Layla and Her Alien

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Layla and Her Alien Page 42

by Andrea Allen

  “Oh yeah. If you happen to want to find out, swing by here tonight, around sunset.” For just a moment, a small and blisteringly intimate moment, Nate placed his palm flat on Barb’s hip. He pulled back a moment later, but in the scant second he had been touching her, she had leaned into his touch, seemingly on instinct. She continued to blush, as he sauntered away, calling out over his shoulder, “Plenty of ways to see the stars with me, girl.”

  The grin never left his face.

  Chapter 5

  Before he started waiting for her, Nate wondered how long he should wait for Barb to show. What span of time should he sit out there, under the stars, before he allowed himself to suspect he was being stood up? What reason would she have to come anyway, outside of the promise of some loving?

  As it happened, the entire line of reasoning was moot. Barbara was already waiting for him at the barn by the time he arrived.

  Summer nights in Remlow Creek were warm enough that only minimal clothing was needed, a fact that Nate savored upon seeing the woman lingering in the slowly fading twilight. Barb’s summer dress clung to the curves of her body, pressed there by the light, chill breeze that rustled through the boughs of the trees overhead. The advancing state of her pregnancy gave her far more curves to appreciate, the low light turning her into a soft silhouette clad in roundness and light, flowing fabric. Her hair caught the dying sunset just so, a golden waterfall flowing down her back.

  “I’d ask if you come here often, but, I mean…” Nate shrugged. “You will be.”

  “Well, well, listen to your confidence. Mister Hawke. I’ve been told there are nice stars to see here, that’s the only reason I showed up.”

  She offered Nate her hand, and allowed him to lead her around the side of the barn, through the tall grass that grew there, and down the slight slope of a hill lined with brush. At the bottom of this sprawled a river, a ribbon of water stretching off laterally in either direction with its path winding off toward the sinking sun. Soft reeds grew on the bank, and trees leaned out over the water, their canopies just sparse enough to see the sky above through them, while still retaining the pleasant sway of the leaves in the wind. Wild growth obscured the pair from the path into town, the hill leaving them out of view of the Hard Tack; it was truly the perfect place for a clandestine rendezvous.

  “Okay, I’ll admit, this is nice,” Barb said, as Nate helped her down against the papery bark of the nearest tree, gnarled roots offering an oddly ideal seat for the pregnant woman. “I was expecting something else, I guess.”

  “Like what?” Nate cocked his head to one side, sitting down beside her.

  “More antagonism, I suppose,” she shrugged. “We’d already slept together, and then I slept with Leo. I’m used to those things leading to fights. Like I get marked by the first guy to be with me and from then on it’s the black spot, warding off every guy that first guy has ever known from trying anything with me. And when you go out as much as I do, you run into people more than once, and other people that know them. Somehow, I’ve been the object of a few drunken bar fights. I don’t like being a trophy. I just get out to have fun.”

  “Even when you’re…” Not knowing how to complete that sentence, Nate gestured to Barb’s stomach.

  “Well, no drinking now that I’m like this, obviously, but if I find a guy that I like I’m hardly going to say no if he wants to go further,” Barb looked out over the river. “Has to be a pretty special guy, though. Have to feel a spark.”

  “Did you feel a spark with the guy who knocked you up?” The words were out of him before Nate realized what he was asking, and he clapped a hand over his mouth immediately after, his eyes welling up with apologies. Something about this river, the inexorability of its flow, put him too at ease; he had never been able to think sharply when he was out here. All of the major fights in his life had started at this little creek.

  “Yes,” Barbara glanced at Nate sidelong, her voice soft and winsome. As if in answer to a question he hadn’t asked, she continued, “But he’s not in the picture anymore. It’s fine. We had our fun, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Sometimes things just end, and you go your separate ways. I like where my path has led me, and the company it put me in.”

  She turned and pushed herself toward Nate, tilting his chin in her hands to lay an affectionate, deep kiss on his lips.

  “Even when they put their foot in their mouths,” she murmured, the corners of her own mouth turning up into a smile. Sticking close together for a moment, their noses almost touching, Barb stared into the man’s eyes, seeing the awkwardness brew in them, before she pulled away, and placed her back to the trunk of the tree once more. “We don’t have to worry about that, though, now do we? You brought me out here to show me stars, not to yap on about the mysterious origin of my baby bump.”

  “That’s true,” Nate bobbed his head, taking a moment to close his eyes and push down the embarrassment he felt, to remind himself of why he had come here and drag himself back to some form of normality. If Barb wasn’t bothered by his little faux pas, why should he be?

  Desperate to take the initiative back, Nate rose to his knees there in the grass, reeds rustling as he repositioned himself in front of the seated woman, daring to run his hands up below the hem of her dress, his fingertips running small, tickling circles over the sensitive skin he found there. Barb’s thighs tensed beneath her, causing the woman to rise up off of the root she was seated on for a moment, a little squeak of surprise leaving her lips at his forwardness. Slowly, their eyes locked, he slid her skirt up higher, then higher still, a widening smile emerging on his face as Nate, at no point, encountered panties.

  “Naughty girl,” he growled, pushing the skirt up over her exposed pussy.

  “I knew what I was here for,” Barb replied, shrugging.

  “Then I’d better get to it.” Nate slid one hand down the length of Barb’s leg, down the silken curve of her calf, and lifted it up, placing her ankle atop his shoulder. Turning his head to one side, he planted a trail of kisses down her inner thigh, working his way inexorably inward, toward the join of her now spread legs. As he approached the swelling, sweet lips of her pussy, Barb reached forward and ran her hands through Nate’s hair, drawing him in those final few inches.

  His tongue, with little fanfare, slid inside her.

  As the man licked and kissed at the woman’s many sensitivities, the sun dipped over the horizon completely and darkness swallowed the two. Pinpricks of light from above illuminated them, the many stars that could be seen from Remlow Creek’s remote location offering just enough for their bodies to resolve as shapes, as curves and lines, the suggestions of feminine and masculine forms working to mutual pleasure in the night. Everything else fell away. Nate ceased to be the rich businessman escaping his responsibilities for a time, ceased to even be concerned with the tiny rural corner he had set up here for himself. Barb stopped being the one-woman mystery who had followed him, however accidentally, into this tiny little town, was no longer the one-night-stand who persisted beyond the one night.

  She was the taste on his tongue, the heat against his lips. The harsh bark of panting breath from somewhere up above. The tight scrape of fingernails against his scalp.

  To her, he had become the talented flick of a limber tongue, the rich, harsh sensation of teeth running along the hood of her clit. He was suckling lips and masculine grunts of exertion. Fingernails on her thighs, hands grabbing her ass, lifting her cunt closer to him. He was the pleasure roiling and climbing upward through her hips.

  Though alone, Barb still felt a pressure to remain quiet, the fear of being caught like this, by a stranger, at least, enough to keep her lips clasped shut, resorting to mewling whimpers of sensation instead of the full-throated moans she would have preferred. This task was harder than it seemed, made so by Nate’s incessant skill, his stimulation a constant throb between her legs that built and built and never faltered. The man did not give up his assault for even a moment, licking and
sucking, sliding his fingers into her, so that Barb came, hard and quickly, her thighs clenching about his head.

  Her own head tilted back and, through the cover of the trees, she could indeed see the stars, quaking in time with her orgasmic shudders.

  When she came down, and Nate rose to his knees, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Barb kept her fingers running idly through his hair, the motions affectionate and tired, after the sheer intensity of her orgasm. Catching her breath, slowly but surely, she guided him back to his feet and hooked those same fingers into his belt, drawing him closer. As she fiddled with the buckle, undoing it in a few quick motions, Barb looked up at Nate.

  “Hey, maybe I’m just horny, but…” She paused here, sliding his underpants down and pulling his cock, already hardening even before she got it in her hands, out into the cool night air. Barb nodded up the hill, toward the Hard Tack. “You got any cowboy clothes up in that old-timey saloon building up there? I’ve got this fantasy—”

  Perhaps there was a set of circumstances in which Nate would have questioned this, maybe asked for some additional details. In those circumstances, there would have been a conversation the two would have had about that. Such circumstances were definitively not the sort where Barb slid his cock into her mouth, sucking gently at his throbbing tip.

  “Ah, someone’s interested,” Barb grinned, her tongue moving a slow, rewarding circle around Nate’s shaft. “Bring Leo along? I see you blinking, you’re gonna hesitate at that? You’ve already seen him and me.”

  She was right, of course; though Nate wasn’t averse to threesomes in a general sense, let alone ones with two men, but Leo? The one man he would have to spend his days with once all this was over and Barb had gone back home?

  But through it all, bearing down on the doubts and quashing what might perhaps be Nate’s better judgment, was Barbara’s talented mouth, working at him even as he mulled it over. He was helpless, in the thrall of the pretty, pregnant woman. He placed one hand on top of her head.

  “Yeah, I think I can fix that up for you.”

  Chapter 6

  In the end, the two of them settled on spending the next day together. For Nate, if Leo could shut down the Hard Tack for a while to get laid, then surely the two of them, cumulatively, could justify doing the same.

  By the time Barb came by, he had dressed himself as she had requested— hardy, long-sleeved clothes, leather boots, the sort of thing that would make him stick out like a sore thumb in New York, but that practically served as camouflage here. Leo had even rustled up a hat, though he wore it in a distinctly self-effacing way, leaning against the counter beside the Hard Tack’s owner as the blond city woman entered and closed the door behind her.

  “Ma’am,” Leo tipped his hat, and Nate resisted the urge to slap it off of his head. He settled for rolling his eyes, even as Barb began to giggle, leaning over the counter.

  “My oh my, partner,” she said, and grinned as both men looked, almost instinctively, down her shirt at the generous heft of her breasts. “Ain’t you looking handsome today?”

  “Hi Barb,” Nate said, his words lilting and drawn out. The blond woman winked back, then stood aside and raised her hands, framing the image of the two men behind the counter, clad in their old west regalia, as though they had stepped out of an old Clint Eastwood movie. A smile, perhaps a tad amused, curled the corners of her mouth, but there was a blush to her cheeks that could not be denied. Nate could see, looking in her eyes as she looked at them, some mercurial little fantasy being fulfilled.

  “Okay. That’s perfect. Don’t move, you two.”

  She approached them slowly, as though afraid that moving too fast would unsettle the scene before her and ruin the fantasy before it could come to completion. Wordlessly, holding their gaze with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Barbara slipped around the counter and between the two men. For a moment she stood there, expression oozing pure sex, before she reached up and plucked the hat from Leo’s head, lowering the thick-brimmed thing slowly onto her own, tilting it to an angle that was, somehow, suggestive. Putting one hand on the counter, Barb lowered herself to her knees and installed herself in the hollow space below it, looking up at Nate and Leo expectantly.

  “Well? Come here, boys,” She purred, licked her lips. Leo stepped forward first, almost immediately, being led near literally by his dick, and he was rewarded with Barb’s lips clasped around that same dick a few seconds later, the buckle of his belt dangling about his hips. Nate stood back, waiting his turn, but Barb crooked a finger, gestured to beckon him forward without taking Leo out of her mouth. As she continued to bob on his friend’s dick, Barb reached over and undid Nate’s pants, transferring her sucking mouth from Leo to him, balancing Nate on her tongue for a moment to speak up.

  “I don’t know if you closed the store up or what, boys,” she said, her words slurred by the cock in her mouth, “but I’d be quiet if I were you. Don’t want to give the game away.”

  As it transpired, both men had had the foresight to ensure the Hard Tack would be closed for now, but that didn’t stop the situation from playing out strangely to them anyway. Both Nate and Leo had spent so much time behind this very counter, serving customers or watching through the window as one or the other of them tended to the horses outside, that to receive a blowjob at it seemed unnatural, an upending of a routine that had come to define their time here. Not that either of them were complaining about this, as the beautiful pregnant blond knelt before them, stroking and sucking, switching her attentions from one to the other with a smooth, practiced grace. As she slid her mouth down one shaft, her hand wrapped around the other, masturbating the throbbing rod slickly through a lubricating sheen of saliva. Just before the latter began to feel neglected she would switch, swallowing it while jacking the other, her sense of timing unerring and perfect.

  But, for however long she knelt there, whatever the level of intensity with which Barb fellated them, she never let either man come.

  Oh, she could tell, by the throbbing of their members and the tension in their muscles, when it was about to happen, but each such signal only prompted her to back off and prolong things; a cock on the edge of orgasm could expect to be relegated to the soft touches of Barbara’s hand, while its owner gripped the counter tightly and perhaps murmured a request for more below. Barb would only ever laugh in response, the sound huffing and choked, as she sucked off the other man.

  “Do we have to carry you upstairs or what, Barb?” Leo asked, his voice strained and a tad desperate, after both had lost count of the number of times this teasing game had been played on them. ‘Come on, now!’

  “I wouldn’t mind that,” she giggled in response, and reached up with both her hands. Without needing to be told, Nate and Leo grabbed one each and, carefully, hauled the pregnant woman back to her feet, whereupon she was duly hefted bodily off of those same feet by two needy, enthusiastic men. Pregnancy had made her somewhat ungainly, but between them, Nate and Leo were able to carry the giggling, squirming woman upstairs and, for the first time, through into Nate’s bedroom, the Hard Tack’s master bedroom. A room fit for what was about to transpire.

  They began stripping Barb of her clothes before even reaching the bed, dragging down her skirt as the three of them awkwardly marched their way toward the mattress, setting the woman down only when she was fully naked. Nate descended upon her first, taking one large, pink nipple in his mouth as he guided Barb onto her back, and himself between her legs. Leo circled, predatory and interested, part watching, part looking for an opening. Barb’s legs parted automatically to the pressure of a hot, wanting male body atop her, and already hard and teased as he was, Nate slid easily inside her, up to the hilt in her tight, wet hole. Maternal hormones had turned Barb sensitive, and she gasped at the intrusion, her back arching.

  “Yee-ha!” She laughed, the sound devolving into a moan as Nate began to move within her. Hungry eyes looked to Leo as he crawled onto the bed beside her head, offering his
erection to her once more. Barb opened her mouth without a second thought, and allowed the younger man to push between her lips, groaning formlessly around him as Nate, her strange contradiction, her rich little cowboy with his own little ranch store, scythed his hips in fast, forceful motions. Speed borne of lust, of teasing, of a simple need to enjoy her with Leo, three friends working toward mutual pleasure.

  The two men worshiped her pregnant body, running lips and hands over the curves maternity had given her, running tickling touches across sensitive skin until the woman between them squirmed and cried out senselessly, that beautiful, heavy body wracked with orgasmic spasms. She came, and having come once, found herself deeply receptive to climax, orgasms coming quickly and plentifully as Nate played with her clit and Leo reached down to fondle her breasts. Shivering, sucking, fucked and fucking in turn, Barb closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensation of having two handsome men focusing their attentions entirely on her.

  At the first spurting heat of Nate’s climax within her, Barbara gasped and undulated her hips, her pussy squeezing down on his pulsating shaft, milking the seed from him as he grunted and pushed into her as deeply as he possibly could. Furiously, she bobbed her head on Leo’s member, running her tongue into all the sensitive places she could remember from their previous dalliance, urging him to come along with them, pleading with her big blue eyes for him to fill her mouth, let her taste it, please…

  He tipped his head back as he released, Barb’s tongue fluttering across the head of his cock as his cream spurted onto it, swallowing eagerly. For a glorious, burning moment the three of them hung in orgasm together, connected and trembling, consumed with pleasure. Releasing such tension came with a deep exhalation of breath from the trio, an almost simultaneous flop onto the bed, loose limbed and exhausted. There was silence, broken by the panting of people in satisfied exhaustion, the bed creaking as they moved, just slightly, closer to one another.


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