Behind Closed Doors

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Behind Closed Doors Page 7

by Terry Towers


  Final Day at the Cabin

  Naked and stretched out on her stomach, Ramona watched from the bed as Darrien packed up their belongings, in the nude. She loved the look of his body, and had insisted he stay naked for the majority of their time together so she could see him. Of course, he negotiated the deal that if he had to, so did she. She thought that was a more than reasonable.

  There was supposed to be a car picking them up in less than an hour's time. The week had gone by quickly, too quickly in her mind. The remainder of the week had consisted of much of the same as the first day. They fucked, fucked and then fucked some more.

  Each and every muscle in her body ached. Her pussy was actually throbbing from overuse! She didn't think that could actually happen, but a week with a very well endowed man proved to her that it could indeed.

  The truth was that she was sad they had to go. It wasn't just about the mind blowing sex anymore. She had discovered that her brother wasn't that bad a guy after all. She enjoyed his company and had gained a whole new respect for him. She supposed that perhaps their parent's idea of sending them away to work it out wasn't such a bad one after all. Of course, she doubted how they’d worked it out was what their parents had in mind. But hey, the end result was the same.

  Darrien had told her that he had one more surprise for her before they left and she was anxiously waiting for it. When he finally finished with their luggage he had something in his hand. Her eyes widened when he turned and she realized what it was.

  "You ass! You had that all along and didn't tell me?" She squealed. He had a bottle of warming lube. She loved that stuff. Why had he held out on her all week? She was already getting wet at the thought of what that cock of his would feel like sliding in and out of her with the warming lube. A slight groan escaped her lips and a shiver of anticipation swept over her.

  "Well. Yah... I did," he admitted with a sheepish grin.

  "So you planned on fucking me the whole time?" she asked, not sure if she should be angry at the idea or not. His presuming she'd screw her brother did insult her somewhat.

  Darrien laughed. "No. Did I not tell you the first day we were here that I jacked off each night before bed?"

  "Oh," she felt heat rush up to her cheeks. "Well, I just assumed that..."

  She didn't have enough time to finish speaking before he had her flipped over on her back, with his body hovering over hers. His lips came crashing down on hers, kissing her with an urgent hunger and need. His hand reached between them, seeking out her sweet heat.

  Finding it, he began to stroke her.

  Ramona bucked against his body, as a moan escaped her lips between kisses.

  "There's one thing I didn't get to do this week and I'm getting it now," he advised her, reluctantly removing his body from hers and standing at the end of the bed. "Come here princess," he said, beckoning her to stand in front of him, at the foot of the bed.

  Eagerly, she slid off the bed and into his arms. Placing a hand at the nape of her neck, he lowered his lips to hers. His lips grazed her, teasing. "I'm going to fuck that beautiful little ass of yours."

  Her body quivered against his with both need and apprehension. He was so big! She'd been somewhat timid all week about the idea of him thrusting such a large shaft into her ass. But she trusted him.

  She turned around in his arms and positioned herself over the bed. She wiggled her ass at him for good measure. Darrien fell to his knees, his hands caressing the tender flesh of her bottom. Bending over he trailed light kisses down her lower back and across her bottom.

  Ramona heard him flip open the top of the bottle and held her breath. Moments later his hands gently parted her ass cheeks, exposing her tight little anus. The lube felt cool as he liberally applied it to her, covering her ass, pussy and clit. As he rubbed, the lube began to warm, causing sweet sensations of heat to radiate through her pussy.

  Two fingers slid inside her cunt. She moaned as he began to stroke her, her body moved in time with his hand. While stroking her he pressed a finger into the tight ring of muscle of her anus. She moaned as it broke through and slowly began to stroke her. He worked both holes, causing her body to buck and thrust against him.

  Darrien added a second finger to the first in her ass, widening the entrance; preparing her to take his cock. His fingers moved slowly, spreading her as he thrust in and out.

  Ramona's body was crying out for him, crying out for release!

  "Fuck my ass Darrien!" she cried out. She needed it, and didn't care how she got it. She just needed his cock, desperately and now! The heat he was generating from the lube was so amazing that she didn't think she could handle the sensations rushing through her.

  Darrien chuckled. He removed his fingers from her anus and slicked his cock up with the lube and then added some more to the opening he was about to enter. The head of his steel hard cock poked at her anus, and gently he pushed it into her, inching his way in. Pausing from time to time to ensure she was okay.

  But Ramona was far from okay, she was in agony. She needed to climax so badly it hurt. She bucked against him, pushing him deeper into her. He continued on, until his cock was buried deep within her, to the balls.

  "Fuck, Ramona, you're so tight. I'm not sure I'll be able to last long." he warned, his voice strained with desire. He began to thrust in and out of her. In and out. Slowly at first, but she needed more, and faster. She bucked against him again, driving his cock in and out at an increasing speed and force.

  Darrien's hand moved to her clit. He pinched and teased it with his fingers as he continued to thrust hard into her, sinking into her balls deep. Her moans were consistent now, the sweet agony of what he was doing to her, was bringing her to the edge.

  "Darrien," she screamed as she reached her climax. She felt his body rock against her, and kept moving in time with him. He was moments from coming in her ass and she was dying for it to happen.

  "Almost there," he gasped as he watched his large shaft disappear into her. His body tensed, seconds before he shot his load into her, filling her ass with his cum. Giving her ass a couple more quick thrusts, he slowly pulled out completely and collapsed onto the bed.

  Exhausted and panting; overcome with both pleasure and relief Ramona took refuge in his arms. They lay there for some time, simply enjoying the last of their time together before the real world pulled them apart.

  Ramona was the first to speak with a devilish look in her eyes. "So do you think that we bonded enough to keep our trust funds?"

  Laughter rocked through Darrien as he pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. "I'd say that's a definite yes."

  Ramona nodded, "Good. Cause it's going to cost you a small fortune to replace that bikini you made me lose in the lake, Fuck-Nuts."


  To read the continuation of Ramona and Darrien's story then check out the Sibling Rivalry Boxed Sex.

  Trinity's Story - The Christmas Gift


  Terry Towers

  Chapter 1

  "Ah, shit!"

  The ‘check engine’ light of Trinity's navy Mazda Tribute blinked on as she sped her way down the I-90, moments away from Augusta, Maine on Christmas Eve. She didn't know Augusta well, but she did know that there would be an all-night gas station off the interstate, so pulled off at the first exit. She was sure the light meant nothing, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

  She had just made it off the exit when she heard a loud bang come from under the engine of the SUV. The truck immediately lost power and smoke began to rise up from under the hood of the vehicle.

  Trinity's heart fell. Oh, fuck.

  The steep hill coming off the interstate gave her vehicle enough momentum so that she was able to coast it into the overnight gas station parking lot. Luckily, she managed to find one of the only places open at 10pm on Christmas Eve. She was planning on being in Bangor in a couple of hours to spend the holidays with her mother and her mother's new husband. It didn't a
ppear as if that was going to happen.

  To make matters worse the snow was falling - hard. A storm warning had just been put into effect, less than an hour ago, but she had been on the road at the time and couldn't turn back. And in truth she didn't want to. All of her friends from college had gone home for the holidays, leaving her virtually the only person in her dorm.

  But now what?

  Now at a complete stop, sitting in the middle of the service station’s parking lot, Trinity drummed her French manicured fingernails on the steering wheel. The snow seemed to be coming down even harder, than it had been just five minutes earlier. If it wasn't for the fact that her engine was overheated she imagined that the hood would have a nice white blanket already.

  She considered popping the hood and taking a look, but knew it wouldn't do any good. She didn't know a damned thing about vehicles. All she knew was that she took them to a mechanic, they fixed the problem, and then handed her a bill for an outrageous amount of money. She glanced over at the open store and sighed. There wouldn't be any garages open right now so it looked like she was stuck there for the night, perhaps for a few days.

  She thought about her bank account, which held roughly fifty dollars in it, so she had no money for a hotel. She briefly contemplated sleeping in the truck, but considering how cold it was out and that she had no power; she'd freeze trying to spend the next day or two in the truck.

  "Augusta.... Augusta... Do I know anyone in Augusta?"

  She didn't... or did she?

  She vaguely remembered her mother mentioning that she had heard through the grapevine her former stepdad Wade had moved here recently. She hadn't seen Wade since she was almost twelve - six years ago. Her biological father had been a dead beat dad and made a hasty getaway when he found out her mother was pregnant. Roughly a year after Trinity was born her mother married Wade.

  As far as Trinity was concerned Wade had been her father, until her mother and he got a divorce and her mother moved them to Bangor. Her mother had forbidden her from having contact with him; to this day she really had no idea why they had gotten divorced, only that it had been a bitter, drawn out battle between the two.

  Did she dare call Wade after all these years? She looked out through her windshield and noticed the wind had picked up and was blowing snow wildly around the parking lot as it continued to fall from the sky. A gust slammed into the side of the vehicle, rocking it.

  Did she have a choice? She didn't think so.

  Pulling out her Smartphone from her little brown leather Gucci bag, she pulled up directory assistance and quickly found the number she was looking for. Wade Taylor was listed and living at 497 Highside Lane.

  Would he even talk to her? What if he was married again, certainly he at least would have a girlfriend. It was Christmas Eve, how could she intrude on him and his new family?

  Trinity's finger hovered over the send button to connect the call. She was about to change her mind and find another solution when a second - stronger - gust of wind, rocked the SUV and sent a chill through her. Shivering, she pushed the send button and waited - praying - for him to answer.

  A deep, oh-so-sexy male voice picked up after the third ring. "Hello?"

  Did Wade sound that sexy when he was the man she considered to be her father?

  "Hello," the voice stated a second time, but with a little more impatience in his tone.

  "Daddy?" She didn't mean for it to come out sounding like a question - she knew it was him.

  There was dead silence on the other end of the phone, for what felt like an eternity, then, "Trinity baby, is that you?"

  She nodded, as she replied, "I need your help, dad."

  Another pause. "Where are you?"

  Trinity closed her eyes, let her head fall back on the headrest and let out a loud sigh. "At a gas station; the first exit northbound off the I-90. My truck has broken down and I don't know what to do."

  There was a rustling in the background on the other end. "Alright, I'll come and get you, give me ten minutes."

  "Okay, daddy... Thank you."

  More rustling in the background. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Sit tight."

  Trinity chuckled lightly at his last comment. Where could she go? "Okay, bye."

  "Bye." And the call ended.

  While Trinity waited for Wade to show up she made a quick call to her mother to inform her that there was a change in her plans and she'd be staying in Augusta for the holidays. When she told her mother who her rescuer was, her mothers voice took on a cold, distant tone.

  It made Trinity wonder - for at least the thousandth time since her mother and Wade had broken up - exactly what had happened between them? It had to have been bad to have pulled Trinity from the only father she knew and loved.

  Trinity was just finishing up her conversation with her mother when a black Dodge Avalanche pulled into the service station. Considering she was the only vehicle in the parking lot, it wasn't hard for her father - for Wade - to find her.

  As the truck approached she found herself extremely nervous and her heartbeat accelerated. Was this how people felt on those talk shows when they're reunited with long lost family members? She laughed at herself for being so silly, it may be six years later but he was still the same Wade - still dad.

  The snowstorm was in full swing now, making visibility very poor. Trinity couldn't actually see him until he parked his truck next to hers and jumped out. Trinity's breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. Wade was easily one of the hottest looking men she'd ever laid eyes on. Had he always been that hot? She'd been almost twelve the last time she'd seen him so she supposed she wouldn't have considered him in that way before - but she did now.

  He was the same age as her mother making him thirty-eight, though she wouldn't have pegged him to be a day over thirty. He looked the same, but different, more rugged. He made his way over to the hood of her truck and motioned a gloved hand for her to pop it. Bending down she pulled the lever not taking her eyes off of him.

  Securing the hood of the SUV up, Wade bent down and out of her line of vision to inspect the vehicle further. Opening her door, she slid out of the Tribute and walked over to stand beside him.

  "Hey, daddy," she chewed nervously at her lower lip. Should she even call him that now? She didn't know.

  "Hey, baby," he responded, not taking his eyes off the task at hand.

  A tingle of familiarity went through her at the way he addressed her, like he had when she was young. Smiling, her nervousness melted away, allowing her to focus on other things, such as how mouth-wateringly sexy he was. She leaned back on her heels and took a peek at his ass, clad in tight blue denim.

  Umm-hmm. Very nice indeed. She loved a man with a firm ass.

  Straightening back up, she stood watching him. He was as tall as she remembered, nearly a foot taller than her 5'4. Even through he was wearing a thick winter jacket, she could tell he was lean and muscular. His shoulders were broad and she had an odd fetish for a man with wide, muscly shoulders. Some girls were ass girls, some chest girls; she was all about broad, powerful shoulders.

  She could see his strong chiselled profile, but it wasn't until he stood shaking his head with a grim expression on his face that she got to see how handsome he truly was. His dark - almost black - eyes locked onto her blue ones and he exhaled loudly. A shiver shot through her, not from the cold but from the intensity of his stare. A combination of emotions appeared to flash through his eyes, regret, affection, nervousness, lust.


  Yes, she’d seen it. She may still be a virgin at eighteen, but she was far from innocent and she knew the look men got when they found her desirable and for a split second it was in his eyes.

  "You blew the motor, sweetie. Didn't you see the oil light or check engine light come on?" He turned from her, slammed down the hood and then turned back to face her awaiting an answer.

  The nervousness came back, but this time it was a familiar nervousness. The kind she used to get wh
en she was a child and had done something wrong and he’d found out about it. "Yeah, but..."

  Instead of him scolding her like she expected; he gave her an apologetic smile and shook his head. "This truck isn't going anywhere for a couple of days, until the garages open up again. Where are you heading? Do you need a lift?"

  Chewing on her bottom lip again, Trinity looked down at the ground between their feet and kicked at the snow. "Bangor."

  "Oh. I see."

  "So I was kinda hoping I could stay with you until I can figure out what to do." She lifted her eyes to meet his once more. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, and she held her breath waiting for him to reply.

  He nodded. "Of course you can, baby."

  Without giving her actions much thought Trinity threw herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body tight against his. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. Damn, he smelt good; an erotic mix of spice and musk. She felt a heat begin to simmer between her legs, her stomach knot and a crazy desire to kiss his neck and work her hands up under his jacket and shirt.

  Her lips grazed his neck as she pulled away, causing him to breathe in sharply from the contact. Slightly embarrassed by the odd sexual spark that had just flared up, she could feel her face reddening and she raked a hand through her long, auburn hair. She found herself looking around them, anywhere, but back into his piercing dark eyes.

  An uncomfortable silence with an odd sexual tension lingered between them for close to a minute, before Wade cleared his throat causing her to look back up at him. "We should get going if you're coming home with me. The roads are getting pretty sleek."

  Trinity nodded and gave him a weak smile. "Sure, daddy." She turned, but Wade caught her arm in his hand, stopping her.

  "Umm. Listen. Maybe you should just call me Wade."


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