Shaky Business

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Shaky Business Page 4

by Foster, Ron

  “Aw, Miss Bell, many thanks but it already sounds like you outdid yourself anyway!” Crick started to say with more of the rest heartily agreeing before the old woman cut them off.

  “Now see here, ya’ll haven’t heard the full menu yet, bear with me now and hopefully I won’t ramble on too much. But I have to say, I have to make me some excuses here. You’se knows and I’se knows that what you give me was by far a bounty and a blessing to be held closely, but we can’t keep it all to ourselves, so we will be sharing as fairly and squarely as we can. And everybody that’s here assembled has given of themselves and their pantries to make this special feast together. And before everybody takes any liberties with sampling or thinking they’ll get more on their plate, you just remember there are many people that did not come today to our little party and are doing without so they wouldn’t be looking at you all hungry-dog puppy-eyed.” Miss Bell said reminding them that the restaurant was shut down to the public and that this was a private affair although everyone within hollering distance over a fence within two miles knew about the strangers coming to visit. Now Lucius donated the hominy but I tell you right now, boys, it’s made out of feed corn and we might not use the normal kind of lime that you use to soften it up to make hominy but it’ll be good I reckon. I tell you what, them greens and all we got that came out of all the gardens around here and normally we’d put in some pig knuckles except for about a pound of bacon I been saving that on the Sabbath Day, I tell you, if it wasn’t for the amount of salt in it, it might be going rancid.” Miss Bell stated saying that she just couldn’t cook everything the way it was supposed to be when she was lacking certain basic Southern ingredients.

  Everyone was gathered around the picnic tables happily chowing down when the crack of what sounded like a shotgun blast down by the docks was heard instantly stopping the happy conversation and laughter.

  Crick and crew quickly went for their weapons as Miss Bell’s other guests did the same. It wasn’t long after, the church bell began to toll its clanging warning to the rest of the citizens of the community.

  “What’s going on, Saul?” Hobe asked as several of his crew headed down the hill towards the docks and the rest of everyone scanned the area front and back from where they were at.

  “Could be gypsy boats out marauding, that’s what I call them thugs. Nomadic types that sail here and there foraging and hunting a bit sometimes, sometimes they come raiding if they are the criminal type. We don’t see them coming into this bay very often, they usally operate in areas far south from what few survivors or boats passing by say, but we ready for them. Had some problems with other folks in the past going rogue and attacking folks living far from the settlement so mostly everybody has moved in closer with relatives for mutual protection. If they are moving this way we need to get the word out.” Saul declared doing his almost bird like intense listening while cocking his ears this way and that trying to catch any out of place sounds to tell him what was going on.

  “You said boats as in plural, how many boats are we talking about do you think captain?” Crick asked wanting to go down to the docks for his own look see and check on the safety of their sailboat.

  “Depends, they are pretty much sneaky bastards usually. A boat comes into an area kind of like you all did all friendly and then does some spying for the rest of the thieving murderers hiding their boats back in some obscure hidden cove far away and then they come in force usually just before dawn to rape and pillage. Just like all pirates you got different size groups. I hear tell there are some with one big sailing yacht and a crew of 20-30 and others pack up like wolves in a bunch of smaller boats from 3 to 7 sailors depending on the target. We will get the story from Captain Murdoch who should be along up here shortly.” Saul said as a small group of community residents and the crew of the damaged boat headed their way.

  Everyone waited quietly as Saul stood up, cinched his captains cap down, adjusted his belt and seemed to gain in stature as he cradled his 30-30 rifle across his chest and called out to the group.

  “Captain Murdoch, I am sorry you got a man hurt but you know you ain’t welcome around here and if we was the closet help you could find then you was most likley trying to poach our oyster beds when you thought we were not looking.” Saul declared standing stonily with two of his mates beside him regarding the other boats crew angrily.

  “Cool your jets, Captain Saul, wasn’t nothing of the kind going on. We was out exploring for new shoals that is true but we got chased over this way and we were honoring the treaty and staying away from your fishing grounds.” Captain Murdoch said. The other Captain was an old relic that had grown up around the water and sailed a few foreign seas the same as Saul had in his younger days.

  There was no love lost between them but there was plenty of mutual respect underlying the two old salts gruff manners and threatening stances towards one another.

  Fictional Saul in his younger Days and in his older years

  Photography by Bob Michaels of Apopka, Florida. The subject is James Ford, alleged to be the last Negro shrimp boat captain in the US. It was shot at the shrimp boat dock in Fernandina Beach, FL which has since become resort condos.

  “ I believe you, but why in the world did you blow a shotgun off and give us a scare instead of sounding off your horn coming in?” Saul asked and then told Otis to quit frisking around like a banty rooster in back of him.

  “Well if your old ass had come down to the docks to greet me you could see that we got ourselves pretty shot up. Those bushwackers shot my damn cabin up, blew off my radio antennas and got the boat horn in first volley. These ain’t your normal sea wolves, they got blood in their eyes for some reason and never gave me a chance. Three boats just fanned out approaching me and let the lead fly before I even had a chance to round the bend at St. Marks river. We was dragging a bait net and before we could manage to cut it loose and kick in the inboard engine they gave us a pretty good licking. I got a couple bullet holes in my hull too when it looked like we might get away from them and they started aiming lower. I can understand them trying to shoot up my top structure if they wanted my boat or gear but trying to sink us that quick means we must of run up on a raid or something that they didn’t want us to give warning about, I just don’t know. Zack is gut shot and probably ain’t going to make it; Benjamin got a hole in his shoulder and lost a lot of blood so we headed here, Cap, once we hightailed it and escaped.” Murdoch said hands on hips but Saul even with his dim sight noticed the military style open black leather holster of a .45 pistol with its handle peeking out looking like it wanted to jump in his hand.

  “You get froggy and think about waving that pistol of yours around Murdoch you going to die before I get done cussing you for disturbing my dinner. Everybody and I mean everybody, put your guns up and settle down. We owes them safe harbor and sustenance now that we find them on our doorstep regardless of the past. That’s the sailors creed of any port in a storm and the help for a marooned crew or a boat in distress!” Saul said laying his rifle down on a picnic table and Murdoch following suit by gruffly snapping his holster shut while his boat hands made sure they were pointing their guns at the ground one handed instead of being tightly gripped in two at the ready.

  “Sit yourself down here Murdoch and any boat captains present come on up and announce yourselves and wait your turn to speak. We got to hear more about this threat and decide what it is we are going to do as a group and put our differences in the past.” Saul declared doing a milky eyed stare in every direction before Miss Bell decided it was time to make her voice heard.

  “This is still my place and you all knows my rules! I ain’t having nobody poking out their lips and acting all bad ass today, we have outsider problems to deal with and since it started at my landing I get first say about what goes on so that’s going to start now.” Miss Bell said returning her own .38 police special revolver to its secretive holster under her long blue petticoated dress.

  Grumblings and rumblings answer
ed her but all in all she was allowed to take center stage and voice her apprehensions.

  “How far back are they, Captain?” Miss Bell asked as Murdoch pretended to tend to his pipe feeling a bit nervous about being so uncomfortably close to so many sworn enemies with his pistol secured.

  The old captain thought for a moment and then stated that maybe they were probaly 20 miles or so back if they hadn’t given up the chase because he had travelled straight into a head wind with his diesel motor once they dropped sail on his old trawler.

  “That would put them 3 hours maybe 4 or more longer if they stayed sailing steady this way chasing you.” Saul declared rubbing his own bunch of grey whiskers calculating sailing into the wind time versus engine assisted travel.

  “More or less, I think we got ourselves a hit or two on them with the rifles, I dunno it was all cutting lines and dumping gear mostly for us to get away as quick as we could. Like I said they ambushed the hell out of us and we were busy freaking and streaking. Ponts Bay trading post is up that way, maybe they had their eye on it and were headed that way when we just popped up on their radar or could be they were heading here. No telling, thing is we are warning you and asking help for our wounded. I got no problem trying to sail out of here with a fire on my ass if you patch Benjamin up and see to Zack and keep him comfortable as you can before he expires and put him in your graveyard. We won’t ever come back if you give me your promise to see to that boy and Benjamin will sail off with me. Is Miss Newman around to maybe see about them?” Murdoch asked.

  (Picture inspiration) Virginia Newman was freeborn, the daughter of a Negro boat captain and a part Negro, part Indian mother. When a young girl, Virginia apprenticed herself, and says she was nurse girl in the family or Gov. Foster, of Louisiana. She does not know her age, but says she saw the "Stars fall" in 1833. She has the appearance of extreme old age, and was generally conceded to be 100 years old or more. When interviewed in Beaumont Texas in 1937 it was estimated she was 110 years old.

  “She is out doing the laundry last I seen her today so she probably is in good shape to see about your crewman. I will get my boys to carry your shipmate down to her and we will see about patching Ben up right here because he needs less attention. Glad he can walk around some because he would be a bear to tote anywhere if his legs were disabled.” Saul said referring to the Bluto from the Popeye cartoons sized first mate that was wounded in the shoulder.

  “He could probably tote himself and Zack with him down there. Give him some booze and a rest and he could probably remove the bullet all by himself.” Murdoch said wondering about the good shape comment Saul had made about Miss Newman.

  “You got any beer for trade with her? She will want something for his care and upkeep; you will owe her even more if he ends up needing a funeral.” Saul declared.

  “I ain’t got no fresh beer made; I got some pre-grid down commercial stuff in cans if she can stomach it.” Captain Murdoch said.

  “Oh she will like it just fine, says she drinks it and baby aspirin for her heart don’t you know? She ain’t always sober but she the best doctor, midwife herb lady we got around these parts. She doubles up as a mortician too if the need ever arises.” Otis said joining the conversation.

  “Well Zack got pay coming to him and I kind of feel obliged to pay for his medical needs. How much does a humdinger of a funeral cost?” Murdoch asked.

  “She gets $10, fifteen if you want a nice wood box.” Saul said studying the man.

  “Seems cheap and fair enough to me, here is 20 bucks for a funeral and she can keep it if she cures him and you all have to give him back to me. I will get some beer and can goods off the boat for her…..” Murdoch began as he handed $20 to Saul.

  “Now don’t go spoiling her none, a 15 dollar funeral is the best any one of us can hope for around here and besides that’s all that she is willing to provide. Tip her with something else if you have a mind to. She does a nice job of taking care of the deceased too, washing up the body and giving them a haircut and such. Now as for this other 5 bucks you gave me I will see to it he gets a nice carved marker and get the kids to pick some pretty flowers to plant on his grave. If you want us to do it up right and proper and you are willing to throw in a jug of sipping whiskey, well then me and my crew will go down after the church gives him a funeral and give him a good sailors send off with a campfire and cemetery wake.” Saul declared more than willing to do those honors for another captain’s fallen comrade.

  “Old Saul you are one for the books! Why me and my crew would be honored if you would do that for us and Zack. I can give you a couple boxes of shells too if you tell me what kind of ammunition you need. I hope you don’t have to use them and it ain’t like we brought that pirate trouble over here with us but you know how it is.” Murdoch said removing his hat and taking a bandana out of his pocket to wipe his forehead.

  “Think nothing of it, we got our differences but if I was in the same tight spot I reckon that you would see to doing the same for me.” Saul said dismissively.

  “How long till you think it is before he gonna die if she can’t fix him?” Otis asked sounding more like he was interested in the top shelf liquor Murdoch was going to provide than the fate of his crewman.

  “Maybe a day or two, uh hey Saul you got my permission to make it easier on him to pass on if you get my drift. Don’t go slitting his throat like a hog neither if he gets to hurting and pleading too much for you all to help him die you hear? Just give him a little comfort and shoot him, I will pay double for the bullet.” Murdoch declared looking softer and more caring than his usual demeanor gave away.

  “I wouldn’t do no such thing nor allow it to happen neither. You just rest your mind and heart that we will see to your sailor best we can and don’t have no worries. Otis you quit standing down here and go see what’s taking so long with that wagon and mule to carry Zack to Miss Newman’s. Go with them and ask her should we start digging a hole or wait awhile after she does her examinations.’ Saul said ordering his crewmember to personally see to it the man got the best care possible.

  “Can I take your scooter?” Otis said sheepishly and pleadingly.

  “Yea since you need to be in a hurry then I reckon you can borrow it but you listen to me well! If you bust it, scratch it, dent it, get my whitewalls dirty or hurt it in any way I will keel haul your sorry butt! You hear me? Now off with you and hurry back and give me a report.” Saul said huffily while already regretting that he had entrusted his beloved “Bessie” kick scooter to Otis. It was pretty much the only steel frame factory made model on the peninsula and he depended on it to get around.

  Lord knows he had overpaid a kid and his daddy to get his hands on it, but around here it was a status symbol of sorts and the inspiration for much of the homemade transportation around for folks that didn’t have access to a bicycle. Handier too cause he could haul more stuff on it if needed. Just a matter of balance against gravity.

  Murdoch watched the exchange between Saul and Otis with some amusement. You would think that old red scooter was a Cadillac or something the way Saul was carrying on. Come to think of it he had spied two other scooters down at the docks when they came in much less fancy. Those things made sense to get around on and haul a sack of oysters with if it was all you had. Maybe when he got back to home port he would see about acquiring some if they could be had.

  Murdoch figured most people had overlooked that form of transportation in this grid down world. Well except for the Amish, those things were part of life for them and could be seen traveling all over the place on them by both young and old. They were more like bike scooters though.

  Those kind came with baskets; Bell’s and brakes unlike this big kid’s version Saul rode. Murdoch wondered how the Amish were getting along these days. Their pacifist nature would surely be their downfall eventually but on the other hand wasn’t there that show on Nat Geo about an Amish Mafia? The idea of someone riding a kick scooter with an AR 15 rifle didn’t seem so farfetch
ed now that he thought about Saul with his 30-30 rifle doing the same.

  Some Amish permit bicycles while others do not.

  As with other technologies, different groups of Amish have different rules regarding bicycles.

  Bicycles are common among Amish in some communities, particularly in the Midwest, such as Holmes County, Ohio, the Shipshewana and Nappanee areas in Indiana, and Arthur, Illinois. In these communities, Amish may ride bikes to work, to visit family, or for pleasure.

  Other communities do not permit bicycles, however. This may be due to tradition or a belief that bicycles are too worldly. In such cases, Amish often permit the scooter instead. Communities which use scooters include Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Dover Delaware Amish, and Allen County, Indiana. Amish travel by a variety of other means, including rollerblades, pony carts, hired car, and of course, buggies


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