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Layla and Her Alien

Page 91

by Andrea Allen

  Dirk truly had transformed, for that one night, all those months ago. The need in him then, seemingly under pressure, had become something else entirely, an electric new side of him that had changed everything for the time they had had together. Looking in his eyes, Mina could see that creature peering out from him now, just waiting for her to say the word. With adrenaline pulsing through her veins, and memories flitting through her mind’s eye, she had a hard time even considering doing otherwise. Her lips parted.

  “It was so good…” she offered, querulously, “That’s why we can’t do it again…”

  “Mina…” Dirk breathed, his hand beginning to move. From her hip, it glided up the line of her body, conforming to the hourglass curve of her waist, across the slight swelling of her breast and up her throat to cup her chin, raising it so that they were eye to eye. There were no more words.

  “Don’t…” Mina whimpered, and then immediately kissed him back when Dirk lowered his lips to hers.

  Something in Mina, some internal resistance that she had been fostering the entire time she had been here, began to crack. Her stepbrother’s tongue slipped into her mouth, tasting of the same alcohol it had the last time, the rich red wine their parents favored and broke out when they had guests. A pang of desire rippled through her, gripped her chest and took her breath away. When Dirk’s free hand went to the small of her back, pressed her against his chest, she did not resist. She merely opened her eyes for the duration of the kiss, locked them on the staircase that led to the second floor, scanning for the first signs of interlopers re-entering the scene, advance warning so they could break apart with a moment’s notice.

  Her stomach squirmed nervously anyway, the idea that they were doing something illicit and forbidden transforming even something as relatively chaste was what she and Dirk were doing into a moment of high tension. Her thighs squeezed together, body swaying to some unheard beat, muscles tense and drawing her upward toward Dirk’s mouth. He had her there, held her by the back and chin, her entire self in his hands, blindingly, completely possessed in that moment, with the taste of her stepbrother in her mouth, reaching right into her mind.

  Mina couldn’t tell how long it took her to take possession of herself again, to press the palms of her hands against Dirk’s chest and push him away.

  “Stop!” she hissed, her breath hard and unsteady in her throat. Mina’s face burned a furious red, her heart pounding like a drum in her chest. She stepped back again, finding herself pushed against the empty fireplace, a puff of ash whirling out as she hit the wall. The heat of Dirk’s body lingered on her for an endless span of seconds, a livid memory of how he had felt against her, the passion filling his embrace. When he looked upon her now, it was with a blazing, desperate lust, something that Mina could tell had formed over the course of a year apart from her, a year of yearning, of her absence, of the ache of knowing that he had driven her away.

  A pang of mingled sadness and desire went through her, all at once.

  “Dirk…” Mina felt herself pouting, regret etching her voice. In retrospect she had been too obvious, leaving so soon after their last dalliance; what else was he supposed to think? She had fled because of what had happened, but it was her own weakness she was fleeing from, not Dirk himself.

  “Mina, who cares what anyone else thinks?” Perhaps he had seen the want in her, just as Mina had seen it in him. He crossed the gap between them and, instead of keeping his sister pinned in the corner, took her hand and pulled her into the center of the room with him. Though he kept hold of her hand, Mina had to admit that she did feel better here, not just closer to him but with more open space around her. She felt better still when he led her, with a gentle yet insistent tug, toward the favorite armchair, seating himself before bringing her into his lap.

  “Doesn’t this feel right?” One hand was in hers, the other laying on her thigh, pale skin vivid on the dark material of her pants. It stroked, in subtle, small movements, toward the inside of her leg, fingers edging closer with each motion. Without thinking, Mina spread her legs wider, and Dirk took this as an invitation. He slid his palm up her thigh, finding that special spot between her legs and exerting a tiny amount of pressure there.

  Mina whimpered.

  She knew how this must look, the two of them too tall to fit into a single chair without appearing awkward. Her rugged, handsome older stepbrother sat on the cushions like some kind of cowboy king on his throne, his sister long-limbed and sloping off of his lap, her legs at a steep angle from the floor. He, clad in earthen tones, defined muscles and pleasant features. She, dark and pretending to be mysterious, dyed hair and slight frame, only the scantest of breasts and hips, full lips that still tingled from their kiss. They must had looked quite the pair, so different and yet so close together.

  Dirk bowed his head, brought his lips in close to Mina, drawing them lightly along the curve of her neck. She shivered, panted low in her throat, yelped softly when her stepbrother nipped at her skin with his teeth. All the while, his palm ground between her legs, a constant pressure that she found herself grinding against thoughtlessly, pleasure swelling at her hips, radiating outward from the sweetness of his touch. Mina’s eyes drifted closed, her worry over being caught forgotten in the presence of such sensations; she lost herself in the tickling ecstasy of her brother’s kiss, the solid, reassuring warmth of his body, and the knowledge that even after a year, he still knew exactly what to do to her.

  She barely even noticed, at first, when he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her pants.

  But do that he did, his knuckles brushing a tickling path over the skin of her abdomen, as he dipped lower into Mina’s pants, sliding himself under her panties and against the core of her pleasure directly. She moaned, luxuriating in the tug of his hand moving through her pubic hair, finding her lips, her clit, the seeping wetness of her hole and pushing inexorably inside. His thumb stuck to her clit, strumming chords of sensation through Mina, electric thrills of pleasure curling up into her stomach, down into her thighs. Her toes curled inside her shoes. Inside her trousers, the tendons in her legs stood taut, her whole body angling, reaching for Dirk’s touch. There was a soft, wet sound that grew in volume as her arousal increased, a secret, illicit sound, just for them.

  “That’s it, you remember how to do this,” Dirk crooned, his voice deep and lyrical, an encouraging little singsong that swelled with approval whenever Mina moved her hips, fucked herself down onto his hand. “Just give in. Doesn’t it feel so good?”

  “F-fuck…” Mina whimpered, biting her lip and regarding her stepbrother with almost no resolve, the man’s skillful touch more than enough to erode the walls she had spent the entire year building in a matter of seconds. She had, at most, one last burst of sense to spend, before she lost herself to this entirely, come what may. Dirk was too good a lover to resist for long, and though she loved him, though she yearned to let this happen and hated to reject him, she knew in the long-term, nothing good could come of this.

  Besides, thirty more seconds of this, and she was sure she would cum.

  It was a matter of some personal shame to Mina that she waited a solid twenty-five seconds more, then; rocked her hips and let her stepbrother finger her to the very edge of orgasm before she remembered her principles and scrambled upright. Shaking her head, Mina felt her legs trembling, her body shrieking with unmet need, demanding that she get back to it, that she let it happen. Her clit throbbed, pussy aching between her legs, and she focused on Dirk’s questioning look to remind herself what it was she had actually stopped.

  “No, Dirk. We can’t. I can’t.”


  She was gone, before he could say more, rushing up the stairs while hastily doing up her pants, treading the familiar path from the living room to her old bedroom, where she would be staying for a few days. The place was largely as she had left it last time, her old full-length mirror still allowing her to stare guiltily at her own reflection as she left her stepbro
ther, horny and forlorn, on the ground floor. It was wrong to just leave him there like that, but Mina knew if she had stayed to talk to him he would have convinced her of the wrongness of her own position, that they would have done something that she would regret in the morning. Mina wondered just how far she would have to move to get away from that. Australia maybe.

  She locked the door behind her, just in case. It didn’t seem likely that Dirk would follow her up, but if he did… this room had a bed in it.

  Mina flopped down on that bed, the old wood frame creaking beneath her weight, and put her head in her hands. She could feel the heat emanating off of her cheeks, had seen the deep crimson she had turned from just a few minutes down there in Dirk’s embrace. Her underwear clung wetly to her, stiff clit sliding easily over that now slippery surface. There was almost no self-control left in her tank, but though Mina sorely wanted to masturbate, she knew better than to try.

  Her suitcase was still down in the car, she had been intending to bring it up later and simply kept delaying. That option was off the table now, and so Mina lay down in her clothes, stared up at the ceiling of her childhood bedroom and allowed the memories of what she had just done to percolate in her sleepy mind. Her eyes drifted closed, there was nothing else to do but sleep, even though she knew her dreams would no doubt be perverse and Dirk-filled, such was the strength of the desire she had denied.

  It would be so easy to go back downstairs, finish what they started.

  Mina rolled over to face the wall and forced herself to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  A good night’s sleep had done little to alleviate the pent-up desire that had permeated her dreams. Mina awoke with her clit pulsing, the image of Dirk’s face fading sleepily into unreality as the real world asserted itself once more. Hazy, half-formed remembrances of her dreams came to her in fits and starts, quickly lost to the strange forgetfulness that waking up so often elicits; Dirk’s face between her legs, his chest, muscular and hard, his erection in her mouth. Mina blushed and squirmed, squeezing her legs together for a moment before bounding out of bed, unwilling to simply marinate in her arousal much longer.

  With shaky steps, her body protesting the entire way, demanding that she head back to bed and finish what Dirk had started the night before, Mina headed downstairs and to her car, shivering in the morning cold. The sun peeked out from behind mournful gray clouds, its blazing surface mostly obscured and the pallid light that filtered down insufficient to properly heat up the world. Mina’s breath fogged in front of her as she crunched through fresh snow and pulled her suitcase from the trunk, struggling with the hatch for a moment before finally dragging it open with throbbing, cold fingers.

  She pulled her overnight bag in as quickly as she could, heaving it upstairs and back into her room before anyone else had noticed she was up. She had always been an early riser, and it seemed to Mina that she was the only one awake at this hour; looking over at the clock showed that it was only a little past six in the morning, so she could hardly blame anyone else for still being in bed. Unzipping her case and selecting a change of clothes, Mina made her way cautiously, quietly, across the creaking floorboards of the upstairs landing and to the bathroom closest to her bedroom.

  It was here, then, that the specific peculiarities of her childhood home began to conspire against her.

  The upstairs bathroom was a strangely long proposition, fitted as it was into a spare few feet of width between two other rooms. Though a person could fit in there just fine, there was never sufficient room for two people to stand shoulder to shoulder the way the door opened. Effectively, the bathroom formed a sort of hallway to a window at the end, filled on either side with the sort of accoutrements one would expect from a bathroom, clad in cream-colored tiles. A pair of sinks and mirrors were set closest to the door, a series of cabinets followed it, with a toilet in the opposing corner. The shower- a combination bathtub number that had always felt wonderfully roomy to Mina- was positioned furthest from the door, secreted away in an alcove so that all one could see of it from the room proper was the wavering crimson shower curtain.

  Since the door no longer locked due to a dramatic and unfortunate door slam years earlier, and since the shower ran at such a distance that it was impossible to hear it through the closed door, Mina was able to swing the door open and walk partway in before she saw that anything was wrong. Dirk, by contrast, could tell immediately that something was wrong, but allowed it to happen anyway.

  He stood at the end of the bathroom’s length, his clothes piled neatly on the counter. His bare skin caught the scant morning light and transformed it, turned it into something beautiful.

  “Well this is a pleasant surprise,” he said, and stretched, rising up onto the tips of his toes as he pulled his arms up over his head. Pectorals and biceps and a bunch of other muscles that Mina could scarcely name went taut, and then relaxed, the sight of it utterly transfixing. She knew she was blushing already, harder than before. Her stepbrother grinned, the expression naughty, lascivious in a way she didn’t know he could be. “So forward!”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here. I’ll wait.” It should have been the easiest thing in the world to say, so why wasn’t Mina saying it? Why did the words escape her, as her eyes hovered on Dirk’s naked form, daring a momentary dip to take in the girth of his cock, something she hadn’t even seen in full during their dalliance a year ago, as rushed and darkened as that had been. Everything below her waist seemed to ache with need, a throbbing like the rhythmic tolling of some grand bell that reverberated through her moment by moment. She had let him get her right to the edge of climax last night before she pulled away, and this was what she got in return.

  Everyone else in the house was asleep. Mina closed her eyes, exhaled deeply, and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. It didn’t lock, but if she piled up her clothes at its bottom, they would delay anyone attempting to open it long enough for them to notice, for one of them to call out. Occupied.

  “Don’t say anything, Dirk,” Mina said carefully, allowing her voice to rise just above the level of the hissing spray of water already issuing from within the shower. “The rest of the house is asleep, we’ve got some time, and somehow I’m horny. Isn’t this what you wanted? Why you have to tease?”

  “Sorry, sorry,” Dirk smiled, then gestured to the tub. The act of raising one thick leg to get in struck Mina’s hormone-addled brain as profoundly erotic, something that made her picture planting a kiss to the inside of his thigh. He slipped under the spray and for a moment Mina could see his chest glimmering with cascading droplets, water clinging to his abs, running in rivulets around his navel, down his shoulders, everywhere. Closing the curtain robbed her of that sight, but it also afforded Mina a little privacy and space for herself to prepare for what she was about to do, a gesture for which she found herself grateful. Dirk could be awfully considerate when he wanted to be.

  Placing her palms flat on the counter, Mina looked her reflection in the eye. This didn’t have to mean anything, she told herself, bargained with herself. You’ve already done it once, what additional harm could a second time bring? It’s just a little fun. You’re just horny… just go in there and get off. Nothing else has to happen.

  Before she could hesitate again, she slipped out of her pants and panties, kicking them over in front of the door. Her shirt followed suit, and it took her a few moments more to properly wedge the pile in beneath the door frame, ensuring that it would be difficult to be taken by surprise. Swallowing, she turned back into the bathroom, opened the shower curtain and slipped beneath the warm torrent of water.

  Dirk had moved aside as she had drawn close, giving her the spot right below the shower-head, and in the first few seconds Mina simply found herself profoundly rocked by the pleasant sensation of hot water against her skin. She did a slow turn, allowing the water to coat her, running through her hair and down her body. In time, she turned back to her stepbrother, who was staring openly, somethi
ng for which she couldn’t blame him; she could scarcely believe she was doing this herself.

  “Okay, so who’s gonna soap whose back first?”

  “Oh, come on, I think we both know you didn’t come here for that,” Dirk murmured into the spray, his voice echoing off of the tiles in the enclosed space. “I knew you couldn’t stay away.”

  “I’m also in here to shower, Dirk,” Mina breathed, shrugging her shoulders. “So if you want to play, be a good boy and soap me up, yes?”

  She turned her back to him then, could feel his eyes on her ass as she did so. Mina offered him a little wiggle, and this was all it took to get Dirk to retrieve the little bottle of shower gel and squirt some into his hands. She moaned, at the first touch of those wide palms on her back, both of them lying flat on either shoulder blade, rubbing the cool soap into her skin. Suds began to drift slowly down the curves of her back in long, streaky lines of bubbles and foam, running eventually over her hips and legs as Dirk continued to rub, growing bolder in his touching by the moment. He graduated, eagerly, to running his soapy hands along her waist, reaching closer to Mina’s front with every slick, vaguely erotic circuit of her body he made. Shivering, Mina pushed herself back against him, slick skin on slick skin, enjoying the solid heat of his body, the friction of their movements against one another.

  God, she had never known she was this easy, before him.

  It wasn’t like she hadn’t had reservations the first time they had done this, she had been just as reticent with Dirk up against her, kissing her, last year. He could just… do something to her, touch her and love her in ways that turned her to putty in his hands, arousal erasing all sense of shame until what was left was pliable and open to a huge amount of fun. It was the only reason that she was here now, letting him do this to her, encouraging him to touch her like this once more, after all her resistance the night before. Dirk had gotten her wet and waking up like that put some dents into Mina’s mind that she needed to work out; only his touch could give her the satisfaction she needed, she knew that from experience.


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