Claimed by Her Mafia Man

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Claimed by Her Mafia Man Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Doesn’t it for you?” she asked. “Let’s not talk about what can and cannot calm me down and actually focus on why the hell I was targeted.”

  “This could go all the way to the top.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Damon looked toward Randy. “You think this comes from the Boss?”

  “Why not? He’s capable of a lot worse, believe me.”

  “Wait a minute,” she said, drawing his attention. “You’re telling me that tonight’s attack came from the very top?”

  “What other way could it be?” Randy asked.

  “I’m still a capo’s daughter. I’m worth something, even if it means marrying me off to some evil bastard he has control over. Killing me could overthrow his power. To simply wipe me out would put a whole lot of other families at risk, believe me.”

  “She’s right,” Damon said. “If he wanted to get rid of her and keep her position, he’d have to be smart about it.”

  “Meaning what?” Randy asked.

  “They’d have to find some way of making it look like she was a traitor, which we know she’s not.” Damon tossed back the liquid, loving the burn as it slid down his throat. “I’m going to need to see everything her father had on these men.”

  “Not happening,” Randy said.

  “Excuse me, but I don’t get to decide that?” Isabella asked.

  “Those documents are important.”

  “And my father trusted Damon. Even you do. You can’t tell me who to trust one moment and then take it back,” she said.

  “Then it’s important you know that the Boss is in that documentation. He’s the one who tried to get rid of me,” Randy said.

  Damon stared at him. He was well aware of the rumors surrounding this man. What he didn’t know, nor did anyone else, was exactly who his father was.

  “Wait, if he tried to get rid of you, then that means…”

  “Yes, that man is my father, which is why I know he’s capable of finding any means necessary to kill you.”

  “But he could have assumed that information died with my dad.”

  “Do you really think the Boss is going to leave something like that up to chance?” Randy asked. “It’s at least worth us staying alert and being prepared for anything.”

  “Agreed. Do you have an issue with me moving in?” Damon asked.

  “No.” Randy started to pace. “With you here, at least I know she’ll be protected and people will be less likely to try to kill her. If she’s alone, she’s exposed to whatever crap they want to put her through.”

  “I need to shower and get some sleep,” she said.

  “Do you want a doctor to check your ankle? Your neck?” Damon asked.

  “Nope. I’ve had worse, believe me. Besides, being in pain helps me feel like I’m alive to live another day. Yay.”

  He watched her go and smiled. “She’s really something.”

  “That she is.”

  Returning his gaze to Randy, he saw the other man wasn’t happy. “We’ll keep her safe.”

  “I hope so. I promised her father. He took me in when no one else would. He helped me survive and I promised him my loyalty and honor ever since.”

  Chapter Four

  The sun was glorious and Isabella was more than happy to soak up as much Vitamin D as she could. Lying back on the ground, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Placing a hand on her stomach, she felt a shadow fall on her.

  “Let me get this straight. Your home was attacked last night. You were nearly killed, and you’re out here soaking up the sunshine?” Damon asked.

  She opened her eyes and placed her hand above her eyebrows, looking at him. “And?”

  “And, you really do surprise me.” He dropped down beside her and she tried not to be aware of his closeness. He was just a man, nothing important.

  “There’s nothing to surprise. I don’t like to sit back and dwell on everything that happened. Besides, the decorators are already dealing with the bullet holes and blood.” She cringed. “It still freaks me out how we have a different service for everything. Doesn’t it you?”

  He chuckled. “Not really. This life is all I’ve known since I was born. My life experiences began the moment I could walk.”

  She sighed. “I remember my parents having to deal with what was to happen to my brother. When he died, my dad never wanted me to be at the mercy of a man. Yet, here I am. I can’t believe he made me train all those years and still made me marry.”

  “No one is making you marry, Isabella.”

  “We both know if I don’t marry you, it’s going to be someone else who can’t stand who I am. There’s no way they’re going to allow me to go off to target practice or spar. I’ve just got to deal with it. I’m fine. Honestly.”

  “You were twelve, weren’t you?”

  She paused. “Yes.”

  “It wasn’t long after your brother died.”

  “I got pulled out of boarding school. That very night, after dinner, Dad led me down to the basement and my training began. Up until then, I’d never been hit.”

  “Were you a good kid?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I take it you weren’t.”

  “Didn’t matter. I got hit if I cried. I got hit if I didn’t cry.”

  “I know you have to get used to the pain. In case you’re ever taken and tortured. You’ve got to take a lot.”

  “Were you tortured?” Damon asked.

  She opened her mouth to respond and stopped. Talking about her training and experiences were foreign to her. What she went through was what her father felt she needed to do in order to survive. “Dad, he … yes, but it was all for my own good.”

  “I don’t think anyone considers being hurt part of their own good.”

  She shrugged. “I know he hated what he did and for the long-term, it did me good. Look at last night. I would be dead right now if I didn’t do what I did.”

  “It doesn’t piss you off?”

  “Damon, it does piss me off but I’m not going to change anything, am I? I’m who I am now. There’s nothing I can do to change that.”

  “Were you like every other kind of girl?”

  “I have a feeling you’re going to insult me.”

  “Planning your wedding. The perfect husband. Stuff like that.”

  “You’re sneering.”

  “I’m curious.”

  “And you’re sneering.” She blew out a breath. Let’s see, no, I wasn’t. I didn’t plan my white wedding. Or the man I was going to marry. I read a lot of books. Studied hard. I didn’t want to become a wife or a mother. The very thought scares me. Whenever I attended those functions and saw pregnant women and then saw the men, I always felt sick, worried. They’re not good men. I don’t want to ever bring children into this world who I can’t guarantee I’ll protect.” Her mouth was suddenly really dry. “Do you want kids?”

  “I do.”


  “I know why you’re worried. If it’s a boy, I’m going to have to train him to be like me. If it’s a girl, well, we’re going to marry her off.”

  “So comforting,” she said. This was something she was going to need to get a handle on. If she didn’t learn to bite her tongue and not speak everything on her mind, it was going to cause a lot of problems. Her father had allowed her to be outspoken. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m shocked at how open you are. It’s refreshing, but if we’re going to have to put on a front for everyone else, you’re going to need to keep your thoughts to yourself.”

  “You’re right.” She flopped back to the ground. “I’m usually a lot better than this. If I do have a daughter, I know I’m going to make sure she gets to marry for love.”

  “You believe in love?”

  “Yes. Don’t you?”

  “I don’t believe love can exist in our world. It’s all a matter of greed, loyalty, and fear.”

  “My parents lo
ved each other so much. It broke my father when she died. The training and torture aside, he was a really good man. I loved him dearly. I miss him.”

  “Do you want to fall in love?”

  She leaned back on her hands, thinking about it. “I used to. Maybe when I was younger and I didn’t have so much … knowledge.”

  “You think knowledge is a problem?”

  “You can’t stop knowledge, can you? Once you know something, you can’t pretend to not know it. Love is precious but I know who we are now. We can’t have the satisfaction of falling in love. It gets you killed. I don’t want to die and I certainly don’t want to live past any husband I’m in love with. Did you ever love any of your previous fiancées?”



  “They were all a contract. All of them arranged.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You’re having to marry me.”

  “And I suddenly don’t like this conversation.”

  “We’re going to have to talk about it. Do you want to wear white? Have it in a church? Large or small ceremony?"

  She groaned. “Too many questions.”

  “Come on, I’m right here.”

  “With a pen and paper?” she asked, hoping he’d leave and she could hide where he couldn’t find her.

  He tapped his head. “All up here.”

  “Well, the white wedding is going to go without saying.”

  “You’re still a virgin.”

  “Is that a question or statement?” she asked.

  “I know you are.”

  Her cheeks started to heat up. “Let’s move on.”

  “You’re cute when you blush.”

  “Not helping.”

  “Do you want to hit me right now?” he asked.


  “Do it.”

  “Not happening.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I don’t want a big, lavish affair. My dad’s not here to walk me down the aisle.” She thought about the Boss being Randy’s father. “Do you think I could have Randy walk me down the aisle?”

  “You’re trying to piss off the Boss?”


  “I don’t know, but if it’s a personal request, I can look into it.”

  “Awesome. Please do.” She got to her feet. “I need to take care of some things. Make yourself at home.”

  What she really needed was to get away from this man. She didn’t want to like him, but she knew it was becoming really easy to forget her reasons for enjoying his company. Making her way back to the house, she stopped at the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.

  Henrietta was there, smiling at her. She was a lady in her sixties and had helped nurse her back to health a few times after some of the beatings. “I see the way you look at him,” Henrietta said.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “He could be good for you.”

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  “You know it’s not a weakness to fall in love?”

  She didn’t respond. There was no way she was going to fall in love with anyone. In the many training sessions, she’d vowed to never allow herself to fall for any man, or to even give him the chance to own her heart. She wasn’t going to fall back on her word to herself.


  When Isabella didn’t want to be found, she certainly knew how to hide. After she’d left him alone in the garden, Damon tried to find her all day. He’d gone through the security footage he’d found before all the electricity had been cut from the building. Only, it hadn’t been severed, no, this had been with the flick of a switch. Whoever had attacked the building didn’t want the additional work of rewiring. There was no other detail to provide him with which capo could have done this attack.

  “I’m heading out for the evening. Isabella has an errand she wants me to run,” Randy said. “Bella’s in the basement, training.”

  Damon spun around to look at the other man. “How the fuck do you keep tabs on her?”

  “It’s my job.”

  “What errand?” Damon asked.

  “It’s personal.”

  “Anything to do with the wedding?”

  “No.” Randy shook his head.

  “And you’re not going to share it with me.”

  “If Bella wants you to know, she’ll tell you. She also likes to hide in plain sight. If she’s not in the garden, sunbathing, you’ll find her by the roses. After a fight like last night, she likes to get lost which means the library, the pool, or the basement. She also hates it when you keep track of her.”

  “And yet, you’re able to.”

  “I haven’t been doing this for a couple of weeks, Damon. This has been my job for years.” He stepped back.

  “The errand, will it get her killed?”

  “No, but it will kill her if anything was to happen.”

  Damon sat back, watching Randy leave.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he called his man. “Follow him.” There was no way he was willing to stay in Drago’s house without his own willing men. Over the years, he’d been able to weed out and detect all the men who worked for his father, who were in fact only loyal to him.

  Damon Romano Sr. was a feared leader, and with his volatile nature, he’d created a lot of enemies. For himself, he’d been able to locate them and draw them to his side, giving him spies everywhere. He’d find out what Isabella was trying to keep secret from him.

  Finding nothing on the security footage, he decided to go see the vixen in person. Making his way downstairs to the large basement, he found her alone. The sounds of her attacking a bag filled the room. Even with her damaged ankles, she was a force to be reckoned with.

  His cock hardened at the sight of her.

  She really was a beauty. Her training wasn’t just on a punching bag, she also had targets around the room with weapons lined up close beside her, guns and knives.

  He removed his shoes and jacket.

  “I didn’t invite you here,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “Then leave.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Are you doing this on purpose to piss me off?” she asked.

  “Wow, your language really needs some work.”

  “My language is fine. It depends on the company I’m in as to how I react.” She picked up a knife and threw it across the room. There was the right amount of force as it impaled a target. She was off-center, but close. “You don’t need to be here.”

  “I know I don’t need to be, but I want to be. You know training isn’t about using bags or targets, but people.”

  “Unless Randy’s here to supervise or to train with me, I use the bags and targets.”

  “I’m here and I’m perfectly capable of hitting back.”

  “You’ll actually hit back?”

  “Are you afraid?”

  “Of you, hell no.”

  He smirked. This woman was nothing like the Family’s other women. They were all submissive, beaten into behaving, or at least the threat of it kept them in line. He unbuttoned his shirt and moved onto the mat.

  “Why did you take off your shirt?” she asked.

  “So I can fight you?”

  “You fight with your clothes on.”

  “What’s the matter, is this too much for you?”

  “No, I just don’t see why you’re getting naked.”

  “You can look all you want.”

  She rolled her eyes, which he found really cute. “I don’t want to look.”

  “Then how about we stop talking, you pick up a knife, and we handle this ourselves, huh? Come at me. Attack me.”

  “You’re sure? You don’t want to warm up?”

  “I’m already ready, Isabella.”

  “Why do you keep calling me by my full name?” she asked.

  “It’s what was given to you. I don’t want you to shorten my name. Besides, I like your name. Stop stalling and do as I’ve asked. Grab your knife and come at
me.” He stood, waiting, watching.

  He wanted her body against his, no doubt about it.

  She hesitated but finally decided on a small-bladed knife. A wise choice, but not for her. She needed to have something long to do the most damage. Her steps were slow as she watched him.

  He waited, poised for attack.

  For the short time she waited, he couldn’t help but admire her body. The full hips, big tits, and rounded stomach. Her waist was small, but there was more than enough of her to grab on to.

  All he wanted to do was fuck her. To have his fill, but he also wanted to give her pleasure. To watch her come apart in ways no man had ever given her.

  When she finally hit, he was ready. She struck out toward his midriff. He blocked the attack, grabbing her hand and forcing her to drop the blade as with a few simple actions, he had her completely in his arms.

  “Now, I thought you would do better than that.”

  She threw her head back, stunning him.

  He loosened his hold, giving her enough time to drop, grab the knife, and come back at him.

  Ready for more, she went for the attack. She’d have sliced him twice before he was able to dodge her. Isabella held herself back with the knife, and by the time she got him on the floor, the blade at his throat, he smiled.

  “I win.”

  “Do you? Or did I let you win?”

  “You and I both know I’d have spilled your guts all over this floor.”

  “But you didn’t.” He cupped her hips and in one quick movement, had her on the floor beneath him. The knife well out of reach, but she had to deal with him. “Now, I’ve got you,” he said.

  He couldn’t resist pressing his cock against her core, watching her gasp. “Do you like that?”

  “You’re being inappropriate.”

  “I’m so glad your father didn’t give you to anyone else. You’re going to be all mine.”

  Her nipples hardened and with the kinds of clothes she wore, it was easy for him to see what he was doing to her body. What she liked.

  “Get off me,” she said. She could easily wiggle away.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.


  He instantly lifted his hands and saw the sadness he’d caused by letting her go.


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