Dragon's Song: Dragon's Queen

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Dragon's Song: Dragon's Queen Page 3

by Cameo Brown

  Mojogan didn’t like the skinny, balding man glaring down at him, holding a square case bulging with papers sticking out every which way. He’d risen as soon as the morningtide called to his dragon spirit, dressed, and snuck away without so much as one last glance at the beauty he’d bedded the night before.

  Okay, maybe one. She took his breath away, lying there with her breasts uncovered, their pebbled tips hardened by the cool morning air, and a sheet barely hiding her sweet pussy. He’d forced himself to leave, to follow Isyndre’s scent, and the trail brought him here, to a tired old building surrounded by hard, gray steps and sparse, dying bushes. Mojogan had positioned himself by the dirty glass doors and dozed off while waiting for someone to bring the key.

  The next thing he knew, the man in the dreary brown suit had poked him awake. “No vagrants, you hear? Get out of here before I call the police,” he huffed, his eyes cold and mean. His tone held none of the empathy or patience one would expect from someone who worked with lost children.

  “I’m here for my niece, Isyndre.” Mojogan rose to his full height, towering over the man, and his watery blue eyes widened. He dropped his case. Fumbling in his pocket, he pulled out a set of keys and, with shaking hands, unlocked the doors.

  Motioning for Mojogan to sit in a chair in front of a desk, the man picked up a shiny black device, pushed something on it, and spoke to it. He set the device down and a smug expression replaced the terrified one he’d worn just moments before.

  Suddenly, two men in brown uniforms approached Mojogan, both with their hands on black clubs on their belts. Mojogan growled low in his throat. He was in no mood for this, and they were dangerously close to receiving the worst of his wrath.

  “Uncle! Don’t leave me!” a familiar voice called, startling him.

  He peered over the shoulder of one of the misguided warriors. Down a long passageway, Isyndre struggled to free herself from the grasp of an older woman, whose pruny face scrunched with the effort of trying to hold the thrashing dragonling.

  With a sweep of his arm, Mojogan sent the two uniformed men sprawling into the man who’d called them. At the same time, Isyndre kicked the woman, who let her go to grab her shin and curse.

  “Uncle!” she cried, and ran down the passage to launch herself into his arms.

  Mojogan caught her with an “Oof!” and hugged her to him. “Want to go home, little one?” he whispered into her golden blonde hair.

  “Follow me, Uncle, I know the way.”

  Giggling, Isyndre jumped from Mojogan’s arms and sped through the doors, running as fast as a mountain cat despite the restrictions of her heavy cloth dress and clunky foot coverings. He laughed and followed, catching up easily and falling into a jog beside her. In minutes, they arrived at Dong Wong’s. Isyndre ran to Joe and grabbed him around the waist.

  Joe leaned casually against the side of the entrance with Molly slouching behind him, her arms draped around his neck. She smiled provocatively and winked at Mojogan, and he nodded at the pair. He owed Joe and Molly his eternal gratitude for their help. Without them, he might have never been able to complete his mission.

  Isyndre must have sensed it too, for she hugged Joe’s waist with a childlike fierceness, and he rubbed her shiny blonde head, a smile hinting at the corner of his mouth. “I love you and your woman, Keeper,” she assured him. “I’ll see you in the Time Before!”

  “We love you too, Baby Dragon,” Joe answered. Molly stroked Isyndre’s cheek before returning to her position behind Joe.

  Mojogan dropped to one knee in front of his niece and took her by the shoulders when she finally released Joe’s waist. “Ready?”

  “Yes! But I’m coming back for them someday,” she declared, her expression suddenly earnest. “I promised I would.”


  “Antonio and Austin. Antonio gave me a cookie and Austin showed me where the bathroom was in the playroom. They’ve got no families and they tried to protect me from the mean lady. I think they’d like being dragons with us.”

  A heaviness settled in Mojogan’s heart. How simple to be a dragonling and believe anything is possible. If only it were true. The image of Emerson lying beneath him, writhing in pleasure under his expert touch, threatened to harden him again. He willed it away. Mojogan hugged Isyndre and stood. “You go first. I’ll follow shortly,” he instructed, determined to see her safely through the portal.

  Isyndre lifted her arms over her head. She jumped into the air and the portal’s concentrated ions cradled her, suspending her in the air. “I love you, Uncle.” Isyndre’s voice drifted toward him, distorted by the power of the displacement of time.

  The large red banner lifted away from the window, and the golden dragon on it reached out. A bellow sounded, and the dragon grabbed Isyndre, rolling over and taking her with him. Mojogan blinked, and Isyndre disappeared. The banner returned to its normal state, a piece of material bearing the picture of an ancient ancestor fluttering lightly in the wind.

  Mojogan waited until the banner settled before lifting his arms and diving into it, intent on following Isyndre. Instead, he crashed into the window and landed on the hard ground. Surprised, he shook his head and rose unsteadily to his feet. How odd. The unfamiliar feeling of fear crept up his spine.

  He tried again, but his efforts met with the same result. As he prepared for his third try, Joe spoke. “You can’t go through the portal unless you’re whole, Dragon. I told you to find your queen and get back here. Better get to it. The time has come to close the portal, and the demolition crew’s on the way.”

  Mojogan growled in frustration. He hadn’t brought anything with him, so how could he leave with anything? Still, the Kynasa were known among the dragonkind for possessing a wisdom parallel to their own.

  “The prophecy has been fulfilled, Dragon. Time to begin preparations for the final battle.” Joe led Molly to a spot in front of the banner, and she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and hanging on to his neck. With her firmly pressed against him, Joe bent low and lifted them both high into the air with a single hop. The ancient dragon absorbed them just as he had Isyndre, leaving Mojogan alone. He’d found Isyndre, completing his mission. Time to go home and never return. Why couldn’t he?

  He remembered Joe mentioning a prophecy being fulfilled, but he’d never heard of any prophecy. And he’d found his queen, at least, he’d thought Joe had been speaking of Isyndre. The Kynasa were known for their mysterious words, so Mojogan simply assumed “queen” meant his niece, daughter of his sister and the current king of the Atrusian brood. As first born, she would be queen some day, and Mojogan naturally assumed Joe referred to her. He’d forgotten his mate would hold the title of queen as well -- warrior queen. Now a different explanation for Joe’s cryptic message, one with chestnut hair, big brown eyes, and creamy breasts, crossed his mind. His cock throbbed.

  The portal had never rejected him before now. What was different about him? The only thing he could think of was Emerson. He’d mated with a human from the Time After, and such an activity might require some scrutiny from the gods. His missions before consisted of simpler tasks and were always planned out well in advance. This trip happened in a matter of hours because of the urgency of the situation.

  A noise, like the harsh grinding of metal, interrupted his contemplations. He didn’t have much time. The destruction crew Joe spoke of headed in this direction now. He had to get to Emerson and convince her to come back with him long enough to get him through the portal. He’d have to get her back to the Time After somehow, but if he failed, she’d be trapped in his own time with him forever.

  His heart pounded at the idea, and for once since he arrived, he felt hope.

  Chapter Six

  For a day starting out so shitty, Emerson thought things could only get better, right? Wrong. Once at Grimsteel, things went from horrible to terrible to unbearable in a matter of hours, starting with Camden’s summons to his office and her immediate demotion to Camden�
��s assistant’s assistant.

  Then he promoted Dina, her dingbat secretary, to her position, and now he intended to announce the staff changes at this editorial meeting. Right now. In front of all her colleagues who stared at her around the huge conference table, some smug, others sympathetic like her friend Ken, and a couple, including Dina, clueless.

  Her stomach churned. What did she expect if she fucked her boss? Maybe tension at the office, but nothing like this. And she still didn’t know where Mojogan came from or why she imagined a dragon in her bedroom. She thought Camden would at least listen to her side of the story, or maybe beg her forgiveness for running off. Instead, he’d decided to hold a grudge just because she ended up with Mojogan between her legs.

  He didn’t believe she’d gotten a bump on the head; he didn’t even care, the bastard. Yes, she may have had a wild moment, but there’d been a goddamn dragon in her room! In her book, leaving a naked female at the mercy of a vicious beast was way worse than catching your date fucking someone else, especially if you’re a lousy lay.

  Never mind his blatant disregard for company policy and workers’ rights, or the fact Emerson could sue him. It didn’t matter. The damage would be done. The higher-ups would only hear what Camden wanted them to hear. She’d destroyed her career. So much for great books.

  She’d come to this hellhole city to get away from her destiny, the destiny ruining most of her friends’ lives back home right now -- becoming the bride of some unfaithful louse in a dead-end marriage. She thought for sure she’d find more opportunities in the big city. She thought she’d find more experienced, worldly men who would help her fulfill her wildest sexual fantasies, but all she ever seemed to find were men like Camden -- men with small minds and even smaller cocks they didn’t know how to use. So much for great sex.

  She wanted to be dominated, damn it.

  Being treated like a slave by some dilrod who demanded dinner at six and sex at ten wasn’t the kind of domination she craved. She needed a man who could spank her and make her beg, one who could satisfy her need to please him. One who would give her anything she wanted whenever she wanted, but make her plead for it. There was only one person she’d ever met who had that kind of potential and it wasn’t…

  “Ahem.” Camden cleared his throat. “Everyone, I need your attention.”

  Standing at the front of the long oak table, the sniveling jerk called the meeting to order in his usual arrogant manner. With a smug smile, he opened his mouth to speak, to get revenge for his cowardice by ruining her professional reputation.

  “Emerson,” a deep, sexy voice called from the door behind her, and she froze.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Camden choked out, clearly enraged. “Security!”

  Mojogan appeared beside Camden, towering over him. His black T-shirt and jeans outlined his muscular arms and chest and highlighted his fine ass. The women in the room, and a couple of the guys, watched in awe, at least one or two of them shifting in their seats. Emerson squeezed her thighs together, remembering Mojogan’s large hand bringing fire to her ass, causing an exquisite, heated sting. Cream soaked her panties. The third time’s a charm.

  Mojogan advanced on Camden, who tried at first to intimidate him. He should have known better. He stumbled around the table, pushing chairs, their occupants included, in Mojogan’s way as he hurried to escape, running away like the night before.

  “Watch who you’re talking to, you miserable, tiny-cocked coward,” Mojogan growled. He grabbed Camden by the neck with one hand, while at the same time shattering the glass of a floor-length window with his fist. Before anyone could stop him, Mojogan thrust Camden, feet kicking and arms flailing, out the window, dangling him stories in the air without batting an eyelid.

  Camden’s terror-filled face, his eyes darting from Mojogan to the ground below, startled Emerson into action. She didn’t particularly care if Camden splattered on the cement in front of Grimsteel, but the urge to protect Mojogan from making a terrible mistake suddenly surged through her. She rushed across the room and gripped his arm. “Bring him back in. Please!” she begged.

  Mojogan glanced at her, and she could swear she saw hurt flash in his eyes. His gaze traveled her body, and she wondered if he noticed her nipples standing at attention or the warm flush creeping up her neck. Without a word, he pulled Camden back in, tossed him on the floor, and turned to Emerson. Without warning, he slung her over his shoulder and headed out the door, leaving her chattering colleagues to fawn over Camden.

  “Emmy! Your purse!” Her friend Ken’s voice echoed down the corridor. Mojogan didn’t stop as the young editor trotted after them, holding out Emerson’s hobo bag. She grabbed it just as they reached the elevator, doors open as if waiting for them. Ken pointed to Mojogan and mouthed the word “dreamy,” wiggling his eyebrows, before Mojogan stepped into the elevator and Emerson found herself facing the back of the car. When the doors closed, he dropped her on the floor none too gently and glared down at her. The elevator jerked into motion.

  “You’ve caused me more trouble than you’re worth, Emerson of the Time After,” he growled, anger tingeing his husky rumble. His green eyes darkened.

  However, even as he spoke, Emerson couldn’t help but notice the front of his pants bulged. Fighting the flutter in her stomach, she raised an eyebrow and tried to appear unaffected. Lucky for her he couldn’t see her drenched panties or he’d know better. “Well, Mojogan of Whatever,” she retorted, standing and brushing imaginary lint off her dress. “You’ve gone and lost me my job here and basically ruined my life, so I’d say you’re the one who’s more trouble than you’re worth.”

  “How so?”

  “Apparently, my boss doesn’t like to be interrupted when he’s getting busy, and you somehow interrupted us. And exactly how did you get past the dragon in my bedroom?”

  Mojogan frowned, clenching and unclenching his fists. “The man with you last night took your living away because of me?” Emerson nodded, the flutters in her stomach moving lower. “And yet you still value him?”

  The words, edged with a hint of jealousy, brightened Emerson’s mood. Mojogan thought she wanted Camden, probably because of what happened in the conference room. Opportunity knocked. “Why wouldn’t I?” she provoked. It worked.

  “Because I don’t want you to.” His lips crushed hers, slanting across her mouth as his tongue sought to part her lips. She tugged at his bottom lip with her teeth, returning his ardor in equal measures while his hands roamed her body and his erection poked her stomach.

  His urgent caress burned through the cotton material, heating everywhere his fingertips touched, and the flutters coiled into longing in her core. Her pussy swelled.

  Breaking their kiss, he spun her around and forced her into the hard wood paneling of the elevator wall. He held her there, her breasts squished and her arms beside her head as the doors opened and closed. Fortunately, no one awaited the elevator on floor seventeen.

  “Forget him,” Mojogan demanded, leaving no room for argument. “Promise to forget the coward.”

  Emerson argued anyway. “What if I can’t?”

  “You will.”

  Emerson shivered. His hot breath on her neck eased the chill where he lifted her hair and wound it in his fingers, tugging on it just enough to let her know he controlled her. With his other hand, he yanked the hem of her dress up to her waist, exposing her damp panties. He wrapped his arm around her, situating his hand between her thighs, and stroked the wet material, teasing her pussy through the soft, moist cotton. Mojogan rubbed her clit and she drew in a ragged breath at the sparks he created with just his fingertips.

  He pushed the crotch of her panties aside with his large finger. “You want me.”

  The elevator doors opened on floor fourteen. Still no riders waiting. Whew.

  He played with her sensitive flesh, taking her to the edge of exploding, then wrenching her back with a firm tug of her hair, forcing her head back until her ear touched his lip
s. “I’ll tell you when you can come,” he whispered in her ear, the huskiness in his tone betraying his desire.

  His cock poked her through the rough material of his jeans, the zipper scraping her ass cheek, now exposed by Mojogan’s explorations. He took her to the edge one last time before removing his fingers to free his cock. She winced, her pussy clenching and unclenching, begging to be filled. The smell of male excitement tickled Emerson’s nose and wet warmth dripped down the back of one thigh. Emerson smiled. Relief at last!

  His fingertip, the faint scent of her arousal mixed with a hint of masculine muskiness wafting from it, traced a path across her bottom lip. “You want to suck something?”

  She didn’t respond with words. Her voice wouldn’t come. She simply opened her mouth and placed her lips over his finger, the taste of their passion filtering through her taste buds and inebriating her. She swirled the tip of her tongue around the wiry hair on his knuckles and across his nail before going down on his finger, taking it in to the base and suckling its rigidity. Her pussy throbbed with every draw, swelling more to accommodate Mojogan’s imminent invasion.

  “By the gods!” he rasped, withdrawing his finger as his breathing quickened. Mojogan pushed her forward and settled her ass into his groin. He slid his engorged cock through her folds, tightening his grip on her hair and torturing her pussy with his hard length. “I’m going to fuck you harder than you’ve ever been fucked before, Emerson of the Time After.”

  His statement came as no surprise to Emerson, who fully hoped he’d follow through on his words. However, it did seem to surprise the three people waiting for the elevator on the ninth floor. Needless to say, none of them got on. Oops.

  She didn’t worry about it. Mojogan penetrated her quickly, filling her desperate cunt and eliciting a moan of delight from deep within her. “You’re so big,” she managed to say as he began thrusting.

  He grunted as her pussy clamped down on his cock, taking him inside her as far as he could go. She pushed back and wiggled her hips, rocking with him as her release loomed. The fragrance of their fucking surrounded them in the tiny elevator, the sounds of their bodies rocking together echoing off the paneled walls. Hazy desire and the need to climax blocked out all else. The world outside the two of them ceased to exist.


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