

  “Did you call Pittsburgh on your way to the kitchen?” Chad asked.

  “Yes. No one has seen him recently, but his neighbors contacted the police. They told our guys where the shooter lives, and they’re checking his apartment as we speak.”

  “Good, the drawing helped.” Amy drank the last of her hot chocolate.

  “Do you want more?” Chad asked, seeing her empty cup. “You drank that in a hurry.”

  “It was good, but I’ve had enough.”

  “Your things are in your bedroom whenever you want to go to sleep.” Tor rubbed her arm. Her slender hands unconsciously twisted together.

  “What’s worrying you?” Tor asked.

  Amy looked from him to Chad. “I don’t want to sleep in my room. May I sleep with one of you?”

  She saw Tor glance at Chad. Then he looked at her. “How about sleeping with both of us?”

  Her heart caught in her throat. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “Well, I’d hope not.” Tor winked at her. “We don’t have to do anything but hold you close. We definitely won’t do more without your consent.”

  I need to take a deep breath and slow down my pounding heart. The thought of having them both in bed with me is a bit overwhelming, and yet I want it. I do. Then I need to stop being a wussy and tell them.

  “I’d like that.”

  The grins on their faces made her laugh. They both jumped up and poured the last of their coffee out.

  “Aren’t you going to eat the last cookie?” Amy asked Tor.

  “Having your sweetness cuddled against me will be sugar enough.” Tor swept her into his arms. “Which room, Chad, yours or mine?”

  “We’ll use my room.”

  Chad checked the doors and lights and followed. Tor set Amy on her feet by the bed. “Do you mind if we don’t get your overnight bag? I’d prefer to see your sexy body naked.” Tor’s brilliant blue eyes were filled with tenderness and passion.

  “Then undress me.”

  * * * *

  Tor’s heart jolted at her soft words. He took hold of the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. The shirt caught on her hairpins and her hair cascaded down around her creamy shoulders.

  He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her glowing eyes. His thumbs rubbed over the sides of her face. Then he ran his fingers along her neck and touched the place where he felt her heart pulse.

  She licked her lips and his cock rose to full attention. Leaning forward, he bit the edge of her full bottom lip. His mouth trailed down her neck to her shoulders. Then his hands unsnapped her bra and removed it.

  Her gorgeous breasts stood out in front of him. Her dusky-rose nipples taunted him to taste them. He licked one nipple, and then sucked. Her head fell back, and she moaned in pleasure. Tor kissed her soft midriff and moved to the other peaked nipple. He went back and forth licking and grazing his teeth lightly on her sweet breasts and nipples. Amy held his head tight against her.

  * * * *

  Chad had undressed and sheathed his cock. He stepped behind her and brushed her red hair aside to kiss her neck. A delicious shudder quivered through her body.

  “Are we rushing you?” Chad asked. He whispered in her ear.

  “No. I’m ready to see how it can be with the three of us.”

  Tor raised his head. “Chad’s ready. I’ll slip off your jeans and he can lift you onto the bed.” Tor undid her belt and the button to her pants. Then he slid her panties and jeans down and off.

  Chad picked her up and placed her on the soft linen sheets. He lay beside her and held her close. Her wonderful scent of lavender and vanilla swirled around his head. His fingers trailed along her temple to the corner of her mouth. Then his thumb brushed across her lips.

  Amy drew his thumb into her mouth and sucked. His cock jerked against her abdomen.

  “He’s anxious to be inside your hot, delectable pussy.” He saw a smoldering light deep in her golden-brown eyes.

  Chad couldn’t wait any longer. He took hold of her jaw and kissed her. She opened for him and his tongue swept inside, tasting, teasing, and dueling with hers.

  The mattress sank when Tor got onto the bed from the other side.
Chad was barely aware of the movement. He glanced at Tor as he settled behind Amy, stretching his body along the length of hers. Chad did the same to the front of her body.

  Her breath hitched, sending heat rushing in his veins. His hand cupped around her breast and he lightly bit the peaked tip. When her hand curved around his dick, a jolt of electricity flew up his spine.

  She’d been watching his face. A contented smile curved her lips. Her hand caressed the length of his cock. Chad held still trying to not explode before he slid inside her and her pussy wrapped around his dick.

  He glanced beyond her and saw Tor slowly kissing his way down her back. Her body shone with a fine sheen of perspiration.

  Chad rubbed his fingers across her clit and then moved them between her lower lips to her pussy opening. She was hot and wet. He put two fingers inside her opening.

  “I’m ready to feel your cock inside me,” she moaned.

  His fingers rubbed over her G-spot. “Are you sure you aren’t too tired,” Chad teased.

  “Are you crazy?” Amy frowned at him.

  “I’m just checking.”

  Tor had moved back and Chad rolled her onto her back. He spread her legs and licked from her clit to her pussy opening. Her body trembled and moved restlessly on the sheet. Chad centered his cock at her opening and thrust inside.

  Her pussy walls pulsed around his dick and clenched him tight. She moved her hips, taking him in farther.

  He stilled, enjoying the feel of her hot, wet pussy wrapped around him. Chad closed his eyes as a tremor of pleasure and heat raced through his body. Then he began to move slowly at first, and then more quickly as he climbed a mountain of increasing joy.

  * * * *

  Amy moved her hips in rhythm with Chad. When she’d been enveloped between him and Tor, heat had scorched a path of desire through her. Then Chad’s talented tongue had her pussy weeping for him to fill her.

  His cock rubbed against her pussy walls, sending delight rushing through her veins. He pounded into her sensitive pussy and she met his every stroke.

  Tor sat at the head of the bed, watching. What she thought would be embarrassing took her desire to a higher level.


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