Best Friends To Lovers Romance Series: Complete Series Boxed Set Romance

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Best Friends To Lovers Romance Series: Complete Series Boxed Set Romance Page 19

by Brooke Kinsley

  “Quarterly meeting – they're bigger and much, much better. God, I miss this place. I’ve been stuck too long at home and I have you guys to blame for that.”

  “Are you sure? I could tell it wasn’t us dragging you in front of the keyboard and manipulating your hands to play,” he teased.

  She elbowed him, then gave him such a bright smile that he was momentarily mesmerized as the dimple made its comeback. Alex had a very pretty smile.

  Shouts came and a mob rushed in their direction. Without thinking, Nick grabbed the startled Alex and pushed her back against a nearby wall, covering her with his own body. They were not nearly the same height, but they were near enough that when she looked up, her face was just inches away from his, and he could see beyond those hideous glasses now.

  Odd. He just noticed that her gray eyes had tiny blue specks. She was soft, like cushion, except…not. It was a silky kind of soft, and it made him feel her curves, all that warm skin against his. When her breath caught sharply in her throat, his gaze strayed to her lips.

  “Crowd’s rowdy,” he murmured, hands steady on her waist.

  “They – there’s – sales. In the Zelda booth,” she explained softly. “It’s really good stuff…stuff.”

  She licked her lower lip, almost unconsciously, pink tongue darting out.

  His own mouth went dry.

  Abruptly, Nick forced his gaze away and pulled them off the wall. He was aware of her curves, had been for a while now, and the hug he gave her just a few hours ago cemented the realization that she was a woman, even when she acted like a guy sometimes – well, if guys smelled like jasmine, which she often did.

  It was a delicious smell.

  But he wouldn’t go in that direction, as he did so with countless others. He made a promise, didn’t he?

  Plus she wasn’t his type.

  A group of chants roused Nick’s attention. It was coming from the right corner of the hall, where flashing lights dominated in a multitude of colors.

  “The classics,” Alex said promptly.


  “Someone must have beaten the high score. Could be Galaxy Quest or Donkey Kong.”

  A male voice shouted Alex’s alternate name excitedly.

  “So, no Alex here?” Nick whispered in her ear.

  “No Alex,” she said firmly.


  She was swarmed before they could talk further. Alex’s face simply took on a look of pure joy as she chatted with what looked like old friends, all obviously equally excited to see her. Among the swarm were two boys who looked like teenagers, a gay man who was built like a bouncer, and a chick with a lavender-colored pixie cut.

  There was a moment of fast introduction with Nick (and open appreciation from the chick Tammy and the bouncer-dude Kieran) before he was being dragged to what could only be called wonderful chaos.

  They watched a drinking contest where the drunk contestants battled their characters online, and the winner received a rare token item from said game.

  They joined an open discussion about who was the best player in Dota, and Nick got lost when they started referring to players and lingos he couldn’t understand.

  They went food cart hopping, trying out the most delicious – and bizarre – food varieties ever, and Nick had to decline at the fifth stall for already being so full.

  Then they went to the cosplay area, where the cosplayers with the most intricate costumes were standing for photo ops and waiting for the judges to finish their scores.

  Perhaps he shouldn’t have noticed the tiny frown that touched Alex’s mouth before she smiled forcefully, but he wasn’t a writer for nothing. Kiernan grew slightly tense, and Tammy glared at someone in the crowd. Nick caught a glimpse of a man in black staring in their direction before Tammy subtly steered them away. Nick tried to ask about it, but the cheering of the crowd was so loud.

  When the winner was announced and the noise slowly died down, Nick drew Alex aside.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Alex gave him a surprised look before shaking her head.

  “Later,” was all she said.

  The night ended with a blast as the majority of the crowd gathered outside to watch the fireworks. They said goodbye to their peers (with Kiernan giving the two a hearty smack on their cheeks) and took the taxi home.

  “So. Who was that guy?”

  Alex shook her head again. “Nobody.”


  “Not really. Ex.”

  He nodded his head. “Bad breakup?”

  “Cheating scandal.”


  “Ah indeed. Caught him in bed with some model.”

  “Your bed?”

  “His. I was sneaking in, trying to surprise him with some food.”

  “Bastard,” Nick said softly.

  Alex smiled ruefully, almost sadly, the dimple sneaking in. He touched it with his thumb and tugged at her hair.

  “Next time I get to punch him.”


  When they bid their goodbyes and Nick was in his bed, he stared at the ceiling and thought of her. Then he thought of what it would be like to kiss her.

  Wrong thoughts.

  Dialing a number on his mobile phone, he waited for the other end to pick up.

  “Hi, Rena. I need a favor.”


  Rena Mahon was beautiful. She had light blond hair that shone when she moved her head, sparkling green eyes, perky breasts, legs to forever and a body that would have made any modeling agency snap to attention. Girls like her were usually coupled with snarky, bored attitudes, like they expected everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

  Imagine Alex’s surprise when Rena shook her hand enthusiastically, steering her inside the salon like they were already the best of friends.

  “I’m so glad to finally meet you, Alex,” Rena declared, smiling widely. Her teeth were pearly-white. “Nick has told me all about you and his assignment, and I’ve gotta say – everyone in the newsroom is excited and happy for you and your brother. It’s all hush-hush for now, but we can’t wait!”

  She then proceeded to explain how Nick contacted her with his dilemma. As she did, Alex’s surprise shifted to indignation.

  “Is he saying I have a problem with how I look?”

  Rena laughed – a big, beautiful sound, when Alex expected titters. “Oh, sweetie, no! Don’t get it wrong. He didn’t say you needed lots of changes – just the right hair and makeup for this event. And of course, the press release when your brother comes out with your game. You can’t exactly wear your sweaters to those, and that’s where I come in.”


  “Don’t tell me I don’t make sense, because I do,” Rena said firmly.

  Alex contemplated this, then shrugged. What was the harm, right?

  It was the only go signal the blond needed. Without further ado, Rena dragged her to the main counter and spoke with the receptionist like they were best friends. Then a gorgeous Latin guy appeared, introducing himself as Jay and kissing Rena on both cheeks and chattering away. Fascinated, Alex watched as they discussed lingos she didn’t really understand, their faces filled with passion. There was something about bronze, and highlights, and cutting her hair.

  “No haircut,” Alex said automatically. Rena glanced at her hair critically, then nodded.

  “She’s right. Just volume, Jay. Her hair’s gorgeous.”

  “Very well,” Jay replied, albeit reluctantly.

  “And those eyes. God, those eyes. Make sure to draw attention to them, Jay.”

  Jay went back to being enthusiastic. “With pleasure!”

  Alex turned pink at the compliment.

  Before she knew it, she was on a chair, surrounded by hairstylists and being asked to close her eyes and relax. Half an hour later, she was being asked to open them so they could show her the results. Her hair looked shiny and pretty.

  All the while, Rena kept up
the chatter, telling Alex about herself and asking her questions until Alex felt herself opening up. The blond was smart – brainy, actually. Apparently she was one of their newspaper’s writers for the entertainment section, and loved her job like Alex loved her games. An hour later (after Jay happily filled her hands with makeup kits to set her for the rest of the year and gave her a big, warm smack on her surprised lips), Rena was helping Alex choose what she dubbed press release clothes, from slacks to blouses to shoes. Alex only allowed one pair of stilettos, which she informed Rena she was only going to wear once.

  Two hours later, Rena invited her to have some greasy burger with all the works. Yet another surprise.

  The discussion turned from work to relationships – sex life, in particular. Alex had none to share (none that was pleasant, anyway), so she concentrated on her food, listening with half an ear as Rena moaned about how most gorgeous guys nowadays were either taken or assholes. Except Nick Marino, of course, who was an asshole to assholes but apparently was nice underneath the attitude. Then there was talk about Nick’s career, and how he never really took care of himself amidst his busy schedule, and how good he was in bed—

  Alex’s eyes flew to Rena. “You—you’re his girlfriend?”

  Rena laughed. “Honey, no. I’m his fuck buddy. Well, I used to be. He’s not really the commitment type – or he wasn’t when I started chasing after him, anyway.”

  “What? He dumped you?”

  He dumped this stunning, funny, sweet girl?

  “Not necessarily. I knew what we were getting into. We had the hots for each other for a time. Then it fizzled. It’s no big deal.”

  There was a sad smile on her face before she was back to being happy again. But Alex saw it.

  And she was disappointed.

  And she kept imagining them together. In bed, touching each other. Rena’s mouth on his. His mouth all over her body, his groans echoing in the room as he thrust in –

  Her cheeks burned.

  Her mind learned its lesson.

  As they finished their lunch, Rena said she had to go for some meetings and assured Alex that Nick would help her pick out the party dress. Alex thanked her warmly. Then she repeated a mantra in her head.

  Ignore attraction, ignore, ignore, ignore it all…

  Easy as pie, really.


  Nick knew something was wrong the moment Alex entered the boutique. The happy demeanor she carried at the convention was gone, replaced by something he couldn’t figure out. Oh, she still smiled at him – but she avoided his eyes constantly, politely asking him to choose a dress for her so they could get on with it.

  She was only polite when she was mad, or sad – or uncomfortable.

  Trying to lighten the mood, he teased her that she should choose one, since she was the wearer. She gave him a frosty look that implied she absolutely didn’t like what he was saying, and it should have turned things sour already, but his stomach only tightened. Ignoring his ridiculous reaction, Nick gave her a smirk.

  She chose the nearest red dress she could get her hands on and stalked off into the dressing room. Confused, wondering what had her in a very odd mood, he followed and settled on the waiting room couch to…well, wait.

  Five minutes became ten. Then, fifteen. Nick stood up and casually strode up to the dressing stall. There was no noise.

  He knocked. “Everything okay in there?”

  Silence. Then—

  “I’m fine,” she bit off.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Are you sure?”


  Her voice was unsteady. Almost shaking. He knew her enough to know that meant she was not okay.

  Concerned, he knocked again. She ordered him to get the sales attendant, panic rising in her tone. Cursing under his breath, he pushed at the door until the flimsy lock gave.

  A shocked Alex was frantically turning away and hissing at him as she did so.

  Nick froze.

  She was wearing the red dress, alright – only it was too tight and too short, and so ill-fitted that practically every inch of her skin was showing in an unflattering way. Well, not everything.

  His gaze roamed her ass, big and very round, before he could stop himself. Muttering an oath, he forced himself to look at her face.

  There were tears there, halfway drying.

  “Go away,” she repeated.

  “No. You were crying.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Tell me.”


  “I’m not leaving until you tell me,” he said stubbornly. Was she hurt? Did someone hurt her? Was she thinking of that bastard again? Was that why she was avoiding his eyes and looking so sad—

  “I can’t take it off.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “I can’t take the dress off,” she snapped, stance rigid. “It’s too tight. I’m too big. I should have gotten a plus size.”

  Oh. Oh. No one hurt her.

  He couldn’t help it. He chuckled.

  Alex turned her head and glared. “And you’re not exactly helping.”


  “And it hurts.”

  Nick’s expression sobered.

  “I’m sorry. Let me help you.”

  He shouldn’t be doing this. The best thing to do was to walk away and call for the sales attendant like she asked, to help peel that dress off.

  Peel. That. Dress. Off.

  Before he knew what he was doing, he was already walking closer, stopping just a few inches away. She turned her head away.

  “Don’t move,” he said.

  “Don’t look,” she countered.

  Nick tried not to. He had done this plenty of times before, with women who meant something for a while and women who meant nothing at all. She didn’t fall in either category. Focusing solely on the point where the zipper at the back of her dress locked, he let his hands settle there, careful not to touch any skin.

  It was a bit of a struggle, to say the least. She wasn’t kidding when she said it was stuck, and any wrong movement would have the metal biting into her skin and causing her pain. He had to pause plenty of times, apologizing softly when a whimper of pain caught in her throat. She simply told him not to say sorry and just get on with it.

  So he did.

  He stayed quiet as she whimpered again, the zipper catching a second time. He stayed quiet as her breath caught when he massaged her skin, soothing the red marks that he'd caused.

  He stayed quiet as finally, the zipper glided downward, exposing skin…lots of skin. She obviously wore no bra, and he couldn’t help his gaze from drifting down as the sides of her breasts came into view, even when she tried to cover the rest. More than a handful. Big and firm.

  His pants tightened.

  As casually as he could, he asked her if she was okay with finishing the rest.

  When she nodded, Nick was out of there as fast as his feet would carry him.


  Alex tried to keep her nerves steady. Obviously he wasn’t affected, so why should she be?

  She almost had to laugh at the way he practically ran out.

  Putting her clothes back on as fast as she could, Alex deviated her thoughts. The party was tonight, and there was still a lot more to be done – familiarizing the names of the moguls in the new industry and memorizing her pitch. Reveal enough, not too much. Keep your cards close. Her brother was probably already prepared, as he always was. She needed to be supportive and just as ready.

  When she came out, she put her smile on ready, letting the excitement of tonight’s event spread through her like wildfire. For a second, Nick looked taken aback at her expression. Then a slow, sensual smile crossed his lips, those brown eyes twinkling.

  Her friend. Yes.

  When the
chime of the bell hanging at the front door indicated that a new customer had come in the boutique, Alex automatically turned to look. Her smile froze.

  “What’s wrong?” Nick asked. She didn’t answer as her eyes remained focused on the new customers. Nick turned slightly, and got it right away. He cursed under his breath.

  You curse more than me, and I’m the gamer.

  The words stuck in her mind but she couldn’t get them out as she kept staring at Danny, her ex, with a model chick in his arm – the one he had cheated on her with.

  Well, this was just perfect.

  “Stop staring at them,” Nick warned, tugging at the red dress she was holding. “Let’s find a dress and just get out of here, if you want.”

  “Let’s just get out of here, period.”


  “Nick—they can’t see me like this—”

  Tear-streaked face and ordinary.

  “I’ll take care of the situation.”

  But it was too late. Danny and the woman were already headed their way, dresses stacked on the woman’s arms as she headed for the dressing room. Frantic, Alex turned around – and found her body trapped as Nick’s hands took hold of her arms and stopped her from moving.

  “I’ll take care of the situation,” he repeated.

  Then his mouth was on hers before she could say a word.

  Thoughts of Danny flew out of her head. Thoughts of her predicament disappeared at the feel of his mouth as it slid over hers like it was the most natural thing in the world. One hand cupped her face, the action protective. His other hand slid down, gripping her waist and moving her closer, a respectable enough distance to remind her that he was doing this as a diversion – but not enough for her not to feel the tingles start up in her body, the heat of his so close.

  His mouth shifted, tongue tasting her lips, and she stopped thinking altogether. Her eyes closed out of volition.

  He was nothing if not thorough. He explored every inch of her mouth as if he couldn’t get enough, as if he had all the time in the world to do and enjoy every little sensation there was. Unable to resist, her own tongue came out and tried to imitate what he was doing, and she thought she heard a rumble come out of his throat. Liquid heat pulled in her belly. He tasted like mint, and a hint of smoke. Male.


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