Claimed by Her Mafia Man

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Claimed by Her Mafia Man Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “She’s going to surprise you. I hope you’re ready for that.”

  “I’m ready for anything,” Damon said. “Have you heard word?”

  “I know there is a new shipment of girls coming, but they’re being transferred into town via a truck,” Randy said.

  “Does Isabella know?” Damon asked.

  He’d been working closely with Randy to help keep Isabella safe and to find the person responsible for attempting to kill her. In the past few weeks, he had three possible suspects.

  One, his own father, but this seemed completely unfounded. Why kill the woman his son showed an interest in marrying, unless something else was at stake?

  Two, the Boss. Philip Drago had a great friendship with the man in charge of them all, and he had no doubt of the dirty information the man had. He sometimes wondered if Isabella’s father had been poisoned in an attempt to get rid of him. The autopsy had proved it was a weak heart. No toxins.

  Three, he believed Randy could also be the one responsible. The man was a bastard son. He could potentially inherit Drago’s entire fortune, title, and no one would be able to ignore him, or push him aside. What made him doubt this man was his love of Isabella. The man loved her like a daughter, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t kill to get his spot. It was always convenient for him to be out running errands.

  “She doesn’t know. I think it best she stay clear of this shipment. The last six have been compromised,” Randy said.

  “Tighter security. I get it.” He didn’t want to lie to her. “She’s my main priority. I promised her father I’d make her happy. I won’t fail him.”

  “Neither will I. Why don’t you go and dance with the bride herself?” Randy asked. “I’m on guard. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  If something was to happen, he’d have further doubts about this man’s intentions.

  He walked across the dance floor. Isabella was finally alone.

  “Enjoying the reception?” he asked.

  “Can we leave?” she asked. She brushed a stray curl that had fallen over her eyes.

  “Not yet. I’ve heard it’s not polite to skip out of your own wedding reception.”

  “Pity. I thought you were all about the dangers and didn’t care what people thought.”

  He laughed. “I don’t care what people think, but this is your day.”

  “I don’t care about weddings, Damon. I never have.”

  “This isn’t just any wedding, babe. This is your wedding.”

  She took a deep breath, glancing around the room.

  “What is it?” he asked.


  He saw the sadness in her eyes and hated to think he was the cause.

  “Tell me.” He stepped closer, blocking everything from view. She tilted her head back and he saw the glossiness of her eyes. She was close to crying.

  “He should have been here.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He should have known she’d be thinking about her father during a time like this. He couldn’t blame her.

  “I know.”

  “I’m not usually prone to crying.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It gives me hope that you’re a little easier to deal with. You’re a girl.”

  She chuckled and he stroked her hair.

  He was a man and he was very much aware of the curves of her body. How close she was. The sweetness of her scent.

  Tonight was their wedding night.

  He’d never been with a virgin before. His father had tried to offer him guidance in telling him to be swift and quick. Virgins didn’t need to be cared for. They expected pain, so just get it over with. He’d wanted to kill his father. He’d done his own research and knew what to expect.

  The thought of hurting her bothered him.

  Sex wasn’t meant to cause pain, not the kind that could affect a woman for the rest of her life.

  He loved to fuck. To play, and he wanted to do that with Isabella, to show her what her body was capable of, and what they could enjoy together. Until then, he was going to have to get through tonight.

  “Dance with me.”

  “I’m a mess.”

  “Not a single tear has fallen. You’re still strong. No one will see you as weak, and if anyone does, let them. They’ll underestimate you when you need them to most.”

  She chuckled. “Do you ever see the positive in anything?”

  “No. I’m a realist.”

  “My father always told me to never let anyone see weakness.”

  “Your father was a good man.”

  He led her onto the dance floor, pulling her in close. Ignoring everyone else, he relished the feel of her against him. If they were alone, he’d have her out of the clothes and be enjoying her naked body by now. As it was, he was going to have to wait. He hated to wait.

  “But you don’t agree with him about weakness?” she asked.

  “We both have different views. That doesn’t mean I don’t respect him.” He rested his head against hers.

  “Can I tell you something?”

  “Anything, Isabella. I’m your husband.”

  “I miss him, all the time. Sometimes I hate him for making me this way. I wish … I wish I wasn’t me.”

  He leaned back to look into her eyes.

  The sadness there tore at his heart. “You’re perfect, Isabella. I wouldn’t have you any other way but this.” He took possession of her lips, wanting to remove all her worries.

  This wedding was pissing him off. This was for the men to gloat, the women to fawn, and money to be spent. All he wanted to do was take his woman and show her she’d made the right decision in picking him.

  “He’d be so proud of you.”

  “Why? Because I married?”

  “No. Even though he’s not here, you took his advice. You believed in him. He’ll always be your father, and he’ll always take care of you.”

  “He’s not here.”

  “But I am and I promised him no matter what I will always keep you safe. Always. I can promise you that.”

  She leaned her head against his chest, and he held her close. To any onlooker, she was merely taking comfort in him. He’d protect her. It was what he’d promised her father.

  Glancing around the room, he knew someone here was responsible for nearly killing her and when he finally found the culprit, he’d deal with them, swiftly. Until then, he needed to be on his guard at all times.

  Philip Drago had entrusted him with his daughter and there was no way he was going to let the man down. Isabella was precious, he knew that now. When he was first asked, he didn’t think this was any kind of honor but a burden. He’d been wrong and he was never going to make that mistake again.

  Chapter Eight

  They were alone.

  Isabella glanced over at Damon as he lowered her to her feet.

  People were still milling downstairs as per their tradition.

  “Do you have to present the sheets to them?”

  “No. I won’t,” he said.

  She sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “A little. I … I don’t know. My dad prepared me for this. Not in any kind of weird way.”

  “It was a weird way.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to not think it’s weird.”

  “Watching a couple of strangers have sex, yeah, that was weird. Really weird.” She giggled. “Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh.”

  “It’s fine. It’s all good.”

  She burst out laughing, dropping down to the bed. Sex. For the first time. It was the one aspect of today she hadn’t given herself time to think about.

  Damon placed his hand on her stomach and she jumped at the sudden contact.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “We can take this really slow.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “We don’t have to do this tonight. Just tell me you don’t want to, and that’s it, it all stops.”

, I want this,” she said. “I do.” She licked her lips. She didn’t want to wait or to build this up in her mind as some kind of monster. She turned to her side and reached out, hesitating for a second before finally cupping his cheek. “I want this. I’m ready for this.” She leaned in close and brushed her lips across his. “See, we’re good at this.”

  “You call that a kiss?” He gripped the back of her neck. She didn’t feel fear. Desire rushed down her spine as he tilted her head back and slammed his lips against hers. She melted.

  Pleasure raced through her body, driving her wild as he began to deepen the kiss. His tongue traced across her lips and she opened. He plundered inside and she stroked him back.

  Her nipples hardened. Her pussy went slick.

  This man was everything to her. In the back of her mind, she knew that was a problem. He wasn’t hers, not really, but at that very moment, all she wanted was for him to belong to her.

  She expected him to rush, to cup her breasts, to spread her legs, maybe not remove the dress, but to spoil it with her virgin blood.

  Damon didn’t stop kissing her.

  Her lips had to be swollen. He did break from the kiss to trace down to her neck, sucking on her pulse, nipping at her flesh, but he came right back up, kissing her once again.

  Putting her hand on his that rested on her stomach, she moved his hand up, now needing his touch.

  He cupped her tit, squeezing the flesh. “Do you trust me?” he asked, resting his head against hers.


  “Good.” He got up off the bed and took her hand, helping her to stand.

  “I’m not going to rush this. I’m going to take my sweet time and make love to every inch of your body, and then when you don’t think you can stand anymore, you’ll be ready.” He kissed her shoulder, opening each button, loosening the bodice of the dress. She didn’t try to stop it from falling as he got to the final button. At her waist, the dress stopped, but he pushed it past her hips and it slid to the floor. She stood in a corset, a thong, and a garter belt, to which he released a growl.

  “Fuck, how am I supposed to think when you look like this?” he asked.

  “You just are.”

  He slid his hands up, cupping her tits once again. This made her gasp, especially as he dropped the corset to the floor and she hadn’t even heard him start to open it. His hands replaced the corset cups. He pinched at her nipples and the instant hit of pleasure went straight to her clit. She pressed her thighs together but he tutted. “Not happening. Spread them.”


  “Trust me. That’s all you’ve got to do.”

  Slowly, she opened her legs.

  “Good. Now, I want you to touch yourself.”

  She hesitated.

  “I want you to enjoy this, Isabella. There is going to come a point when you’re going to feel pain, but until then, I want you to feel nothing but pleasure.” He let go of one of her breasts and took her hand, placing it between her thighs. “This is what I want to see. I want to see you letting go, touching yourself, preparing yourself. It will make me happy for you to be able to find pleasure without me. You know what to do.” He kissed her neck.

  Closing her eyes, she slid a finger between her slit, finding just how aroused she was. Slowly, she circled her clit, taking her time to get used to herself. This was one thing she’d never done.

  Her father had made her watch those couples, but she’d never touched herself or explored her body.

  Her lips were dry but Damon wasn’t done with kissing her. He took her mouth once again and traced across her lips. She moaned his name, melting for more, and he gave it to her. Driving her wild with need. She stroked over her clit, lighting a fire.

  She felt him move her and she didn’t open her eyes, giving in to the trust that he’d asked from her.

  “Open your eyes,” he said.

  She did so to find them both standing in front of the mirror.

  “Now that I find sexy. I can’t wait to come home to you, finding you doing this, waiting for me to finish you off.” His hand slid from her tit, going between her legs. His finger moving with hers, as they both played with her. “I never want you to be afraid of this. This is something I want you to do with freedom.” He bit her neck, making her gasp. “But now, I need a taste of your virgin pussy.”

  He moved her to the bed and within a matter of seconds, he’d torn the stockings and thong from her body, so she was naked for his viewing pleasure. He released a moan and it echoed through her body.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about you like this. To have you at my mercy, completely mine.”

  She watched as he removed his clothing, revealing his heavily inked, muscular body. She’d seen him in the gym and the few times they’d sparred together. She’d never really allowed herself to watch him too much. The last thing she wanted was for him to believe she actually craved him.

  Once he was naked, he moved between her thighs.

  “Open them wide. Let me see your pussy.”

  She did as he asked without argument and he released a groan.

  “I know I shouldn’t care, but knowing I’m the only man you’re ever going to have, it’s fucking driving me crazy. All I want to do is fuck you, but first, I’m going to show you how good it can be for you.”

  His mouth pressed against her core, his tongue sliding over her clit.

  She wasn’t expecting it and cried out, but didn’t stop him. Sensations rushed through her body as he licked and sucked at her clit. He took his time, never in a rush, driving her to the peak of a release and holding her poised.

  His hands moved to her ass, holding her in place as he took what he wanted, and she didn’t care. She’d never felt like this. It was more than pleasure. It was joy, rapture. Everything she could have ever thought.

  When she took her to the edge one final time, and threw her over, she never thought she’d be the same again.


  Hearing his name being screamed and echoed around the room was a heady sensation. Riding out the orgasm, Damon changed from his tongue to his fingers, moving between her thighs. Her body still shook in the aftershocks of release. Slowly, he moved up, and within a matter of seconds, he guided his length to her core.

  He didn’t want to prolong this pain and he hoped that with her orgasm, she’d be wet enough that any pain wouldn’t register. Slamming every single inch of himself inside her, he tore through her virginity, reaching to the hilt.

  She did cry out. Her body tensed and he took hold of her hands, locking them above her head, and swallowed every cry and moan.

  She was wet, tight, and it took every single ounce of strength not to fuck her hard.

  He stayed perfectly still, giving her the time she needed to become accustomed to his length deep in her pretty cunt.

  She’s not a virgin now. She’s all yours. Fuck, that was a heady thought.

  This woman was all his. Every single part of her belonged to him, and he was looking forward to teaching her what her body could do, and showing her how much fun it was going to be between the two of them.

  Breaking from the kiss, he traced down to her neck, sucking on her pulse and the most sensitive spot to bring her closer to him. She gave a little wriggle and he pulled back.

  Tears spilled out of her eyes, but she made no other sound.

  “I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “We both knew this was going to be painful,” she said. “There was no stopping it.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” He didn’t completely know if he had the willpower to stop. She was everything and this, he desired her. No woman had ever made him feel so alive in all of his life.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “The pain?”

  “It’s not as bad. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I hate the thought of hurting you.”

  She snorted. “You’ve attacked me harder on the mat, believe me.”

dropped down, giving her all of his weight, surrounding her. “I’ve read that after this first time, it’s nothing but good.”

  “You’ve read about this?” she asked.



  “I didn’t want tonight to suck.”

  “But it does for every woman. Why care?”

  He leaned back to stare into her eyes. “You’re going to be my wife for a really long time. I like sex, Isabella, and when I want it, I’m coming to you. There’s never going to be anyone else who matches up. Just you. I know how much fun this can be and I’m not going to take that away from you.”

  “Not all men feel that way.”

  “I’m not like most men. I think I’ve proven that to you plenty of times. I want you to still be able to take care of yourself. I love that you can fight. You know what a gun is, and you can throw a knife like a pro.” He kissed her lips again. He just couldn’t get enough of her. “I don’t want to change you. You’re going to be the wife at my side and there’s no way I want you afraid of me.”

  “You’re really not like the other men, are you?”

  “I don’t get off on you being afraid.” He didn’t care about anyone else but his wife, and he couldn’t stand the thought of her flinching away.

  “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation right now with … you inside me.”

  He pulled out of her and slowly pushed forward, waiting to see if she was in any kind of pain.

  No sign of pain showed.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “I want you to stop asking that. No, I don’t want you to stop.” She arched her back and thrust her pelvis up to meet him.

  She cried out and he went deeper, driving to the hilt. “Do you think you can handle me?” he asked.

  “Yes! Don’t stop.”

  He began to thrust inside her. Over and over, he fucked her, going harder and deeper. Her pussy was so tight and slick around his dick. She circled his waist with her legs and he let go of her wrists to cup her ass, holding her in place as he took her, again and again, driving in deep. He glanced between them, watching his cock disappear within her body. He saw some smears of blood. Her virginity.


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